Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1995, p. 7

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Whkby Fiee Pmms, Wockmoday, AprU 121995. Paop 7 Newsworthy First, let me blow my own horn, a bit. Astute readers may have notioed how, with great aplomb, this column kas avoided any reference to Pamela Wallin and Keith Morri- son. Thank you, thank you. Ites a talent, what can 1 say? The timing of their firings - liens xot mince words - is the first mystery. And they do make such an nteresting pair. Now of course there are differenoes i vislbility. Keith Morrison, anchor/commentator, toiled lately ini morning television. Which is my way of saying that he werent in my book, a household name. Maybe if!s a generational thiipg, but I never could figure out why anyone would want to/be able te watch television while getting/eating breakfast, making/packing lunches and otherwise cleaning up the kitchen counter debris left over friom last night. 1-Don' teil that te my brother, who once worked on morning television. But let's get back te, not mentioning Keith or Pamela. So Keith hasnt been quite up there i national' awareness. Not enough prime Urne exposure. Pamela now there'. another situation. ISational exposure.Coptneouh on this side of the sreen, te. display i journalismâ clans: here's how this interviewing thing in supposed te be done. I.ooks easy, eh? Zip, slash, let's do fewer intervews, more documentaries. Now we viewers will sufer through a parade of also-rans until the network finda her equal. It wontbe easy. Let's just say that Pamela was far better at her -job on air than those who removed her were at theirs. And speaking cf modestr.. Let us also aclcnowledge errera while at the same Urne, ahem, ahem, pointing out an 'I told you so.' Not that we would do that, of course. First, the- errer. Some few weeks back, talking about the pending provincial election, we predicted the date would by June 12. Weill June 12 is a Monday, and as anyone with haif a brai knows, provincial élections i Ontario are always held on Thursdays. So let me humble myself as much as possible without demeaning my munificence and admit it: I made an error. Net a typographical error. Not a slip of the pen. Not a fault cf the system error. Just a plain goof. An error of ignorance, because of al the important tbings one should know, that was one I didn7t. Having been corrected, l'il llkely turn around and forget this one again until the next Urne. But the correction now being, Swan predicte the next provincial election will take place on Thursday, Junqe 15. On that same note, in the sume colurnn I also predicted that Bob Rae would win a minority government. Lyn McLeod will bring the Iâberals fite Official Opposition.'And Mike Harris: well, heml be king-maker. Think about that for a moment. As minority goverrnment, R»s will need help from either Harris and his (Reforma-like) POs, or Lyn McLeod and.her Liberals. if you can imagine Bob Rae striking a deal (An Accord, or Civic, A Prelude) with Mike Harris you got a botter imaginer than I have. But then, mont of Politie defles the wildest imagination. Final point: please note that other political observers are begfinning te predict that Rae may net be dead yet. Some of * e WHmTBY TOWN 8TAFF9 1971 Back ow: WlliamI1Snn (PoicÇe Chief), Wes Winters (Development Commissioner), Gerry Gelette,(Rcreation Director), Dr. Mofeed Michael(Panin Director) Edward-M. Crouch (Fire Chief). Front Row: William Wallace (Town CIek Walter lËvans (En ineer) John R. Prost (Adrinistratoir), George Thwaites (Sca Services Director), orbes W<Ewen (Treasurer). Whitby Archives photo 10 YEABS AGO Prom the Wededa À il 1 1985 edition of the wHýrrBts M , RESS " Andrew Antenna will close its Ashburn factoryptting 25 people out of work. " A home in West Lynde subdivision is sellin or 96,900. *The Ice Angels and ][ce Crystals of the Why Figure Skating.Club won national championiships at' North Bay. *Candidates in the May 2 Provincial Election are: George Ailie,- Progressive Conser- vative; Brian Evans, Liberal and Don Stewart, New Democratic Party. 35 YEAR8 AGO Prom the Thursda y~ 1960 edition cf the warrtsit1 Y xNEWS *It niay take a year to study Wbitby's proposed official plan before it can be passed by Council. *A supermarket may be built on the site of the old blanket factory on Brock. Street North. *Whitby District High School wrestling team, which won thbe provincial champion- ship, will be honoured at a sports banquet on April 21. *Westminster United Church was decicated on April 3 by Rev. John Smith of Whitby United Church. 80 YEABS AGO From the Thurda A n*1 8 1915 edition of the WEffMY GZÊYT AIF,ÂRD CHRONICLE (This issue is missing)

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