Page 2, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, August 9, 1995 By Mike Kowalald a recent dumping of landflul into There appears to be no part of the. Pringie Creek valley. significant damage as the resuit of Material dumped in an area r------------------ SPIMAL ANNOLNIoMNT] A very special, effective real estate 1 service is now availabe t home 1 ownem 'in the BrooW!nvWhtby area. ForI competitive pricng, coupled with top I service, simýplycu otthis adand cal I "the Man with the White Dog" I Isteve Cooperu ISales Repoesentative *i. I (905) 619-9500 1 FAX: (905) 619-3334I P.S. Ask abot making =orhoea »STAR' LsSpebd Fraud charges A 41-year-old Dundas Street East man faces two charges of fraud after someane tried te, pass a bad chieque at a local trust company and bank. Employées at Canada Trust, 80 Thickson Rd. S., called police after recognizing a man, from a 'wanted for fraud' poster, wiio was trying ta cash a chieque. A teller unsuccessfully tried'te stal the suspect until police arnived but was unable to do so. .Poice say the. accused tiin went ta a CIBC branch in the same plaza wiiere tiiey caugiit up to bim and made tiie arrest. He iiad apparently eanier deposited a $1,080 ciieque at tiie brancii using a faise name, police say, and was caugiit on. the security camera. next to Father Lea J. Austin Cathoic Secondary Sciiooi has been remov.d and the iandscaping flrmn responsibie for the. incident has proniised to make al necessary repairs. Officiais from bath the Town of WVhitby and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autiiority (CLOCA) are satisfled with the company's undertaling and do not intend to pursue tii. matter furtiier. "It was nothing major, a couple of trees were pushed over, but we cidn't really lose any,", said CLOCA planning technxician Robert Hersey. "We're not taikring a substantial amount of fli, probably an area about 10 feet wide by 10 to 15 feet Local Dutel Six Scouts and one aduit leader fi'om the Whitby area are erijoying the experience of a lifetime in Holland this week at the l8th World Scout Jamboree in Dronten, the Netherlands. World jamborees are held every four years, bringing together Smouts from over 100 cauntries and territories around the worid. The Whitby Scouts joined a group of 570 Canadians in London, England, before proceeding on ta the jamboree. The Canadian contingent spent three days in London g.tting to know each other and touring the sites there, before boarding a coach bound for the jamboree. They took a ferry trip across the. English- channel and drove through France, Belgiumn and the long," he said. Cambridge Landscaping had been hired by the Durham separate school board ta make repairs ta Austin'ls football field. According ta, Hersey, an excess amount of landfll left over from the job was pushed into the creek valley rather than iiauled away. SAs a result, the company was in violation of provincial iaw whicli forbids in-fllling or- otiier alterations ta, a waterway without permission from the conservation autiiority. "They were not aware of the. regulations which is often the case in matters like this," said Hersey. It was an oversight on their part." In fact, most of the, iandfli and other material had already been removed before Hersey himself was out ta iÎnspect thie site early last week. Town of Wiitby staff were firat on 'tiie scene after receiving a compiaint from a neighbouring resident and tiiey ordered the. dlean-up, Hersey said. If the, company iiad not been willing ta co-operate and CLOCA pressed charges, the. contractor could have been hiable ta a $1,000 fine and/or tiiree montiis i jail, Hersey said. "Usually wiiat w, go for is restoration. Itfs a lot better for .veryone involved if tiiey agree ta, rehabilitate the* land." Scouts at jamb.oree Netherlands, arriving at the huge jamboree site before supper. Whitby Scout Chris Moore says "You would not believe how big thus jamboree site is. It takes 40 minutes juat, ta waik across it. I have met hundreds of scouts firom, dozens of countries. The Whitby Scouts belong, toaa jamboree troop of 39 people from Durham Region, Taranto and Oakvîlle. Troop leader Bian Wick of Brooidin says "Sa far the youth are getting along great and are really enjoying themselves. Tiie weather bas been dry and very hot for Hoiland this time of year. Usuaily itfs raining every day in AuRuust. so I hea-r." There have been variaus special events- and activities since the camp began. The. spectacular opening oeremony was attended by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and there was singing and dancing and fireworks for the 34,000 who attended. As Wiiitby Venturer Scout Melissa Dawson points out, the Dutch Queen wasn't the only member of royalty in attendance. I was invited ao a special reception by thei. Canadian contingent leader,"'says Dawson. "Wheft I arrived, I found that the. reception a was1 for an award presentation te King Gustav'of Sweden. I actually met the. Ring of Swedent" Troop leader Bilan Wick says thatoeampfires or festivals are held every night in each of the. sub- camps at the. jamboree. "Our troo p Iperformed last night by doing a skit about the. Blue Jays, and then leading the. crowd in a ing-sang. Other troops showed their native dances," says Wick SAbout ha]fof the 570 Canadians at thiejamboree will b. involved in a Home Hospitality programn after the. 10-day jamboree. Tii. youth and leaders will stay with a Dutch family in Utrecht for four nights, and wiil have a chance ta, tour around te tthe local sites. Activities at tii. jamboree itself continue until Thursday, when the. jamboree terch will be handed aver te the Scouts of Cii, who wiil hast the. next world jamboree in 1999. Teen is charged after boy assau.lted A Brock Street Southi teen was arrested and ciiarged after a 11-year-old boy was attacked July 25. Police say the. incident began wiien a youtii threw appies at the victim, aiso from Brock Street Southi, wiio ran away. Tii. youtii followed on bis bike and knocked the boy ta tiie ground Wichstr ýv Red Rose 5825 THICKSON RD. N. Taunton Rd. IHwv 401 è e WHTBY i-.OSHAWA 6 55 4 .7c three times, police say. H. threw rocks at the. boy, hitting hinm five times an the back and an the. back of bis head. The victim's fatiier, who heard the commotion and came out to help his son, says the youth threatened to get*his rifle and kili him. A 14-year-old, wiio cannat be identified according' to the Young Offenders Act,, was ciarged with assault, assault with a weapan, threatening death and breach of probation. TRADESMEN CONTRACTING Licnced Electnical & Plumbing Serving Durham for' Sover 12 years ROGER BILL (905) 242-0075 (905) 985-2386 Dr. Kathaine du Quesnay B.P.H.E., D.C. a 29 year resident of Durham Region is thrilled to announce her association witli Dr. Bob Johnston and nutritional consultant Kate Head at Brooklin Family Health Centre (formerly Johnston Chiropractic) on Highway 12noith oflTaunton Rd.7 Brookiin Family Health.Centre 4945 Baldwin St. S., Brooklin a 655-5767 eWhere'S~ Lesley?? 0 Formerly from, The Hair Centre Unisex now at Sheila' s Hairstyling 113 Perry S., Port Perry (next to L.C.B.O) S(905) 985-3597