Whitby Free Press, 21 Jun 1995, p. 5

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WhIby Fr.. Pros, Weckio8Y. June 21, 1M 9, Page 5 Poice play down abductîon aqttempt By Mark Roesor Police are downp1a* e what a Whitby couple cal s an attempted abduction of their five-year-old daughter from Ormiston Public School Thursday aftornoon. Nany Clancy says hor eaughter and a friend were plaýy- mgnear a forested area a t the school at afternoon recess when aapparontly a man came from the woods and told her ho had some candy for her... "Ho (also) said ho had a puppy ini the forest and for her to corne and et it. A couple other kids saw hL and came over and at the saine time ho had said to the other littie girl, 'corne on, corne on., "My daughter knew (what to do), s3ho turned around'and yel- ByM2ark Reesor A Duram Region «icouncil sommnai» held at the Nottawa- saga, Inn in Alliston last week was a succesa, according ko Whitbnreginal councillor Mar- Chair Gary. Herrema, 24 rgonal councillors, including Brnelle, Whitby regional coiin- cillor Gerry Emm and Mayor Tom Edwards, who attended only the Thursday session, and 10 department hoade had a sur- prisingly light schedulo. They met for their first session at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday follow- ing reepton and dinnor; a second session at the upscalo resortot under waLy at 9 am. Th=ry%'and contmnued until 12:20 p.m. when thoy adjournod. Aflthough ho feit lt was a shame the seninar didn't con- tinue for another day, "I feel1 really good about' this one... wo did some very ineaningfiul strate- gic planninif,' Brunelle comn- mented after it broke up. '"I was really imprese. wt the quality of the dsusion; evo ry=oy participated -- every single person -- wth a point of view... by havinq that sort of visionary discussions, it sort of puts everything in perspct.' A lot was acluevedthrough informaI discussions as well,' ho said -- "some people were Up until 2 odlock in the morning talking ko one another... and I think that is alo very, very valuable. "It crotes a tèam a tmosphere and gives people a chance ko talk about ti th-ey, miçht ho a litl hyt talk about in a more formai setting.» As ko whether the meeting justified the reported $5,000 tab 'that9s a subjective point o view,'» says Brunelle. "l'y. identifled, I think, through this procoss, some led 'Strangorl' talcs off.» and started, to Clancy says ber daughtor told ber she foît somthing touch her hair and her cheek. "Now sho says ho nover stepped foot out of tho forest .and 1 ont know oxactly. how close se was, who knows? "People are saying, 'Well mayho ho triod ko cover her mouth and sho took that stop. where ho couldn't roach and it just touched her cheek.» The little girl doesn't have a mark but Clancy says hor cheek was «realy red' when she got ko tho achool. "It'. not roally an attempted abduction, it's a suspicious per- son," says Inspector Walter Hall. opportunities for millions of dol- lars in savings... so, yeah, I think it waa worth it, absolutely.' Although admitting "lt doesn't sound logical,» Brunelle main- tained sominars held too close kt home, such as a previous one at Oshawa Golf Club h are a "com- plots waste of time. "People (wero)' coming and oing, the phonos wero ringing... tt was a complots waste of tpyers' money; this one, on the othor handý was not.' Emmagreed the seniinar was useflL "Always when council cari sit 'Mhe guy nover got within 50 foot of the children.... "Ho was offoring them candy and itfs being investigated but there's nothing to indicate lt was an attempted abduction.» Clancy feels thero should be a fonce soparating the school yard from the wooded area. "Pm worried that somebody's Poing to be killed before a fonce ls M; I thk there noeds to ho a fonce, whother it ho ko protect the children from going in tho forest or pooplo like that from comingout?' Clancy says she's spoken to Whitby Mayor Tom Edwards about the situation and Ormis- ton principal Luigia Ayotte who, Clancy says, feels the forested down and talk over thoir objec- tives and what we want ko do, that's always successful... Pm glad we were given the chance as councillors ko speak and listen.» Ho questioned why lt was necessary ko travel so far, though. 4Icould have said this at regional headcuarters in Whitby, but that wasn t my decision.» ~Boo fn VT~eStoppe Fine Lads 'C(otfuers. Romantiefashions; with i- timeless elegance! 6uttIeê 8ceawindI8, Suan DrimoI [Ea&leâ ye, Hloward Wolf 8 Jo8eph Pibkoffl98 $ "WE& EKLY SPECIALS 1* Tuçked awain 11t/he quaint village ofBrookliin, onlv JO î::n, nord:i of W/utby ec 57 Baldwin St., Hwy. 12 e 655-3474 Mon. to Wed. 9:30 - 5:30, Thurs. & Fri. 9:30 - 8:00, Sat. 9:30 - 5:00 ANNOUNCEMENT WHITBY CHIROPRACTIC GROUP is now offerïng FOOT AND HAND REFLEXOLOGY( by Kris ta Varga ' Certified Reflexologist ..... . 460 Green St., Whitby e (905) 668-2888 ~ area isn't dense enough to have a fonce. "As far as I know, there was no attemped abduction,» Ayotte says. eTh police are looking into lt and there was an allegation that thore was someone in the woods that called out kt a child and offered candy -- that's al that's been reported.» She refused to- comment further. Police confirm there was a similar incident of a man offering children candy at Willow Park over the weekend. :~ Raisin, 1 Bread Pudding: 1 611x 8"pan I reg. 2.49* *---expires June 21/95 IMïii Subsi only 99 DoL reg. 2.40 Ofrxie. -- -e9 J LOALL SW E AI L A 58*AT 1 >. 5-: :: Regioni semainiar hailed

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