PlenI PIiof featuresh OwasCo expandsRV lune Owasco RV, a division. of Owasco Volkswagen Ine., bas expanded their product lino for 1995. The have a new 22-foot compact moýrne ideal for a fainily or rotired couple. It cornes oquippod with bunk beds, queen size bed, microwave, furnace oven, stove hot water sstem anc1 shower, ilush toilet, Tvantenna and dual air. The Makings of a Perfect Escape Galleyfeatures3 cuft refrigeralor, microu'av,, snk andfionace. EnJoy alltbe comforts o borne lb optional tub and sbow-er A il the comforts of a motor home. Ail the case and cfficiency of diving a van. Whcther you are a fIrt, second or third time 1W buyer, you owe it to yourself to d&sover why Roadtrek is thc best scling North Amercan camper van. Front lounge igreatfor eating, entertatning orjust relaxlng. Custom made maer tanesj*t below thefloor to maximise interor storage space andlnoprove uWegbt distribution andbandling. Roodtrek-' The Motor Home That.. DivesLlkea Van!"" by Arl"ý HOME & PARK' '7 M0 T OR HO ME S *»0Hom à P&WIk Roadnke, nbMoor Homeflha Ddm vesÀ WtAan murern!d ,ndcmuisoJ Hammayer otwtkh HmnraroteCopmon oLa nSeuec &LrWured usa. OWASCO RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Proven Io serve you BEST sinoe 1972. An " CARE'and CAA award winner. Sales, service, leasingbody shop, ail makes. ~ Rentais in Canada, USA and Europe, overseas delivery. 1l425 Dundas St. East, Whitby Tp686-6410 -WSO O DOLLAR FOR *rýi YOUR TRADE! WH 1 TBY J 2 35 MINUTES EAST FROM DOWNTOWN TORONTO It is basod on the GM chassis, and the unit i. rmade by Glendale R.V. in Ontario on their upscale Royal Classie lUno. Only two units are lefl for '95 at the lower price. Owasco RV wlll also ho receiving the new VW Winnobago unit smon. This unit is based on the stretch VW van and will corne equipped like a camper van and have an optional pull-out centre bench seat for travel with six people. The van is ideal for people interested in a rninivan to transport people but it is also a camper that can sleop four, with fridge, stove, sink, furnace and more. There are new features on the popular Homo & Park lime that Owasco RV carrnes. Each unit now has a new style running board systemn that allows additional storage accessible frorn the outside. The storage is large enough to fit in a complote set of golf clubs. The '95 inodels also have a new optional shower system that does not take up additional space in the unit and is a much cheaperoption than before. For Home & Park, Owasco RV has been Owasco's top selling dealer in Canada for the last three years. You can also purchase any carnper or Motorhorne frorn Owasco and put it on their rentai program. With thern you receive the hgest pay out of incorne in the industry and with a minimum guarantee. Depending on personal use, you can also ho tax exempt on the purchase. Their rental leaseback program allows one to own and use a camper and have the income help ay or t ho purchaso. Owasco h as a division that ronts out their various types of recreational campers available for sale. The budget traveller can rent a car and tent package complote with tent, stovo, cooler, sleeping bags, etc. Owascos extensive rontal departrnent also offer rentais in Halifax, Calg9ary, Vancouver, California, Florida and in Europe. Anyone interested in buying an RV, can go to Owasco and rent one for the weekend. If you liko it, purchae* the unit, and Owasco will refund the rentai, into the purchase. Where else do you have the opportunity te try before you bu1 Owasco R is located on Dundas Street East,, just west of Thickson Road in Whitby. 18 Whitby Free Press Roorfor lawn chairs orgoif clubs in our belowfloor trunk. Spaclous temporary batbrom/privacy area intead ofa smalipermanentone.