Page 14, W1îtby Free Proes, Wo<kesday, August 30, 1995 oc WHITBY'S NEW tire department headquarters and main lire hall -s Up and running. (Clockwise from top left) tlretlghter Scott Siersma S slides down the ýpote; one of the dozen or so 'hideaway desks' to be 01 used by officiais in the event of an'emergency; hats, jackets and boots, ready for use at a moment's. notice when the alarm is sounded.F..Po 1 l LIj=nl - l JIIl il Il - 5 =o n r"nU--n- =u1nï='r Un lc " IE-, rl r- m i New st a 10 E d al iu , *1 g Jr ByMak Reosor several minutes ol Thirty years after its downtown time for the homes * headquarters was opened in April, and Taunton." 1 * 1965, Whitby fine department has a Response times f * new headquarters and main fire hall, station to anywhere The new building has more space, Road "were six =i which was badly needed, says Fire objective is to hav Chief Tony VanDoleweerd, and three to five minute stae-f-te-rtequipment, including a built-up areas." decontamination chamber and updated Hall 03, the dej radio and computer equipment. headquarters and: stay as it is for nc There's plenty of room for growth ini says, but "the plai the new facility, he notes, and lots of build a substation 1 lands available in case an expansion is Brock Street... needed. "The long-range The new main flre station is "ideally (replace it) by b situated" te respond to calîs in new two-vehicle substati developments planned for north and to go south witi Whiitby, he says. The departmentm' "Itfs still a good mun to Brooklin but opening for the newl it's faster (than before) and we've cut 21. ~HLi n u 11L ru-," rI ~ i I11:iU ......... . . IMi LJLJ L lu=