i DURHAM SKOESTRINOERS I Whltby FieePres, Wecnesday, August 30,19U5., Page 13 IIf you want to drink, that'. yourI bumineu. If you want to atop, tha's ourL.11 aHAlcohoica Auditions for 'Night Mother, Assassins Durham Shoestring Performers wifl hold the first audition of their 22nd seon on Tuesday, Sept. 5 at 7:30 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre behind Osbawa city hall. Director Ann Syme i.se»elng two women to, portray a mother and daughtor in %Night Mother, a Pulitzer prize-winni*ng play by Marsha Norman. mhe daughter should be lu her late thirties. This is a serious drama about suicide, and it in recommended that candidates read the script before the audition. On Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 7:30 p.m., the season'decoSnd casting wiil take place. Asasai n8, by Stephen Sondheixn and John Weidman, is a witty and relevant A Welcome Home' An 'exhibition of paintings by members of the- group Painters Eleven will open at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery on Thursday, Aug. 31. The Painters Eleuen: Welcome Hlome exhibition coincides with the 4th anniversary of the Fanters- Eleven inaugural exlibition which took place at two commercial galleries successively, the Roberts Gallery, Toronto, and the Robertson Gallery, Ottawa. Ail works in the show are part of the gallery's permanent collection, and have reoently returned from the Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, Massachusetts, the Robert Hall Fleming Museum, University of Vermont, and the Anderson Gallery, Buffalo, where they were included in the exhibition Canadian Painters Eleven, organized by Ross Fox of the Mead Art Museum. Painters Eleven, a Toronto- based group which lasted from 1953 to 1960,, were ail bound by a. commitment to abstraction. The group t'ormed after a meeting at the studio-cottage of Alexandra Luke in Whitby. The acquisition of paintings by the group's artiets was set as the gallery's acquisition policy by the board of trustees in1971. Harmony sngers eau juin chorus' Women with a desire, to, learn four-part harmony singing in the barbershop style are invited to join Eastside Harmony Chorus on Sept. 7 for the first night of the annual new member prograin. Thesix-week program will teaeh the basics of harmony singing in a women's barbershop chorus. Upon successful completion of the progran, interested singera will be invited to, join the chorus as they embark on another year of shows and competitive singing. The Sept. 7 meeting is at Orchard Villa, in the auditorium, 1955 Valley Farm Rd., Pickering. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. For more information, caîl Cathy at 434-1726 (home) or 723-5203 (business>. musical about all the a.susnatioii attempte oný American presidents throughout that nation'. history. The, cas3t is large and includes singer. and non-sfinger. Im Southwell, the director, willcast seven male lead singrer, ail tenors and baritones, and two female lead singer. in the mezzo-soprano range. As well, there- are supporting roles for three baitones and two mezzo-sopranos of any aduit age., Challenging roles need to be filled for three maie (older than- age 20> and one, female (mid- thirties) acdors, no sinin Candidates for* singing roles' should prepare a song that shows their vocal range. A piece by Stephen Sondheim in preferable but not necessary. Apianist will be' provided, but candidates should, bring their own sheet music or taped accoýmpaniment. No preparation ià required for acting rôles. There are aiE opportunities for thos3e who-want -to contribute te backstage or other production positions. To borrow a script for advance reading, or for fiurther information, oeIl producer Carolyn. Wilson at 72"~256. THIS W~EEKOL 8 Inch Apple Pie 299y ci heE Mini - 1e Sticks .Only I reg.1.75 750-s Hokis tre.WhM 666g m A l7 C....Registered ?TELEHOP .>ew-ly Communications (Whitby) Inc. 153 Brock St. N, (Whiby Lanes) Whitby 43003l or 430-8121 VISIT Us- VEAR ROUND Open Saturdays &Sundays 9:00 arn to 5:00 Pm 1540 Hwy. 7A, West, (905) 985-8424 (just west of the Beer Store) PORT -PRy *FREE Parking *FREE Admission, Over 17,000 square feet of great bargaîns. Antiques, collectibles, crafts, woodworking new and used items. PORT PERRY COUNTÉRY FLEA M ARKETU per doz.