Whitby Free Press, 7 Jun 1995, p. 1

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Chamber recognizres local' businesses m ove pafdg 3tickets pme Ontarjoo tities. for severa 5 athietes, Muslim gIfroup to run hep page XU 1 centre rwvm rfhe. new entrpreneurs' blue box, income By Mark iteesor Thefts of newspapers froir blue boxes isn't jus3t a Metro Torouito problem;. With paper prices skyrocket- ing, old newspapers have started disappearin~ from Whitby curb- Nordic Crescent resident Robin Ballsays heand some of his W.st "Lynde area neighboursà awoke T. sday mornng '(May 30) to find newspapers missing from thoir blue boxes. BaIl leaved for work aoon after 7 a.m. no he figures the culprit(s) go arouiid "In the early mormn before anybodys up and around. Losnewspap.r to soul means losincome -for the. blue box program snd "ifthe. cost psup, it'. pgo t Ho ýtaxome- wherePBilworries "I cailed the works department and they said 'I don't knfow' and I callod the policoand theysad'I don't know; iW. the.Towu that would have. to go forward with st igdation."' «téa behaviour w. don't r.lyappreciate, thankis vry muhsys Durham Région waste reduction manager Peter Watson. "W. get a lot of people cal- ling ... that are quit. annoyed and we just ask them to b. vigilant sud crile lt un or the area muicalts know if there' somoonie s pn i.pprfo theirreidncs "'lb...poople have taken the time sud efr toyut ail their recyclables out atth curb witii ail the&r neighbours. They fool that envirenmental good sonse of doing the. rigt thing sud thon somoone cornes along sud scoops the croam of the. crop fr-om une them2o Watson notes, though, that «tii. municipality realjy han to catch tiiem (thiovos) in the act and... that mû..s it tough.» The amount of materiai Dur- ham gets fr-om the blue box programin still ucr.aaing - 99.5 por cent ofeqverytiiing roceived is sold to "end-use Î mat, V _,Bo it's hard to say iiow much news- print in boing stolen, says Wat- son. But h'.s tili concerned - bocauso if prices go down, «the scavengers areu't goingto b. tiiero; the. municipal bLe box pormrelies on thie revenue to mak it cost effective." Atlantic Packa ggisoffering $150 a ton (cas) for -old newspa- Lm r., magazines, advertisung 14er, elphnebooks -any ors, whie papoer Die ece pacçkaging - éierod to its Tickson Rod South plant in whithy. SER PAGE 28 Marsh assessment promises maýde By Mike Kowalski Opponents 0f the. Lynde Shores housmng projeet have been pro- mised govorrnmet intervention should eithor M oston party win tomorrow's e *na Candidates for boti tii. Pro- gressive Consorvative and laiberalais i Duim Cehtr e callod for an enviromental sesMou of the massive devel mont Uamed next to the.Io ee.kMa4 Tory hopfun m lahorty sud Lufibera " halngrAllan PFurlong made this ec-mmitrmn Saturdayr when conotod hy memb.rs 0f the Save IOnde Marsh LM citizoWnmmittoo. Botii said their parties would subject the controversial pro- posal to Ontarios Euvironmental Assosiment Act. if either forme the next 9oenet Theïr commenta wero quikly dismissed as cam ae -hetorie by New DemocratMP Drum- moud White sud the. prosident of tiie *rvt compauy iuvolved iu the. joint puhlic-pivate sector in- itiative. White sud Stephen Morrison charged that Flaherty and Pur- long wer. only sekn votes sud that neithor-the. Tories nor Liberals would s.riously cousider delaying the. projeet at this late ~About M dozon placard-waving SLM members, demonstrate outside the. Whitby campaign offices of the. throe candidates Saturday. The proup demanded to know what measure. the parti.. will, now taoe i Ught of last wêék ' Ontario Mun-ci-a Board (0MB) approval ofth[e ievelopment.. OMB hairD.S. Coîbourne gave draft approval to plans 4y he Rose C "->ration sud the Onta reýa ty .Corporation (ORC) for tii. housmg omponent of the projoct onlands east of the m arsh, south of Victoria Street Au estimatod 5,000 poople will eveutually b. lig next to the largoot rmmgwtlsud bet- ween Oiiwasu HMton. A 185-acre industrial park plannod b.y Durham Region ou land uorfii of Victoria Street is also part 0f the. developmout icheme. T he SLM contingent stoppe at Flahortys Byron Street ofice fIrst sud reminded hum of Mike Harris cail for an assossment of tiie projoct when the. Tory leader was in Whitby oarlier. Flaherty .tood by his leaders comnutment. "A ful enviroumiental assess- meut can b. ordered," h. said. «If the. decision is unfavourable theiihei potential for cabinet to overrule tii. 0MB. (Colebourn.'s official ruling setting tiie terms and conditions of*thie zoning bylaws permitting the. devolopmeut il .xpocted t. b. éivri hs week.) Flaherty recalled that former Conservative pre mier Bill Davis, killed the Spadina Expressway proposai in 1971 suad tiiat thé. NDP did thée same ýt. a highway ro mtiHamilton. al e1'hdgone tIrough te etage a ynde .Shores, but cab pt filt it wasinappropruate sud it was stoped h.lie "If « we _elctod, this hn wiiat we siiould do here." FIahe4y, also noted tiiat for- mer NDP enviroument minister Ruthi Grier caled -ou tiien LIàberal enviroument minister Jim Bradley t. submit tii. pro- ject t. su asseesmeut but basck.d off when she replaced him. "Ruth Grier in '90 wheu she was just an MIPP said it was fightening tiiat this would go ahead witiiout a, fuil enviroumen- tal assessment,» h. said. "5h., said tuis to the Lihral minister, but wiieu she became minister, siie exempted it.» (In 1992, Grier ruled that mea- sures contaiued in-Am onviron- mental master plan -pr 'epared in conjunction witii tii.deve'Lp mentproposaI weresulceto protoct the marsii.) Flaherty also said ho will' attempt t. l.aru wiiyth, Centrai Lake Ontario .C2onservation Autiiority (CLOCA) reversed its initiâl opposition t. tiie project. «We've .neyeriiad a-aitisfac- tory explnto rom CLOCA," h. said. «If elected MRP, 1I teud' t. go back sud find ont why tiiey changed.w His remarks were obviously music to the. SLM memb.rs'ears SSER PAGE 16 DURHAM CENTRE CANDIDATES N.~'. & - f pae1 4 1 W- à%â% 1

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