Page 34, Whlby Free Press, Wednesday, March 29, 1996 .... .... .... ... I BANKRUPT AUCTION SALE SAT. APRIL lst at lOam 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby CONSTRUCTION TOOLS, OFFICE EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE, VEHICLES Having received instructions form Mintz q Partners Limited, Trustees in Bankruptcy, we are clearnng the assets of Gregory Cook o/a G&M Systems Electnical Contractor, including: Greenîeéeleectric PVC heater, scaffoîding, 6, 8 & lOft step ladders, 30 ft. eXt. ladder Stihl cut off saw, Milwaukee Sawzaiî & rotary hammer, eîectric drills, shop vac smoke detectors, Cango model 95b gun, Bosch gun, approx. 5000 dollars o f new hand tools, office desks, Smartek computer, new views accounting package, bubblejet pninter, fax m/c, 2 mobile p3hones, large quantity of new tools fur niture: 2 dr. fnidge 30" 1îmond range, almond dishwasher, 9 PC. modem diner, new chairs, vehicles: 2 -45 ft. trailers, '89 2 car Triaxle frailer, '89 Haulmark 30 ft. enclosed car trailer, '87 Astro van, '86 Mustang Racing no motor or trans., '75 customizeg Chev 112 ton '62 Thunderbird, '91 Sprint conv.: '90 GMC Suburban 4X4, '85 Fleetwood Cadillac, '87 Reliant, '87 Temp1 '84 GMC 4X c/w plow, note tîme: lOam, good sale, p Ian to attend. Seîling vehicles at 1 2noon. Viewing Fni. from 1lpm to 6pm. Terms:* cash, M/C, VISA, debit card. McLEAN AUCTION& LIQUIDATIONS 905-432-2836 or 905"86-3291 CAL 416-283-4117 Ext. 4'7 to place your FREE.. ...U... SAT. APRIL lst, lOam 4 CARS, ANTIQUE ESTATE SALE AT - ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION . CENTER, LINDSAY Complete estate of the late EDITH WALKER, Richmond Hill p lus propery of DOROTHY McENDRY, Fenelon Falls, complete contents of century home (propefty sold). Antique & modemn fumiture, Heintzmâ*n apt. size piano & bench, chesterfields, Victonan chair, 9 pc. mahogany dining ste., maple bedroom ste., G E-auto washer & AdmiraI dryer (both like new), bed, antique chair, old tables, antique square oak dining table & 6 pressback chairs, organ stool, modem walnut 7 pc. dinin t. 200OFS Fortress power cart, also seîling '90 Chev Lumina (a beauty), '90 Chrysler Dynasty, '88 Dodge Aries, plus '90 Volkswagen Golf (on inisrtuctions from Alan Lawson Fisher Inc, trustees in bankruptcy). 0 en 9am, sale lOam, vehicles Of.3pm. McLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 Caîl now to list our sp ring sale 1-800-461-6499 ORVAL & BARRY McLEAN AUCTIONEERS Rec fair April S at Grandview Grandvew Rehabilitation & Treatment Centre in Oshawa wil hold a recreation fair on Wednesday, April 5e 5:30 to 8:30 P.9ta provide one-stop-shopping" ta familles of spcalned hildren whoar lntresed i fding out what le avelable for their children in thie area of recreation,. including mimmer day campes i residentiel camipe. Familiee cen view videos and ose. dieplays as weil as talk ta representativee of varioue groupe inluin Camp Awakening, Durha Fami1y Respite, hindr aFe, Variety Viilage and Therepeutic iding Program for Challenged Kids. There will b. information on Reach for the Rainbow, Eastview Boys and Girls Club, the. Hugh MacMillan Ouftreach Progran," Ontario Camping Association and othere. Between 7 and 8 pan., Joe Millage, program director of Variety Village, will epeak on tue benefits of sport and recreation for special needs children; Dianne Plose, senior program supervisor with the City of Oshawa, wiltalk about how children are integrated into their sumimer camp?prograni; Tïna milI, from tei Special Services at Home Regstzy, wil discuse finding a "itable worker ta assaut a child at camp, during a recreationalpo~a or at home thiroughout tue y4arm Grendview Réhabilitation & Treataient Centre is located a t 600 Townllne Rd. S., Oshawa. For flirtiier information, cal 905-728-1673. The Whitby Free Press is introducing an ail NEW dating column! PC!w-oî, O >(1O CALL 1'900-451-4882 Ext. 47 MOM OF ONE SWF, 24, enjoys fishing,, Hsrleys, pool, se Xn W, 29-40, for friendship or ii.r' Ji I...AL E S eltinsip. Adi 8977 ________________________SWF, 34, enjoys quiet evenings, ro- POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP mantîc dînners, outdoors, seoking SWF, 47, 571, slm, looking for tlit like-minded SWM, 35-43. Adi 7247 SWM, 40-50, sîncere, honest, intelli- NO HEAD GAMES . gent. Adi 4242 DWF, 32, enjoys cooking, skiinq, LET'S TALK sports, outdoors, seeking romsntîc SWF, 5V8, 148lbs., long black hair, SWM, 30-361 5l0'+, similar interosts, green eyes, interosted in sports, must liko children. Adi 8060 camping, lokng for SWM, over 24, MATURE LADY for go times. Ad# 2167 SWF, 51, 515', 1 37lbs., sooking S WILL CALL BACK AU. gentleman, 45-55, tell, attractive, SGBF. 25,53», 95lbs., attractive, shy. smokor, social drinker OK. Adi 8326 onjoys walks, literaturo, conversation, LEAVE ME A MESSAGE shopping, seeking GF. 2430, who ta SHF, 22, 58', l4lbs., seeka SHM. gentle, trustworthy, kind, no games. 18-22, possible relationship.Adi 8438 Ad# 2202OPEN MINDED EASY TO TALIC TO SWF, 24,57", l25lbs., attractive, likos SGBF, 32. easy going, friendly, look- dining, dancing, seeking SWM, simi- ing for a resI friand, SGF, to stay at lar intereats, for possible roiationship. home with or go ouI with. Adi 6675 Adi 4067 HEART 0F GOLD EASYGOING W,4,ejoysg campn.cdig SGF, 43, 5, l2Olbs., honesi and sin- and musicfomte6s seoking SM, coro, not io head games, seeking 40+, wilh similar interests and quali- 50F, similar qualities, for possible re- *teos. Adi 9614 lationship). Adi 9109 FRIENDSHIP F1RST* CONSERVATIVE GBF, 44, seeking GBF, for friendahip, 56F, 5l, 1 25Ibs., seeking kind, fun, possible rltionship. Adi 2008 thoughtful, honest, sincere SWVM, 27- POLICE OFFICER WANTED 35, professional, lnerested in serious S WVF 37, onoys workinq out, radin o- reltionship. Adi 6830 sports, seeking.relatîonship wiih SOUL MATE WANTED 4" SM, 30-40, similar intereats, weas SWF. 38, 5S', 128ibs., brown eyes,c s uniforni. Adi 3201 brown hair, seeking SWVM, 35-45. derk WEST NDIANhair, over 5'8«". empfoyed. blue coliar GBF, 30. professional, homebody,wirugge dpesa8e94pus9n enjoysmovies, long walraing.dg.Ai84 seeking SF, similar bcgon and LET'S TALK intereats. Adi991 SWVF. 47,5'S5, long blonde hair, brown COMPSSIOATEeyes. enjoys camping, cals, seeking GWF. 46, warm, ldnd. loyal, cerebral qS ti5WO M M. h52 as2imla by nature, seeking mature, witty. in- qu-tis di5i bollgent, ferinine SGF, for frlendship, RELATIONSHIP MINDED leading t0 deep relationship. SBF. 28, 5'l', 125ibs., attractive, pro- Adi 9826 fessional, ooking for a SBM, 27-35, FUN-LOVING GAL honoat, sincoro, thoughtful. 10 budd a SWF. 9, esygong, eokig ~ asting reationahip. Ad#i 3134 Swm, 3040, lkes country kfe, has a YOU NEVER KNOW ittth e t a wibd uae Ad 8920 SWF, 31, 5'5«. 1il Sb., blonde haïr,1 TAE AAY * luVeoyos, attractive, looking for fit, ý SWF 4, 8" lOfs. mm f attractive SWM. 27-33, who enjoya osional4d.i5er, lics. mom ies. qui campig, dining oui, for possible re-E times. seeing sinilar SWM, 40-50. ationship. Adi 4908 Adi 2877 YOUJNG AT HEART BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL. SWF. 61, cant get around wol, one SWF. 33, 5'4'. 1 351bs., attractive, mani womnan, onjoya home coakig,E seeklng tall. attractive. nîce SW looking for spunky, steady, reliabUec gentleman. 29-33. Adi 3501 SM. 5767. for trlendsliip. Adi 8447k SERIOUS 3lLRI luraNIP SWF. 57, 53X, brown eyed, brunette, fuli figured, enjoys dining out, movies, camping, fies markets, seeking lov- able, loyal SWVM. 55-62, for seriaus re- lationship. Ad#l 9917 ROMANTIC AT HEART SWF. 56, 5V". slim, shy, friedsnd family are important, traveleloing for SWM, over 56, sincere, honest. secure, for possible relationshlp. Ad# 7079 GIVE IT A TRY SGBF, 33, shy. short brown hair, cule. with sense of humor, looking for pos- sible relationship with SGF, 26-36. in- telligent, who enjoys ouldoors. Ad# 8751 KIOS OKAY SGWF, 40, 5'6*, 135lbs., blonde hair and eres. romsntic, secure, athletic build, likes sports, movies, loves mu- sic, seeking GWF, 30-40, for possible relationship. Ad# 5527 100 PERCENT EFFORT Essygoing SW mon, 29, N/S, loves spning, walks, movies, seeking SWM, 30-40, N/S, knows whst romance is. Ad# 3110 TIME FOR ROMANCE SWVF, young looking 46, 5'4', 145lbs., attractive, N/S, social drinker, enjoys camping, ouldoors, walks, drives, basebal, bowling, seekong SWVM, 40- 50, 5'l10*., West End ares. Ad# 8703 WHY NOT CALL? SBF. 27, N/S, non-drnker, no depen- dents, wsiting to hear from SM, under 36, social drinkers. no dependents, Ni S, religion and race are not speciically important Ad# 9925 SINGLE PARENT SBIWF, 33, N/S, social drinker, enjoys movies, dancing and quiet times, searching for SM, 30-45, for fun times. Ad# 6094 MOU 0F ONE SBF. 33. smoker, employed& finan- cialy independent looking for fInan- cially indiependient SBM. 33-45, who know what he wants and is working to achieve it Ad# 6542 WE'LL SEE SWF. 47, long blonde hai, green eyes, 5% l25lbs., seeking tait, darti hair and eyes. SWM, 46-50, sensitive, out- going. likes children and pets, pos- sible relatianship. Ad# 2578 CONFIDE IN ME! SBGF, 44. N/S. non-dmiker, no depen- dents, seekig SBGF.»O48. willkng to begin a fun relationship. Adi 984 HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER A'U~W.d~1 SBCM, 30. muscular, f un and positive, seigSCF, 22-30, attractive, enîoys M A L E S lagig, positive outlook on fle. Ad# 3068 __________________TIME TO SETTLE DOWN LOVES THE HOME LIFE SWM, 28, enjcys car racing, camp- SM, 38;58F8, 1751bs., attractive, estab- ing, ouldoors, seekinp SF. similar in- lished professionat, enoys quiet mu., terests, for relationship. Ad# 8040 sic, evenirigs by the fireplace, seek- HZLEE ing attractive, nover mamred. shapely SWM 4. 5E1",smerenosu- SWF, 25-35, for dating, leading to re- doors, dancing, horseback ridig lationship. or possible marriage. seeking lonlrm eltinhi w Ad# 6746 SWF. Ad# 8564 N FOR TIHE LONG HAUL BARRIE AREA SWM, 28, 59', i 55bs., seeking spe- SWM, 33. 58',1i6Obs., attractive, stu- cial SWGM, 22+, Io share lite with. dent, seeking attractive SWF, 24-39, Ad# 434 preferably in same ares.. Ad# 3157 TOTALLY CONFIDENTIAL No operators t0 talk 10. With Auto Ad taking, just use your touchtone phone to answersome questions about yourself and the type of person you would like io meet. Then record your voiceg, greeting. and we'II transcribe it into a print ad that wiII appear in the Whitby Free Press. Ads wiII be screened for proper content before a print ad wiII be transcribed into the paper, we reserve the right to edit/refuse any ___________________________ I - VARIETY IS TH-E SPICE SWM, 21, seeking special SWF, 18- 25, liles going OUI, vsriety of interesîs. Ad# 8833 BEACH AT NIGHT SWM, 24, 63", 2401bs., brown hair and eyes, enjoys hockey and base- baIl, movies, occasionsl night outs, dinner, seeking SWF, 19-30, pos- sesses inner besuty, honest and trustworthy, similsr Interests. Ad# 6333 HONEST, HARDWORKING SWM, 37, 62', slim, down t0 earth, loves ouldoors, Ion g walks, seeking SWF, 28+, for friendship and/or rela- tionship. Ad 9012 FUN.LOVING AND ACTIVE SWM, 25, upbest, enjoys ouldoor sctivities, seekîng SWF, 23-30, with similar interesîs. and qualitiers. Adi 6546 ,HONEST AND OPEN SWM. 25, 5'11', seeking nice. down 10 earth SWF, 23-30, for great rela- tonship. Adi 6649 KNOWS HOW TO HAVE FUJN GBM, 31, 5'."1i5lbs., caring and honest, knows howto have fun, seek- ing masculine SM, under 35, good sense of humor, not mb ogay lif e. Ad# 3435 SOUJTH ASIAN SHM, 44, 56«, l7lbs., handsome, honest, kind, down Io earth, funny, warrn, srtistic, enjoys resding, good conversation, seeking attractive SF, 20-35. Adi 9748 ITALIAN SWM, 47,5615% l4Olbs., seeking SWF, 18-45, inleresled in long terrni relation- ship. Adi 7950 GOOD TIMES AWAr1" SWM, 21,5'11% 240lbs., into fast cars, moorcycles, good limes. seeking SWF. 25-45, for good times, lesding 10 possible relationship. Adi 1242 ONE WOMAN MAN SWM, 35, 6'3, 220lbs.. enjoys darts, pool. candlelight dinners, camping, flshing, seeking tailI, lnSWF, 25-30, one man womsan. Adi 2759 NEWLY SINGLE SWM, 24, &, 155bs.. employeci. open bo new things, enjoys many acffviies, seeking like-minded SF. 18-26.1 Adi 4515 FR05 BRAMPTON SWM, 21, mneium build, brown hsir and eyes, seeking long terni relation- shlp with easygalng, petite SWF, 20-1 25. who loves dining out, dancing,1 lâughter. Adi 4567j YOU WOWT REGRET IT SWM, 30, seeking slim,.sttractive SF, 30-45, who wants t0 be treated like a queen on a long term basis. Adi 9456 SINCERE, HONEST, LOYAL SWM, 35, 6', l75ibs., enjoys tennis, softball, hiking, health s pa, traveling rnusic, pool, seeking SWF, 25.35, similar interesîs and alîributes. Adi 3231 SECURE SWM, 35,1'l1" 75bs., educated, fi- nsncially stable, handsome, seeking compaible SF, age and race unîmpor- tant. Adi 1658 LAWYER DWVM, 41.5'10', l6Olbs., hsndsome, athlelic, seeks pretty. fit. degreed SWF, 34-39, with no depend enta. Adi 7473 BUSINESS OWNER SWM, 29, 511% financially stable, smoker, social drinker, enjoys camp. ig alsî, motorcycle rides, seeking dol earth SWF, 18-35, similar in- terests, West End Ares. Adi 3106 SEEKING FUN TIMES SWM, 21, seeking SWF, to spend time wfth and have fun together. Adi 7969 NEVER MARRIED SWM, 38, 5'4', 135lbs.. easygoing and honest. likes music, movies, sum- mer. hockey, seeking SWF, 22-46, similar interesta, not mbt head games. Adi 7107 KNOW WHAT I UKE SWM; 24, seeking SWF, 22.28, good sense of humor, likes dancing, R&B music, walks, having fun. Adi 1112 GOOD GUY SWM, 34, seeking kind. considerale SE, 24-37, lîkes having a gond time. Adi 9056 UKES KIDS SM, fromn East Indkes, 5"3', seeking SF, single moms welcome. Adi 7320_ MATURE SWM, 29,510%, iSSîba., gond sense of huimor, likes having f un, outdoors, boating, skiing. dining oui, baseball, seeking SWF, 22-29. similar interesta. Ad# 9913 GREAT SMILE SBM, 33. 6' , IgOIba.. enjoys martial arts. cooking. movies, seeking spe- cia SF, 25-38. Adi 4441 QUIET EVENINGS SWM, 36; Toronto area, enjoys oui- doors. camping, cooking, would like to rmei SWF. 20-36, with similar in- beresta. for possible relatlonshlp. Adi 6076 :: How 1î treo AYou aregoi? t b 10 rl about whal you are 1ookl for.' Cal 416-8-1171Ext.470oto 1. you wlllbe promsici10answer' some questions about yourself and the type of person you want. to meet. An effective print ad wvill be trânscrlbed from your vole greeting which will appear ln the paper ln 7-10 cisys. 0: What lean id number? A: The 4 digit number ai the end of Our prirttad that allows singles 10 cel andi respond to, your mail- box. 0: Whst la an access code? A: A confidential 4 digit code that only you know, that allows oniy, you acces I your malibox. a: What are messages? A: Voice greetinga from other singios who responded to your ad in the newspaper or through the browse. To listen to your mes- sages for FREE, caît 1-416-283. 4117 Ext. 47 once evory 7 days or 1-900451.482 Ext. 47 any- lime, ai s charge of $1.99 Fer minute. 0: What are ayalem matches? A: Voice greetings frorn other ad- vertîsers whose mstching crite- nsa la the same or sirnitar to yours. You cen listen to your systemn matches instantly byý calling 1- 900-451-408U Ext. 47. 0: What te Smart Browe? A: A special foature thal allowr. you Io listen and respond Io othe- voice greetings that match die cri teria you select. Cali 1-900451- 4882 Ext. 47, option 2. 0: How do I reapond to an adi? A: Cal 1-900-786-OM0 Ext. 47. option 1, the system I wllasicyou to enter the 4 digit ad number at the end of the prnt ad. Pressi1to respond, press 2 Io go on 10 the nexlad. 0: How do I cancet or rsnaw an ad? A- Cal customer service ai 1- 80073-l. *Your Financial I-aith Derek Dutka plannw wtb Du ek Du"k is an independet fihancial Finnoeal Concept Group mn Oshawa.- Tax turne again Les onth e federal bde hneafwmr lig mkn it more important tienevertom ut downwand«do aine edve lengtoonre tat you minimeatogtaes wou Ma. If yo are =oiueby tii. whol. sùlject, it will b. wurth yourvwhle to cansIt apoesonal. I fact, intervew two or tire. finencW ie lanin protmpqile and select one ta woek with. kcauldbe cii. othe bout mrvestments oftime youlftmeke i yourlife. Whet'e more on people'e mind e gt now ia not lest meth's budgt, but lest eaà (1994) incarne tex return, which- must b. fie& ly May 1, 1995. TI%. 1994 fiwioee tex returri could well b. the. moo imortnttex returri you have v~ filed ini ySer lif. It in the' lai chnce ta d aim any unused portion a( the. $100,000 capital gain=sexemptà on Ifyouremembéethe. eb. 22, 1994 buidget Thie government wanted ta b. fir ta thos., people who med investments under the. old miles, so they ffed a i of any capital i niyu ay havehaes of Feb. 22, 194. Crystawllization simply means tht you report a gan just as had eold your invetmnent on ütat da butyo don't actually seï it,. It je basicallyr a bookkeepinýg entiy.¶le teory is ail very ample. Uortuinstey, actually claiming tht exemption may not b. quit. asieasy. This cnly applies ta mndividuals who had a capital gain on an investment as of Feb. 2% 1994. If you own meal estate (other than your principal residence) stocks, bonds -or mutuel funds tiiet we.urchased a numboroI ye %n you likely have sorne "unelzed" capital gains. Unrea- hzsd gan n1îy imean your asst heu gone up in value, but youz hav e tyetoit. P z1in your gain eimpiy inereas e i.cot base ta the feir ma~tvalue as of Feb. 2Z, 1994. When you seil the. asetilater, you only pay tax on the, amount of gain fi-am Feb. 22, 1994ta the. time of Bale. Ibat?à where the smplicities end. 8cme -things ta wetch for capital gain exemption on reosI estat. was .nd.d itii. 1992 bugtso à more compiex formula is used. If yau have Cumultve NetInvs LossIÀes (CNIL) yufiret hav, ta ytaxes ontiUmm bofor. you can da"imthi. capital gasemption.Mf ou have been recumving any kind of ocial benefits such ai tii. GSTtai credit or the. Guaranteed bicorne Supplement ütiies may b. reduo.d for 1995 because of the Idhier income" ehown Iycleming th. capital gains exemnpion. Sq, while thie onetime crytaDi*zation coeld sav. an individuel $20 000 ta *40,000 (assuiing the. ful *100,000 exemption is used) in 1eiur tex lialilties, in sorne cases it nxay not b. edvisabl. ta dlaim it.