Whltby Firee Prosu, Wednesday, August 9,1995, Page9 communltgrupe1 wIhareasdI No tippngfeeso delivered recyclables Blue box recyclables delivered directly to the Durham Recycling Centre are now exempt from Legion parade on Sunday Whitby Royal Canadian Legion members have scheduled a parade Sunday tocelebrate -the *Sth anniversary of the end of the war with Japan. Tii. W Day event wiii begin at 10 a.m. at the Legion hall, 117 Byron St. S., proceed north to Dundas Street and then east to the. cenotaph for a wreath-laying ceremony before retracing the. route te Ii.egion. YMCA to hold rainig' camp The Oshawa YMCA wiil offer a 'Counsellor in Training' camp for youth aged 13. The camp provides teens with the theoretical and practical training required to be a camp counsellor. Sessions are available Aug. 14 to 18 and Aug. 25 to 28. The cost i8 $100 for a week. Te register, eall 723-9922. I ýyou want to drink, that's yourI business. If you want to stop, that's ours. Cail Aicoholics Anonymous at 728-1020. By Steve Leahy Brooklin's Jen Johnson and Tami Jones and Ashburn's Clair t Griffen were part cf the Ontario team that won the junior women's field lacrosse Canadian championship. And, after another gruelling week cf practioe in tiie hot weather, Griffin, Johnson and Jones were among 16 who travelled te Philadelphia te represent Canada in the. firat ever world cup. The best junior players from the U.S., Japan, Australia, England, Wales and Scotland will b. there but Johnson says Canada has a good chance - if they can take the heat. It was a long road te this world- level comipetition. Net only did tii. players have te, practice four heurs a day and spend their weekends travelling te teurnaments, they also had te raise money te support their team. Lacrosse may b. Canada's officiai national summer sport but the federal governmnent doesn't BROOKLIN P S65 BALDWIN ST.* BROOKLIN L( IWhat To Do Ao hDamage from UV radiation- Blisi .1 sunburn, may flot appear brok Yimmediately but peaks 15- with I20 hours after exposure pres when a burning, beet-red and colour appears. peor VTo treat sunburn, take seVE painkillers to ease,the pain, requ and soothe the hot skin ster< Jwith calamine lotion. Cong Il I III IL-i I I l -.I-.I-i-I -I-IllI Il Ff-Fi-ii I-.t-F - Il-I-If-t tipping fées. Reidents and businesses may drop off large quantities of blue box ecylabes at the processing facllity located at 4600 Garrard Rd. in Whitby. The 'no-fee' policy will apply provided recyclables are separated., Previousiy materials were subject to a 175 per tonne charge for anky weight greater than 100 kIlograms. Caîl the centre at 579-5264 for information on the best times to drop off materlals. Small quantities of recyclables- should continue -to be délivered to the Region's other waste management facilities. Hospîital FROM PAGE 1 "They don't want te close hospitals, but itVs 'aiso very apparent that the status que wen't remain for any hospitai,"- he said. Given t he goverrnment's eariy announcements on heaith care, Souch prediets a "bright future" for Whitby Generai. Aithough The Free Press was promised a copy cf Emm's motion, one was net available prier te. deadline. Emm was net availabie te respond te Souch's commenta. -Regional ceuncillor Emm is Durham's repre sentative on the hospital board. Centre ward counciller Scott is the Town's representative. offer much support for it. Last April, the Canadian Lacrosse Association's budget from, Sports Canada was slashed. from $177,000 te, $77,000. As a result, thes. young wom.n were knocking on doors asking for money te, get the $3,000 th.y each needed te . pay for uniforms, .quipment and travel expenses te represent Canada. "Itfs frustrating. No on. likes te go around asing for money," said Griffen. On. cf the main fundraising sciiemes involv.d going te local businesses and selling a.dv.rtisements in the team's player program. It teck a lot of time, time that would have been.better used iii practcice. No matter what the results are from the world cup, these ladies are stiil Canadian champions and outstanding individuals by any definition. QUILTER ALERT' There ia a long and strong quilting tradition'in Brooklin - >HARMACY. .B 100, 905-655-3301 At Sunburn? ers should flot be ken but simply treated icool-water coan- sses. A mild vinegar water bath may make ple feel cooler. A very ere sunburn may iire use of a topical )id cream. suit your pharmacist. BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bibi. School will b. held at Hebron Christian Reformed Church, 407 Crawforth, St., Whitby Aug. 14-18, 9:30 to, 11:30 a.m., for those aged four te' 12. There wiil b. crafts, singixig and bibi. atonies. For more information or te register, oel Sadie at 725-2366, Mary at 725-2412 or the. church at 668-5141. BIBLE SCHOOL Dafly Vacation Bible School will b. held at Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. (corner of Glbert and Reynolds), Aug. 21 te 25, 9 te 11:30 a.m. Theme is. Seaside With The Saviour. For kids aged five te, 10. Crafts, songs, games, activities and snacks. Ciosing program 15 Friday at 7 p.m. To pre-register, caîl the. church office at 668-9711 SOS The SOS Group (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) meets every week. The next meeting is on Monday, Aug. 14. For more information or te pre-register, eall 436-1046. ANNIVERSARY Oshawa General Hospital's 85th anniversary celebration will be on Sunday, Aug. 13, il a.m. te 3:30 pnn., ini the pienie area at Lakeview Park in Oshawa. There will be games, prizes, displays and musical entertainment, featuring The Lincoinaires. A huge birthday cake will b. served at 1 p.m. For more information, cali the hospital at 433-4339. witnss the fine quilts on display during the spring fair. So al quilters and quilt-levers will be thrilled te know next weekend is central Ontario's larg.st quilt display. Upte a 100 handcrafted quilts will be on display in Cannington Aug. 12 and 13. ONE PARENT FME The Oshawa c ope f the On. Parent Famiiy Association wil iioid1 famiiy nigiit on Tuesday, Aug.' 15, at the. Adria Culture Club, 432 Simce St. S., Oshawa. For more information, cail Diane at 434-1954. BAT HK The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority'a Bat Hike will b. iieid on Wednesday, Aug. 9 and Thursday, Aug. 10, starting at' 8 p.m.,- at Enniskillen Conservation Area north of Bowmanville. For more information, eaU 579-0411. FAMILY PICNIC The Malta Social Club Durham Region (Whitby) invites members, their families and friends te a famuly pienic at Heydenshore Park, Whitby, on Sunday, Aug. 13, starting at 10 a.m. For details, call Les at 427-2360. KID CHECK The Canada Trust branch at 80 Thickson Rd. S., Whitby wiii host a 'Kid Chieck' on Saturday, Aug.ý 12, 10 a.m. te 2. p.m. Organized by Chiid Find, chiidren cf any age wili be fingerprinted (chiidren must be accempanied by a parent). For more information, cali 666-r9933. FIRT AID A standard first aid/basic rescuer CPR course will be effered in Whitby Aug. 18-20 by St. John Ambulance. To register, eaul 434-7800. WRITERS CLUB, The Durhiam Writers & Editers Breakfast Club. will meet on Saturday, Aug. 12, 8 te 10 a.m., at Swans Marina, Liverpool Road and Lake Ontario, Pickering. Cost is, $8 'for members, $10, for non-members. Register in advance by calling 686-2085. 'Poets in the. Pub' willb. ield on Monday,- Aug. 14,7 teý 9 p.m., in the" Courtyard Pub, Pickerngl Village, Ajax. Poets and isongwriters wisiiing to read or perform can -oel Terry Day at 905-619-8872. PBYJ.ORKSHOP Tii. Writers Circle of -Durhiam Re&ion wiil sponsor a workshop,, 'Piiotegrapiiy for Wziterst & Other Dummies,'-on Tuesday, Aug. 15, 7:30 te, 9:30 p.m.,-at the Toronto Sehool cf Budiness, 1450 Kingsten Rd., Pickering. Cost isi $10 for members, $15 for non- members. Cali 686-2085 te register. HORSIN AROIJND On Aug. 16 at. Heber Down Conservation Area, horse-drawn wagon rides will b. operating from 6:30 te 8:15 p.m. from the day-use Sarkdng lot., Ticket price- is 1.75/person/ride. The campfire will b. open from 7 te 9:30'p.m. If you play a musical instrument, bring. it along. For more information, caUl (905) 579-0411. FAMUJLY FUN DAY Family Fun Day will b. 'held at Harmony Valley Conservation Area on Sunday, Aug. 13, il a.m. te 4 p.m. Events include hors.- drawn wagon ridges, infiatable playground, hay- maze, .kit. display, face painting and crafts for the kids. Special events include stuntkidte flying, pienic games, scavenger hunt, fighting ite tournament, . gymnasties demonstration. Admission is $2 a car. Harmony Valley is off Grandview Street in Oshawa. JIM FLAHERTY M.P.P.dIiI SPORTS CAMP The very popular Optimist Art and Sport Camp begins Aug..21. Call Matt at 655-4434 weekdays. Steve Lahy's column appears eveuy week 11e can be reached Wt 65-4398 or 655-5888 (fax). Truck tools stolen Thieves stole $17,000 worth of tools and a pickup truck from a Brooklin construction site recently. Police say the thieves cut the iock of a 16-foot metai gate to get into a fenced compound at the northeast corner of Baldwin Street and Columbus Road sometime between 7 p.m. July 26 and 6:15 a.m. July 27. They then broke into a construction trailer to get the tools which included wrench sets, saws, radios and equipment keys. They aise broke into nine construction vehicies and took items from each. They ioaded it ail in a 1988 four,door GMC crew cab aise parked on the. site, police say. 1430-1141* MON. - FRI. 1 OAM - 4PM The Royal Canadian Legion B ranch #1 12, Whitby & i B ranch #15.2, Brooklin presents Formn up in front of Legion Hall 19:00 a.m. 117 Byron Street South Open-House 10:30 - 4:00iip.m. ~{ ROOKLJIN Lacrosse champions 1- 4, .: 14>- -7-7! rc).