Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1995, p. 31

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Whihy, Fme Pross,Woesey, -ApU 50,1905PgUS LEARN TO swim. Cozy, private, indoor pool. Qualified instructors. oDays evenlngs & weekends. Book, nwor pnivate pool parties. Inquire about famity swm m sessions. Lorashton Aquatics 905-666-0906. SINCILAIR SECONDARY School Computers &. Sports Camp summer da camp 9:30-3:30, July 10-14, Julyl 7-21, July 24-28, ages 9-:14 -$125. Contiact: W. Palmer 666-S400. EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTI TUTOR - B.A. M.Edl., Spec. Ed. elementary, secondary, adlult. Cati. 666-1880. COPTMC11CVAMY Becomo foarless of the new tochnology. Pdvate sessions from a friendiv co-mputer expert. Cati Carol CONTINUOUS LEARNING Spring/Summer Course Calendars available tlirough local papers and registration begins the week of April 3. Register by phone with Visa or MasterCard 721-3000 or toll-free 1-800461-3260. Cali the Coninuous Leaming Office for more information (905) 721-3052. E=mTUTOWP. High schooi physics, math, science or computer womfes? Exf enienced hi gh schoot teacher vvlhel ~u reafly understandl Cati GUITAR LESSONS. Att levols. Att ages. Accoustic or etectic. Registor now. 666-1979. LfÉcote Française smail aduft classes in an informai but resuIts-oriented environment Istarts Thurs. Aprit 6. 7:30-8:301 20 years teaching experience Pfivate instnction oJso available 0.11 Jacques et 666-M93 WALLPA PERIUNG AND PAINTING. 9 years expenience. rAit work guaranteed. Author of book "Waltpapendng Made Easy". Calt Dave Taylor at Cotor Your World (905) 435-808. Free ROOFING - NEED- NEW SHINGLES? - Act before roof teaks, save $500-$600 with R'.M. Roofing and 30% on heating but with automatic vents. Cati RM. Roofing for ostimato. 668-4252. ON A BUDGET? Quality catening at affordable pies. Cold buffets a cieralt . Att functions. Cali 4:30-WYÃ" )Sandre. UCENSED ELECTRICIAN - experienced in 'rosidential commercial & industrialwork. 24 hour servioe catis. Phono Tom at 668-7852 for free estimate.. CAKES FOR ail speciat occasions. Lion King -on, a stab $25. Cati Occasional Cakes by Glenys 666-0366. DRYWALL &plaster. repairs, ceramic & vinyl tie, painting, home, & office. Bilt Hopper Contracting. 905-686-4242. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive ualty port raits. Studio or in home. abies, chitdren, famities. Packages from $29. Aiso: weddings from $299, otd photos copied & restored, corporate*& promotional. No GSTI (905) 427-9164. INTERIOR DECORATING - paintinglwallpaperng, window covenngs, full selection of verticaitvenetian biinds. Very reasoriabie rates. Cali Mike 666-0171. RENEW WORKS - we'clean and seat -your interlocking brick with our patented, environmentatty friendly products. Free' estimates and arIl work guaranteed. 655-3566. WOOD RENEWVERS - make decks, fences, woodsiding, Iog structures look tike new again. Romove a il weathering, stains & paint. Sealerstain will flot pool or chip. Wo&k guaranteed. 655-3566.. HOUSECLEANING, residentiai, offices and apartments. Reasonable rates, free estimates and referenoes upon request. Somne Thursday and Frday pontments avaitable. Calil ArcherMaid Services 728-5622 after 6pm. 44$k. 'AlrQU F SU I T 111 E I E ., AIN E FIIS I *Quaiity Workmanship Reasonable Prices For free estimate catt 666-2803 evenings or beave message at 432-3019 interIocking stone - retaining waIls -wood fencing & decks FREE COMPETIRVE ESTIAM TES Written Guarantee 666-9690 I compieted in 1/2 hour with cover page $15.* Cali Joe 666-5628 for appointment. C COMING EVENTr? Phone: Spring SpeIa From $595.00 Gary J. Hirlehey Financial Planning Consultant Giving people the information, * options, and advice they need to make appropriate choices. CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT Financial c«Mcep Grougi--@' iý a nýijrincp Agpncy ~;LJ The Mutual Group1 HERB TRAN calfor quotation 668-966 42-7216J Ri*lg Walb Réùatîoos Wtby Pi~i. 669-5365 985-0412 FURNITUFRE MAKERICABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of fine fumiture and cabinetry. Speciatizinq in entertainment units,- libranos and built-ins. Over 15 years expenience. Quality workmanship -guarantee. References suppliod. Designers welcome. For a free quotation cati Gary at 666-1913. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: START VOUR OWN tmport/Export Agency. No investment;. Fuit adviso- ry service since 1946. For free bookiet cati Wade Wortd. Trade. i - 800-322-9233. CAREER TRAINING BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! ýearn Income Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping by correspondence. Earn your certifi- cate now. For f ree brochures,,no obligation, U & R Tax Services, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144, over 20 years of tax training experience.. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Vancouver off ers correspondence courses for the Certificate of Coun- seiiing studies to begin Aprit 15. For brochure phone: 1-800-665-7044. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. BEER, POP, GUM and Fast Food Commerciais are casting mates and femnaies, ail types, ail ages. No experience necessary. <416) 596- 1339. HELP WANTED COUNSELLORS, THERAPISIS,' Business/Saiespersons. Charismat- ic individual needed for new career opportunity. $1 000/wk starting plus expenses. Speciaiized training required.' Free infobefore resume. Alandel Schooi & Ciinic 1-800-661 - 2599. CHARLTON RESORTS IN BANFF, Alberta offer year-round empioy- ment opportunities for HOUSE- REEPING ATTENDANTS and FRONT DESK AGENTS. Competi- tive salary, excellent working condi- tions. Contact Jason Braun GM Tel 403-762-4485 Fax 403-762-2744, P.O. Box 1478, Banff TOL OCO. SALES HELP WANTED $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money seiiing chocolate bars NEW $2.00 PROD- UCTS. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deiivery 1 -800-383-3589. DO YOU LIKE CANDLES? Partylite Gifts featuring candies and home decorating accessories is seeking consultants and leaders. No invest- ment. No inventory. No deiivery. Top commrnico ions. 9_05-354-754'1. CANADA'S LARGESI CALENDAR and Promotionai Advertising Com- pany needs self-starters to seil to Local Businesses. Up to 33-on-(A), 1 3-on-(G) for Experienced Agents. O'Donnell-DRG, 487-16 Westney S., Ajax, Li S 6W8. (905) 427-8520. A.T.C. SHARPENUNG SERVICE. Are yur gardoning tools sharpand ready for work? Mmo, gardon & shop tools, hand saws, chain saws, carbide and steel circutar blados, iawnmowe biaesknives, chisets, drills, plânor blades, scissors,' screen & glass feplacemont hedge tdmmers. 118- Brock St. S. (at West end of building). 668-7657. PAY:TELEPHONE SERVICES (*A cost witt be lncurred> HEAVENLY PSYCHtC ANSWERS. Thousands of satisfiedc caliers. Gift-ý ed, Caring, Accurate, Pos.itive. Love- Reiationship-Care er- Mon ey. Live one on one 24 Hours. $2.99 min. 18+ 1-900-4511-3783. PÈRSQ.NALS. MEET LADIES FROM ORIENT & WORLDWIDE! Friendship Office, Box 42117, Acadia P.O., Calgary, Canada, T2J 7A6 (Tel 403-271- 4654). GAIN SELF CONFIDENCE- BUJy and read DIANETICS: The*Modemn Science of Mental HeaIth by L. Ron Hubbard, $39.59. Cati 1-800-561- 5808. REALESTATE.,., GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'il take iti Ameni- ca's iargest, oldest resale cIearing- house. Resort Sales International 1 - 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS' THE LAST BUILDING you'tl ever need. Future Steel, the recognized leader in affordabi e, top qu'aiity, arch-styIe structures. For Value, Service, Integrity & free delivery, cali 1-800-668-6853. SPAN- TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Exclusive distributors of the MAGN UM series of buildings, StraightwaIi wood/steel and ati/ste.el buildings, Arenas, Stable s, Work- shops, Barns, Etc. Contracting and Financing Availabie, 24 hours 1- 800-561 -2200. VACATION/TRAVEL 5 DAY CANAL CRUISES: Explore Ontario's heritage waterways aboard the newIy expanded 38 pas. senger "Kawartha Voyageur". Enjoy the mature company, home-style cooking and cheerfut crew on the caIm waters of the Trent-Severn Waterway and Rideau Canal. Send for brochure to: Ontario Waterways, Box 135, Orillia, Ontario L3V 6J3 or cail 1-800-561-5767., WHITEWATER FUN! One and two day Whitewater Rafting Adventures in Eastern Canada on the famous Ottawa and Rouge Rivers, based from beautiful Outdoor Adventure Resorts! FamiIy/GentIe Rafting, Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking, Bungee Jumping availabie. No experience necessary. Cati now for a FREE colour brochure., 1-800-318- 7238(RAFT). a ftIsAffordabIe a ft Faste* ftk Easy * On. Dii Do.s It Ail a Northern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 e Central Ontario $168 -, Ail Ontario $380 -National Packages Nvailable Cali this paper for details! W hi~~~~~~~~~~b..... ..eP as & -6 l *.f.e -o rs o da..ria ,9:0 an a 5 00 pn..a &~0 MCýAKTLC "A dvertise A cross Ontario orA cross the'Country' RESUMÉS Simpro Poolcare Phone: Alex S. Karo 668-5784 Chad Simpson 668-6910 r- Enclose Your Porch and Give Your Home an Extra Room and Weather Barier. Solid Pine Construction Finished With Natural Cils. Can Be Painted to Suit Your Taste. Telephone: 1-905-655-5536 a r- LANDSCAPING by Univer-sity ks --a 9 .............. ........... .............. ................ ... . ........ - .......... ... 1 1 1

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