Whitby Free Press, 14 Jun 1995, p. 18

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Pag e 1, WhIby Fr.. Oes, Wochiosday, June 14, 1M9 Compromisend resits hi new parking lot at GlIen Dhu Bym1(k. KowalsId A solution Wo the trafflc pro blemi which have plaguod nesi- dents of Fifewood Crescent may be athancL Town council Monday endorsed termne of on en with the. Durham ofEu cation that is ezpected W aile- viate probleme created by parents of Glen Dhu Public Scolstudents. Tii. deal sti ulates that the. Town and sciiooÇboard wiIl share the $5o,0cot of constructing a 40-space parking lot at the schol. Tii. municipality will leasea on-quarter acre of land to the board for the lot and contribute one-third of its COOL This meanh the parkgrnlot now used by icl stafeiha fr-eed up for use by parents stu- dents Who pickujp and drop off their children at ti.ihool. However, if this doses not éli- minate the. problems expenienced by area residents, council war- ned that it wiil take furtiier action, nclding i .n stopping' restrictin on Fifewvood and other streets. Fifewood homeown.rs are upset with parents who have used their street as a drop off location smca 'no esWppi zone was placed on the. west siA of Fallingbrok Street The. Town impoed this- restrie- *tion when vehiles bogan clutter- 20the street in fromt of the ~foi, aki~ i difficuit for the. « ~to mee oncoming traffic. Since Glen Dhu la clasuified as a "wslking ichoor, no provisions were ever made for aprerro off fscility on icoo roetyv thereby forcing parents to use tii.cloestearb~y street. But as Fifewood residents noted when they appeared before council's perations committee. recently, this only moved the * roblern from .Fàllingbrook tW trheirestroot. Durmng a meeting between Town oficials, board chair Patty Bowman and her staff on Mon- da, a compriisewsreached Be uta 'coucillor Jo. Drwnm warned, further measuros may ha necessry. aif tis doeen't alleviate the. problem w. should ha prepared to do something else mud DrMMM. " ole who drog off their chilrenonutilize tpe s in frontof the col we r be prepared to telll our (pjublic .wor-ka) firector to mîgn oàfthe" whole street.w Theparking lot is expected to ha readly for use by Soptember. Theft at daycare A computer and video- games, valued ut $2,500, were stolen in a break-in ai; Kid's Campus in West Lynde over the woekond. Police say. *he culprit(s) threw a rock tbrough the glanas in a staff entrance door at the. 293 Michael Boulevard daycre togMt in and alo tole smre ipOst-date cheques. la{ BROOimu Strawberry social planed BROOKLIN'S Renascent Centre, which helpeeol recover from aloohol and drug addicton, held its annua[w'aIhon June 4. Photo by Peter MI. . Whtby Free Peua BySteve Làeohy Brooklires United Chureh Women are once again inviting everyone to their very popular «Strawb.rres in Grass Pare social on Wednesday, June 28 starting at 2 p.m. For those who have neyer att.nded it is a dligiitful eveming of strwberries, ice creani, entertaininent and good. people. This year tiie entertainient will b. provided by The Country Four, Sweet Charity and the Whitby BrasRand. Admission is $4 for adulte and $2 for id under age 12. Presehoolers are fre.. ickets are avoulable froni a UCW mernber, by ealfing 655-8025 or 655-4141, or at the social. Go early, though, there are only so many strawberries Wo go around. Grass Park is located ut the corner of Cassels Road East and Ilighwa12. And if its raining that evening, the. whole shebang will b. held in the church hall. ST. TKIOMAS HOMECOMIING WEEKEND St. Thomaes' Anglican Church continues Wo celebrate its 125 years of service in the. area with a busy ' Ilomecocming Weekend' on Saturday, July 1 and Sunday, July 2. On Saturday, July 1, 2 Wo 4:30 p.m., there's the Strawharry Social (there con neyer ha too mjany of thes.),, to, include a bistorical slide show and talk by Brian Winter, Whitby's esteemed Socïwety to GiscusS roses ],, '10 Tii. Broolcln Horticultural Soeiety wil meet on Wednesd.yv June 28, 8 p.m., at the Masonic Hall, Camselse Road, Brooklin. Tiiere wil ha a show of roses, e'ly flowers and vegetables. Zi and Jean Foas will diseuss growing and showing roses. PX BROOKLIN PHARMACYD 65 BALDWIN ST.- * eKIN LOB 100 905- 655- 3301 à Something New in Sunscreens! -L Recently the damaging effects sunscreen. There are several of UVA Sun radiation has sunscreen products on the been recognized. While UVA market which contain "Parsol - radiation is less likely to cause 1789" and they include: 4bumning; UVA radiation Ombrelle, Photoplex Plus, j -contnibutes to photoaging, Presun 30, and Waterbabies tphotocarcinogeneSiS and UVGuard. photospnsitivities. Consuft your pharmaclst-for 1 "Parsol 1789" is a new broad the sunscreeni product which rspectrumn UVA absorbing best suits your needs. its 85th year lin Birooklin Nie mneihars of fthe Brooklin Woxnens Insttute met at tii. Brookin Community Centre on %'llerogram was about smail Canadian industries. Bessie Coway mal a presentation abut Low W a anpus. Tii. m e nced tii. 8Tih birtd s ay fti rkin Wl, w5h ihd cofes new members lh. Weloewil hl peier TunheonWmeein on June 21, 1 p.m. athte Brooi Conimunity l'h. VI will rsurne meetings in September. archià. .1From 2:45 to 3:15 p.m., therefl ha a musical presentation by the Whitby Brasa Band. One Sunday, July 2, 10:30 a.m., there will ha an Old Tyme Service. Mayor Tom Edwards will ha a welcome choir membor at this service. This will ha foilowed by a parade and lunch in- the Memorial Hall. At 4:30 p.m., the. parish picnie wil include gaines, races and, weather permitting, bot air balloon rides. Everyone is weleome to visit and participate in the clebration. « Period dressd is suggested but not mandatory. ANDERSON DEAD END The. subdivision proposai for the northeast corner of Anderson Street and Winchester that involves 191-unit niixed density reurs part of Anderson toha tundinto a cul-de-sac. The changes presented to Whitby's planning and development committee meeting last week involve moving the. north portion of Anderson Street Wo the east to accommodate the development. The. current north section of Anderson will hacome a dead end. The. planning department is studying the proposai and is looking for public input. Cei 668-5803 or Don Mitchell to find out more. WOEKOP ON DOWNTOWN BDK1 Wednesday, June '21, 7 p.m., bas been Set for the public workehop on the. urbon do=g guidelines for the downtown area of Brooklin. Some time ago Brooklinites voiced concerne tint the new dovelopinent in the village would mean shopping. plazas and strip mrals would sprinq up aflover the place and the. downtown area, would ha abondoeed. Wbitby' new offcial pioan da..state that now commercial development "b. dirocted" into thi.e «sting coMmercial a- lhis meeting in an oppotunity to make mire ony new developinent downtown ins what the recidênts wont. Notices were reeently ment out outhningtih. scope et the moeetng whicii includes the. overa vision for the dewntown ares, building iioghtsý, Iandsoe*ncr- parking allowable Mony hope tiie downtown will bo pedetian-oriented and "ean .18001' .nltown look tha" -much eftiiamemmbam alresdy. Yf you want a healthy and people-friendly downtown area where families con strol safely or even go shopping- withoiit taidng the cor, this l the Chamc to ink thase wishes known. The. Toroto consulting firm coemissioned to devel a Set of om*dlinos thnt wMIlthe Kiý; a ppooance the. downtown ares, wiil b. en bond to isten to residents. The. meeting is at the Community Centre on Casels' Roud Hait. Formore. information, ceU the. planning dprietat 668-5808 GOLF FOIR rI[DR"N Ail) Ashburn'sTiunderbird Golf and Country Club will be the. site of a celebrity tournament ond, flindraiser on Sunday, June 25. Tii. prooeeds will go to the Childrenls Aid Society cf Durhamn RegioeL Top- hanm, driver Dougr Brown wiil hoot the. event ond celebrities will include spotaastrsfrom CFTC>, CFRB amd THE FAN, current ond alumni NIHL ond Argonant playr and harnew s hall of faros John Campbell and Bifi Anyone interosted in bocoming a sponsor niay. do io by either doeiatmng a prize or donating funds to purchase a pnize. To participate, eaU the CAS at 433-1551, ext. 2250 or 2318. CHIRE'8CLUB The. Brooklin Branch Children's Club is sill goeng fuil steam ttus month. And seeing as how there is a very impKutant day coming up next Sunday, there is an extra special something happening this Saturday at 10:30 a.m. AUi kds aged four and up are welcome. And courtesy of the BBCC: Q.What animais are weight watchers? A. Fish because they caMi their scales with them uat ail times. Hint: June is fish moth and on June 24, there wiIl ha a special showing at the. BBCof Walt Disney's mnovie 'Th. Little Mer aid. ' afl0JPf

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