Whltby Fiee Pros, Wodnosday, May 3.1995 ,PaO 39 Hospital rehab holds open house Whltby General Hospital's rehabilitation department held an open house. last Friday to reco Phsiothrapy Week Carole Cappe, manager of the dopartment for sevoral y ears, sald the special weekprovdes an oppo)rtunity %tashow oveyone Who works at the hospitai, ail the patients and the general public, that. there is more te .Drievers needed for %AM c ation campmgn -------------------- ------------- o r Por May, multiple slerosis montb, the Durham chapter is gettixg ready for its annual caatmPa1Win ho sodat vanious locations throuout the r¶ on on Ma 11, 12 and 13. Dvers are needed (with or without a van) te deliver Carnations te esgatdareas i Oshawa, Wbitby, Aýjax and Pickering. If the driver uses hialher own vehicle, gas wil ho rembursed. For more information, «Mi Gianna DaSilva at 905-686-2581. COMPOSTTNG AWARENESS WEEK Join the 'GreenwaveI of recycling. This week the benefits of composting, bath as an effective waste reduction practico and as a meana to produce a valuable sou amendmnent, will be celebrated acroas Canada during National Composting Aware- nees Week, May 1-7. This first-ever national program to, promotecomposting is boing spearhoaded by the Composting Council of Canada in cooperation with municipalities, educators, business and waste management and horticultural groupe. "The Compost Council of Canadasprogram has been designed to further Canadians collective awareness and faziliarity with compost, a form of organic recycing," says executive dfrector Dr. Peter Meyboom. To date, more than 250 communities nationwide are scheduling events ranging from backyard- compoéting programe Compost giveaways, official opemnn of) several centralizeci faciities as well as tours of isting sites, regional sommeara and garen,ngwokshops Seas andais:one company that is promoting employee education activities such as Lmch 'n Learn sessions, compoeting displays mn their cafeterias and articles in their company newsletter to comeCide with the week. Clean water i. essential te life and healthy watershed systema support healthy livincomumumities. During May 7-14 youcanhelp 'Celebrate your Watershed.' Along Duffins Creek, there wiil h several events. On Truesday May 9, 7 p.m", hike along Duffins Creek te use what ind flat1 n animal comntes are found in the watershe 'or dtail call 416-661-6600. The Town of Aax pak ndrTecreationdprmnshas activities planned, oel Else Bratley at 47811. At Greenwood Conservaton Area, guided tours and studios of the Bluebird will ho offered. Contact Mark Hillis at 683-2070 for dates and tms Further- afield, the Uxbriclge Conservation Association wfll hold ashrub plantingo a 3 0am to 2pan,. (rein date May 14) at Elgin Pr on Main Street in Uxbridge. GREEN TEP: Wh en you are going to have a bath, plug the tub before you lot the water run, o you don't waste any. COMING EVENTS: May 7, Hamilton a Great Lakes United workshop. More information, oeil Fe de Jen t 416-926-1907 or Jay Palter at 416-536-1952. physiothrapy than heating pada and ice pacsî." The department displayod, somo of the'oquipment used, and the physiotherapy department demonstrated the oipent and challenged visiitora to try it out or b. ýmodela for 'ergonomic cor- rectnessa.* "Too many of un work in unfit environments which may cause recumrng strain which Ieads eventual to time off work, caus- ing considrable'coat to the sys- tom as a whole as well as pain and suffering. , «Were aiea in the business of p revention of ýi4ur and good health promotion, says Cappe. Candlewi'ck is top pick 'Candlewick,' by Lorraine Fudge, was first pickaon large quilta in te'viewer's choice ballots cast at the recent St. Mark's Quilt Show. Second was 'Country Sampler' by Margaret Houlden and thid was 'ree of Life'by Helen Craw- ford. Among amaîl items, viewer's top choice waa Teapot and Roses' by EvelynPring1e Secndwas 'Table Rune by Gwen Barton and third was 'Cor- ner in the Cabin'by Dot MePher- son. Whitby duplicate bridge Mftot Apri 13 KesinidW Eh Dawson MS, .Big id May Gray UL Vomsie Whsls eand Imm.Enli 1285, 911 anclOloa &Ibwdon127-5. LuBr andida1MR"ioh1ds26,0,Jack nd Marion Mole 11.Dorisand Don Howes 116.5. hobaiBony aid Rm.Ah Tonsaid = 5~Pg Adamo aidl Coniil.Knoxc 10B. Flo Châdkiobs.aid Gsorgla Bom y103»0 Api28 Keni aid Eh a aon 150.0. Akist aid Mwloe IÛM U , 3.Vomi.WMerde.aid lui Englad 1.51 M i" May Gray 144. Jirn Allen andJoriRogerWL6.LueisBl i M Bn T end, uga Houan l= Lem wijHuaRid* 2. ,DkW 9M Juika van don Berg 118à 5. Fb Chidafi ad HalIha Ok. 180. Pd AdanaaadCo"dKaiaw 97.5 Eag-W.g ToIW SBoulai«Waid AâIe4KaouI 1782&. Mugue Walg aid Rudh Methuen 166.0 Tony Joncs aid Frank Maaisy V6. Ju nid AiesH" 0 43% M Karr aid Jolis Cà à edes 122.06 Marion aid Ahut r Aib M»A. Emnu Sdi. ard JtlhanusdonSBug 11SM. asPidn#MChu. Adair 1MD. Therm Goaa=ed John Havi. 102.38. Art Srv B.a 0B0wtD.13. Mmei Joy d1sl Mugut2 Wndg* aid fflh MaihymA 90 eo=bel on ad Ruth TowsaUsd .,Kel Wagner MW Swk. 10à ,5. Fr" ek &Wsgi BornisB.yaau148». June nid AuxHa<e 191,hm.aiad Bort Janvay 127A .John Crmodei arc idll Kerr l18. Dodos aid Dmn Hou .12 As onaid OhrisAdair =. .Tony Janes aid Fra*i Mackey l118..Pm--ds e-a nid MM@. Jub4y 1103, Thorosa Gogan aid Jolhn Havtis 17.5- Advertisement Vctoriville means LOCATION! LOCATION!1 LOCATION! What better location for a majestic Victorian neighbourhood than nestled amongst 200 year old trees in the heart of olde downtown Wihitby? The entire area adj oining.Victoriaville has been dedicated to the preservation of a natural habitat. There are trails, a creek, and trees that will continue to play host to oui bird. population. Victoriaville homes boast gorgeous and spectacular views in all directions. Some look out over the expansive green area, while others wake up ini the morning to the lush putting greens and lawn bowling greens. Visitors- to Victoriaville will be stunned at the - - authentically inspired detail of the community. An -exclusive divided gate with a classic Victorian wood English style lamps provide spot neighbourhood stop and sit a while at one of three Victorian 'gazebos. Ground level garden bungalow style -homes feature generous, landscaped front yards for exclusive use. Inside, you'l 'find a wealth, of distinguished features are standard to Victoriaville but would be upgrades in many other homes. Prom the hand-crafted finishinig details and the energy conservation highlights, it is obvious from both the, inside and out that these are homes.where quality shines through in every feature. Information-is available by calling (905) 666-0255 or by dropping by the spectacular model home in the A&P Plaza across from Walmart or McDonalds Thickson South of Hwy' on Road, 2.' .1JI.1~L~~~' Take a stroîl through the lavish landscaped grounds; ~~k-> iew WoIrks We brew for you - no extra charge INC. (you just add thie yeast) Brew beer for as Iow as $11.50 per case of 24 reg. botties.* Make wine, for as low as $2.75 per 750m1 bottie. ~' Introducing...wine coolers and, sparkling wunes. Make them. now in time for the warmer weather! ---~TR OUR - NEW - -- --- - - -- - - -- - ......... ..... .... .......... ......... ........ ..... ..... . .. ......... ...... .. ..... ........ .. . . .... . ..... ........... ........ ...................... ........ ... ....................... ,ým=mmmffl=ffl=m 1) W'.a W~HM. 2 B Dundais SI.E. Gi C oome SI. E. T E S E 666- 5599 D nS..--N 110 Dunlop Street East FamiIy'Pack (Halibut) 18.9 inctudes 4 Fish & 3 Chips 3 . & Large Coleslaw Family'Pack (Haddock)169 $2.OO OFF includes 4 Fish & 3 Chips &Large Coleslaw Party Pack. (Halibut) 2.9 includes 6 Fish & 4 Chips 2 39 Party Pack (Haddock,23 9 includes 6 Fish & 4 Chips239 '4 Id i i 4' f u