Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1995, p. 34

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page 34, Whltb Free Press, Wednosday, May 3,1996 I C A L L C ~ A L L A .A...A.........A I PROESSIOAL 1ROR$SONAL FR0U~S$UO...........AL CAKES FOR ALLI 9X1il occasions. Any logo on X 25. Charactor cakes and Lion ing 25. Cail Occasionat By Glenys 666-0366. ULCENSED ELECTRICIAN - expenoenced in -rosidontiat commerciat & industriai work. 24 hour service calîs. Phono Tom at 668-7852 for free estimate. HENK KARELSEN. Painting& Home Ropair. Quatity work, intonior/extenor. Over 10 years exponience. No job too smaii. Free estimates. 1-800-423-0823. SVV1MMING POOL. OWNERSI Book now. Uner reptacement or ropair. 26 years expérnence-. Speody Vinyl Durham. 1-800-FIX-RIP S (349-7477) PAINTING - PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & wattpaper. Interior/exterior. Power wash & swing; stage. No job f00 smalt. For good priées & good work, cal George at 72-7870. Free estimates. WALLPAPERING AND PAINTING. 9 years expenience. AIl work Çuaranteed. Author of book uWatlpaponing Madle Easy". Cali Davo Taylor at Cotor Vour Wortd (Wib)(905) 435-0808. Free RENEW WORKS - wo dlean and seat your intorlocking brick with our patenited, environmentatty friendly products. Free ostimatos and ait work guaranteed. 655-3566. PONY EXPRESS. Parties, ponos for ail occasions - birthday parties, company picnics, etc. We bring Our ponies to y ou. Book earty - cali Sue at 655-8369. FOUR SEASONS Landscaping and Gardonirig Services "Spnïng has Sprung". Eavestrough cteaning: bungarows $35, 2 storeys $45. Tre pruning, reimovals; fonces, docks, oetaining qwatls weekly tawn cutting fromn $20 . (90e) 428-1305. GARDEN GRACE - speciatizing in pruning, spning clean-ups, tawn & gardon caro, plantings.. Free estimates. Roasonabto. Lconsed & c . ifo andscaper. Cati 668-0242. MACS HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Carpentry, landscaping, docks and fences, retainlng watts, iawn care from $18, windôow cioanlng from $35, eaqvestrough cteaning from $3,siding cleaning fromù $85 spiceanups from $95. insured GRASS ACT - Landscapo maintenance services by Raymond, operating in its 5th soason, rofèences available. Cal (905) 728-3870. PAINTING & PAPERING "Lot George Do Il". Roiabte exponenoed, quality work. Spocial rates for seniors. Flexible hours, p rompt service, free ostimates. Pho6no George 666-1168. P asccl hs esa. VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs.Almks 10% Seniors' dscut Complote tune-up from $29.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free pick-up & delivery caîl 432-7375. CLEAN UP SERVICES - yards, basemonts, garages, cut treos. Cali 655-3004. ELECTRICIAN LIC. # E-2268. Residential, commercial, industniat, 24 hr. service. Free estimates. No job too small. Al work guarantoed. Cal Frank at 905-666-0193. HOME RENOVATIONS & rostoration. Plans, inspections. s iications, carpentry, plumbing., etoctrical, Windows, energ conseBrvaton. Cati Jacques ofAi Trades ASHRAE #2053385, 666-09b3. LADY LOUISE CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aterations and repair on draperies. Affordabie prices. For your free in-home shopping and ostimate cali 432-1714. Customer's fabrics are weîcome. WOOD RENEWERS - .nake docks, fonces, woodsiding, Iog structures look liko new again. Removo ail woathering, stains & paint. Seater/staîn wiil not peet or chip. Work guaranteed. 655-3566. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS& CUSTOM DESIGNS - Corne see us for ail your sewing noeds. Offering bridai - proms. Wfide selection 0f fabrics. Tues.-Fni. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3, 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. ?t'4ei~- mea eeÎ ,4*i CALLANÀ....... TREE CUTTUNG FuIIy Insured # Free Estimates pager 721-7304 I eReasonable Prices IFor free estmat cal666-28031 e venings or leave message 1, 1at 432-3011 p A inte wood fencng & decks IFREE COMPETI T)VE ESTIMA TES IrittenGuaralteel 1666-9690 r Drawings, pool openings, in7stallations, service work, interlock, planting, retainers, etc. kCali Matthew J. Hilton, B.L.A. Gary J. Hirlehey Financil Planning Consultant GMvng people the information, options, and advice they need ta make appropriate choices. CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT eîa ca concep Wal or uane * *Pos Setting **Free Estimates *PHONE 668-7951* BY GRANT CONTRACTUNG Interlocking ~ Decks ~ WaIIs ~ Sodding Property Maintenance ~ Tree Removal WHEN QUALITYAND SERVICE COUNT. Calil 432-4870 or 428-5790 XPRESSIONZ - blinds & shados 30%-40% off M.S.R. Custom draperies, shoors, valances, bedispreads & accessorios. Visa acoepted. Cati Mary Elien (905) 666-3762. Vour Complote Window Covoring Speciaiist. PAINTING - ex teior/interior. Canadian paint for the Canadian climate. Ont y top qualtyaints usod. Ail worîk guaranted.Lo lt us quote your job (905) 666-017 1. COMING EVENTS SchoolsExpo'95, MAY 12-14, Metro Toronto Convention Centre. 120+ exhibitors: schools (Ontarlo/abroad), youth educationai travel, education associations. FREE resources, sem- mnars, EdutalnmentExpo (education- ai software/multi-media). 905-886- 5544 ext. 1308, fax 416-487-3591. OLDTYME FIDDLING/STEPDANC- ING CAMP, residenfial or days oniy - August Instructors, Scott Woods, Cindy Thompson, Judy Weymath, Kendra Norris. Details, Bill Elliott, 325 Broadway, Orangeville L9W 1 L4, 519-941 -3526. BUSINESS OPPORT.UNIT:IES' HAD IT? LOSI IT? WANT IT? Start Vour Own Distribution Business. Food/Nutrition. Work from home. Tax deductibie. Open territory. Info- pak available. Toll-free message (most areas) 1-416-550-3671. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. Government aid, assistance, grants and boans money available. For your, new or existing business. Cail 1-800-915-3615. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School'of Auctioneer- ing. Next Classes: AUGUST19-25; NOVEMBER 18-24. Contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. ý(519) 537-2115. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Vancouver offers correspondence courses for the Certificate of Coun- seIiing studies to begin May 15. For brochure phono: 1-800-665-7044. HELP WANTED COUNSELLORS, THERAPISTS, Business/SaIespersons, Charismat- ic individual needed for new career opportunity. $1 ,000/week starting plus expenses. Specialized training required. Free info before resumé. Alandel School & Clinic 1-800-661- COMPUTERS. No previous comput- er experience necessary. Exciting opportunities now availabie in com- SPRING, SPECIAL - painting, plumbing, taps, counters, cloanouts, garages, basemonts, free estimates. Cati Djate 668-6272. Book*lawn care now. STONEWORK - aIl masonry, chimneys interlocking, conr3e, fonce à dock. Construction business since 1981, serving Durham since 1989. Ail workç g uaranted. For free quote Cati (905) 666-0171. puter pro gramming. We will train suitable applicants. OMS 1-800-477- U578. SALES :HELP WANTED- $Attention Students$ 1 5 BIKES TO' DRAW.* Make a lot of money selling, chocolate bars NEW $2.00 PROD- UCTS. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1 -800-383-3589. HOBBIESý GOLFERS PLAY THE TOUR - The AMA Tour Golf Series, premium courses, stroke play, ABCD flights,, par 3 pool, prizes galore. Caîl 905- 666-3425. PAY TELEPHONESERVICES (*A cost will be incurred.) LIVE PSYCHICS! Genuine Canadi- an Psychics tell aIl. Past, Present, Future reveaied. Romance, Wealth, Career. Live and personal. 1-900- 451-3778. Innervision Crystal Con- nection. $2.99/min .,18+, 1-on-i. 24 hrs. PERSONALS WHEN LIFE BECOMES a battie ground, your MIND is your best weapon. Buy and Read DIANET- ICS: The Modemn Science of Mental Health, by L. Ron Hubbard, $39.59. Caîl 1-800-561-5808. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'II take it! Amen- ca's largest, oldest resale cloaring- house. Resort Sales International 1 - 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentaIs needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. SUM.MER ý:*CAMP SPECIAL SUMMER CAMP for chul- dren ages 6 to 12 with bedwetting and bladder & bowei control prob- lems. CAMP.KIRK, 15 Scenic MiII- way, WilowdaIe, Ontario M2L 1S4 (416) 443-9058. THE LAST BUILDING you'ii ever need. Future Steei, the recognizea leader In affordable, top quality, arch-styie structures. For Value, Service, integrity caîl 1-800-668- 8653. *ItsAffordabIe 0.ItkFast 0Itk Easy a0no BillDo« It Ai' e Northem Ontario $63 e Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162** Central Ontario $168 e Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Available Cail this paper for details! "9CROSS CANADA MARKETPRLACIE0 To rom* a wkformmtat. adenietiwo&ghow* the uegmongmoh2 of 1h. OntaM &-d Canarien Comm wily N.uspqwrAssodalbna. Central Ontario 50 mewspaprs - 168 for E5 words- AI Ontario 178 mewspap.r - $O for 25 words AU Canada 583 n. rs .8- 1,1831for 25 vword For further Information please cmli the Whltby Free Prss diassiflods - 668-6111 .CLASS.I FIED MARK ET PLACýE "A dvertîse A cross Ontarlo orA cross the County .... ................ .......i...tl e ~ u s : M n a lo F i a y : 0 a r ~ ~ 0 r * F x $ 6 2 5 4 --------------------- 1 t

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