Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1995, p. 38

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Page 38, Whltby Free Press, Wednosday, May 17, 1995 Whitby Free Press - 668-611il Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm Fax 668-0594 AUCTION SALE SIUNDAY, MAY 2lst, 11:OOam ( viewing 10:00) AGRI ULTU RE BUILDING, Orona Fairgrounds Take 115135 hwy ta, Main St., Orono & foliow signs ta fairgrounds This Sunday's auction features a quaiyseIection of articles from the past to present, partial list includes sideboard, stacking bookcase, cupbaards chests of drawers, misc. tables (kitchen, Eastlake, wicker, etc), Eastiake loveseat & chair wicker settee & chair, chairs & rockers mission style swag lamp, crocks 'à jugs (blue flowered), named milk bailles & cans, goidi pocket watch, aid dock, old dails, post cards, aid coin & jewellery (silver & goîd), limited edition, decorative & aid pictures, ail lamps, sterling silver (tea set, sait & peppers, pos etc.), cast iran awn umiture, computer desk, beds, quaîity selectian of glass & china Flow B lue, Limoge,. Wedgewood, Moorcroft vase, Hummeli & cranberry etc., I lhp riding lawnmower, gas pushmower, chain saw, bikes, aid tools, plus many more rare, unique& useful artic[es. Came early & brawse& take advantage of this excellent offering for aur holiday weekend sale. Cail for ail y aur auction needs MacGREGOR & WEST AUICTIONS Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 AUCTION SALE THURS., MAY lSth et 6:OGpm 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby COMPUTERS, FURNITURE ORIENTAL POTTERY Having received instructions from secured creditor we are clearng computers & accessones including: Toshiba 1710 phot ooier colour scanner, Gniom7080EClazer printer, 486 DX50 DC ROM 17" SVGA monitor 386 DX40 VGA, Macintosh Pd, Apple printer, Dnatek 45MB~ 2 office chairs, rorm, approx. $50,000 of griental pottery, dlocks, screens, new tools, washer & dryer, pump organ, imited edition puints, pine cannonball bed,* 3 new bedroom suites, dining room suites bow front china cab, used chesterields, Lazy oy chairs, new toys, oak desk, loeseats, Oak raiiing, microwave, wood briquets, Panasonic combo 12" TV & VCR, new chesterfields, plIus many other articles, note time: 6 pm. Good sae - plan ta attend, large collection of Oriental articles. Viewin g Thurs. from lpm. Ternis: cash, Vsa, MIC, & debit card. McLEAN AUCTION& LIQUIDATIONS 905-686-3291 or 905-432-2836 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, MAY 19 at 5:3Opm 3 miles east of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 The property of MR. & MRS. BYRON LOBLAW of Lindsay plus others - 6 walnut balloon back chairs, walnut dining extension table, 3 pc. mahagany bedroom suite, walnul sideboard modem cunio cabinet, chesterfield, loveseat & matching chairs, Hitachi portable colour TV, modem chest 0f drawers, GE24 in. electnic stave, wicker sewinç basket, automatic washer & dryer, browri occasional chair, 2 French Provincial captains beds, WV3170A Panasonic video camera witl tri pod, Admirai side b y side refrigeratorlfreezer, vialin, table & fior]amps, aak & cherry lumber,3 h p. srayer, parlour tables, antique ctof drawers, John Deere farm toys, 2 door refnigerators, 30 in. eletri stvechina cabinets, 12 hp, 38 in Cut Turf Trac riding lawnmawer, qty. brass & copper items, aid tin toys, plus a quantity of china,. glass, hausehold & collectable items. Shannon Maracle SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL This pat week at Sinclair hasn been a busy one. With the official school opening right araund the corner, excitement has filled the- air. Besicles the nurnerous rehearsals and planning, there have been décorations showing up ail over the school to prepare for the tours that will take place tomorrow (Thursday) evening. Ail of our sport teama had excellent turnouts in ail of their gaines. The girls' soccer team dlestroyed Port Perry 8-0. The shutout was madle possible by aur gýIltenders Sama Walker and The midget boys? rugby team tdefeated Sir John A. Macdonald lest Saturday in the Port Periy invitatianal taurnament. The junior boys' baseball teain defeated Central in their first gaine last week; excellent job from allOf our players. Just a reminder ta aill of aur athletes -- the athletie banquet is in the planning stages. Keep readingyto 3 ind ont where and when t u Làyour tickets. i r f DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1 Little Bnitain 705-786-2183 ï- A For ail interested Grade 9 students, there 'will be a 'Medieval Turnes' presentation an Wednesda:y, June 7. See Ms. Selby as aoon as possible. The cost is $25. There will be a trip ta see a Blue Jaya gaine, also open toa ah interested Grade 9 students. See Mr. Walters if yau are interested, Lest week there was a very interesting workshop on making your own hair accessories, $1 each. We're hoping for a repeat session. Sailing at the Whitby Yacht Club lias begun. Goad luck toa ai those aut in the waves. Just a reminder that ail sesss with Miss Warren on" Wednesday, May 24 have been cancelled. Tickets for the semi-formal year-end dance wil be on sae soon. The cost of these tickets are $7 per persan or $12 per couple- Details will follow soon. The trip ta, see « Joseýh' on Wednesday, June 7 is right around the corner. There are five seats still available. See Mrs. Cafter ini the resaurce centre if. you are interested. A 'computer «nW sparts' camp will be here this summer.'There wil be three ane-week sessions affered. Campers will have the apportunity to, use the Sinclair network and athletic facilities. The camps will run froin July 10-14, 17-21 and 24-28.Ea9U camp will run-froin 9 a.m. ta 3:30 p.m., Monday ta FPriday. If yau are interested, contact Warren Palmer at 666-5400 (ext. 512) te, reserve your sport or ta, receive further information. Space is limited. Accident to drive homne a message Henry Students Against Impaired Driving wiil hold a mack car accident in front of the schoal an Thursday, May 25, 11:30 a.m. The activity is intended ta show students as well as the conmunth esble conse- The Whitby Free Press is introducing an ail NEW dating column! 1-800-853-6445 Ext 4 7 to place yo ur FREE P îç voice ad.".pCS r ' oi CALL 1-900-451-4882 Ext. 47 IS only $1.99 per minute. You must'bel18 ço 1 years.or aider'and:.have a',touchtone i >.S~Y) hphone ta use this, service. > < -To respond or browse ads.. POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP 1 SSWF, 34, s4, l2lbs., long blonde hair, hazel ey as, four children, neyer1 marred, seeka SBM, 35-45, possible1 infrfriands first. Toronto ares. STOP READING HERE SWF, 20, mon of one, enjoys having SINGLE PARENT fun, poing out, famnilyimes, ouldoors, SWF, 25, two children, many intereats, dancing, seeking SWM, 22+, no heav easginqdown 10 earth, employed, drinkers/smokers, musI love ch idren. sea ing S M, 38-40, similar qualifies, Whitby ares. Adi 784 Mssssuga ares. Adi 7838 GENTLEMAN WANTED SEEKING FRIENOSHIP SWF, 33, seeka down to earth, hon- SWF, 19, 54, ll2lbs., enjoys star- est, SWM, 29-41, for lastinig reletion- native music, seeking essygoing, hon- ship, possible romance. Oshawa ares. est- SWM, nolhing serious, lust hsng- Adi 2390 ing out, concerts, more. Oshawa ares. Ad# 6362 WELL EDUCATED SWF, 39, s6, no children, vegetaffan, POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP environmenîalisî, enjoys runnig SWF, 47, 57", slim, looking for tall, mountain bikîng, ski, kayaking, travel SWM, 40-50, Lr, honest, intelli- reading, seeking SWM, to share inter: gent. Whitby are. Adi 4242 esfs. Oshawa ares. Ad# 9148 CALL ME OUTDOOR MUT SWF, 38, love and interest for Ie, hon- SWF, 40, 1481bs., loves Illfe, horses, est. affecionste, strong family and golfing, basting, beaches, basebsîl social values, seeks SWM, 35-45. holding handa, theatre, dining out: Whitby are. Adi 7892 seaits SWM, 40-55, with common in- ENJOYS FUN teresta. Whiby ares. Adi# 5122 SWF, 33, seeka sincere, honest, SWM, GOOD MAN WANTED 30-41. for frendship, possible long1 SWF, 47, enjoys Ita, fun, leughter ro- term relsiionship. Oshawa ares. manice, camping, children, dancing, Adi 2360 seeka special SWM, t0 share good LOVELY LADY tres.Toronlo ares. Adi 1768 SBF, 55, 5,, 3lbs., professional, STILL SEARCH-ING seeka young aI heart, SM. 45-50, any SWF,32,enics dncig, gingouirace, C3od fearing, for possible relation- good imes, seeka outgoing, SW ,36-ship. Toronto are. Adi 6272 40, 10 share intereats. Oshawsa aea. SEEKS FRîEND Adi 1800 SWF, 49, seeks SWM, 45-60, for tale- HEY LADIES phone llks.Toronto are. Adi 7783 GBF. 27, spontaneous, seeka GF, 18- TALL BEAUTY 31, for friendship, gong out. maybe SWF, 18. 511% modal, enoys mov- more. Whiby ares. Adi 3903 aes, seeking SWM, 18-25, 66+, for ~ ALANfriendship, possible reiationship.1 SWF, 29, 5'3, i 8ibs., 1N/S,.log.u.y% Wit res Ai 97 dark hair, brown eyes, attractive, seek- DARK MAN WANTED - ing attractive, SWM, 5,1 0'.6, 27-33, swF, 24. s'r. l2lbs., brown hair, blue N/S, for friendship possible relalion- eyes, seekîng Jsmaican, Trinadad SM, ship. Toronto ares. Adi 3290) enjoys rasding. dînîng. swimming. moves. Toronto ares. Adi 8645 CALL ME PLEASE . ITIYU SWVF, 45,5s2. l8lbs., enjoys cycing. ISWF29THIS ar lodehargre dancing, teika, waiks, holding handa W,2,52,drkbod ar re cardgame, seka SM, 4-50eyes, son, 10, enjoys pets, shooting cardgams, èeksSWM 4550.pool, ouldoors, horses. Hsrleys. seeka 2llbs., must be bg buift, asme inter- ruggedly handsome, SWM, 33-36, fa- esîs. Toronto area. Adi 7389 ciel hairea plus. 58+, for possible re- SEEKS FRIENDSIIIP iationship. Oshwa are. Adi 9495 SWF, 39, no dependents. vegetanan. COMMUTES TO TORONTO enoys working ouI, swîmming, skiing, DWF, 29, 5'6. 125lbs., brown hair, running, cyclîng, travel, enwironmen- blue eyes, educated. fit, tsnned, mom, talist, seeka SWM, 33-42, for possible romantic, seelong SWM, talte 20s-39, long term reiatonshp. Oshawa ares. long hair a muaI, for reiatîonshlp. Adi# 9248 Toronto ares. Adi 2403 LETS DANCE SWF, Engiish lady, petite, 54, 5'3, red hair, blue eyes, enjoys intermediate batiroom dancing, loves dogs, watks along the beach seeka 10 meel SWM, 50-58. Whllby aras. Adi 3033 WILL CALL BACK SWF, 41, N/S. active, oplimistic, an- joys quiet evenings, movies, music, dancing, seeking N/S, SWM, 45-55, friands f irsI, gond conversationelist a must. Toronto ares. Adi 9826 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34, 556, brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys country music, talking. dancing,. camping, much more, seekîng SWM, 32-45, muat lika children, similar inter- - aata. Oshawa ares. Adi 2208 I'LL GET BACK TO YOU SWF, 30, professional, attractive, long blonde hair, green eyes, enîoys bands, basebaîl,* camping, working out, ouf-- doors, seeka SWM, professional, simi-CRL H9A ler interesta for friendshîp, possible SWF 27, brown hair/eyesejy reationship. Whitby ares. Adi 2324 sothcemve , niout, FRIENDSHIP FIRST staying in. cooking, seeking conversa-1 SWF, young 41, 51, f ult igured, av- tionalis, quick witied,ifunny, SWM, 27- erage, mom, smoker, no bsrs/drugs/ 33, for deep frendshîp, possibiy more. games, enjoys country music, fies Toronto ares. Adi 1080 markets, family tumes, seeks young, funny, sincere, SWM, 35-41, blue STILL. SEARCHING jeans guy, dada wetcome, senious oniy. SWF, 35, N/S, enjoys sports. outdoors, Toronto are. Adi 6937 dancing, seeking SWM. 34-40, for1 THIS5 CAN WORK companionship, friendship, relation- SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, movies, ship. Toronto are. Adi 8889 animais, sports, ouldoors, lesrning, YOUNG AT HEART seeking SGF, sny ae, with sîmilar in- SWF, 41, 51V, mom, average, fuit and teresîs, friands firsi, maybe more.cdl soeejymvicap Whity aea. d# 819ing, barbecues, fiee markets, famiiy LETS GROW OLD imes, seéks blue collar/jean, SWM,i Together, SWF, 38, 5'5, 1271bs., et- 37-44, friands first, serious oniy. tractive, brunette, brown eyes, em- Toronto ares. Adi 9386 ployed, down 10 earth, mom of teens, enioys pampering, clsssic rock, Blue WILL CALL BACK jays, blue jeans, heart of gold, seeks SWF, 40, mom of lwo, seeking SWM, SWM. 35-45, uniforms a plus, long 38-43, for friendship, maybe more. haired, esrrings okay. Toronto ares. 'Toronto ares. Adi 3270 Ad# 8949GOOD NATURED WILL CALL BACK GWF, 24, brown hair, blue eyes, easy- SWF. 26.58, 150lbs., long brown hair, going, enoys sports, ouldoors, camp- blue eyes, no kids, employad, enpys îng, country music, seeka GWF, 26- canoeîng. scuba diving, movies, fine 32,- honest, independent, essygoing, wine, dînîng out, seeking SWM, 28-40 10 enjoy sumrmertime wth. Torontc for relationship. Toronto ares. ares. Adi 5430 Adi 9649 MALES ARE VOU IN SIAPE? SWM, 27, 59, 1 ibs.. muscular, dark blonde hair. blue eyes, dlean cul, good ooking, hnesi, romsntic, enjYs out- doors, ongoI, ie e W, 1-30, siîlrinieeas, ostieatitude, frind frs, hibyars.Adi 9368 STILI. SEARCHING SWM, 40, 6, 200lbs., good shape, dark hair, blue eyez, amoker, social drinker, enjoys ouldoors, camping, fishing, hunting, walks, nature, ani- mals, dancing, country music, movies, seeka SF, 18-40, for finendship, maybe more. Whiby ares. Ad 5407 NEW TO AREA SWM, 48,510% brown haïr, blue eyes, N/S, professionsi, funny, enjoys ieach- igtennis, cyciing, ging out,nleaMing, ciidren, seeka SWF, 32-47, lively, energetic, prolessional, for mesning fui relsionship. Whitby ares. Ad 5679 HOPE YOU CALL SWM, 24, enjoys cycling, sports, seek- ing SWF, sny ago, for friendship, pos- sible relationship. Whitby ares. Ad# 9446 ENJOYS SUMMERTIME SWM, 24, 57. l4Obs., excellent shape, enjoys ouldoors, seeks SWF, 18-40, Io share interestsasnd idas. Whitby ares. Ad# 3256 LOVES TO SKI SWM. 45, 6l, igOiba., blond, N/S, casual drinker, enoys ouldoors, boat- ing, gol, iravel, dining out, dancing, aeelong N/S, SF, 22-45, flot afraid to lry hings. Whitby ares. Ad 2589 ANYTIIING'S POSSIBLE SWM, 23. 56, I3Obs., dirty blond haîr, blue eyes, enjoys bars, camping. hockey, dancing, movies, sports, quiet limes, seeks SWF, 19-23. Oshawa area. Ad# 3489 ROBIN HOOD SWM, 40; 6, 200ibs., good shape, employed, home owner, enjoys hunt- ing, flshing, campingy, dancing, coun- try music, seelong Msid Marion, SWVF 18-40, to shara inleresîs. Oshawa ares. Ad# 5507 VERY ACTIVE SWM, 25, 5", 180BObs., brown curty hair, blue eyea, enjoya ouldoors, cot- tages, camping, fishing, scuba diving, seeking SWF 19-28, wilh lots of an- ergy. Whitby ares. Adi 3526 STILL SEARCHING SWM, 29, black hair, brown eyes, en- joys ouldoors, seeks ouigon, SWF, 18-35. Oshawa ares. Adi 3669' 1VWO WAY STREET SWM, 33, enjoys gving and receiving, seeka csring, SW,1?8-30, friendly, down ta earth, for possible relationship. Whilby ares. Ad# 3641 VERY FRIENDLY SWM, 42, lamher of one gir, l,. enjoy long waiks, dining, home life, seeka SWF, 18-45, for friendshlp, relation- shlp. Oshawa ares. Adi 9467 PLEASE CALL ME SWM, 24, 5'7% 1 351bs., dark hair, blue eyes, construction worker, enjoys dancing, shootiig _pool, loves ro- mance, seeleng SWF, 18-35, for pos- sible reiationship. Whltby ares. Adi 3934 LET's TALK SOON SWM, 30, enjoys outdoors, having fun, seeks speciai SWF, 18-30, for good times. Whitby area. Adir 3741 LEAVE VOUR MESSAGE SWM, 19, brown hair, blue eyes, me- dium build, enjoys sports, dancing, working ouit, seelong SWF, 18-24, simi- far intereats. Oshwa ares. Adi 7512 UKE WHAT YOU HEAR? SWM, 21,5l00'.S1 bs., good listener, easygoing, enjoys country music, quiet limes, movies, seeking honeat, sin- cere, SWF, 19-25, sense of humor a plus, for friendship mayhe relationship. Whitby ares. Adi 9528 SHARE WITII ME SWM, 30,6, brown hair/eyes, proies- sional, enjoys outdoors, travel, moun- tain bilong, seeking honest, different, independent, SWF, 26-30, energetic. open. Oshawa ares. Adi 5932 STOP READING HERE SWM, 55, 58, gray beard, distin- guished. sîncere, handsome, enios walks, cyciing, good food, seeks SWF. 45-55. classy. intelligent, sincere, 10 share lite. iaughs and love. Whitby ares. Ad# 9217 With AutoAdtaking, just use your touchtone phone f0 answer some questions about yourself and the type of person you woutd like to meet. Then record your voice greeting, and welIl transcribe it into a print ad that wiII appear in the Whilby Free Press. Whitby Free Press' Person 10 Person is available for single people seeking relatioriships. Ads containing explicit sexuaf or analomical language wilI flot be published. We reserve the nighl to edit or refuse any ad. Customer servioe 1-800-273-5877. M' Maie W White H Hspanie NC Native Cartadian S Single WW Widowed F Female B Black A Asian C Christian D Divorced N/S Non-smoker MANY INTERESTS SWM, 31, enjoys flshing, canoeing, goltfng, very good cook, seeks SF, 18- 40 for possible reiationshqp. Whitby area. Ad# 9088 CIRCLE THIS AD SWM, 27, 5'l11', brown hair, green myes, enjoys dinlng, movies, casual drinking, long walksldrives, seeks SWF, 25-28, 10 sha re nteresis. Oshawa erea. Ad# 1060 CALL ME SHM, 21, easy going, fun loving, saek- ng SF, any age, tfun and exciting, for fun relationship. Whiiby area. Ad# 3234 DON'T BE SHV SWM, 29,691% reddish/blond hair, blue eyes, enjoys bowling, basebail, jet ski- ing, dining, quiet nights, seeks SWF, 24-35, for friendship f irst. possible re- lationship. Oshawa area. Ad 9212 NOT 700 SURE SWM, 59, quiet, private, retired pro- fessionat, smoker, non-dninker, enjoys simple pleasures, reading, sailing, oil painting, seeks petite, SWF, 45-55, for movies, theatre, dining out, conversa- lion and companionshîp. Oshawa area. Ad# 6104 STILL SEARCHING SWM, 55, protessional, enjoys sports dining, Iheatre, seeks SWF, 50-55, N/ S, llghl drinker. same interesîs, Oshawa area. Ad# 1652 TOTALLY HONEST SWM, 42,5'l1V, lgOlbs.. batding, blue eyes, mustache. enioys fsmty lde, golf, tennis, seeking SWVF, 30-42, for fneand- shp maybe more. Whilby ares. Ad# 3399 DOWN TO EARTH SBM, 31, 5'9, iSOîbs., black hair, brown eyes, professionai, enjoys go- ing out, good limes, seeka fun, SBF, 21-35, f or possible reltionship. Oshawa ares. Ad# 6502 SEEKS LIFE MATE SWM, 39, l7Olbs., brown hair, blua eyes, long-distance truck driver, enjoys #te, long walks, shows, travel, seeka trusling. SWF, 18-35, same interests, for long lerm relationship/marriage. Oshawa ares. Ad# 3780 UNIQUE INTERESTS SWM. 50, 5-', 1561bs.. blonde hair, blue eyes. glasses. lwo daughlers, open, honesl, enjoys dancing. dinners, nature, photography, walking, roman- tic evenings, seeking loving, caning, siender, 40-49, 5'2+, t0 love and pani- per, give and receive. Oshawa ares. Ad# 6953 OHow do 1 etsatd A:.. vou are going lobe"cring yourvolcegreting, beprepared,- speak tolheistWener, describe. yourself ln, e positive, way. -Be' honeal, 'creativa and apecific: about what you are:"oki or. lion 1, you wl be promptedlnan- swer some questions about your- self end the tye ofprsn u wantto meet . tAn eff etveptntad self be lranscribed from your voice greeting whlch wii appearti the paper in 7-10 tisys. Q:, What le an ad number? A: The 4 digit number ai the end of your prinl ad Ihat eshows singles Io cati and reapond 10 your mail- box. 0: What la an accea code? A: Aconfidenîil 4 digit code thal oniy you know. mhal allows oniy you access to your mailboir, 0: What aremeag? A: Voice greetiÏngairom other singles who responded 10 your ad i aenewspaper or lhrough the browse. To listen to your nies. sages for FREE, cai 1-800-853- 6445 Ext. 47 once every 7 days Or 1400-451-4882 Ext. 47 any- lime, ai a charge of $1 .99 par minute. 0: What are ayatem matches? A: Voice greetings from other ad- verlisera sematchîng crite- ris tahe same or similar t0 yours. You cen lîsten 10 yorlr ayatemn matches inently by calling 1. 900-51-8M xt.47. 0: What la Smsart Brawae? A: A speciai fealure thal shlows you Io listen and respond to other voice greetinga malt match mhe cri- teria you select. Cati 1-900451- 4882 Ext. 47. option 2. 0: How dolreapondIo an ad? A: Cati 1-900-786-OM0 Ext. 47, option 1. the system will ask yOu 10 enter the 4 digit ad num-ber ai mhe end of tme print ad. Press 110o respond. Presas 2 10 90 on t0 the next ad. Q: Howdol1cancel or renew an aïf? A. Cati customaer seraceaai 1- 800-273-5877. CALL

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