Whitby Free Pres. Weclnesday, Aýugust 23, 1995M.a 2 PRIVATE TUTORIALS, ail leveis. Certified Engiish teacherMwth E.S.L. expenienoe, grammar phonics, essay wrriting, etc. (Sompetitive rates. Cai Yvonne at 576-8685. EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANT, tutor,.B.A., M.Ed., over 20 years eprience. Specialist: S pec. Ed., redng & tanguage skills, math, elementary, secondary, aduit. Calit 668-1880. SINGING LESSONS. Highiy quaiified feacher,' 19 years expenience. Beginners welcome. Competitive rates. 668-7993. GUITAR LESSONS. ALL LEVELS. Alit ges. Accoustic or eiecfric. Register now. 666-1979 LÉEcote Française smali aduit casses in an informai but resuts-oriented environment beginner f0 advanced courses designed f0 meet your needs Reasonable rates 1 20 years teaching experience Private instruction a/sa. avallable Cali Jacques at 666-0993 L anD MOWING. Our speciaity iawn cut n' trim. Also hed 9 sheaning and yard cdean-up. Quaiuty workmanshup g uaranteed. ToiI-free pager i-416-553-8180.. PAINTING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR q uality work, best material used. For those who deserve more for their money, cati1 Joe 721-2706, please leave message. BASEMENT SPECIALIST. Since 1982 we've been making il easy f0 have the most beautiful basement - whatever budget. Compete finished basement from $6 850. For free estimate cali 427-Pt73. OLYMPîC PAINTING - professional paintin & walipaper. i nteriorfextenor. No job too smaii. For good pnices & good work, cai George at 725-7870 or 666-2091. Free estimates. KATE'S CUSTOM-MADE draperies. Free consultation. Shop at hoe service. Low, low prices. Cail (905) 666-3048. OCCASIONAL CAKES has moved. To place an order for your custom made cakes please cail Glenys at 571-1408. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Alil makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complete tune-up from $29.95 + parts. Facfory trained technicians. For free pick-up & deiivery cail 432-7375. AM BUSINESS SERVICES "Services for the smaii business". Cierical & word processing, customized resumes, correspondence, manuais, mailing lists, reports. Laser printer, fax&o mail service, pick-up & deiivery. Cail 432-1491. 7?4t q4cee 44d. CALL A MIARUONwS HOUSEQLEANING SERYKE (husband & wfe team) We have a service to fit your needs & budget starting at $50. Cali us at (905) 706-0526 or (905) 427-3607 Wedeivr ler ew~ The Mutuai Group I HERB TRAN calfor quotation ilF'::f A,19i I'1-M 1Aý' Interlock, retaining walls, decks,& fences. * Specializing in Pisa stone. IlCali (905) 718-1008 or (905) 985-4626 .I........r... 0i Clerical& Word Processing 0i Customized Resumes 0 Correspondence O Manuals 0i Mailing Lists 0 Reports 0i Laser Printer C)i Fax & Mail Service 0i Pickup & Delivery (ail 432-141 *wood f encing & decks IWritten Guaranteel 1666-9691 LANDSCAPING' - specializing in pruning, clea n-ups iawn & garden care, plintings. Fýree 'estimates. Reasoinabie. Licensed & cerfified iandscaper. Grass cutting & tnimming $12 & up. Cali Paul H urst 668-0242. HOME MAINTENANCE. Speciaiizing in smail jobs - if you want to keep your house or apt. iooking ifs best cali now for a frée estimate 666-0ý88. WOOD RENEWERS - make decks, fences, woodsiding, log structures look ike new again. Remove al weafherinq, stains & paint. Seaierlstain wiii flot peel or chip. Work guaranteed. 655-3566. RENEW WORKS - we dlean and seat your interiocking brick withour patented, environmenta lly friendIy products. Free estimates and ail work guaranteed. 655-3566. ELECTRICIAN* LIC. # E-2268. Residentiai, commercial, industrial, 24 hr. service. Free estimates. No job f00 small. Ait work guaranteed. cail Frank at 905-666-0193. RESUMES, ETC. Give your job hunt the edge with a professionally prepared resume. Also press releases, newsietter production, word processing. (905) 666-9902. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS & Custom Designs - Corne see us for ail1 your sewing needs. Leather, zippers, also men's taiioring available. Tues.-Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3, 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. "HANDYMAN WlTH A VAN" wviil do household moving, ciean-ups and removal, generai repairs and electricai work. Cali Doug (905) 434-7874. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive 2uaiity portraits. Studio or in home. ~abies, chiidren, familles. Packages from $29. Also: weddings from $299, oid photos copied & rerd corporate & promotional. No GSTf (905) 427-9164. EXCAVATING & TRENCHING, Bobcat $55/hr., trucking $40/hr., mini hoe $50/hr., no job o smalt, free estimates. 666-9690. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & decorating by Adnian Pope. Over 23 years expenience, interior & exterior, wailpaper specialist. For your free esti mate caît 655-4254. HOME RENOVATIONS & restorat ion. Plans, inspections, specifications, carpentry, plumbing, etecfnical, Windows, energy conservation. Cail Jacques of Ail Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. HENK KARELSEN Painting & Home Repair. Quality work, interior/exterior. Over 20 years expenence. No job too small. Free estimafes. 1-800-423-0823. COM.ING EVENTS ST. JACOBS CRAFT SHOW: Saturday, August 26, 9am-Spm, August 27, lOam- 4pm. 85+ Jurledvendors. Aduits $3.00, children under 12, free. St. Jacobs Arena/Communlty Centre. Foilow Hwy. 86 north of Kitchener - Waterloo. Info. 519-664-3310. BUSINESS FOR SALE HEATING AIR CONDITIONING Busi- ness. Operating sixteen years success- fuiîy in Northern Ontario. Incorporated. inludes inventory, tools, sheet metal equipment, vehicle, goodwill. Asklng $115,000. Partial Financing available 705-647-5444. CAERTRAININ.G. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER ... with our great home-study course. Cail for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writ- lng School, 2382-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ont. KiL 6R2. BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR ... with our great home-study course. Cailfor a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829, The Sheffield School, 1006-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ontario Ki L 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Vancouver offers correspondence cours- es for the Certificate of Counseliing stud- ies to begin August 30 . For brochure phone: 1-800-665-7044. EARN EXTRA MONEYI Learn Tax or Bookkeeping by correspondence. For free brochures, no obligation, contact U & R Tax Schools, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6, 1-800;-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise territo- ries now available. EMPLOYMENT OPPS.. THIS IS Your Wake Up Call We are hir- ing caring professionals, who want to make a differencel Openings for teach- ers, trainers, speakers and medical per- sonnel. Breakthrough technological advances In therapeutic and heaiing arts. The Alandel SchooI & Clinic 1-800-661- 2099. FORSALE COAL FOR FORGE, fireplace, furnace or stove. Top quality anthracite and bitumi- nous. Soid year-round in bags, bushels or bulk. Schaner Coal, St. Jacobs, NOR 2N0, 519-664-2430. HELP WANTED OUTDOOR FURNACE DEALERS and salesmen wanted for Woodmaster Prod- ucts from $2,999. delivered. Free 58 page parts and furnace catalog. Cal message centre 1-800-616-4666. after 5pni. CHARLTON RESORTS offers year- round empîoyment opportunlities for housekeeping attendants in Banff and Jasper. Requlred at Chateau Jasper are buspersons and dinlng room servers. Please contact ALLISON PLANTE, Sat- urday thru Wednesday 9:OOam to 3:OOpm 403-852-5644. Fax 403-852-4860. SALES, HELP WANTED $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars NEW $2.00 PRODUOTS. Nothlng to pay in advance. Fast dellvery 1-800-383-3589. LIVESTIOQK BOER GOAT S-ALE, Markham Fair- grounds, Sunday, August 27/95, 2:OOpm. Free Info. Seminars start at 10:3Oam. Selng 50 purebreds. Dlverslfy your Income with growthy Boer Goats. Contact Ram H Breeders, Ray & Anne Marie Hauck, ph/fax 403-932-3135. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000i satisfied customers. July - 3 lottery winners. Solve ail problems...Answers about love, money, career...$3.49/min ... Talk live 1 on 1 ... 24 hrs ... 18+...all caîls confidential. 1- 900-451-4336. PSYCHIC MASTERS! Genuine Canadian Psychlcs tell ail. Answers on Romance, Wealth, Career, Lucky Numbers. Live and personal. 1-900-451-3778. $2.99/min .,18+, 1-on-1, 24 hrs. I.C.C. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Friend of thousands, multl-talented Inter- national psychics. Reiationships, Future, Finance, Career, Live 24 Hours, $2.99/Min. 18+. 1-900-451-3783. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers. Friends of thousands. Love, Money, Success, Accurate, Caring, Positive. -24 hours, $2.99/min. 18+1. 1-900-451-3783. UNEXPLAINED POWERI Psychic tells you things you may not even want to knowl 1-900-870-2217, $2.99 per minute. 18+. REAL ESTATE' POWER 0F SALE: Five bedroom, 9 housekeeplng cottages, 23 acres, sand beach, huge flshing lake. Cail Dale Austin Realty Ltd., Minden. Bob Austin 705-286- 4441. GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? W'lI take III America's largest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales Intemnational 1-800- 423-5967. Tîmeshare rentais needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. STE.EL,,BUILDINGS FOR SALE. STEEL BUILDINGS Quonset & Straightwall. A cheap Building offers no flexlbility, may even cost more. The answer, Future Steel, thousands of peo- pie can't be wrong. 1-800-668-8653. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS... "ROCK BOT- TOM PRICESI' 18x24 $2, 177. 20x32 $3,192. 25x40 $4,550. 30x44 $6,124. 30x4O $6,323. 40x48 $7,643. 40x84 $1 2,999. Others. Ends optionai. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. FA-7E H STEA L BUIL i'«G "LD.- Exclusive distributors of the MAGNUM series of buildings, Straightwall wood/steei and ail/steel buildings, Are- nas, Stables, Workshops, Barns, Etc. Contracting and Flnancing Available, 24 hours. 1-800-561-2200. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strait- wali Type - not quonset - 32x54 $9,460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x90 $20,443, 60xl26 $31,314 - other sizes avallabie - misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. *t WtAffordable e ftk, Fast a* Ww Easy *One Bili Doeu ft Ail eNorthern Ontario $63 a Eastern Ontario $91. Western Ontario $162 e Central Ontario $168 eAil Ontario $380 eNational Packages Available Cail this paper for details! Whity Fre Prss *$&8-1.11 Offce Hurs:Monay tFrîdy, 900 an ta5:00pm..Fax.68.0.4. ,CLASSIF.IED, MARKETPLA.CE " Advertiso A cross Ontario or A cross, the Country"" Please Recycle This Newspaper!