Whitby Free Press, 7 Jun 1995, p. 17

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Whitby Fme Prees, Wectnosd@y, June 7, 1995, Page 17 What they say about the hospital Thae /bllwing are Durham Centre candidates' positions (edited) on the future, rois of 'Whitby General Hospital, as requested by the &ave Our General Hospital citizens' committee. DRUMMOND WRE Health cars la essential té oeir government's re-election carn- paign. I have the ear of the governmont and have corne out etrongly té - ensuro that the Whitby General Hospital remaine a vital conmunity hospital with a range of acut. car. services. As a strong representative, I have actively supported and will continue té prmt the fact that it should romain a firat ciass hospital offering a range of acute cars services té our community. It is to important té hoe put on the chopping block for unroalietie and plausible budget cutting. In. regards té the rocommendations of the Durham Rogioei District HeaIth Councl, I doclaimod tho release of the councills acuto caro etudy. My concern was and stillisi that these rocommendations for a regional hospital ehouid ensmre not only that Whitby General Hospital remains open, but also that it will provide a range of services that includes acute care. Our promise this olection je té, maintain h.alth cars and té, increase funding at the rate cf inflation. The Bob Ras government is comrittod té ; uliMy acuto cars services for 'ty I had the Minister of Hoalth. corne to, Whitby last spigand e.spoko with both tho board of governors and the voiuntersatthe hx*l tho DHC rocommendations, I -spoke to, the ministor at length in hier office and repeatod our loald concerna. I have no roason té suspect, that se will not act upon my, roquesta that the WGH romains, an active cars community* facilityr. If tho Tories were té o, ei.lcted té, power, thefr Durham West candidate, Janet Ecker, couid become the Health Munister. Romember, she was on the acute car committe., and has calIed for the demisecf our local hospital. ALLAN FUBLONG I wiil activeiy support and promote maintaining and unproving Whitby General HOSpital's acute car. and emergency service capabilities. It is my view that the rocommendations of tih. district heaith council acute car. study as they, relate té, the provision of acute car. sud emergency service at Whitby General Hospital should b. immediately set aside until such time as the new Minister cf Health 18 able té, rsview the implications of such draconian measures. I enclose a copy cf a letter from my leader Lyn McLeod in support cf thie position. JIM FLAHERTY I have actively supported Wihitby General Hospital as an acute cars hospital consistently over the years. In . the 1990 provincial election caxnpaign, I urged voters té take into consideration the failuro of tii. Ihoeral goverimnent té keep its promise with espect té funding cf the hospita atr the Whitby conimunity had fulfilled its part cf tho bargain by raising a community contribution locaily. In the euxnmer of 1994, 1 spoke out publicly at the eo-called consultation meeting with the acute care study committe. at St. Matthew the Evangelist Public School. My support has been consistent since tiien, not only pubicly but in my private meetings with hospital officiais both at Whitby General Hospital and Oshawa General Hospital. .1 support the restoration of Whitby General Hospital as an acute cars hospital. Restoration and not simpiy maintenance je necessary because 24-hour emergency acute care services are not offered at Whitby General Hospital and are necessary. Witii respect té the rocominendations of the Durham Region District Health Council concerning Whitby Generai Hospital, they should b. scrapped. Mike Harris and I both agre. that the. recomniendations are flawed. They failed té take into account the nature and scope of the growth of the population of the town of Whitby and the unreasonabie overcrowding pre- sently experienced by the' neighbouring hospitals in Ajax sud Whitby. I have securod a specific commitment from Mike karrs concerning tii. future roi. of Whitby Generai Hospital. The. commitment has been made by our leader twice in Whitby, once when he visited before the election and tiien at the beginning of the election caznpaign. As reported in the Whitby Fr.. Press of May. 3, 1995, Mike Harris has commi*tted that "acut. car. services wil remain a crucial component of' the hospitai." I personally have briefed Mike Harris on this issue twice in detail. I have confidence in commitment juet as he confidence in me sud cornmitment. Premier's wife in Whitby ARLENE PEARLY-RAE toured Durham Colle9e's Whitby campus Thursday at noon. The premiers wife, ýaccom- panied by Durham Centre MPP Drummond White, found the building largely deserted thou9h; the few students who aren't off for the summer wr eatinglunch. ~ rs his; has MY BROOKI Floweir fýest at Burn1S. Church By teve Leahy Once again Burns Presbyterian Church in Ashburn will ho overfiowing with fiowers -- in the window wellh, on the floor sud on the sws. Valentod loca l fower desgners will ho doing their utmst té interpret limes from a hymn sud depict the thems 'God's Creation, Flowers in Praie.' Evsryons is welcome té visit tuis glorius spectacle cf fiowers and scents on Saturday, June 10 froni 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. The $5 charge includes rfreshments. A light lunch je alec availabie for a smal,.xtra charge. A special treat this year is the addition of a prformance by a talented musical quartet. To get té Burns Church, take Hfighway 12 nortii té Brooklin té Myrtis Road, go west te Asiiburn -- the. ciurch is past the. four corners on tiie soutii side. S-PRMNG FAIR FINALE Sad té use it's over, but glad té have It goe, ns, how one w.ary fairgoor put it last Sundaày afternoon. bB7 -timo thanka te the fair sd ail the volunteers who once again make Brooklin a very special place té live. MEADOWCREST NEWS The. Meadowcret School Singera wiil perform at the seniors' luncheon at St. Thomas Church on Wednesday, June 14. On that same day, the Meaowcestkinergrtn, Grade 1 and 2 classes wil partcipate in an exciting outdo (if the. w.ather ho ds) track sud field play day. Coxing up very soon, the Grade 8 class will ho on their graduation trip to Ottawa. Al year the clas has been selling hot dogs té their clasamates té raise the. money for the trip, sud igiit alter Father's Day they'llb. on a big fancy bus té ses the tulips. DERCORATION DAY This Sunday, June 11, the. Independent Order cf Oddfellowe will host the. sunual Docoration Day at Groveside Cemetery in Brooklin.Tii service begins at 2:30 p.m. and evoryono in w.lcome to attend. LACROSSE COMES TO ST. LEO Rick Phillipesu d one of the Broolin Redbmen piayera, John Fusco of Brooklin, téok tixne out of their busy schedulee té introduce the game of lacrosse té, the id at St. Leo over several afternoons in the past couple of we.ks. A mini-tournament for the new lacrosse playera wil ho held on Friday, June .9. The. Canadian Lacrosse Association provided sticks sud balle. NEW SCHOOL NEWS Those iioping for a new elementaiy separate echool to replace su overcrowded St.Le hotter not hoid their breatii. According té Gerry O'Neill, controller cf planning for the. board, a new sud mucii larger echool wil ho built itii. new subdivision but net until the. 1998-99 sciiool year at the earliest. And that date ie dependent on the. developer selln en h homes so that tiie new echool property will ho aervic.d. In the meantimo, it'. portable BUS. TO BILLY GRAHIAM At 71 yeare of age, this may well ho Billy Graham's last visit té the Toronto area. The world fanious evangelist wiil preach at the Skydome ail thie week sud .veryone is welcome. It's free-of-charge -- no ticket Blus transportation froni Brooklin wil ho available for the foilowing days: -- Froni Meadowcrest Baptist Churcii on Fniday, June 9, at 5 p.n., sud on Saturday, June 10, at 9 am. (kids special) and at 5 p.xx. (youtii epecial). Cali Emanual Elizee at 655-4554 té reserve seats for these days. -- Prom Brooklin United Church, Sunday, June il at 2 p.m. Cail Gloria Jackson at fris show at chuirch Thei. Brooklin Horticultural Society will hold the Iris Show on Monday night, June,12 at Burns Presbyterian Ciiurch in Mshburn. For mors information, cal iz , 655-4878 655-3244 bus. or Leslie French at té roserve seats on the BL.9e 2hV'coIlD1O ppawr à t MU ?49or îfdô6896'#(fix) Burns Preshyterian Chureh- 765 Myrtie Rd.W. Ashbum "God's Creation - Flowers in Praise" See our church filled with floral interpretations of favourite hymns. Saturday, Juine lOth loeOO0am -4:Opnu $5.00 includes refreshments & doorpnizes. LIGHT LUNCH AVAILABLE 11:3Oam - 1:OOpm $3.50 Ail floral displays ta be sold by sient auction. FOR TICKETS & FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: Lexi Pettus 655-3463 Margaret Davis 655-4825 Norma Ingeton 655-3434 Church Office 655-8509 M"

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