Whitby Free Press, 14 Jun 1995, p. 38

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PagÏ eIê, hby e)ro i 'GE e e ùi11995 OBITUARJES Twinmy Cinnamon worked withshowbizcelebrities A Canadian musicianfor neary70 years, who knew' many oftebig names in show business, lTàmmy. Cinrnon of Whitby <ied at Oshawa General Hospital on May 27, at age 85. Hiehd lived at 110 Dunlop St. W., Whitby, for nearly4O years. A son of thelte Thomas Cnnamon and Adeline iàttle, he was born in Oshawa on Nov. 8, An accomplished player of the banjo, guitar, pian%~ drums and base fid<lIe, Mr. Cinnamon got mnovdi the music busines at agel12 when he heard banjo player Clarence (Fliv) Ccx at the Martin (later Marks) Theatre in Oshawa. Mr. Cinnamon's father worked at the Mcagln Carrnage Companyr and later the Williams Pin orks in Oshawa, and Isa mother, who played dhu piano, encouraged bis musical career. Mr. Cinnaznon joined the Cox farnily and toured with -a magie show in bis. early years and plyed with the Jack lva and BodVa]leau bands at the Jubile. Pavilion in Oshawa. TOMMNY ( Ini the 19309, Mr. Cinnamon was with the Win Pbillips Band wbich played the vaudeville guitar, a jo he held for a year. circuit in Montreal. Ini 1945, Mr. Cinnamon joined There he met and worked with the Momie Wihitne Band, wbich a very young Samny, Davis Dr. entertained at ËLo ~uise and I 1939, Mr. Omnnamon joined Banffin Aberta, and in Hawaii. the Governor General's Horse At this time he met show Guards and married Phyllis, business prsonalities such as Smith, before being shipped Bing Crosby, Jack Benny and overseas a year'later. Eddie Cantor. I Hawaii, bis Whifle recuperating ini a band played back-up for Gracie hospital in England, h. began Fields. entertaining the troops with bhis He also played bit parts in --"INNAMNON movies'shot by Hollywood studios' in western Canada, one of which was "Saskatchewan," starring Alan Ladd and Shelly Winters. Mr. Cinnamon played with the Moie Whitney band for 17 consecutive summers at Baniff and in the winter, six nights a week at the Royal York Hôtel, Toronto, for 23 years. Mr.- Cinnamon. said the high point of bis musical career was workcing with Mel Tonne in a three-piece band. In 1971 he left the Moxde Whitney band and joined the Oshawa Symphony.* Mr. Cinnamon also taught music ut Durham area achools later in bis life and played in aband at the Toronto Holiday Inn. Mr. Cinnamon is survived by bis wife, Phyllis; three children, Pat, Tom and Candy; 10 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. The funeral 'ce was held at the :Armstrong ?ueral Home, Oshawa, on May 40, followed by creniation. If desired, contributions to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. GERALD F. KENTNER A former resident of Whitby for 21lyears, Gerald F. Kentner died at Cambridge, Ont, on May 25, 1995, at age 55. An accounitant, lie formerly lived at Red Deer, Alta.; Swift Current, Sask.; and Timmins and Simcoe, Ont. A son of the late Joseph William Kentner and Edna Mae Matice, he was born at Fort Frances, Ont. on March 18, 1940. Mr. Kentner is survived by brothers Arnold, Clarence (and his wife Isabel) and Gilbert (and his wife Betty), and sisters Eva (Mrs. Robert Larocque), Lillian <Mrs. Bull Wallace), Leona Kentner, Dorothy (Mrs. Harry Lavery) and Helen (Mrm Hedley Canning). srie ymn He is also uvvdbymn nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles. One brother, Robert Kentner, <ied before hlm. Mr. Kentner was at the W.C.. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, where Capt. Rick Sheasby of the Salvation Army conducted the service on June 1," 1995, followed by interment in Mount Lawn Memorial Gardens, Whitby. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust * Family Monuments 0 Granite or Bronze Markers é Cemetery Lettering * Sandblasting StaffordMonuiments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Horne sppointments gladly arranged $20OOOý raised in. campaign On May i1I2 and 13 the Multiple Scierouis Society (MS) - Durham Cbapter held its annual Carnation Campaign which raised approimately $20tOOO befor. expenses 'The fumds raised willbe uaed for reeah along with servicg, re with MS," suid Gina v, fundraisingJvolunteer coordinator. 1.%eapagnwas held at various lctosacrosDurham Region with carnations sold for $5 a bunch. The Whitby Free Press is introducing CALL 1-800-853-6445 Ext. 4 7 to place yo ur FREE voice ad. an ail NEW dating column! Perpsolio 'sa nt CALL 1-900-451-4882 Ext. 4 7 It's only $1 .99 per minute. You must be 18 years or older and have a touchtone phone to use this service.* To respond or browse ads. FREE AM FREE VOICE GREETING WFREE MESSAGE. RETRIE VAL, once a week, Seric brugt o YU ytDirctRepen. aretig 45 W.rl DiveWiiImaviI, .Y.1421oustonuer serce # 14N0»273-5877 . GENTLEMAN WANTED SW1 , 3,seaka down f0 esrlh,_ron- est, SWMV, 29-41, for asating relation- FEMVALEn] ahip. possible romance. Osawa ares. Ada 2390 __________________WELL EOUCATED NOT INTO HEAD GAMES SWF. 39,56', no childran. vegetarian, SBF, 19, 5V6,1121bs., atîm, pefile. at- envronmanfatiat, anîoys runnîng, tractive, seeking caring. affactionste, mountaîn bîtîng. ski, kayakîng, ravaI, romnfîtc SWM.I 30-48, for frîendship. raadîng, aaekîng SWMV, to ahare inter- possible long termn relafîonship. sala. Oahawa ares. Ada 9148 Whitby ares. Ada 8232 UO RNT WHERE ARE VOU? SWF, 40. 148lbs.. lovas flie. horses, SWF, 30, enîoya music, outdoors, dîin- goting. basting. beaches. basabaîl, îng, dancing, aaekîng honeat. easyg90 holding hands. thesîra, dînîng out, îng SWM. 32-45. for possible relation- aeeks SWM. 40-55. wîlh common in- shîp, Osawa ares. Ada 9066 tersts. Whîlby aras. Ada 5122 YOU NEVER KNOW ODMNW TE Bi-SWF, 22, 510%, blonde haîr, blueGOOMN ATE sysa, snjoys muaic, dancing, pool, SWF, 47, anîoys le. fun, tsughfer, ro- seeking bi' WF. 20-28, f0 get to know: mance. camping. chldren. dancing. maybe more. Whîtby ares. Ad# 7495 seksspacial SWMV. 10 share good times.Toronto areas Ada 1768 BE MINE SWF. 18, 54W, l28tbs.. blonde haîr STILL SEARCHING btue eyaa, momn of one. enjoys mov' SWF. 32, enîoys dancing. goîng out, as. long watts. saakîng SWM, 20-29, good tîmes, seeks ouigoîng, SWMV, long haîr a plus. Oshawa ares'. 36-40. f0 shara intereafs. Oshawa Ad# 5600 ares. Ad# 1800 SEARCHING FOR YOU HEY LADIES GBF, 29, enîoya goîng ouI, dancing' 08F, 27, spontaneous. seaka GF, 18-. movies. aeekîng GWF. 20-25, for pos 31. for trendshîp. goîng out. msyba sible relttonahîp. Whitby ares, more. Whdby ara. Ada 3903 Ada 9431 SPICY ITALIAN 5H! LIFTS WEIGHTS SWF, 29, 5T3, i Ottb . N/S, long curly SWF. 38, 56', liSîba., no chldren, dank hait. brown ayas, aftractive, M enjoya runnîng races, canoeîng. satinigsttractive, SWM. 510-6,27- mounfaîn bikîng, movias, dînîng out, 33. N/S. Ior trîendshîp possible rata- satîng SWM. 35-39. for long term tonshîp. Toonto axas. Ada# 3290 reationship. Whîtby ares. Ada 9 150 CALL ME PLEASE TAKE A CHANCE SWF. 45,52'. l8Otbs.. anîoys cyclîng. SWF, 20. mom 0of one, enîoys danc- dancing. tlks, watts, holding hands, ing, wslting, fsmily flie, home lita, card gamas, seeka SWM, 45-50. aetîng down t0 aarth, emptoyed. 2 1Obs.. must be bg buîlt, sama inIer- SWM. 22-32, muaI lita tîda. for hon- esaa. Toronto ares Adal 7389 est reltfonahîp. Whîlby ares. SEEKS FFIIENDSHIP Ada 9719 SWF. 39. no depandants, vegabarian. HAPPY PERSON enloys workîng out, awîmmîng. skîîng, * SWF. 25, N/S. non-drînkar, rad haîr, rsnîng. cyclng. ravet. environrrxn- brown sysa. new f0 Oshawa, seat- tatial, seeka SWM. 33-42. for possible îng SWM. 25-35, N/S. t0 9sfl ogaihar long termn retlonshîp. Oshawa areas wlh. Oshawa ares. Ada 1433 Ada 9248 GREEN EYES POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP B-SWF, 30. 54«. stightlI' ful-figured, SWF, 34. 54'. 1 2Otbs.. blonde haîr. long clark haîr, sesking SF. 23+..loftaIt hazef eys, 4 chîldran. neyer married. f0. go f0 clubs wth. for fnaendshîp only seats 58M. 35-45. possible Jamai- to start.Oahawa ares. Ad# 8092 cari, lovas reggae. dînîng, dancing. STOP READING HERE - frinds fîrst. Toronto ares. Ada 7166 SWF. 20. mom of one. enîoys havîng SINGLE PARENIT fun, goîng ouf, famîlfy imes, ouf doors, SWVF. 25. Iwo chitdren, manly intéreaf s, dancing. seaking SWM, 22+. no heavy eaaygoing. down fo earth. amptoyed. drintara/amokera. rmuet lova chîtdran. saakirg SWM.I 38-40, sîmîtar qualifias, Whitby ares. Ad# 7884 Mssissauga aria. Ada 7838 SEEKING FRIENOSHIP LOVE ME TENDER ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE SWF, 19. 5'il21bs.. enloys alterna- - SWM. 24. Sîcilian, enîoys movies, W,2.5' 3Ob.it lnd 1/1/~~II? bars. bands, good lms ekn hair. blue eyes., enjoys bars, camping, lîve music, seeking easygoing. hon- M A ES-W under 27. for possible hockey.dancing,mroves.sports,.quiet àest, SWM. nothing serious, just hsng- reaiosipWityara A#820 tie, ek SWF.192.Ohw ing ouf, concerts, more. Oshawa r-fonhpWh yaesadr87 ies, eesAd# .1923.Os89 area Ad# 6362 ____________ GOT VOUR ATl'ENTIONI ae.Aa38 POSSIBLE RELATIONSH'IP SEARCHING SWM. 45. seeking dlown fe earth, lov- ROBIN HOOD SWF, 47, 57', slim. looking for tall, .. SWM. 25. 56', 137lbs., black hair. ing. sincere. queen size. SWF. for SWM, 40. 6'. 200lbs., good shape. SWM, 40-50. sincere. honesl. initelhi- green eyes, enîoys fravel, movies. spoiling, pampenng, fine dining, more. employed, home owner. enjoys hunt- gen, Witb ara. d# 242ouldoors. long walks. seekîng SWF. Whitby area.Adli 9016 îng, fishîng, camping dancing, coun- _________________________try music, eeYniMaid Manion, SWF, get.WhtLL re.AdM44 19-22. for possible long ferm relation- STILL SEARCIIING 18-40., f0 share-interesis. Oshawa SWF, 38. love and interesf for lofe. hon- . ship. Whifby ares. Adoil 8460 SWM, 21. 510', l5Olbs., brown haîr. ares. Ada 5507 est. afleclionafé. slrong family and- CIRCLE TIS ADI blue eyes. enjoys quiet timea, movies, VERY ACTIVE social values. seeks SWM, 35-45. *..- SWM, 22. brown hair/eyes. enjoys dnnol ek W.1-2hnsSWM. 25. 5l1'18Obs.. brown curly Whitby ares. Adoo 7892 % long walks/drives. quiet noights et sinicere, îunny. wiîh similar interesîs, haor, blueleyes, enîoys couldoors, cot- home. seeks SWF. 18-26. affection- Whitby ares. Adl# 3480 tages. camping. fîshiîng, scuba drving, ENJOYS FUN t ste. underslanding. coma welcome. FIRST TIME AD se Iy Sea d, 3526tsofen SWF, 33, seekes sncere. honest. - Whîtby ares. Ada 2804 SWM. 24, new f0 ares. lyvsa alone. ergy. W hi y ra. Add32 SWM, 30-4 1. for lrendship. long termr relationship. Oshawa ares. Adaoi 2360 ..' THIS YOU? enjoys cycting. sports. motorcycting, STILL SEARCHING SM 1. hot sv hîr cea cm-seeks SF, for frenidahîp, possible ra- iSWM.29. btrack haîr, brown eyea. en- LOVELY LADY S. k8.sN/S SWFar.clarco-lationship. Whîtby ares. Ad# 9446 1p3y shwdoorsseks olgoîng669 SOF, 5. 5', lOlbs, prfessonal _______________________plexion. seeking Italien, N/. S - or 1-5 saaae.Aa3 SB,5,55 3lspoesoa.clubbing. movies. going out, more. ARE VOU IN SHAPE? ______________ saaks young aI heart. SM. 45-50, anY LET'S DANCE Wib ra d 25SM 7 " 8ls.msuadr EYFINL race. Godlearing, or possibe rela- ___________lady,_ptite._54,5'X.___dblonde hair. blue eyes. ctean cul, good SWM. 42, fathar of one girl.,1 ejy tonshîp, Toronto ares. Ad# 6272 haîr. blue eyes. entoys iniermedîste VERY ACTIVE tooking, honeaf. romanlic. enjoys out- Ion g watks, dînîng, home Ide, seeks baltroom dancing. loves doga. walks SWM, 57, 5l0«. 165lbs.. N/S, protes- doors, going ouI. seeks SWF, 19-30, SWF. 18-45. for frîendshîp. relation- SEEKS FRIEND slong the beach seeks t0 eat SWM, sionat. fit, daughter 14. enloysîjogging, sîmilar interesîs, positive attitude. shîp. Oshawa ares. Ada# 9467 SWF, 49, seeks SWM. 45-60. for tale- 50-65. Whitby ares. Ada# 3033 sports, movies. dînîng out. intelligent friands lirai. Whitby ares. Ada# 9368 PES ALM phone tslks.Toronto ares. Ad# 78l3 __________________ME TLBE TYWILL CALL BACK conversation. seeks SWF.' under 57 STILI SEARCHING SWM. 24,57%. lSSlbs., dark hair, blua TALL EAUTYSWF. 41, N/S, activa. opîîmîsîîc, en- for possible retationship. Oshawa SWM, 40, 6% 200lbs., good shape. eyes. construction worker. enjoys SWF. 18. 5l11*, modeta nloya movie5, îoys quiet eveninga. movies. musîc, ares. Ada 7145 dark hair. blue eyes. smoker, social dancing, pool, loves romance, seek- seeking SWM, 18-25. 66., for f riand- dancing. seakîng N/S, SWM. 4555 CASUAL RELATIONSHIP drînker, enîoys ouldoors. camping, îng SWF, 18-35. for possible relation- shîp, possible relstîonshîp. Whîtby lrîends tiraI. good convarsationslist asi.Wibsae.A#33 area. Ada 6970 must. Toronfo ares. Ada 9826 SWM. 23,6%, l7Otbs., brown hsir/ayes. fîshîng. hunlîng. watks, nature, ani sî.Wib ae.Aa33 Oshawa areas, esygoîng. enîoys ouf- mals, dancing. country music, movi es, tirs TALK S00H DARK MAN WANTED DOWN TO EARTH door and indoor. aclîvîfies. seakîng seeks SE. 18-40. for frîendshîp. mratîba SWM. 30. anjoys ouldoors, having fun, SWF 24, 57', l2Olbs.. brown haîr. SWF, 34. 55', brown haîr. blue ayas, SWF, 19-25.tor good limes. Ad#a4582 more. Whifby ara. Adl# 5407 seeks special SWF. 18-30. for good boue eyes. seekîng Jamaîcan, enîoys country musc, tlkîng, danc- EWfîAEAtmes. Whifby ares. Ada 3741 d ing, camping. much more. seakîng DOWN TO EARTI1NWT RA_____________ Trînadad SM. enîloys raadîng. înîng. SWM, 32-45. muaI lîke children. sîmi- SWM, 33, enîoys fun tmes, conver- SWM. 485'10'.brownhair, blueeyes. LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE swimming. movies Toronto ares. lar inleresis. Oshawa ares. Adat 2208 salions. walkîng. seeking friand. pst N/S. professional. funny. anîoys fax- SWM. 19, brown hair, bIsa eyes. me- ALdGTBA# T YUbud64oern5W. 830 ossible nia. cycting, goîng out. teamîng. chîl- dîum buîld. enjoys sports, dancing, IS THIS YOU? SWF. 30, prolassional. attractive. long relaiorxship. Whîtby area. Ada36.41 deni. poseealfor2-7.le.anafu r-. swaki ou. sAd#n W75 1-24 SWF, 29, 52'. dark blonde haîr, green blonde haîr, green ayes. enîoys MR. ROMEO atîc fsion at. foity reaningl 579ut r- O haar.A d OUHa 5 eyes, son. 10, enîoys pets. shootîng bands, basabaîl. camping. workîng tfosî.Wib rs d 69 UEWA O ER pool. ouldocors, horses. Hsrtays, ouf. ouldoors. saeks SWM, protes- SAM, 32, 6. l8Olbs.. seaks infarast- ENJOYS SUMMERTIME SWVM21. 5'l0'. lSOlbs.,good listener. seeks ruggadly hsndsoma, SWM, 33. sional, sîmîlar intaresîs for fnaindshîp. îng, sdvanlurous. spontaneous. cre- SWM, 24, 57', l4Otbs., excellent essygoîng. anîoys country music. 36, facial haîr s plus. 58»+, for pos- possible rlatîonshîp. Whîlby ares. atîva, SWF. 22-38, fnendship, possible shape. anîoys ouldoors. seeks SWF. quiet tomas, movies. saaking honest, sîbta relalîonshîp. Oshawa aras. Ada# 2324 relalionship. Oshawa ares. Ada 2339 18-40. te shara intaresta and idleas. sîncara, SWF. 19-25. sanse of humer Ada 9495 FRIENDSHIP FIRST GOOD CATCH Whitby ara. Ada 3256 a plus, for fnendahîp msybe reation- COMMUTES TO TORONTO SWF. young 41, 5'l, fuît tîgured. av- SWM, 40. 58«. iSSîbs.. fuît haad of LOES TO SKI shARE Witby MEa.A#92 DWF,29.56' I 51b., row harerage. mom. amokar. no bara/drugs/ haîr good tookîng. N/S. modarale SWM. 45, 61«. lgOlbs.. blond, N/S, SWM 3W0..bo1 aME yeprts DWF 29 513%12lbs, bow hargamas, anîoys country music. fies drinteer. scuba cdiver, enoys ouldoors, casuat dninkar, enjohs ouldoors . -SWMon30.6enjoys ouldoors, roesu- blue ayea, educafed, fil, tanned. mom, markts. fsmîly tomas, seetis young. catanoeing f ks -oosIrael mun romantic. saakîng SWM, tata 20S-39. funny. sincara. SWM. 35-41.- blue ano - ghîkng, bîkîng. golf. seeksîng. golf. frayaI. dînîing out. dancing, tain bîkîng. saaking honeaf. dîfferent, long haîr s muat, for retatîonshîp. jeans guy. dads waîcoma. serîous SWF. undar 39. for possible relation- seeking N/S. SF. 22-45. net afrsîd Io indapendent, SWF. 26-30. enargaaic. Toroxnto areas Ada 2403 only. Toronto ara. Ada 6937 shîp. Whitby area.Ad# 6875 try tinga. Whilby ara. Ada 2589 open. Oshawa ares. Ada 5932 Wîth AutoAd takîng. tuaI use your louchlona phone te anawer some questions about youraelf and the typa of person you would fîke te meel. STOP READING HERE Then record your voice greetîng. and we'tl.transcribe il intos prînt ad that witt appear in the Whîtby Free Press. Whilby Free Preas' Person SWM, 55, 58', gray beard. dîstîn- to Person ta avaitabte for single people seekîng ratationships Ada contsining explicit sexuat or anatomîcal language witl not be pubtished. gutshed. sincare. handsome. enîoya Wa reserva the night I0 edit or refuse any ad. Cuatomer servoe 1-800-273-5877. watts. cyvcling, good food, seets SWF. 45-55. ctassy. intelligent. sincare, te M Mate W White H Hiapanic NC Native Canadian S Single WW Widowed ahara flie. îaugha and love. Whitby F Femnate B Back A Asian C Chnistian D Dîvorced N/S Non-aomoker ares. Adao 9217 Q&A CI: How do 1iletctarfd? A: You ame goîng tfa be record!n your voîce gî-aating, be prepare, epeak to the lîstener, dascrîba yo urself ln a posfive wsy. Be nonest. creatîve and specfic about whaf yoiu are footing for, Cafl 1-800-5534445l Ext. 47 op- tion 1. you witl be prompted ta an- awer Sonne questions abot your- self and the type of persan yau wsxi t0 meet. An effective print ad wttl ba trsnscribed tram your voice greetlng which wilt appear in the paper in 7-10 days. 0: Whaftla cri ad number? A: The 4 digit number aI the end oI your print ad ihat altows singles l au atend respond to your mail- box. 0: Whct la an eccecu code? A: A confidentiel 4 digit code thaf only you know, thaf alaws oxty you accass la your maltbor. Q: Wtiat are Mescga A: Vaica greatingafrm othe r anaswho responded la your ad infhe ewspsper or Ihrough fhe browse. Té hlen fa your mes- sages for FREE, catI 1-600-853- 6445 Ext. 47 once avery 7 days or 1900-451-«82 Ext. 47 axy- fime, ai a charge of S$1.99 per minute. 0: What crescycterri matche«? A: Voîce greetînga from cher ad- verteara whose mafchîng crîf s- niais tha asmne or simitar f0yours. You cen listen Io your sysfemn matches ixsantly by cslîng 1- 900-451-4882 EM. 47, 5f s charge of $1.99 par minute, 0: Whet ta Smcrt Browce? A: A specisl festure that sftows you f0 limfex and respond fo afher xaoe greetinga fhst match the cni- tare you select. Cali 1-900-451- 4882 Ext. 47, option 2, ef a charge of 31.99 par mixute. 0: How dol1 respond ta an ad? A. CatI 1-900-786-0606Ext.47, opfion 1. asfa charge of $1.99 par minute. the system wilt ask you ta enter the 4 digif ad number ai the end cof the pnnf ad. Press 1 f0 rsspond. press 2 la go on fa the nexf adf. 0: How noI cancet or renew cn cd? A. Cati cotamr seivice ai 1- 800-273-5877.

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