Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1995, p. 36

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pope 36, Whttby Free Press, Wednesday, May 17, 1995 .................N......... WHITBY, NON-SMOKER 'use of facitities, $3501mo. Cai 666-8388 before 9pm. MATURE, WORKING women f0 share executive townhouse in quiet Whitby neighborhiood. Non-smoker, no pets. Parking availabie. $500 per month ail inclusive. Calil 905-666-4018. ROOMMATE WANTED to0 share 4 bedroomn home. Parking & laundry facilities availabie. $3501mo. + utilities. Cail 666-3550, leave message. .R ....... M . EU..... BROOKLIN- 2 largqe bedsitting rooms, 1 with private ktchen, share bath, can be fumished. Available cow. In quiet area, close f0 shopping. Cati 655-5539. QUIET PLACE FOR MATURE adult. NO DRUGS/NO PETS. Kitchen & laundry facitities, pnivate entrance, cabie, air, near ait amenities. First/last week. 430-0404. IAX YOUR AD 668-0594. WHITBY, 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. avait. June 1sf. Rent $565 & $6401mo. Fridge, stove & parking for I car inctuded. Phone 430-0959 or 723- 2857. WVHITBY CLEAN & QUIEI main floor bachetor apf. cenirally ilocafed & close f0 ail amenifies. Suitable for single, working person, non-smoker, $490/mo. ail inclusive. Avaitable June 1/95. Cati 668-3011 days or 668-6818 evenings& weekends. 1 BEDROOM APT. 806 Brock St. N. Suitable for a single person. Available imnmediateiy e480/mo. ail écclusive. First & lasf. Lasf month .egotiabte. For info cali 623-4782 or 655-0321 after 6:00 pm. IELDERLY COUPLE IS LOOKîNG te rent a 2 bdrm. or 1 large bdrm. aPt. Must be a clean, quiet, aduit building with no kids or pets, in the W/hitby area, with apptiances. Please repiy to Box 10022, c/o the Whitby F ree Press, Box 206, Whiiby, Ont. LI N 5S1. JULY 1lsf - I bedroom basement P t. with waikout on Harris Crf. 070/mo. including utiiities& applianoes. Ron Barsi 436-0990. APARTMVENT WANTED: 2 bedroom/large I bedroomn in the IRosslandIAndersonIThomton area. V/e are non-smokers with references. Au gusf/Sept. occupancy desired. 436-8619. BRAND NEW BUILDING, 1 Iedroom a pt., $61 0/mo. inclusive. CatI 427-8677. NORTH 0F OSHAWA CENTRE, very quiet, clean 2 bedroom apt., $655mo. Cati 428-7677. MASONIC HALL,, 203 Cochrane St., avaitabte for banquets, weddings and other occasions. Caterngq avaitabte. For more informa tion ieave message af 668-0776 , ý4 hrs. WHITBY - Queens Common executive 2700 sq. fi A-I area, 4 bedrooms, avaitabte Âug. 1195 @ $2000Imo. Cati Barrie Lennox, Re/Max Summit Reaity 668-3800. RENT WHEN YOU CAN own?? If you pay $950 per month rent YOU CAN OWN YOUR OWN 3 BEDROOM HOMEII With a $6500 downpayment (sometimes tess) SEMIS TO WN HOUSES LNKS AND DETACHED AVAILAéLEI Cai Carol Chantier Sales Re p Re/Max Summit for detaiis 668-3800. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset BIvd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) *3 Bedrooms S11I2 Baths *5 Appliances *Central Air *Garage *Paved Driveway *3 Modeis *On Site Management *Easy Access to "Go" *Rents Start at $1,041 per month 668-1389 K.C. McCaii Properfy Management 666-5794 e 924-1100 DOWVNTOVN VWHITBY- Brock St. frontage. approx. 2,000 sq.ff. Long termn lease. 668-1468, 9am f0 Spm. POWER 0F SALE - $29,900, 11 acres wMthpnd on year round road, Sunderland. Tem*flc Wiby link with garage, bargain price, $149,900, 3 bedrooms, whidrpool tub, grmat rec room with gas firepla andi walkout f0 IG pool. Cati usan or Jim Trudeau,- Sales Rtps.Re/Max Summit Reaity (19è1) Ltd. 668-3800. I..... .....A.E . MORTGAG ES & LOANS L$ *lst &2nd e Lines of Credit e BEST RATES Frank Caliahan 571-2880 After hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding Icn LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding. Spring clean-ups. Renovations o1f gard ens, rock gardens, piantinq, firewood. Dut chwa Landscaping. (905) 649-3183 CLASSIC LANOSCAPE DESIGN. Speciatize in design onty. Garden desi.ns ~ait l es, ponds, inteiôcing deks. op bliatinf0 oucking, ateial.0 Cal](905) gê-62. Homeowners To receive complete lawn care programs frorn WEED BUSTERS EÀ:IKCLÀ1:1 loi TREE CUTIING& TRIMMING, pruningsapung, selective branch cut in, ree removat. Free estimates, futly insured. 433-7140 or 430-4622. Pager 721-7304. SPANKY'S PROPERTY Maintenance. Residenfiai and commercial iawn maintenance, aerations, dethafching sodding, fopsoil delivery, rubbisfi removai, tree & brush removai. Cali Jim at 905-668-6803. Please teave message. DO VOUR own landscapinq - blue s pruce 6'-7T $70; birch singles - ctumps $35; bnidle wreath liiac and mock orange $5. Cati 659-8088. PRUNED NURSERY stock, 3-4' e,uce, 2 ec icuding detivery. INTERLOCKING BRICK driveways, walkways, patios, retaining watts, steps, repairs & sealing. Cati Brickscape fic. for a free eslimate (905) 668-2742. Best pnice aroundi BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. Government aid, assistance, grants and boans money availabte for your new or existing business. Cati 1-800-915-3615. CAREER,,TRAîNING LEARN AUCTIONEERING aI the Southwestern School of Auctioneer- ing. Next Classes: AUGUST19-25; NOVEMBER 18-24. Contact: Southwestern Ontario Schoot of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N45 7V9. (519) 537-211 5. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... and write for money and pleasure white Iearning how. You gel individ- ual tuition from professional writers on ail aspects of writing - romances, short stories, radio and TV scripts, articles and chitdren's stories. Write, cati or*fax today for our FREE BOOK, "How To Be A Successfut Writer". Toit Free 1-800-267-1829, Fax: 1-613-749-9551, The Writing Schoot, 38 McArthur Ave., Suite 2330, Ottawa, Ontario Ki L 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Vancouver offers correspondence courses for the Certificate of Coun- setting studies 10 begin May 30. For brochure phone: 1-800-665-7044. MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Train, upgrade or retire in a powerfut new profession. Become a certified Mas- ter Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist. Free information package. Alandet Schoot & Ctinic 1-800-661-2099. EMPLOYMENT.OPPS. MARINE MECHANIC. Experience required. To start immediatety at wett estabtished deatership. Boat Mart (Red Deer) Ltd., Aberta, 403- 342-7015. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agri. cultural experience 10 ive/work with famiIy in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan. Cosîs/detaits - 1- 800-263-1827. #206, 1501 - 17 Ave., S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. SALES HELP WANTEID $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money seîting chocotate bars NEW $2.00 PROD- UCTS. Nothing f0 pay in advance. Fast detivery 1-800-383-3589. LLAMAS (Legacy Cîassic Sale VIII). 64 Ilamas being sold by auction. June 10/95, Westerner Exposition Fairgrounds, Red Deer, Alberta. Cati (403) 346-3148 for details or cata- logue.1 LLAMAS,.OSTRICHES,- boer goals, etc.. Çanada's ontyl Alternative lîve- stock directory. 1000's of listings, onty $7.95. CatI 403-346-3356 or fax us 403-347-6620 for your copy today. PAY. TELEPHONE SERVI CES (*A cost will be incurred.) LIVE PSYCHICS! Genuine Canadi- an Psychics tell ail. Past, Present, Future reveated. Romance, Weatth, Career. Live and personal. 1-900- 451-3778. innervision Crystat Con- nection. $2.99/min .,184., 1-on-1, 24 hrs. TAKE CHARGE 0F YQUR LIFE! Invest ln your futuret Cati 1-900- 451-3297 Ext. 177. Day or Nightl A tive, trained psychic reveals every- thing about your past, present and future! (Our Psychics OUTPER- FORM the competition!) Quati1tyl There's simpty no substitute! *Tarot Cards *Horoscopes * Dream Inter- pretations. GIVE YQUR LIFE A "FACELIFTI" KNOWLEDGE IS EMPOWERING! ($3.99/Min. 18+ Onty, Touch Tone Qnty. Infoser- vices, Studio City, CA (213) 993- 3366. PERSONALS WHEN LIFE BECOMES a baIlle ground, your MIND is your best weapon. Buy and Read DIANET- OCS: The Modern Science of Mental Heatth, by L. Ron Hubbard, $39.59. Cati 1-800-561-5808. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'tI take il! Ameni- cas targest, oldest resale ctearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. CatI 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS THE LAST BUILDING you'tl ever need. Future Steel, the recognized leader in affordabte, top quatity, arch-styte structures. For Value, Service, tntegrity cati '1-800-668- 8653. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - ~'~cfth MAGNUM series of buildings, Straightwait wood/steet and aIt/steet buildings, Arenas, Stables, Work- shops, Barns, Etc. Contracting and Financing Availabte, 24 hours 1- 800-561-2200. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! Quonset buildings ... High sidewalls. Spring sale. 25x34 $2,669.00. 30x42 $3,954.00. 35x54 $6,998.00. 42x66 $8,888.00. 47x80 $11,844.00. 52x90 $17,838.00. Ends optionat. Pioneer 1-800-6Q8-5422. Itft AffordabIe e Itk Fast e* fEasy * On. Bil! DoeIt Ai *Northern Ontario $63 - Eastern Ontario $91 eWestern Ontario $162 e Central Ontario $168 e Ail Ontario $380 *National Packages Available Cali this paper for details! "wCROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To meach a wker marker, ad~Vetse thwughout ah. eglonal membersh/p oftMe Ontarfo and Canadian Communll>' Newspapeir A ssocaadona. [~eCentral Ontario 50 newspapers - $168 for 25 words Alit Ontario 178 Newspapers - $380 for 25 words *Alil Canada 503ln.wspap.rs - $1,183 for 25 words For furt lut Information plus, calithe wWhtby r,.Pru. Ctuu.ftsu-*6684i11 CLASSI FI'ýE-D MARKETPLAýCE "Advertise A cross Ontario orAcross the Country. What's Black And White And Read Al Over Town? The Classifieds, of course. That's where everyone goes when they're in the market for just about anything at att. t's the place t0 find a great bargain, scout out a new job, look for a new car or home... and when you have something to setI or a service 10 offer, Ctassifieds are the place to gel fast results! You can't go wrong with the Ctassifieds! TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL 1668-6111

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