Whltby Free Proos, Wofresday, April 26, 1995, Page 13 Agencies will present mental health nt About 35 local agencies wilI provide information and education about their respective programe at a <Mental Hleath Awareness Day> on Thursday, May 4, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., at Oshawa Centre. Somne of the agendaes represented will include the Canadian Mental Health IcorrectionJI In an article in last week . edition, it was incorrectiy stated that the Chiidren's Aid Society waB relocating to the former Dur- hamn Board of Education head- quarters, in Oshawa iast week. It shouid have been stated that the relocation je beginning today (Wednesday) and continuing until Saturday. The main Oshawa office in the Midtown Mail wiil remnaino p on today and Thursiday but will be closed F'riday, except for orner- goncies. Tolephono service will remain. On May 1, ail staff can be reached at 433-1551. Association, Whitby Mental Health Centre, Oshawa Generai Hospital, COPE Mental Health Program, Pinewood Centre, Durhamn Region Social Services, Azheimer Society, Interact Community Heaith Prograin and more. The event is co-hoeted hy the Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington COPE Mental Health Programs and COPE committeea members. COPE is a program of Durhamn Regi on Community Care Association. Everyone is weicome and admission is free. For further informnatiôn, cail Sharon Cochrane at 434-1693. A HISTORICAL FEATURE in the Whitby Free Press 1.Where is the home of Whitby's first mayor, James Rowe, who held office in 1855? 2.What was the first form of town clock or time-keeper in Whitby? 3.When were the Brock and Henry Street bridges bulit across.H ighway 401 ? 4.What Whitby church had its organ destroyed by a f ire in 1927? Answers on Page 39 This feature provided by PERMANENT MAUR R EMOVAL COST FREE CONSULTATION to discuss your treatment needs and to take away your fears. *Fully qualified technologists in the field *Established sinco 1983 *Doctor ref errais *Member of Electrolysis Assoc. of Ontario Lori Thachuk 6 66-2853 *Quality Treatment Wilh Resuite 3000 Garden Street Suite 204 (Loblaws Plaza) k ~/a~1 k i YrL~Çk~HÀ4YJ w-.~ w-w w~ -w~w w Washing & Painting Major Repairs Openings & Closings No Subcontracting S.. FREE ESTIMATES 655«7827 e 655- STAR "Qua1ity & Service First" p-