Whitby Froe Pres, Wednesy, Mà y 3.,1905. Pqs 17 Musical meiment on fthe Courhus tage Even though the 1930a brought the Great Depression, it was the beginning of the era of the great musicals. Hollywood cranked out fim afler film of .inging and dancing shows with extravagant rduc- tion numbers. In eéw or on Broadway, musical plays distrac- ted people fom the squalor of life. The. spirit of the thirties is still alive and now on the stage of the Wihitby Courthouse Theatre. 'Dames At Sea,' a musical by George Haixnsohin and Robin Miller with music .1ite b .hm W190, cntinues its m until Ma 13. Berna rd Beales portrays Harry Hennesey, produoer of the fic- tional musical being prepared for the premiere on a 42 nd Street backstage. He is going through last minute production pains, m- cludingt the imminent destruction of the theatre. Hennesey.swigs back antacid and chews on aspir-in while try- igto keep everything- together. eales handles the character with the right mix of humour and exasperation. He was the recipient of some huffe laughs as hie ran back and forthf acroos the stage with an interminable scowl on bis face. Mona Kent, portrayed b local Save Our General Hlospitalactiv- ist JoAnne Prout, is the tempera- mental diva, who struts. acrose the stage demanding hier name b. plaoed ini lghts, above the name cf the play. Prout begins thepmlay by belting out the song ÃWallStreet' with a powerful voice. Ruby, p1l ed b Mine Car- riere, and Dick (Brian McColl) ar. two youngsters just off the bus from Centreville Utah. True ta form, they stumLle into, the theate eetan tar in the big prouctin number, all without aneýnohret:rwehact*tisplay is about. Dreamsi are realized and T - anything is possible. Strong mention should b. given to Howard McGahey who play the captain of the battleship durmîg the second haif of the musical. He provided some truly funxiy moments during a song called 'Tie Beguine,' when ho chass Mona acrose the stage. Rounding out the cast. are Laurel Campbell and Boyd Tat- trie. Most of the songs were excel- lent and well-produced. But more time could have been spent dur- mng the intervenmg mmnutes ta move the plot along. le power of the songs was diminished as on. after another came and went, giving the audience little time ta, digest the beauv Of each. And ls t rdaï h saeror- mance include d ou mu teig from the back row, which dis- tracted from the quieter parts of the ïla. Perhap theatre staff hould ave paid moreateio ta, alerting peiopleta keep quiet. --- -- - - -- ---- - --- -- - -- ------ (ARE COI THE CAST 0fWhftby Courthouse Theatre's final producti the season, 'Dames at Sea,'. are (front, fromi left) L Cam 11I, Howard McGahey, rear) Brian MoColl, JoAnne Tattrie. The musica comedy continues May 4-1 11-13. lickets- are available at LaFontaine Trading Post Dundas St. W. PhOID by Ihvk Roosoe. WhIIhy Fié Diner theatre on Thursday niù*i& for M&deorganization will present 'Viva -Las egesat the Royal CJanadian Legion. Branch 43, 471'Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, on Thursday, May 4. Coot is $30 for dinner and theatre, and $20 for theatre only ($35 for two). For more information and tick- ets, cali 576-1198. 'Tickets will also b. available at the door. o f d itii1 DocumentShredd + Hîgh volume eq uipment M~ reduce your shredding cc # Secure locked containers at no extra cost # Bonded drivers #*100% of paper is recyclec # Certif icate of destruction + Volume discounts availab year-end, clean-outs CAIL NON (905) 427-3605 (Derri ff4c7ffz7ff'Àc' WASTE SYSTEME ...... I IO o Lar i Pru I6an Iý i Im Jin Iil )S d )l Ick I FOR YOUR EIPOSTE R ltfs important to main tain your composter pro perly for it to be a success, 0 Add organic kitchen wastes and yard wastes in loyers Caver kitchen wastes with yard wastes to deter un- wanted inseots and pests' *Cut ail materials into small'pieces The smaller the pieces, the faster they wiII break down 0' Turn your ompost pile regularly This adds oxygen, which speeds up the pracess and helps prevent adaurs *b Keep the pile moist Use a garden hase ar a watering can 0. Harvest the finished compost Use !t'an yaur lawn or garden SmaIl quaontities of grc-ss clippings can be added to your compost pile - but we encourage you to grasscycle insteadl For more information on Composting or Grasscycling please contact the Durham Region Works Department at (905) 668-7121 z* PUR*HASEA COMPOSTE.O U 1 CAL -00-667567 Ontano Funded în part by the Ministry of Environment and Energy : DURHAM: ---- - --- - ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J k: V