* Page 12, Whby Free Press, Wednesday. September.13, 199 Whitby'S gar.bage going to uoe By Mike Kowaiskl. south of the border. For the next four weeks Town council Monday agreed ta Whitby'B garbage will be headiing hire a local waste processing E1 Ni VY3 I MIDWAYwS SATISFACTION 35 CELEBRATION I.YEARSJ #1 in Durham for sales, selection, service A f customer satisfaction Standard Features include: 16 valve O OHC 115 HP engine 5 speede tilt -, AM/FM cassette a power steering, mirrors, windows, Iocks - Dual air bags e 60/40 split rear seat * alloy rims - rear spoiler.- dual cupholders' mud flaps -, tachometer a remote trunk and gas - side mouldings - fog lights a full carpeting -b cruise - plus more ... and it's fun ta drive 60 month @ 9.25% Residual option $5425 - Taxes due at delivery No money down OAC Factory Authorized EXECUTIVE DEMO Clearance Outiet company ta dispose of the municipality's solid waste on a trial basis. Boginni*ng neit woek, Town garbage trucks will deliver their l'oads to Pebblestojie Multi-Services on Wontworth Street rather than taki.ng the garbago ta, the Brock West landfll site in Pickering. The wastê will be processed at Pebblestone's plant near the Whitby-Oshawa border and thon shipped ta, its final destination somewhore in the United States. If the four-week trial period is succosul, there could be significant savinga ta Whitby taxpayers if Pebblestane is later retained on a regular basis. Public works directar Wayne Hancock tald coundil that Pebblestane will b. charging $65 por tan ta, proceas the garbago. Thates $5 lesmthan the tipping fees Durham Region charges its member municipalities. iixtrapolated over a ful year, the savung would b. approzimately $100,000, Hancock said. This figure wae arrived at by combining the $70,000 savings in tipping foos and $30,000 saved by not requiring garbage trucks ta drive ta, Pickering, ho explained. Ini supportixg the proposai, east ward councillor Denmis Fox assured his constituents that they neod not worry about mouads of garbage piling up outside the plant. «While the. garbage will ho taken ta, the Pobblestone site, it wiil not ait there," prozised Fox. ,t will bo processed and eventually taken Wô a U.S. site." Regional counicillor Marcel Brunelle, a memnber of Dunham's waste management committee, said bis regional colleagues will I ~~~ 71iL,, v P~.L. LUk Quality Haircare Affordable Prices HAIRCUT Afer2:3pm$o SPECIAL until 7:OOpm $ 0 PERMS $25.00Oand up COLOURSe. $25.00 SPIRAL PERMS $55.00 and up. 3 MON. TO FR1. 9:00 - 7:00 - SATURDAY 9:00 - 6:00 209 DUDSS.EMIB OTFIE JIN THE WHITBY CORPORATE CENTRE) (ACROSS PROM POST OFFICE> 9HY2 UMAS GOLF '9WORLD'S BEST SELHING CAR" è POWER LOCKS e TINTED GLASS e DUAL MIRRIORS e ADVANCED SAFETY SYSTEM AND MUCH MORE. * Freethl PDI<axes extra. OAC OWASCO (9) VOLKSWAGEN INC. Proven Io serve you BEST since 1972. An 'l CARE» and CAA award winner 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby 686-6410 pay close attention ta, Whitby. d181 "Were one of thefist to go the "1 private route, in Durham," said can Brunelle. "A lot of other municipalities will be watching Whitby's experience. 1 think what we're doing is the wave of the future." Following the meetini, Brunelle said Whitby's involvemont with Pebblestone stemmed from discussions ho has had over the years with the private sector waste wiuh was willi firir gari was time NIE ho a Former Durham Centre MPP Drummond Wbite basagn been charged with assault. Court documents show White, 44, was à rrested June 25 and charged with a---uling bis daughteri Amanda White, before being released on a promise ta appear. The case has been put over ta Sept. 22. White is being rersonted by Whitby lawyer John Payne, who also represented him when ho was fret chargod with assaulting bis daughter ini early February, 1994. That charge, which stemmed from a tug-of-war with bhis daughter over a coat wbich White was attempting ta check for cigarettes, was dismised the next The Youth Comiittee. of Whitby Courthouse Theatre will hold an information session Saturday, Sept. 23, 1 ta 2 p.m. Youth aged eight ta, 16 can sign up for what promises ta ho a "fun- filled intense year of drama Mum festival to begin The. Cluysanthemum Festival bein Saturday.- Sept. 16 at Cullen Gardons. Hundreds of fail mu.ms as well as flowering kale and cabbage are at the Gardons, and a mum show and sale is on Sept. 16 and 17. During the festival, 50 cents from every chid's admission will b. donated ta Ronald McDonald House (admission free for kcids aged 12 and under on Sept. 16, from 10 a.m. to noon). Ronald McDonald will aiso unveil a chrysanthemum scupture of himself at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Gardening author Mark Cullen wiIl do a live radio shýow, also at 10 a.m. The fail craft show is Sept. 23-24. DR. MICHAL GREENGLASS 220 Dundas St. W. #102 (Dundas-Centre Medical Building) Whitby - LlN 2MV3 430-4822 Evenlngs & Saturdays Emergencies & New Patients Welcome Posai industry. Pebblestone was asked what it Ldo for us and staff came Up h a report," ho said. "The report 3favourable and we' were [zig to give it a r. runellesaid some of the larger ne in the field will even collect bage, but ho doubted council 3prepared ta go that route any e soon. Flow far do you get involved?" ELked. month. White did voluntarily agree toaa 12-month recognizance requiring im ta b. of good behaviaur and keep tho peace. Ho aiso pledged to continue with cbild management counselling sessons wbich ho had been attending prior to the incident. Payne stressed at the time that the reeognizance was not an adiion ofguilt by White or that ho had dono anything criminal. White was charged after bis daughter tald her teacher about the altercation, who reported it ta police. The thon Durham Centre MPP rosigned from the NDP caucus until the matter was deait with. activities at the Whitby Courthouse Theatre, f says Lorraine Lloyd, youth coordinatar. Parents can also attend. Youth membership for the year is $5, not including Theatre* Ontario workshops that may ho offered. To attend, use the stage left rear entrance ta the theatre inside the Centennial Bildingi 416 Contre St. S., Whitby. Whitby Courthouse Theatre's regular season begin.s with It Run, i'z 7fr Family, a Ray Cooney farce directed by Frank Knight, Nov. 9 - 25. For tickets and subscriptions, caUl Lafontaine Trading Post at 430-3774. For a prerecorded message about upcoming shows, cail the theatre at 668-1171. Fox R.n Sunday The. Terry Fox Rua will ho held in Whitby this year from the Kmart store in Kendalwood Plaza. Kmart employee Pat Salisbu.ry is organizing the Sunday, Sept. 17 event, takring over from Marilyn Peck who planned the firet such run inWitby'a few years ago. Participants can walk, run, cycle or roller blade the lO-kilometre route. Pledge shoots are available at the store. For more information, cail 430-3544. DENTAL FACTS FALL CHECK-UPS * When school starts it usually *means getting back to a schedule. Children have had abundant snacks and candy. Their meal times and eating habits have been irregular. This is a good time to schedule a thorough dental checkup. Children also begin to play hockey and other team sports and a' mouth guard may be needed to proteot their teeth. For aduits, fali is a good time to have a dental checkup to deal with problems that have been left unattended during the summer holiday period. Faîl may also be the renewal time of your dental plan. Benefits cannot be carried forward f rom one year to the next s0 consult your dentist about making the best use of your coverage. Whi te 'facing assault charge Theatre session"for youth [NISSANI