Whltby Fr. e SIWednesday, May 3, 1M96 Pag 9 Trustees bash Nicholson and media over'ptyisu ByMark Reesor Publiceboard trustees lashed out at Oshawa trustee Mike Nicholson and the. local media Monday night while discussing mnyspent on complimenta7y coffe. and food at board heaf quarters. Some -leveled accusations of political grandstanding against Nicholson who tarýte. con- troversy Ly publicly criticizing free coffee and meà as for trus- tees, staff and volunteers. aiesthe i first time i histery Fve seen this pathetic exorcise. 1 bolieve iVs completely. self-cen- tred, co-mmented Whitby trustee. and board chair Patti Bowman. "Fm absolutely, thoroughly, M'Sk he w sg u about this motion ia that it diviés us," said Ajax truste. Colleen Jordan, in referring te a move by stand- img committe. chair Audrey Macoean te set up a procesa giving trustees the. option te "py as the go" for refreshments. ai Aits potty, it's sancti- monious and ites self-righteous and we make ourselves look fool- ish." Tiie media was also roundly criticized for paig so mucn attention te what _Bowman described as "trivial pursuit. Pickering trustee Ruth AMn Schodlich said it was "disguut- ing" te se. so many reporters out to cover the issue. "It's deplorable; it's about time that you started reporting on some o>fthegood things that do hapn mnDurham instead of tlIgabout an item that's $4 514 (the amount spent on cofre. and food by the. trustees office, for the. first six months of tiieschool year)... aites just boyond me; wiien you calculate what this could ho over a 10-month period, weýre talking chedlich says ratepayers tel ber if's ridiculous te waste staff and trusteW. time with such a trivial issue. ai hope nobody makes a motion te take tiie chairs and tables away," observed Wbitby truste. «~aeno problem painfo my own meai. In fact, I weill von if tuis motion isn't passed," said Boss. "This is not, poing te boe cost- efficient, it's going te boe wasting ou r time"» said Pickoring trustee Susan lRular, who noted board food is no bargamn anyway. "In th worst -of my dinner hours I eat botter food than I eat her.! Superintendent Brian Cain reported the. board sment $30,400 on coffée and food ini the first six montha of the school year, ho estimated the cost for the ontire year at around $50 000. MacLean- argued' thore was no formai process i place for trus- tees whfo wished te do so. There's fothigto prevent trustees from makmng a donation te the board te, cover refroshmont codts though, Bowman establ- *MacLean's motion was defea- ted by a vote of 9 te 5. Nicholson thon moved that the board elimmnate ail food expendi- tures as of the next board meet- ing (May 8). "If thé kids can brown bag it te school why can't wer wondered Nicholson;, who noted he's recei- yod more than 400 calls of sup- port on the. issue, from Port Porry to Pickering to south Osh- awa. Ho argued the money could ho put to btter use ini the schools or to< b food for poor tdns ueeranin the élection to educate kids to the. bout of our ability, not hand out freebies at this board. Sixty te seventy thou- sand dollars a year coula go a ion g way te, puttinq that money back mnto education. Nicholson was the only trustee te vote ini favour of his motion. dthd*YoftIWamdI Loretta Inteior fDesWfl$ Est. 1969 Comp(ète la-hônw eInterior De4jrt Services 93eoraingcosu&4onwai~zt a Spea(O~icefor a 8mdý*fm oIy. Il In W/iitby (905) 430-9671 In 'Toronto (416) 284-9638 - * V~nrnentPRIM ~a<~u~e~z 4 e4o&e UNTERIOR SATIN LATEX 1916 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 1078L Scrubbable e Solvent Free (before tinting) code. language A Différent Kind of Car. - fot in A Différent Kind of Lease. MOTOCI1lY !dSATLRqNT A DIFFERENT KIND 0F RETAILER 1520 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONTARio LIN 2K7 (905) 430-2350 TORONTo LINE (905) 686-5878 FAX (905) 430-2433 M_______ M K __ Motorcity Saturn i-ntroduces Ernie, a man with a new lease on life.,. Erni*e lives, eats and sleeps leasing. So you don't have to. Audio/Video se'wie SONY Panasonic 7tp"mo4a4e# mve eeaee'i " Factory Trained Technicians " Fast Efficient Service " Written 90 Day Warranty " Low Carry-In Service Rates --- ------------ VCR à spýW " Clean Assembly _ " Align Head " Test Ail Functions w " Replace Worn Belt da "Replace Worn Tire --0 Custone Eloctromotive 1150 Champlain Court Whitby, Ontario 668-6946 P.S. Ernie speaks A Différent Kind of Company. in your Price guaranteed til May 30195. e 'Ne ffl 1 1 MUL