of Classes. hornecrf exhibitio By ]UsamGaner Caeores hv been added and othesdope or the homecraft show. The caterie this year are: quits and afhankitting and crohetig :ewig, hoU;ehold items andcrfs domestie scienoe, photography, aduit horticulture and domestie science spe- cials. There is a senior section, a junior, section and an aduit section -so everyone can get involved. "Our biggest problem ini the home- craft section is that peple fear they may not be good enouh "But anyone who shows is, good enough ... you've got te have guts 'te show,» ays Maureen Jackson, eha"r of the showis organizing committe.. The competition will be held in the northwest corner of Luther Vipond Memorial Arena. «We don't keep it te just Brook- lin. ..we weboeme everyone,» says Jack- son. For more information, eaul Jackson at 655-4469. heWHIS TLE STOP AT MYRTLE STATION STOP655-3541' Bread Tarts * Cookies HOME MADE BAKING THI GAZOPENOH See our box Plants, hanglng baskets, jams, jellies & honey. Orjust treat the' fa mly to ice cream cones where you get more for you hard earned dollar! HW 193MLS RTSO :SS I eJUA 1 IUEDIVEFO WIB 16 Whitby Free Press