Whitby Free Press, 28 Jun 1995, p. 19

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Whltby Fr. Proue, Wocfrsday, June 2B,1995l Page le Chiefs -win round 3111n dite. match-uip John Tavares and Paul Gmit led Six Nations Chiefs te a 16-11 win over Brooklin Redmen on Friay igt the second lose for Redeni t;reegaines againet Chiefs thie season 'in Ontario major lacrosse. Cief' offensive stars camne te the fore as Tavares and Gmit each had three goals and four assista while Troy Cordingley had a goal and three assiste and Darme Kilgour had three goals for the defending Mann Cup hRden go t another fine per- formance from new addition Derek Keenan, who had a goal and three assiste. The team's leading scorer, Gary Gmit, was held te two goals., Other Rednien scorere were Jason Richards Peter Park, Greg Lepine, JoIn Fusco, Jim Brown, Bill Passfield, Doug Noganoeh and Tom Wrggtt. Aiso scoring for Chiefe were Jereniy Sto dard and Rich Kil- gour each with two goaie, Tandy Mearns and Duane Jacoba. Six Nations led 5-3 after the firet period and 12-9 after two. Paddy O'Toole played goal for Redmen until the inidway point of the third when Paul Mootz took over. Bill Gerrie teok over in goal for Chiefe midway through the second period, replacing Marty (YNeil. It was the second lose of the season for Redmen who had defeated Owen Sound 23-9 two nighte earlier. Keenan had three goals and five assiste, Wreggitt had two gals and seven assiste, Park had four goals and two assiste Al-mstars inI Whi*tby The Ontario major box lacrosse ail-star game -- featuring most of the fineet playere in the sport -- will be one of the County Town Carnival events thie weekend. The game will be played at Iroquois Park on Saturday, start- ing at 7 p.m. Proceede from the' contest will go te the Canadian Lacrosse Hall of Faine. Players from Brooklin, Peter- borough and Brampton (east teani) will face playere from Six Nations, Fergus and Owen Sound (west team).* and Dave Marwich four goals for Redinen. ]Richards and Passfield each had two goals and two assiste, Jin Meredith a- goal and four assiste, Eric Perroni a goal and three assiste. Bob McNabb and Chris Bar- foot each had two goals for Owen Sound. Redmen hoet Brampton tnight (Wednesday) at Iroquois Park, for what is Minor Lacrosse Night. Compiimentary passes have been iseued te several minor lacrosse associations. The legues ail-star gaine is at Iroquois Park on Saturday, July 1, 7 p.m. Oraneville muffes Warrlirs' fast ..break Whitby Warriore got their fast break in gear to defeat Brampton Excelsiors 14-7 last Thursday at Iquois Park, but were con' der- ably siowed against defense- stron rneil in a 9-5 lws on Friday Warriors' lege record is 10 wins and three tosses. Marty O1Trien led Warriors aganot Brampton with two goals ad three assiste while Shaydon Santos, Steve Voituk and Paul Sallie each scored two goals. Derek Suddone, Jav Stewart, Ontar0 junor A lacrosse Slcores Juno 1 BudkTon 7 Tororto 13 Poobruh V StCdathwku 14 MialmaVa >Sarnia 7 J une 22 Ton 7 Whitby TooVo 7Burington 3 Jwune 23 Peforbloug 8 Brurpon 10 "«na O K-W 1 Whkblv 5 OqsgmRIb Budkngon V1S3 Nians 9 StN'*us m of Jiue23 0W L T GF CA P Orangalis 10 0 1586 28 Si ahain s il 2 0O 98 117 22 Whrtby V 3 0 17134 20 Toronto 8 50 147t1D11 Brarnlgon e8 8O015 2113 Pateboeough O 7 0O127128512 K-W 5 890 131luV mi=sajg 4 7 0 1V0lMO sixikns 4 VV133 0 8 Sarnia 3 WVO V9 13 6 Builngton 1 14 0 11D205 2 Top score GP G A p John Grt.Pat ^h 10 39 24 83 Grant Johmt on, -. 383B25 63 Steve Toi, St.Catharines 13 23 40 83 Jonas Dsdw, Whâby 12 29 33 62 ShawnliamIsBIwtçlon 1635 25 60 Con Doye.K-W 13 26 30 56 Shane McKenzis, K-W 13 31 24 54 Brian Bdele. Bmaripton 1621 32 53 lIo Gordon. K-W 14 22 29 51 TrmKka eto. illaE 33 si R anA O- 1 30 20 50 StvVoitkhitby 12 22 28 50 Josh Sancoeuan. Orange. V3 28 21 49 MarlyOCBrien. Wtby il v 32 49 Mih AS". i. .Cath. 1V S 34 49 Niail Maynard, Pat Jones, Steve Taylor and Jonas Derks had the other goals. Stewart, called up from the junior B Oehawa Green Gaels, also had two assists and was strong defensively. Gee Nash was solid in net, particularly early in the conteet, while Gavin Prout had three assiste. The win by Orangeville, stili undefeated, was their second over Warriors this season. Derks, one of the league's top soorers, O'Brien, Taylor, Sa]lie, Jason'Crosbie, goalie Mike Wye, general manager .Greg McCon- neli and coach Jim Bishop were Whitby repesentati~Ves on the eastern teazn that lost 18-15 te the western teain in the'junior A ail-star gaine in Kitchener on Saturday. Stewart was on the east teani i the junior B ahl-star gaine held the saine day in Mimico. Warriors will play Missiseauga at Iroquoi Park on Thursday, June 291, gaine tixne 8p.m. Six members of the Hiiehi-Sai Judo Club of Whitby wiiI com- pete in the US Junior Nationale mn Austin, Texas July 7. Amber and Shannon Gailogley Gabe Brown, Danny OHRara and Cameron and Colin Russell al earned a spot in the competition after tep finishes in the Ontario Junior Olympics i n Toronto and ini other teurnaments. Jeffrey Monkinan and Chris McCrudden also earned gold at the Ontario event. The club won a total of seven gold, six silver and three bronze medale at the Ontario Junior Olympies. Maldng contact MIKE MACAPAGAL connects for Whitby in their first game Frictay night against Streetsville -Tigers in the first annuai Whitby Canadians senior basebail tourna- ment held over the weekend at Iroquois Par k and two other 4iamonds. Canadians beat Tigers but were eliminated aliter bosinp> jheir second match to Chatham. Etbie beat Chatham in the final to win the tournament. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whltby Free Press Juniors continue t roi The WVhitby junior basebali teani, sponsored by the Brooklin Liegion continue te, dominate their division, piecking up thre victories in as inany gaines lest week. Newmarket went down te, defeat 12-1 to VWhitby in a seven-inning mercy rule gaine. Tim Inieson, Ken Calway and Jerzy Aronowicz ehared pitching responsibilities, the offence W unded out 10 its. Brad ewpor led the way with two home rune and four rune-batted in. Josh Miller had a double, single and a home run while scoring four runs. On Saturday, Whitby trounced Peterborough 11-1. Thn Puddieter end Keith Mille combined te throw a five-hitter while stniking out. il batters. Jef Bremner did the mest damiage at the plate banging out two doubles and a single with two EBIs and three runs scored. Ian Andrew had two bits and two RBIs along with two hits each from Hardy and Schott. The big_,. matchup .came on Thursday as Whitby won a elugfeet againet Oshawa at Murkar Field in Iroquois Park. Each teani tacked up-a dozen hits, including a towering home run by Calway over the right centre fleld fence. Miller, Calway and fImeson each had two bits as Whitby won their ninth gaine in league play. Whitby travele to Burlington this weekend te play in a tournament. Chiefs play on Thureday nights at Murkar Field. 'VWe wiil have te tighten up our defenoe if we want te 'win consistently againet the good teains," said head coach Ian Hardy. rd on YTV tour SaeBayford of Whitby will be ,gîoing o n a nationa tour with YTV this summer. Me auditioned in May and was selected as one of six performers on in-lime skates. H-is specialtY ie haîf-pipe, remp and aerials - he is also known te jump a van or two. Bayford bas been busy with rehearsaend promotional work. Thi. show, caled 'Bladejain,' je being promnoted on YTV this month. Tii. tour etarta on July 10 in Calgary, performing at the Stampede, and is then i Edmotentili July 24. He will spend a week et home and then go te Vancouver and Nova Scotia. Bladejani will conclude in Toronto at the ONE near the end of August. A camera crew will be travelling with thein te air the shows on YTV. He was hoping te compete in soin i-lin. freestyle competitions thies umer, but with hie ochedule those plans are now on hoid.

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