Whitby Free Press, 28 Jun 1995, p. 23

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WhItby Fm PresaWeàiociy. jurie 29- 1995-,pae23 MPP s cool to mayors' proposai By Mike Kowalski Apro posed i"co-ordinating authorty to oversee growth ini the mrater. Toronto Area has been coolly received by WhitbyE new provincial legislators. MPPs JimFlaherty(Durham~ Centre) and John OToole (Dur- hamn East) warit no part of any- thing that- smacks of the creation of another layer of municipal government. The two threw cold water on a 'Bu etion from a task force of GImayors -- including Whitby Mayor Ilom Edwards -- that a central body be established for the area stretching fromn Oakville to Clarington. The 30 mayors and five remonal chairs in the GTA would stli formn the Greater Toronto Area Co-ordinating Authority but their powers would be signi- ficantly enhanced if Queen's Park agrees. Total control over such matters as economic development, waste Management, transportation and emergency services would be iven to the municipalities and be "co-ordinated" through the authority, the task force report states. A office of five people with a $500,000 -budget shared equally by the province and municipali- ties wouldbereuired. "We're conoerned with the number of politicians and bureaucrats in, Ontario already » said Flaherty, who along with O'Toole, attended a GTA mayors' meeting held in Whitby recently. "That was raised repeatediy during *the canipaign said Fla- herty of Premier gMikeHais promise to downsize government. O'Toole, who represents Whitby north of Taunton Road, agreed with his colleague's coin. ments. "I don't think that follows with Mike's plan of less government and less expensive governinent,» he said. «Almost everything we heard (from the voters) was how much it (governinent) costs.» Aithougli they were initially opposed to a G Aco-ordinating authority -- which was tabled for ICorrectionI In last week's edition, a photo caption in,,correctly identified1 Raymond Nash, Past Master of1 the Whitby. Masonic Compositei Lodge #30 AF & AM, as Brett Hoffinan. Hoffman, who was not9 shown, is the new Master. The Free Press wishes to apo- logize for the error. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 10 JIM FLAHERTY further review by the mayors -- the two are willinq te examine other proposaIs which came for- ward at the meeting. In addition te the mayors' task force report, a se parate docu- ment authored by Durham Region chair Gary Herrema and the chairs of Peel, Halten and York regions was also discussed. Both reports were prepared for the Greater Toronto Area Task Force headed by University of Toronto professor Dr. Anne Gol- den. Appointed by the previous government Golden's committee will make recommendations on the GTA's future. Among proposais contained in the chairs' report is one which cails for funding of services now shared by the municipalities and Queen's Park to be «swapied' A 55-year-old North York mxan was literally torn apart after being struck by at least 15 vehi- dles on the 401 just west of Brock Street early Thursday mornng. VoJimir Mladenovic ventured onto the westbound lanes around 1 a.m. The retired securty guard suffers from Alzheimers Dises and had been reported missinig from the Bathurst Street and Finch area the previous after- noon. Police say he was first bit by a car and then dragged by a trans- F or example, regional and local governments would take over all"liard" servi1ces such as roads, sewers, water, transit and waste managemený the report suggStwil the province would asume fil financial res- ponsibility for child care, public health, homes for the aged and police. Flaherty did not wisjh to com- mit himself at this point, other than te say the proposai was interesting»" However, O'Toole, a Clarington regional councillor until his elec-, tion, was more receptive. O'Toole said the current sys- tem of municipalities havingto rely on provincial grants; to fund services can cause problenms when grants fluctuate fo year eiiis felt that giving local politicians more control over cer- tain matters may make them lese reliant on provincial bureau- crats and more accountable. «I like responsibility (for ser- vices) te be close te, the delivery point," said O'Toole. Although both reports will be forwarded to the Golden task foroe, the mayors could not reacli agreement on a unified stand. After nearly two hours' discus- sion, they voted te circulate their report te member councils for comment and te meet with the regional chairs in the hope of preparing a consolidated docu- ment for presentation te the pro- vince inthe fall. But MsisarMayor and committee chair Hazel McCallion criticized the group for missing a "golden opportunity» ini not mak- port truck. A passing driver tried te pull Mladenovic te the side of the road but was foroed te jump back te avoid being hit by other vehicles. He saysby the time police arrived, body parts were strewn aIl over the roadwav. Faxily membes' had no idea why MZladenovic, who was dressed in his old uniform, ended up in Whitby but think he may have been trying te reach the GO station. We' ve Lowered the Prices! SAVE UP TO 50%Y on ail our take home novelties! I BLIZZAADBAR - S iS. w~ AR CHOOSE FRUM: BUSTER BARS - Vanilla Dairy Queen, cold creamy fudge & spanish nuts wrapped in a smooth chocolate coating. DILLY BARS - Vanilla Dairy Queen dipped un smooth chocolate coating. SANDWICHES - Vanilla Dairy Queen Iayered between chocolate cookie wafers. BLIZZARD BARS - Vanilla Dairy Queen bended with crushed Oreo Cookies dipped in smooth chocolate coating. w WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN 1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342 JOHN O'TOOLE ingits position known now. McCallion warned that if the mavors wait too long, the future of thie GTA will be decided with- out their input. Noting the lengthy debate McCallion said she contem îated calling former premier 99 %Re and telling hlm he was correct in not putting any politicians on the Goldien committe. However, most -seemed to agree with Edwards that caution must be taken in not appearing te advocate another level of governinent or in supporting something- which might take away eisfting powers. Wej've been at this (GTA meetings) for three years and we can't carry on unlees we formaI- ize it in some form or another,» said Edwards. "Yet there las sUll the fear that their (local) powers will be taken over by others,» he said. "I know I would be climbed ahl over by my council (if this was the case).» r ASEBALL SCHOO For Boys & Girls aged 7 - 14 at Iroquois Park Complex - Whitby - i -800-363-9053 ~_~- in Toronto 905-886-3666 Brw Works We brew for you - no extra charge INC. (you j ust add the ycast) Brew beer for as low as $1150 per case of 24 reg. botties." 0 Burew your i Oth batch & yourl11th isFREE!1 f Make wine for as low as $2.75 per 750m1 bottie. Toronto man dies in 401 accident 4. John Carson (1860-1937) became the first Quarter Century Club member at the Whitby hospital. He started work at the Queen Street hospital, Toronto in 1882 and retired at Whitby in 1929, with 47 years of service.1 1 -r "Ile7l

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