Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1995, p. 30

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page 3o, Whitby Free Press, Wednosday, May 17. 1995 Pott-inger' S 2TDs lead Roughriders The third year of atom bouse league football started last Saturday morning at Civic. Fields in Oshawa. The league consists of boys aged 10 ta, 12 residing in the Whiitby and Oshawa areas, but some travel froin as far away as Cobourg. In tbe first gaine, Rougbriders beat Stampeders 12-0. Late in the first haif, Jason Pottinger went off-tackle, breaking . several tacides, before scampering for a 35-yard tauchdown. Stampeders thon took over the bail after the kickoff only to have Pottinger recover a fumble, returning it 45 yards for bis second taucbdown and all the scoring that Roughriders needed. Stampeders carne back in the second baif with some big plays of their own wben Bilan Sand broke several tackles and took off for 60 yards before being hauled down by Pottinger on the 20-yard lino. A few piays later, quarterback Rob Laba made a nice fake thon kept the bal bimself, sweeping around the right side before being stopped inside the five-yard lino. But the drive ended there, as Roughriders camne up big, stopping Starnps on four plays. Matt Therrien made several key tackles for Staznps, wbible at the other end Roughrider halfback Danny Crabb rushed for over 100 yards and quarterback Scott McWilliarn bit Michael Griffoni with a 15-yard pass. In the second contest of the day, Argos and- Lions were deadiocked at 7-7 at the haif. But it was ail Argos in the second haif as they went on to beat Lions 26-7. Lions opened the scoring when Mike Simonetta cracked over the miiddle froin two yards out, thon quarterback Jamie Watson bit Shane Holiday with a pass for the one-point convert to give Lions an early 7-0 iead. Argos tied the score on a 30-yard run by David Norman thon quarterback Andrew Boumns ran in the one-point eonvert. In the second half, Jonathan Trendos scored on a on e-yard dive and a 20-yard run ta add two more tauchdowns while Boumns had a one-yard quarterback sneak and Jonathon Samnson scored a one-point convert on a reverse. Boums aiso completed a 35-yard pass to Kevin Roach. Lions were not without their stars either as quarterback Watson bit J.P. Pisani with a 20-yard pass and Hoiliday with a 25-yard pass. The bit of the day went ta Lions rookie Eamon> Sommervilie who bit Argos veteran running back Norman with an excellent tackle at the one-yard lino, preventing Norman froin scoring. The teame resume play on Tbursday night at Civic Field in Oshawa. There are stili a few openings for players. For information, cali AI Crabb at 404-0197 or Steve Henry at 430-1645. Sc.oreless game in peewee football The first gaines in Hawlceyes football for peewees (boys aged 13 and 14) were played Saturday afternoon at Civic Fields in Oshawa. After two years of success with the atoin prograni, Hawkeyes decided ta start up a peewee division this -season. In the first gaine, Lions took it to Argos 14-0. Justin Vorgpranchang scored the first touchdown on a 15-yard sweep and Alex Forsythe ran off-tackle up the middle for 10 yards for the second. Erie Neshevich kicked a two-pint convert ta round out the scorrng. The synaler Argos piayed tough on defence but were not able ta capitalize offensively. In the second gaine, Stampeders and Roughriders piaýyed the entire 60 minutes wtotscoring. The next gaine for peewees is tanight (Wednesday) at Civic Field in Oshawa. There are still a few spots availabie. For more information, contact Obris at 728-0871. volieybali at the, college The Durham CoUl l aetic dearmetjeopnigoutdoor Lpendbah vlly= l courts adacent te, the main entrazice to the athletic complex, just eouth of t-hàaeuoutdoor tnnis fcapiliies. Registrfaon for ail leagues (includes access to fitness centre and shower facilities) is underway. JIM BISHOP directs Whitby Warriors to a 14-8, win over Peterborough Javelins in Warriors' home opener lasi week at Iro- quois Park in. junior A lacrosse. The MW 2 Dadd àoSer Sadi Poche" a3 Zmih Raehslsa2 Madt SOINs WhkbyFre Pros BrionJohnotan Juain Aàkon Jae's Pizzeria Ormu MoCulough 2 Pari Bw. jasonchatrer Wnitby coach is emphfasizing the fast break style for his team and iR was an effective strategy against Javelins. Photo bY Mark Reesor. Whltby Free Press On Saturday,- the Whitby players to get bits- off the two innings,4 allowing four rune minor mosquito basebali teain powerful Pickering pitchers. on only one hit, wi th ,one tied Pickering 6-6 ini their second But to make up for the quiet strikeout. Jason Gordon 'and Grog pre-season gaine. - bats, Whitby set Jeif Freeman Wiliams each pitched one inning, The slow pace of the gaine loose on the base paths .- ho stole allowing no runs and striking out caused officiais to end the gaine five bases and scored two runs. one each. after six innings, due to the Kyle Branson pitched the first maxmimum two-hour ture siot. two innings, allowing only one The rematch between the two Andrew Braithwaite and Scott mun on eight bits., sftriking out teanis is tonight (Wednesday) at Bird were the only two Whitby one. Derek Junkin threw the, next Pool Park. Whitby mnor house league lacrosse BANTAM/IUGET May 12 Dur. Reg. Police 4 Ryan 5.11. 2 Corey Roed Adam MoLean Whit. Pro. Flrdilght. Rlobert White 2 Brandon GlIbon Mt MeKay Canadian Tire Trvie Mler3 Grog Peoad Brookn Opllmlols Chuck COIS. 3 Gary Gould May 1D P&~r Workes Sammwy Scheoprs 2 Mark Uwn Whltby Optimst. O 4 Osh. Central Lions1 Garrett Richard 3 Mil. Semeniuk Dorakt Lndsay 4 Power Workars Christopher Mine 2 JennifeCosldy Mark Unwin 4 Ilt Remax Raky Arron Wilson Eric Koore Jeli Jackson Osh. Central Lions ô Mil. Soemeiuk2 Garrott Rihard David Mercor Mil. Sauter Canadien Tire 8 BrooldinOpkWots 3 TrarIMIr 3 Grog Pamook Jason Modofros Jim oinson mark Wheelsr Kyl Chartier Dur. Reg. Polo. Ryon Salis 4 Coroy Reod 2 AdorriMoan MarceIlggiu WhI. Pro. Firoight. 6 Brandon Gbson 3 MoÉt McKay2 Stophari. LnkWor May 6 Rmax Firut Realy 2 Arron Wlmon Erie K... Powsr Worl.u, Barr Bahoprs2 Bo&by BahdtI Chtck Colm 2 Gary Gorid 19W Remax RemIy Ede Koer Jeresmy Fisher Loo Sllvertham Whâby Optimriste Shannon Philps2 M.1thow Macaennon 2 Andrsu Mueller Ryan Crochi Kolh Dosworth 0mb. Central Lions 7 Mil. Sonioinro 3 Mil. BaLSer 2 David Moroo SporEermmo 4 Whitby Optimide AndrksvMulIr 2 Shannon Philips 2 Whit. Pro. flrollght. 6 Brandon GlRoon4 Mil. McCrory Matt McKw Canadlar Tire Jason Cail May 3 CanariariTire Michael Jobriston 3 Grog Poacdc2 Kyle Chaztoor mark VWhoo Cary Rood 3 Adam McLeam 3 Ryan Salie 2 Ian Whit 2 Socit liche Chr Eule 2 Richard ioka Chrlstophor Miii. Botdby Sobft Broldin Optkilsts Mi. Sulivari 2 Chuk olos Gary God Scott Hae lmi White 2 Koth Brown Ryan Salle Adam McL.an other amrr not aval")le 7 Whit. Pro. Fireight. 5 Brandon Gibso3 Mil. McCrory Matt Mcl<ay U4 BraokIn Optknlsts O %. RonxFkt ReMy Jerny F"so Shnnoin Philpo Leo Slvrtham Bob kMflrido Ereoordon *NOR NOVICE May 6 CROS San Crshloy3, Kyle Douglas 2 Crm aspd Mmthow avais 2 Athn oi2 R Frondo, Cnibo Mon shak ChrsWood3 Anrow Dymnt 2 Jlrrd Pravenzano "PhiI Maîhano Tadd Colins Jay Singler ChroohorBayas Andow Farna 4 Konnoh leHnry 4 mchalm Coto2 Brandlon Baldoso K"vinBath. Crow spors ChrlsWoad2 Anàow Faric2 Arokow Dyrnont 2 Aex HmWnd.m2 t.- 5 DIS kisure 2 7 Oalcwood Mechancal 4 Bobby Scof t2< Adamr il 16 BraoMnln KinenS Nick Carun 2 KY$ Cwdano 13 Oakwood Mochauca Malt WIks 4 Adun Berd Dorrick sanie 5 CR08 4 JashuaO'Dea2 UMIhow Asli (W wsoowmknowO euumiffl Trevor Nsjbor MlieBflUch2 TrevorJackson 2 Jarea ESh P&Ai Bruo Mat Hortan 4 OdufirDodg. Janlo Jawsld"2 Tim IHUMey Bnoan Nuh Davd Cole Ryan Ford DaylHwst (lm toorourmunsd) MAJOR TYKE May 2 Jutin Fm4 Deick G Bi wood Brao Cory LUsh.w2 5 LeacomnConsuking Daiyl Richad 3 Brion Gnsa« AdamrWi son i1 Rodmon Aurrvii Anifreer Dnyer StumenEtbenington J" Leni Whity raphy Hom..2 0 O 00M Sarts 2 0 O BrooliKfrmsn 1 1 O CR08 1 1 O Oskwood Mecharilo 0 O2 O DlSIrmoeric. O 2 0 MAJOR NOVICE BroaingIsKGA, Rynrabdc2 8 Ksvfrr Lomax Ian Stewart Dr. PongsSBramoe 7 MichaelHeu4 C. Vonochechoiz 3 Dr. Ponges Braos 9 C. VonEschschokz 4 ChreHoa 2 5 Pani Barrett 2 Brenny BOSS Amloy Constnxi in B M MiheMKenzie 2 3 Kyle O'Brien 2 Brendan l-uey 2 Doen Brick Ryan Long 5 Ashloy Constructim Bronn a ey DoeersBrick DouglaS Myles Whâby Optimise BrookiPningle K3A Craig McDonaid Whrtby Optimistss MlieHaley 2 Matt Doherty Brad Taschuk j Juior world Of golf Satwrdy, MayS0- Kdon Dlse Golf Club Ago 10, il & 1 Flayod 0 halos M t Brn.Don Grass 53 2nd Jay Hrin Grass 56 3rd Davd Bralhorhaad Grass 65 Aue la layod 1B halos 19 PaulGosnlh Grass 88 2nd Brlm WdtfCc Gruss 99 3d Kevin Tanor Grass Me Age 14 Payd 1Ehalos id Androe NidilI Grass 84 2nd DavidCMent Grass 86 3d Jsan Turldngton Graus 88 Ag*e15 Flayd 1B halos bt Mchael Varty Grass 96 2nd Rlym Pemx>ck Grass 1M 3rd Mon iNeon Gross 103 Age 15 md 17 FIayed 1B halos lot Dan Ficica Grass 90 2nd Roab Milwrd Grass 97 3d Troy Joalns Grass 1)3 The top two fiishor in tho agedd14 ta 17 groupesvwfl idvnce, ta the Cerirai Oriaaio cbuiqloshp ta, ho pW»e t the Cheda Gofftk*Ckiuik"ko. Whkby Optkniste 5 Osh.Cerirel ions PatriolVinoont2 Tam MUacthur Mua VWnori 2 ponco Canioon MafthsM acLonon DwrokUndsy DovmMuMono UDGETIJUMOR

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