Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1995, p. 10

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paGe 10, Whftby FmPree s, Weckiesday, May 3,1996 Clarington couciliorschalleneMl By MLkeKowalski if it guarantees a victory, even Gord Mille might settle for another recount in the Durham East riding after the June 8 election. The 67-year-old Oronoresident and former provincial govern- ment employee won the sprawl- ing urban-ruîral riding by a ecant 53 votes five yeare agQo. It teok a judicial recount te declare Mille the victor over Pro- !esse' Conservative candidate Kernp in the riding that includesWhitby north of Taun- ton Road. This time out, Mille, the oldeet MPP at Quee's Park, muet beat back chal enges from Clarington councillors, John OToole and Mary Novak. The former is representing the Conservatives and the latter the Liberal party. As alwaye, Mille takes a realie- tic and honest approach te bis chances on June 8. "I feel that during the last five years I've worked hard on bebalf of ail the people in Durhamn H.G. Roughley Limnited Insurance Elizabeth "Beth" Parise - Broker e40oàte 9etS~ Mallard, Pro wler, Savanna, Travelaire, Golden Falcon 905-655-31989 Hours: Mon.- Thurs. 9-7, Fil. 9-6, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 11 -4. East,» he said. «I think rve gotten a lot of respect firom people who say I put politice aside, that it (parti affiliation) dosent matter te me. Whether it be the proposed cancer treatment centre at Osh- awa General Hospital, funding for local echools or saving jobs at the Orono tree nursery Mille eaid hie performance epeaks for itself. "In ail honesty, I dont think many peope a sythis gy ba îofe around. I tbmnkr worked bard.» But if Durhamn East votere opt for someone else, Mille wil accept their decision. "If that happens, so be it. rve nothing te be ashanxed of." Mille adfinite bis party's stand- ing in the public o pinion polsa is cause for concern, b ut he predic- ted an upswing in the govern- mente fortunes. "I think you will see a draina- tic turnaround in the electorate about the long weekend (Victoria Day), after the tiret debates are over,» be eaid. H.G. Roughley Limited is =taedt nnounce that Beth Prshajoined their staff of Insurance Professionals. Beth has over 20 years experience in bath Personal and Commercial Lines of Insurance. H.G. Roughley Limited is celebrating their 5Oth Anniveoeary in business duuing 1995 serving the Durham Region with quality insurance producis for business and personal requirements. 1000 Slmcoe St. N. Oshawa 576-7770 r Toronto 686-5857 HWY 97 1 TAUNTON RD.1 ri OOKU LM «People will be asked if they want to live in an Ontario where, like Aberta, it will be slash, cut and burn "Or do they want te live where the approach te a balanced budget is slow, methodical and direct?» Mille denied that Premier Bob Rae's attack on the federal government's recent budget je an attempt te avoid probleme at home. «Its not a question of blaming someone else, bhe insisted. "All statistical evidence shows that we were unfairly treated by the Tories and now the Liberals. I think we have every rigbt te go for the juguler.» Mille said Ontarios 98 Iàberal MPs' are not standing up for their own province and the pro- vincial Liberals cannot be expec- ted te challenge their federal cousins. "We have te tighten our beîte, but in a fair mariner,» he eaid. "Were not askingr te be treated equally with the other proice, but not te dump it aIl on us.» Not surprismngly, MiIW Tory opponent does not share bis explanation for fighting Ottawa. I tbink tbat's a typical diver- sionary tactic,» said O*Toole. "They're not being fortright with the people of Ontari. Even when they talk about paffg down the e icit, they're not deal- 'nwth ail of it. First elected a local councilior in 1991, the 52-year-old Bow- maill1e resident and General Motere supervsor etepped upte Durham Regon council ast November. Rabies cliics are upcomîng The South Durham Reggon Veterinary Association will holJd seven rabies vaccination clinice acrose the r]o, includingone in Whitby and onein Brooklin. Fees are $12 (cash only) and vaccinations will be gi*ven te any dog or cat over aged four months and in good general health. Ma is -Rabies Awareness Month, and although New York State has the dubjous distinction of being the- rabies capital of the world, Ontario je a close second. And although raccoon rabies has not yet arrived in Southern Ontario, there is a strong tbreat that it will be i the future. The clinics are supervised by veterinarians and staff of animal hospitals in south Durham Region. Clinie are at Iroquois Park on Tuesday, May 9, 1 te 4:-30 p.m. and at Luther Vipond Memoriai Arena in Brookhn' on Wednee- day, May 17, 2 te 5 p.m. During the campaigna, OToole promises te donate the regional portion of hie councillors pay to, charity. This je an attempt te deflect criticism from some- quarters for running for provincial office so soon aferbeing elected locally, OToole explained. "I want them (critics) te under- stand that my main motive is te, serve the peple and te help solve their probleme,» he said. OToole claimed hie party's platform of lese governent, reduced spending, and lower taxes is the only reaJistic plan for Ontario's future. "Reduced taxes will result ini a saving for the average tax payers of about $4000 in the firet year of a PC government » he said. "This can be ahee while still protecting our ail important bealtliprogram s, education and law enforcement. For Liberal candidate Novak, the election will be won by the party witb the beet solution te. Ontario's financial woes. «We're talkcing about a balan- ced budget and creating jobs. Nothing can happen...protecting health care, education...until you do those two things,» she said. Novak, a financiai planner working out of London Life Whitby branch, han represented the former Darlington township on Clarington council since 199 1. She also views Raes attack on Ottawa as a futile geeture. "Ontario je where the election je taking 1lace,» she said. ultinkpeole are not happy with whates happened from 1990 to 1995. Thate what people will be voting on." Novak je confident that her p art'standigatop heopinion polsé wil hold 'iM. «It shows the strength of the party. and the confidence people have m us. It shows people have hope again.» In addition to north Whitby, Durham East includes Oshawa north of Taunton Road, Claring- ton, Scugog and Manvers town- shipst. Ini 1990 Mille received 10,960 votes te Ikemp's 10,907. Liberal candidate Marilyn Pearce had 7,836. Ba on ferrets rescinded soon Ferrets will soon be able te be kept legally by Wbitby residents. On onday night, Town ope- rations commttee approved a recommendation that a epeciflc bylaw amendment be made for ferrets. Dr. Walt Ingwereen, tecbnical advisor te the Pickering-Ajax- Whitby Joint Animal Confrol Committee, eaid in a report thero was no reason te disallow domes- tic ferrets. However, he called for certain p rovisi onst be included in the bylawamedment. These include "mandatery licensing, mandatery rabies vaccination, a leash law, restrictions on the number of ferrete per houaehold and licens- mngpe stores te eneure only fresare sold as oppoeed té mink,» the report etated. TIhe report eaid that only with ferret lioensing couid an effectve rabies vaccination program be maintained. The report aise eaid that only two ferrete should be allowed per household to discourage keepmng the animale for breeding pur- poses. The issue was raieed after Laurie Williamson of Brooklin asked the Town te amend the bylaw so he could keep hie ferret Unownon DISCOUNT, HOBBIES Planesa * Trains * R.C. Cars Rackets e Plastic Models o POOS *Rote Playing Games 214 Dundas St. E. Whitby 430-2236 1Ukra CuLç Quality Haircare Affordable Prices HAIRCUT After2:3Opm $ c SPECIAL unil 7:OOpm 16 PERMS $25.00 and up COLOURS $25.00. SPIRAL PERMS $55.00 and up MON. TO FR1. 9.00 - 7:00 - SATURDAY 9:00 - 6:00 209 DUNDAS T.EIMWITBY FM~STO0FFCEI (IN THE WHrTBY CORPRT CENTRE) DNA <ACROSS PROM POST OFFICE) Kizzit. «Educate, not reglate,»said Wiliiamson in bis osumision te the Town. That was agreed te, in the report: "There is nio compelling reason te, continue te prohibit the keeping of ferrete..» HUtand run FR OM PAGE i shortly afterwards. He died at 4:35 a.m. Monday. Hie funeral is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. teday at Allison Funeral Home ïn Port Hope. Police were able te, identifyr a supetvehicle from information g=aered at the ecene and traffic unit officers located the vehicle and driver at a' cottage. near Midland at 1 p.m. Saturday. Mark Steven Paten, 33, of Scarborough, was arrested and charged wîth failing te romain at the scene of an- accident. He is scheduled te, appear in court June 9. Traffic unit officers are con- tinuigte, investigate the col- lision. JN OR"BKRS DOZEN CLUB"I CU 'A fmily plan for buying shoes BROOKSe REEBOK -a BUSTER BROWN Also Iocated in Peterborough, Barrie, Cookstown, Bowmanville FLýAT R ATE FOR OL pu Long Distance Calling 129 'IR;TH Unlimted Two-Way Calting 12 9 MNH to Metro Toronto ý ,..' Business rates and f METROPOLITAN expanded ser'. ice to 25 other areas, TORONTO inctuding Unionville, Bramptan (416) and Mississauga avaitabte. cati 430-8031 or 43048121 Teleh p' Whtby Lanes 153 Brock St.N., Whitby 1 1

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