Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1995, p. 30

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Pae ý30, WbItby Fros Pros, Wehiesday, AprU, 12, 19M Safety inspections, of high way transports is no place for politics FROM PAGE i dent on Jan. 31. Tih. 31-year-old Dymond Dr Marie couple escaped serious i- resident was travielling wi jurywhen a runaway tire struck bound near Lakeridge Rc the hood of their car on Hwy. 401 when she was hitby a tr near London. wheel which flow 'acrossa * Thon on Friday, two wheels median and crusihed thefroni broke looa. from a tractor-tralber her car. and bit an empty school bus in Tii. tire was one of two w) Pickerng.Tii. Coiborne trucking sng~e off an eastbound ti frm ,whxch owns the rig was tor-taiklr owned by UnIvei charged with failing to properly Can-Am-. Ltd. of Wbitby. 1 maintaina vehicle. other tire landed harmlessly i Accor to the* mimistry, the ditch. latter was te l3th such mishap Soon after Angela's death, siceAgela Worona's fatal aci amily and finsbgnc Brewlng DUN-A - ST.AHMI2Houra: * ~ 1390 Hopkins St. INOWOPEN CNSUMERS Unit #6 Whitby Suri.11-3 lating a petition demanding rive tougher enforcemient of trck rest- safety Ilaws. oad They have collected more than Sck 7,000 signatures to date and the hope te have it presented in the Lt of Ontari1alsature. AlthougZthe hiring of 50 addi- uich tional enforcement officéesis Tac- part of the government's new rsal plan, Worona labelled it <too leltle, too lateY; ini a 'She said the family has been informed by ministr inspectoirs her that more than 1M0jobs have ýrcu- been lost te' attrition in recent yasand that to, do an effective - job, at least 200 more officers are For example, only one roadside inspection station mn the greater Toronte area was open last Wed- nesday, Worona claimed. %'h lght of the third accident with a transport -tire, we feel the, announcement te @ie 50 new offices is a band-aid solution te, appease the public'. growig con- cern and demand'for answers,» she said.: "W. do not aeo this, as a serious effort te, make long-term chn te a systemn that i. already eoverwhelmaed.» To b effective, truck safety laws requre teugher enforce- ment and--more frequent inspec- tions Worona insisted. ;Wýiat we want- is transport owners and operaters te, know that for 365 day. a year the * odds are greater they wiil be * mspected and not/ that 'they * won't» she said. * Dates and locations of safety « blitzes» should not be publicized because. it makes it easier for "bad is and irresponsible com- 1 preu te avoid apprehension, INo on. in either Farnan's office or the ministry was avail- able te, respond te hlir comment. However,, a pross. reease announm 1lat week's crack- downstted tlhat- safety has always been the goveérnment's - prunary-concern. "W. have always had zero teleranco for safety* defecta,» sald Farnan. "Mmessae te the industry andthe public is that no truck should venture out on an Ontario highway Unmess its driver, its owner and ite mechanic will vouch for its etyn Farnan insisted tii.ministry's trucking strate«y will prove how serious the, government i. about safety. "«Ontaiio doos not and will not teleratè unsafe drivers or vehi- clos on our highways. People are dying and it has te setop." Amïong the new measures are the. following: *higher fines for trucking safety infractions- *more mobile enforcement units te ý target trucks that byrassa inspection stations; aformaI rating program that wiltell the general public, in- surers and shippers the safety record of carriers; * identification of carriers whose vehicles are taken out 'of service and who are penalized for poor safety performance; *earlfir intervention when carrier aft records show pro- blems; fewer warnings and stronger sanctions, inchiding suspending or cancelling a car- rier or fleet licence. Although pleased with the measures, Progrespive Conserva- tive transportation critic David Turnbull scolded the government for waiting so -long. The.'York >4lls MPP pointed out that most of the program stems from recommendations made by ajoint government- industiy task-force which Isat met in 1993. «Heère we are in 1995 and because of some tragic deaths, the- ministor i. now acting,» Turftbull teld the Free Pross.- "Wiiy has it taken the govern- ment so lon g te move?» 1Among the measures welco- med, by Turnbull is a mandaterv 18-hour training course for truc drivers who adjust air brakes. "Over and over wre findinir air brakes te b. the mst serioui problem. Seventy-elght per cent of out-of-service sitations are due te air brakes,» h. said. While it is too early te doeter- mine the exact cause of the truck wheel accdents, said Turnbull h. felt dloser inspection of wheel maintenance may be necessary.. '?he majority of all wheels are replaced by service 'companies. Veryý few trucking companies replace their- own wheels, » he '1Often the service companles don't have the proper eqMmment ttighten themi and thiee sup- posed te take the truck out on the road for 'a little spin after tightening the wheels. Àlthough critical of the govern- ment for moving too, slowljy on the tank foroe recommendations, Turnbull could not fault it on thé' overail safety issue. Mont of the truck accidents in Ontario involve rigsfo outaide the province, he saiîd.o "Isknown that 'our fiafety checks are the teughest in North America. Our standards should b. applied te governments else- where.» A spokesperqon for the Ontario rcig Asocation also welco- med Farnan'. announ cement. Rebecka Tomn had no'explana-* tion for the government's delay in implementmng the task force pýropos ais but said the. associa-, Mo i absoîuteîy please»they are finally "igahead. MeaL 0l,the Worona family in awaiting the outeome of a meeting next Wednesday bet- ween the Ontairio Providncial Police, ýDurham Region Crown attorney's office and the coroner who investigated Angela'. death. Thé. meeting -may'determine whether c rimunal charges are. laid or if an inquest i. held. "We've requested a coroner's in* »saiEliiabeth Worona. 9ýrith an inquiry, at least 75- te.80 per cent of the recommen- dations are 'ut into place. Ifs something that represents the public botter.» C-ALL The Whitby Free Press is introducing an ail NEW dating column'!, CALL 1-800-853-6445 Ext. 47 .1-900-451-4882 Ext., 47 HEY, CALL ME LErS TALK TOTALLY HONEST SWGF, 30, blonde, blue syes, kind- SWF, 31, afttrctive, blonde haîr, brown -, r,,- SWM. 42, 511V, 190ibs., bslding, blue II~ ~1 I}\Ž] 'S hearIed, enjoys ,9oinp out, movies, eyes, seeking, warrn, gentle, honest J M A jL S eyes. mustache, enjbys famlly fle, arM L E eeking petite, SwGo-, 22-39, terni- SWM, 31-45 tar frlendship tirai-gl, ens eeigSF 3-2 o nine, tfor Iong-term relàtlonahlp. Toronto area. Ad# 8919 gf, ennshpayeoe Whitby42. ar Aoronto_______A#_2474_ 1_________ p Torontooares.itAdi.3399 ornoae:d244SINGLE MON oot ra c#39 GENTLEMAN WANTED POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP SWF, 41, 58, î2Obs., enjoya going . CALL ME SWF, 43, fuîl tlgured, self emplayeci, SWF, 47,,5'. sim, looking for tait, oui, movies, home lita, ouldoors, see- SWM, 43, 5'l00».i80ibs., enjoys mov- MANY INTERESTS enjoye readlng, cooklng, dinina oui SWM, 40-50, sincere, honest, inielli- klg SM, wiih some bounce in fhem , ies, sports, dinlng oui,.quiet evenings. SWM, 35, enjoys fies markets. biking, aeeklng SWM, 39-48, wth slirin- gent. Whitby area. Ad# 4242 sense of humnor for possible relatilon seeking SWF, 36-50,affectionate . -partiesbna ois ilg ek teresta, for relationshlp. Toronto ares. SINCERE ONLY shlp. Toronto ares. Adi 2877 ig kds ok Toronto ares. Adi 4396 ing honesi, caring. SAF, simitar Inter- >~ ~SWF35 3" 151b. ejoy wsl- CUNTY GIL H LAIESsais, for sieïady relatienship. Toronto Ad# 747SWF 35,5'3. 15lbs, ejoy wal- CUNTY GIL H LAIESares. Adi 6740 ROMANTIC ONLY ing, sklîng. dancing, slnging, music, SWF. 38, 55', enoys hlking, travel, - , SWM, 33, blond hair, blue eyes, en- SWF, 58'. 148bs., blackc hair, blue professianat. seeldng SVÎM.30-46, for ding, horssback %dng, seekinq tait joys sling, swimming, dancing, seek- GOOD TIMES AWAIT eyes, seeklng lneresting SWM, 22, companlonship, speclat rstaiionshlp. attractive. SWM, 3545, similar ier ing SWF, 27-35, romantic. for possible SWM. 28, tong haired rocker, ssek- forpossibe rsatonshlp. Toronitoarea. Toronto ares. Adi 7675 sais, for friendship, possibtelte relatiohpn-onoae.Ai 96 lgSF253.rsyfo elu e Adi 8736 SERICIUS ONLY REPLY shlp. Toronto ares. Ad# 9905 ALM laiionshîp, are you? Toronto ares. GOOD CLEAN FUN SWF, 41, Itatien, Chesinut hair, big GET TO KNOW ME .Sl-M, 21, easy going, fun loving, seek- Adi 5960 SWF, 46, 1451bs., brown hsir/syes. brown eyes. enjoys rock music, read- Bi-SWVF, 20. blonde haîr, blue oyes, ng SF, any age, tun and exciling, for LOOKING FOR FUN encys country ifs, campin1,)simlng, cooklng. no kida, setclng Italien, outgolng, independeni, enicys movlun relttonshlp. Whiby ares. SWM, 22, enjoys dinlng out, dancing. file, seeklng klnd, attractive. SW.4-Sal r Canadien, attractive, SIM lsmsl.sors dnAdo# sein 3234___________ outdoors, sports. movies, long walks, 52, similar Interests, for lriendshlp, 34.45, wants chldren, long-ter rtsa-SW smtrIirsis for posbeCDL3OATCaeirgSF 02,frtedhp maybe more. Toronto area.Adi 98btonasp. Tronto ares. Adi 6501 relatioriship. Toronto ares. Ad# 7578 CDL OATCseigSF b2,frfinihp DWM, 38,54«, 1301bs.. snjoys sports, possible relatonship. Toronto ares. WHERE ARE YOU? - SINCERE ONLY ENJOYS UIFIE 1ET'S BE HONEST children, animais, blue jeans, boots, Ad# 8601 58F 2, strctieproesloalen SW,4, 5',tulfiurd, /S enoy SF,33, enjoys quiet eveninga, cm- SWF, 34, liNs overwelghi, lighi brown seeking SWF, 28-45, torsimple ihings DON"r BE SHY SSF 2. atrctveprfesioal en SVE 1,5Y ful igued ing, jys dancingseeking attractiv, d arbueys te BM h NSaekîgSW. n it, osibereltinsip TrotoSWM, 26, 58 1 40lbs., enjoys oui- SéM, 25-33, a hiume osei ismres apnsml hna 3,NS one 0sifunny, o tin 28-39, tait, attractive, husky, tunny, ares. Adi 8604 vatues, triendship tiri, possible rae- bseensW, 37-44. bte ol frids h ip ayb more. Tronto ares. enjoys sports a bonus. Toronto ares. doors, mevies, dinlng oui, sports, tionshlp. Toronto ares. A#3134 brt sibeansaeiom e, fo s Adi234 Adi 7656 DONT BE SHY . eaklng attractive, SWF. 23-28, to tiri, osabteserousrettioshi. WM, 54, 5'6'.l6Olbs., seeking SWF, spoil, laugh wiih, be together. Toronto THIS CAN WORK Toronto ares. Adi 9386 LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP THIS CAN WORK to enjoy tlshing. ouidoor aclivities, for ares. Adi 7295 SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, meviestNLNO SWF, 35, enjoys fun limes, seeking SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, movies, possible lon g term relaiionship. animais, ports, oidoors, laming: SNGLE MOMSWVM, over 32, N/S. for dating, pos- animais, sports, ouidoors, leaming, Toronto ares. A#62 ODPNET seeklng SQF, any age, wth simler In- SWF, 38,6 b, l3lbs., blnd, green subIe reltionship. Toronto ares. seeking SGF, sny age, with similar n- -ILDE SWM, 21, brown hair and syes, en- tersais, friendscis ta, maybe more. eyes, pretty, enjoys sports, antiquing, Adi 3196 tersis, friands tirai, maybe more. lLDE joys dîning eut, movies, quiet nighis, Whiiby ares. Adi 1819 cottage country, seeking tunny, Di SWM, 29, shy, enjoys sports, outdoor .sekSW.8-,whenyshv EASGOIGATTACTVE SWM, 30-42. over 59, greai amile a SEARCHING FOR YOU Adi 1819 atvteseinsW,1-8 r en-igg re s. F,1-2,Whiibnjys aes ESF, 51, 5,A STbTRAC TEc bonus, similar ineresis, for relation- WWWF, 49, attractive, fit, employed, AiTTRACTIVE AND HONEST ship. possibly more.* Toronto ares. Adi 8074 loyal, honesi, enjoys simple lon al.Trnoars d 54 ses W.4-0 o aing posibe WF 28, loin, blonde hair, enjoys din- Adi# 9105 ticies. lsughier, seekinq SWM. 47- NOM0F ONE reelnh.Trnl rs d 18ng, dancing, seeking romantic, SM LOVE FEELS GOOD YUNVR O 57, giving, net msteriistic, similar SWVF, 35, 5r, slirn, blonde, blue syes, WAI.JC OUR TALIC 29-34, interesieci in being tegeiher. SWM. 25, 57%, 1451bs., gooci looking. SWM, 20, 61l', 190lbs., brown hair, inierests. loronto ares. Ad# 9823 attractive, N/S, social drinker, enjoys SWF, 24, attractive, brown hair, blue Toronto ares. Ad# 9512 fit, enjoys sports, movies, see 9n hazel eyea, outgoing, enjoys sports, NOM 0F THREE summer, suni, beach, movies, car eyes, enjoys drive ins, laie nights, celd LErS TALIC stim, sweei, 58F 18-24, for friendshipbsbiaeigatatvtlSF SWF, 21, 54, l30lbs., tudeni, bm sh~ows, oiJtdoors, seeking irafighîer/ pizza, seeking romantic, SWM, 21-32, SWF. 5W, 148lbs., long black hair, possible relstionship. Toronto area' 19-22, for dinner, dancing, frlendship hair, green eyes, enjcys cuicicers, police oticer, sny age, tait, for possible honesi, fsithtul for possible relation- green sys, likes sports, camping, Adi 1742 firai. possible reletionship. Toronto seeluing SWMY, 25-30. larger, freý retationship. Teronto ares. Adi 9856 ship. Toronto ares, Ad# 4653 looking fer SWM, over 24, for gý HONEST, RSWOTJars #d 7217 ship iri, must like kida. for possible GENTLEMAN ONLY VARIED INTERESTS tifmes. Toronto ares. Adi 2167 SWM, 29,96,119O1ibs., enicys cuidoors, FIRE FIGNTER relstionship. Tronto ares. Adi 2188 SWF, 43, e2, mcm oftoe, encys SWF, 25. 52', i 25bs., long brown HEART 0F GOLD movies, dinfing oui, aeeking attractive SWVM, 25,5,11% . iObs., short brown NOM 0F ONE country music, car shows, outdcctr haîr, blue eyes. enjoys bingo. bars, SWF, 42, enjoys camping, cucling SWF, 23-29. down toeaerth, for pos- curly haîr, enioys scuba divng, bîke * DWF, 26, 52%. brown hair and eyea, activities, seeks SWM, 37-47, honeat, movies, aeeking professional, SWM, and music tram tloe s. seeking SM, sible reisiionshlp. Toronto ares. riding, att cuidoor activities. camping, employeci, enicys meeting new monogamous, fiaonda tirîi possible 23-33, sîmilar interesis fer relation- %G+o. with simîta interesis andi quati- Adi 9820 wsiting for SF, 18-28, for triendship, friandis, seeking SWM, 27-37, for long-tsrm retationahip. Toronto ares. shlp. Toronto ares, Adi 1874 lies. Teronto ares. Adi 9614 . LlS GO OUT- possible retationship. Whitby ares. triendship, possible roîationshlp. Adi 5562 ARE YOU READY? SWM 33 pofesioai enjoys long Adi 8341 Toot rs d 10- BLONDE NURSE SWF, 45, enjoys cycling, carda, seek- SWF 3. njyswodn< ot ai, walks, cuideors. movies, dinners, CAIL ME ANYONE OUT THERE? SWF, 38, tii, two boys, enicys oui- ing SWM, 45-50, simlar interests teor aspt a eeking reîsîîonshîp wîfi a eeking SWF, 26-38, for triendship, SM, East Indien, 29. seeking Est In- SWF, 24. blonde, hazel syes, tun to doors, theatre, dancing, seeking per- triendshlp possible relatiinship. SWM 30-0 similr iniereats. wears possible reltibonship. Toronto ares. dim, SF, sny age. for seruous relation- be wth, enjoys dancing, seeking SM, sonable, fil, SWM. 35-U, aimilar/dif- Torono ares. Ad# 7700 a unitorm. Toronto ares. Adi 3201 Adi 865 ship. Toronto ares. Adi 9930 24-,latosi ortanrari3746Tarennt tesforeeiiidns7ip9 Wilh AutoAdlaking, juat use your touchions phone le answer soe questions about yeurself and the type cf person you would ike te meet. reainhpH ooI GaesUAYS74 TreLo aEs.Ai 1Thon record your voice greelung, andi wel ranscribe il imb a print adi ihal WiI sappear in the Whitby Free Press. Whilby Free Press' Person HIGUY CALUE l Persan ls avalable for singie peopie seeking reltionships. Ada ooniaining explicit sexual or analomical tanguage MilI mi be pubtished. SWF, 18. dark hair. green eyes, eut- 58F, 54». enjoy cycling, walking, rrxev- We reserve the right le edut or refuse any adi. Custemer service 1 -800-273-5877. elno, enjoysrneonlighi wsls, seek- les, cuidoors, seeking SBM, mixeci I. %4,anyageforpoasibwsrelation- baickgrounbd, friends inst, possible re- M Maie W White H Hieparîlo NC Native Canadian S Single WW WVidowed ahu. Tronto ares. Ad# 7170 Ialionhip. Tronte ares.. Adi 9746 F Female B Blackt A Asian C Chrisian OD ivarced. N/S Non-asmoker ITAUAN STALUON SWM, 29, 57%, brewn hair/eyes, at- tractive, easygolng. enicys candie- llghi dinners, seekng SWF, 27-36, spending quiet lime, triendatirait, pos- sible relationship. Tronta ares. Adi 3101 LET HlM SPOIL YOU SWM. 55, enjoys dancing, cocking, fun, psmpering. seeking honesi, loy- Sing, queen size SWF, 35-40, to spoil rotten in special retationship. Toronto ares. Adi 9161 WHY NOT? SWM, 27, attractive, employed, en- joys dancing, singing, lslking, seeka tunny SWF, 22-28, for possible long- lerm retallanshîp. Toronto ares. Ad# 5880 WAMTNG FOR YOU SAM, 35, 57%, responsible, aeeking *SAF atim,> sincere. caring. to enjoy dinlng, dancing, possible rolalionahip. Toronto ares. Adi 2183 CARE FOR ME SWM. 25, enjcys quiet limes, eut- doors, seekng SWF 20-25. similar Intereais, fun urnes, possible relation- ship. Toronto ares. Adi 9240 RACE UNIMPORTANT SWM, 27, 57%, brown hair, blue eyes, seeking SF, 20-30, open mindeci, sense cf humor, for possible relation- ship. Toronto area. Adi 1149 WALK BESIDE ME SWM, 27,6'2'. brown hair, blue sys, enjoys hockey, pool, dancing, roman- tic eveninga, movies. seeking sexy, tighi scinnoci, SBF, 20-32. fun, hon- esi, for possible retstienship. Toronto ares. Adi 7327 LET'S CONNECT. SWMI 22, enjoys sports, dancing. >movies. workahotic, seeking SE, over 22, fer good limes, possible relaion- ship. Toronte ares. Ad# 8213 GOSPEL FAIllI OWM, 20, 5'9*, lSStbs.. romantic, enjoys church, seeking SBF 24-31. sirnilar intereats, forpossible relation- ship. Tronto ares. Adi 4869 MECIIANIC SWVM. *32. 5'8", iSSiba.. brewn hair, gre eys, fil, employei. enjeya oui- dear. ceoking, dinmg, rmovies. Latin nusic, seeking SWF. 25-33. tuvuy sasygeing, for retationship. Tarante are&. Ad# 3024,, yaurvolce reetngerpau, ensetcreaîtve -and sàecîflo abu hlyuare oknfr. Catýi 00834445EtU p tion 1, youWllbe prMffptetoan-. mwer aeme questicons aboutycur- self andi the type u osny wanite meet. An e=etieprintac )i wtbe transcribed ftemyourvolce paper in7-10 cdeys, Qe what laa md number? A: The4 diginumberat heenid Iltyeur prnt ad thalatllows sirqles le catI andi reapond te ,our mail- box. 0: Whai la an accast code? A: A confidential 4 dige code that enly you know, ihat allows enly yeu acceste your maibox. 0: Wliat are M*M aags A: Volce grestinga tram other singles oheresporîd o tyeur ad inihe newsapr or through the browse. To liston le your mes- sages for FREE, cati 1-800853- 644 Ext. 47 once every 7 desys or 1-900451-4882 Ext 47 any- time, ai a charge of $1.99 per. minute. Q~ What are SYMMere mtche? A: Voîce greetings ftram other adi- vertsera whose malching crute- ie la the same or sîmîtar to yours. You cen isten te yaur aystamn matches insianlly calîng 1- 900514882 Ext. 7 Q: Wjhat la Smat Brewas? A. A qapelfeature ihai ashows yeu to lsien andi respond ta other voice greetinga thal match fte cri- teria yau select Cai 1-900-451- 4882 Ext. 47, option 2. 0: How dol1 respond toanw m? A: Caîl 1-900-786-0606 Ext. 47, option 1. the systemn wilt asic you to enter the 4 digit adi number ai the endofithe print ad. Presa1lo responci, press 2 ta go on Io the next adi. 0: - How do t cancal'or ram.w. wn ad? k Cali cuaomar service ail1- 80-273-U"7. . m

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