Russeils are réady for racing By Lsa Gardner On Suday, June 3,9 a.m., Jack Russelle wil begin boundig own a 150-foot track, -chasing a lure. The dograso will have.a fewv new featuresthis year -- séesaws and rampe to test agility, and judging a doe build for conformation. apea family-oriented show...a very popular event,» says Rose Reid, organizer of the show. e!,lle doge are ail ages and so are the handiers. Prizes are an, aseortment of dog food, art work and ribbone. «Even children may show their doge,» says Reid. There will be a noon demonstration, conducted to music by, the Durham Obedience Group, who will bring their own doge <,te the field ineide the track, at the northeast end.m Reid je also hopig media personalities, Peter Worthing- ton and Jane Gilbert will attend te show their doge. Ail entries must be made by May 23. "I ho sS ee a lot of Ainerican representation,» adds Reid who has run races at Windfields Farme for seven yeare For more information call Reid at 655-4541. SALES AGENTS FOR Noma & Snapper Lawn &.Garden Equipment. ALL BRANDS SERVICED Cali Port Perry 985-9528 (colleot) 605 Brook Street North Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 ~-e KITCHENS LTD. Where qualîty and efflcîency make the dîfference Neyer a dîssatîsfîed customer AU Brooklin Spring Fair - May 24/95 i THE FARM STORE AND MORE *Farmn Feed Farm + Fencing Fertilizers *Farm Chemicals & Minerais Live Poultry *Quonset Buildings * Animal Health Produots *Large Selection of Seed & Plants *Pet Food & Supplies + Hardware ToNn d 1734 Hoxton Street, Claremont (905) 649-2112