Whitby Free Press, 13 Sep 1995, p. 27

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Houlsing plan deferred itby Free Press, Wednesday, September 13,1995, Page 27 --aglain By Miko Kowaki A tiny liousing development proposed for soutli Whitby lias been deferred for yet another look by Town officiais. Despite a warning that the matter may wind up at the Ontario Municipal Board, applications to develop the Garden Street site were tabled by Town council'a, planning.- and' development committee last week. Aithougli just 25 homes comprise the proposai, the location lias prompted dloser scrutiny than wvhat would normally occur if the site was somewhere else in town. A few councillors, most notably commiittee chair Marcel Brunelle, feel the property should be occupied by a more esthetically pleasing development." On July 10, council sent rezoning and officiai plan amendment applications fm 639373 Ontario Ltd. back to the planning- department. The numbered company was seeking to build 23 to 25 street townhouses on the 4.4-acre vacant lot on the nortlieast corner of Garden Street and Consumers Drive. (Athougli the wooded ravine lot lias fioodplain and hazard land designations, a staff report notes that the property is now outaide the regional storm floodplain due to downstream improvements to nearby Pringle Creekc.) Council, instead, directed staff to meet with the, applicant to discuss a low density development rather than medium density. But even with the proposai changing from townhouses to single detached homes, it was not enougli te satisfy Brunelle's vision of the right development for a "gateway" into Whitby. "I stili think there -are other building forms that wouid compflement the site. I have a problem with continuing row housing ail the way down," said Brunelle "Wliat hasn't been looked at are opportunities for a commercial building or apartment building, something that lias some design," hèe said, suggesting staff review the matter. But coundillor Joe Drumm argued against delaying the matter further. Drunm, in fact, felt the previous propoai was superior te the new onie whicli cails for 25 units with lot frontages varying ini size from 30 to 60 feet. "InI my Opinion, this is not better than the original witli the tewnhouse block," said Drumnm. "Coundil would rather have that then look at 30-foot singles," lie insisted, while adding that anytbing other than'liousing would be wrong. Coundillor Don Mitchell agreed that the first proposai was preferrable, but lihe expressed concern about the property being located in a "heavy traffic area." Two Whitby youths' were arrested after residents- spotted two people breaking into cars in the Thickson Road North/Driyden Boulevard area. Upon arriving at Fieldnest Crescent, officers noticed two people walking along the street around 1:50 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 5. One of the youths, who are bath If single-family horaes were approved, fencing would have to be built te act as a noise and privacy buffer and "that dosen't do anything for me," Mitchell admitted. "I think some high density liousing would preclude wooden fencing on the corner," he said. Whule Brunelle said hie je hot "hung Up" on comnmercial development, lie wanted Town planners te, explore ail options. However, staff may not have that option. Planning consultaat Paul Rycroft, representing the developer, told conmuttee that whule lie appreciated their concerns, his client is growing impatient. Rycroft pointed out that the firet development proposai came' forward in 1988 ana several alternatives have been examined. "Our interest is te do soxnething that's narketable and a four-storey residential development is not marketable," lie said. "Wliat we've proposed is marketable today and to go off and young offenders and cannot be identified, had a fiashlight which turned out to be stelen fronx one of the cars. A 17-year-old Glen -H11 Drive teen was chiarge&~ with theft under and prowl at niglit. A femnale accompanying him was charged with theft under in relation toaa break-in at lier parents' home. chase down somne other land use is contry to what council decided in July." Althougli le did not mention an Ontario Municipal Board appeal specifically, Rycroft left no doubt in the committee's mincis. "We're ail aware of the system and there comes a time when your patience runs out," lie said. "If you want to look at it again, fine, but you should make a decision so we can ail get on with aur lives." Brunelle, in kinci, told Rycroft lie appreciated the developer's position. "In most cases council is aware of marketing, but there are times wlien there are considerations Narcotic charges are laid Two Oshawa men were arrested after police searched their van, which was parked on Tricont Avenue in the Thickson Road and Wentworth Street area, and discovered drugs. Officers patrolling the industrial area noticeci the van Thuraday around 10:30 p.m. Upon approaching they smeiled a narcotic and arrested* the two occupants. The 30-year-old driver was searched and officers found four five-grani vials of hashish oïl. He and a 38-year-old passenger were cliarged witli possession of a narcotic. other than marketing," said Brunelle. "It's3 how you build your community and this is what the cornnittee às grappling with," he said. "I think we owe it to this community to explore other options and if it's fot workable then we can deal with it." Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 4 1. -George Drew spoke at the centennial commencement exercises of Whitby High School when he was Premier of Ontario in 1946. 2. Whitby Chronicle editor W.H. H iggins called The Whitby Watchman "the Smut Machine" in 1861 because it made vicious attacks on certain citizens of the town, including himself. 3. Sidney Elliott Thompson (1880-1958) who was born in Whitby and was a china importer on Fifth Avenue in New York City, was named a Freeman of the Goldsmiths of London, England, in 1947. 4. William Ware Tamblyn (1853-1912), who was Collegiate Institute principal in Whitby from 1888 to 1896, established the Tamblyn public speaking prizes, which were awarded annually from 191 RI until the 1960S. . .- .The Whitby Free Press* CALL ' : Brings y~ 1-900- .-8OO 8536445 Ext. 47 ers to place your FREE r o s nT voice a.~ years or older FREE AD FREE VOICE GREETINGPE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL once a week CLL -451-4882 Et. 4 iond or -browse ,ads. 99 per minute. You must be 18 ,r and have a touchtone phone to use this 'service. Service brought to you by: Direct Response Marketing 2451 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, N.Y. 14221 Customer Service # 1-800-647-3782 HAVE A CHAT SWF, 40, ramantic, likes walks in the winter, cooking, crafîs, many lhings, seeking SWM, 38 or over, close la 6', for friendsbip, possible relatianshi. Ad# 9445 LIKES BEARDS/MUSTACHES SW mam, 31, 56F, 125lbs., blonde baur, blue/green eyes, dedicaied, enjays rock/country music, camp- ng, malarcycles, walks seeking SWF, 30-40, for possible relation- ship. Ad# 4578 CALLING ALL FIREMENI SWF, 22, 54", lO7lbs,, sandy blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, drap dead amile, enjoys horseback rid- ing, dancing, walks, romance, seeking SWM, 25-40, atractive, for riendship. Ad# 8489 LEAVE NAME & NUMBER SWF, 47, active, igh maraIs, suc- cessful in business, loves home, gsrdening, the finer tings in lfie, seeking SWM, 45-55, with igh marais and good characler, for friendship, rnaybe mare. Adi# 7963 HOMEFOR SUMMER SWF, 20, 58V. l2Olbs., autgaing, energetlc, cllege-student, seek- ing SWM, 18-25, for. friendship, maybe relatianship. Adi 8379 LOVE TOTALKI SWF, 21, laves children, likes fisb- ing, camping, hockey, silting araund a campf ire. seeking SWM, 25-29, for get-toathers and s friendsbip. Ad#f 3178 1111 SWF, 23. 56V. dirly blande bair, blue eyes, lul-igured. Iwo chil- dren, seeking SWM, 23-26, ta bang ouf wilb and have a good Uime with, for frîendship, maybs mare. Adi 7224 GOOO OUALMES MEF 28, warm-loving, lîkes gaîng fa the mavies. sociaiizing, bars, eeeking GWF, 20-35, wmfh a similar character, for friendship, passible relaliansbip. Ad# 6272 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWF. 37, 5l". l4Olbs.. blue eyes. blonde hait. enoys biking, walks, sparts, dinlng oui, TV, seeks SM. similar inlerests, for passible rota- ianship. Ad# 9129 SETTLE DOWN TOGETHER SWF, 21, one daugbter, seeks responsibte, employed, consider- aie SWM, 25-31, wha likes amusemenf parks, dining, lunch- es, and has no dependents and bas neyer been married. Whitby area.Adi 9526 SEEKS MR PERFECT SWF, 22, 56", blonde hair, blue eyes, sligbtly fulfigured, likes ta psrty on the weekends, seeks sin- cere, bonest SWM, 24-29, for friendship, maybe more. Whiiby area.Adi 8547 VERY HIGiI MORALS Active SF, 46, succesaftlin busi- ness, loves home, adening, finer things in life, seeking intelligent, humaraus SM, must be cf goad character, Whitby ares. Adi 7388 WHITBY OR OSHAWA SWGF, 29, enjoys sports, barse- back riding, ramantic evenings, watch movies aI home, seeking SGF, ta be frienda with, maybe more. Adi 2861 LADY FROM CANADA GAF, 23, 52-, lOlbs.. long hair, brown eyes, petite, excellent shape seeking slender, blonde SWe.e20-29, for friendsbip, possi- ble relationsbip. Oshawa ares. Adi 1252 YOCUM & BROOKS SWF, 36, good sense ocf bumor, ans son, lkes rock and country music, walks, fuît moans, stars in tbe sky. dancing, quiet eveningsata home, seeking >WM. 36-47, for friendsbip, passible relalionsbip. Oshawa ares. Adi 9667 MOTHER 0F ONE SWF. 19,1 281bs., blonde bair, blue eyea. Irish, one daugbter, gaad sense af bumar, easy ta 9sf alang wiih. likes kida, gaing for long walka, cuddiing, mavies, some sparts, seekîng tait, dark SWM. 20-29. Oshawa ares. Ad# 5600 DURHAM REGION .SWF. 19, enjays alternative music, seeking SWM, 19-22, for friend- sbip. gaing ta concerts, banging aut.Oshawa ares. Adi# 6362 TALL BEAUTY SWF. 18, 511". madet, enjoys movies, seeking, SWM. 18-25, 66"+.. for friendship passible rela- ianship. Whitby ares. Ad# 6970 S THIS YOU? SWF. 29, 52T, dark blonde bau,. green eyes, son, 10, enjays pets. sboating pool. autdoars, barses, Harieys, seeks ruggedly band- saine. SWM, 33-36, fadil aia plus, 5"8+, for passible relation- sblp. Oshawa ares Ad# 9495 LET"S DANCE SWF, English lady, petite, 54, 5'Y', red hair, blue syes, enjoys inter- mediate balroon dancing, loves doga, walks on the beach, seeking a SWM, 50-65. Whitby ares. Adi 3Q33 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34, 55", brown bait, blue syes, enjoys country music, tlik- ing, dancing, camping, mucb mare, seeking SWM, 32-45, muai like childien, similar interesis. Oshawa ares. Adi 2208 'IL GET BACK TO YOU. SWF, 30 professional, attractive, long blonde hair, green syes, enjays banda, basebail, camping, warking out, autdoors, seeks SWM, protessianal, similar inier- este, for friendship, possible romance. Wbilby ares. Adi# 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, mavies, animais, sports, autdoars, isarning, seekîng SGF, any age, witb similar interesis, friands first, maybe more. Whitby ares. Adi 1819 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46, seeks hanest. sîncere, intelligent SWM, 45-58, wha bas bigb marais and enjays the betier ifs for friendship and a long term cammitinent Wbitby ares. Adi 7388 LAUGHING TOGETHER SWF, 37. 58W, brawn hair, stigbîiy overweighl. wsars glasses, ans son, ikes country nusic, dining oui, novies, nature waiks, seeka sensitive, fun-loving. patient SM. 37-47, wba ikes kids Witby ares. Adi 1485 HAPPY PERSON SWF, 25, N/S, non-drinker, red bau., brawn eyes, new fa, Oshawa, seeking SWM, 25-35, N/S, ta get togeiher wiih, must be in Osbawa ares. Adi 1433 GREEN EYES 8i-SWF, 30, 54", sligbtly full fig. ured; long dark bair. seeking SF, 23. la lalk ta, ga ta clubs witb, for friendsbip anly fa stant. Osbawa iarea. Adi 8092 58F 19,56F', ll4fbs.. attractive, intelligent, mature, csrîng, roman- tic, seekîng SWM, 30s-40s, no bead gamea. Whitby ares. Adi 8232 SHE LIIFTS WEIGHTS SWF. 38,5'6",. il Sba., no cbildren. enjays running races, csnoeing, mauntain biking. novies, dînîng ouI, seekinq SWM, 35-39, for long termn relatîonship. Whiiby ares. Adi 9150 TAKE A CHANCE SWF, 20, mam of one, enîcys dancing, walking, fenily lifs, home life. aeekîng down ta eartb, enplayed, SWM, 22-32, muaitf ike kida, for honeet refationehip. Wbiiby ares. Adi 9719 GENTLEMAN WANTED SWF33. seeke down to sartb, hones, SWM, 29-41, for feeling relatianabip, passible romance. Oshawa ares Adi 2390 WELL EDUCATED SWF. 39, 5'6», no children, vege- tanian. environmentslist, enj9ys running, mountain biking. skîîng, kayaking, travel, reading. sesking SWM,f a eh are interesis. Oshawa ares. Adi# 9148 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SWF, 19, 54". ll2fbs., en Mas alternative music, seekinq sasygo- ing, haneat, SWM, nothing, seni- oua, jusi hanging oui, conicerts, mare. Oshawa ares. Adi 6362 LALIJ ON THE LAKE SWM, 48, boosa, affectionats, sense of humor, enjays outdoors, boaaing, cooking, movies, dîning Out, faire, seeking SWF, wilb same values, single mama 0k. Adi 4476 THAT SPECIAL PERSON SWM, 29. 5'7"*, curly heur, very laid back. cassai, Cassai drînker, seeks down ta erth SWF, any age, wbo enjoys parka. dinin9 in, walchîng movies, kds are okay, for f rend- ship, maybe more. Adi 3334 LAID BACK SWM. 30, casual. occasional drinker, ns kida, ons dag. seekîng SF, who s ot inls head games, for friendship. rnaybe more. Adi# 3436 LITTLE BIT BORED SWM, 30,5'8", . lObs,. lîkes high energy fun, seeking like-minded SF, to spend torse wlh. Adi 4736 LIKES KEEPINO ACTIVE SM, 25, 51 1". iBOiba.. short brown curly hair, biseesys, going ta be s lrefighler. lîkes music, dancing. parties, clubs, biking, walks, hiking. the outdoors, seek- ing SF. 19-29. vilh similar inter- sls. AdiP 8347 PERSONTO MEET SWM, 43, 145ibs., blond bau., bazel eyes, good iooking, lices country/rsck mnusic, long walks, dancing, live cancerts, camping, dining. mavies. rsmantic eveninge ai home, teeks SWF. 36-45. muai like kids. Adi 1957 DURHAM AREA SWM, 43, N/S, open-mînded, easygoing. lîkes raveling. dining, quiet imes, camping. outdoor activities, seekirng SWF, 36-43, for friendship, possible reiatîansbîp, no games. Adi# 6811 INTERESTING & EXCMNG SWM. 49, 5*9", l8Olbs., brown hair, sexy bise eyes, self- emplayeti, lîkes downbiti skiing, gatfing. traveling, seeks medium .built, N/S, down la esrth, intelligent SWF. 35 ai over, wbo ie welt- dressed. Ad# 9953 TWENTYSOMETHING SWM, 26., 6 lbs., blond hair, blue eyes, lies fitness, movies, volleyball, dining, dancing, seelng SWF, 20-29, for friendship, possi- ble relationship. Ad# 9544 A CARING RELATIONSHIP GWM, 20. 5-9", 135lbs., brown hair, blue eyes, likes camping, dancing, going la clubs, quiet evenings at home, seeking GWM, 18-25, for friendship and fun, maybe more. Ad# 2774 A NICE SMILE SWM, 30, 6', blond hair, green eyes, slim build, attractive, easy- going, lies movies, swimmlng, the beach, camping, car trips, seeks easygong, honesl, sincere, car- ing, attractive SWF, 26-33, no dapendanîs. Ad# 8390 SELF-EMPLOYED SWM, 22, 1651bs., brown hair/eyes, seeking SWF, 18-25, easygoing, likes long walks, dri- ves. movies, cuddling. single moms welcomne, for friendship. Adl# 9985 1 PROMISE... SWGM. 20, 5'F, 135lbs.. brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys camping, movias, going t0 clubs, quiet nights at home, seeking SWGM, 18-25, for friendship and fun, lead- 1fl9 10 possible relationship. Ad# 2427 HOPELESS ROMANTIC' DW dad, 42, 510". 125lbs., kind, caring. honesl, likes dining, danc- ing, long drives, picnics, music, the beach. seekung down la, earth SWF, 35-40, 1 35ibs., for a loving relationship. Ad# 3354 PLAY THAT NOTEI SWM. 24, musician. seeks slim, attractive SWF i9-30, who has a love for music. for lriendship, pas- sible relalîonship na head games. Ad# 5969 A HANDYMAN WWWM, 53, 61Y, 1801bs., likes country music, dancing, walking. camping, traveling, mavies, relax- ing at home. dining out, seeks 5,r" or taller, lit SWF, 45-55. with litle or no emotionai baggege. AdN 3041 With Auto Ad taking, just use your touchions phone to answer some questions abot yourself and the type of persan yau would lke Io meet. Then record your voice greeting, and we"ii transcribe il into a prnî ad that wiii appear in the Whitby Free Press. Whitby Free Press' Persan to Persan is availabie for singie peopie seekin9 reiationships. Ads containtlg oxplicit sexuel or anatomicai language wil ot be pub. Iished. We reserve the right to edit or refuse any ad. Custorner sevice1-800-647-3782. M Maie W White H Hispanlo NC Native canadian S Single WW Widowed V Double Dater F Pemale 8BlBack - A Asian C Chrisan D Oiorcd N/S Non-smoker G Gay SAI SOMETIME? SWM, 36, '8,iSOîba., blond bair, blue eyes, well buift. attractive, likes tennis, cycting, wbitewater canoeing, saifing, cooking. sating many kinda aofaod, saeks attrac- tive, happy SF, 25-40. Adi 3284 GET INVOLVED TOGETHER SWM, 45, brown bair, tait, gaod laoking, apen-minded, seeking reliable SWF, 40 or under, single marna are wetcome. Adi 2323 EXCITING FUN SWM, 20, sincere. boneet, humor- oua, fikes bsving fun, navies, dancing, accasionaf drinking, seeke aaigaing, open-ninded, spontaneous SWF, 18 or over, for frendahip, possible refationahip. Whitby ares. Adi 6438 HOPE YOU CALL SWM, 36, enjoys f vs thestre, movies, snuggling in front ai the tire, seeka SWF, 28-37, 5'-5'7", ta ahare intereats, passible relation- sbip. Whilby ares. Ad# 8873 LET"S HAVE COFFEE GWM, 38. 6', 175f ba., enjoys, camping, music, sports, iravel, doga. seeka ambitiaus. afin, cuis GM, 18-24, wiib zesi for ifs, smok- er, drug-free, for friendsbip. maybe more. Wbitby ares. Ad# 2053 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWM. 19, emoker, easygoing, laid back, enjoys clubs, hockey. dining oul, dancing, seeka SF, Ilae interesta, possible refstionsbip. Whîtby ares. Adi 3402 NICE CATCH SWM. 25, self empfoyed, good background, likes many thinga, seeking sîncere, gaad Iaoking MWF 20-26, lai friendship, posai. ble rslationsbip. Oshawa ares. Adi 9321 RELATIONSHIP SBM, 37. 5l11", 1SOiba.. fun, easy- gaing, ikes navies, music. dîning, comedy's, going for drives, going la the park, seeka attractive. affec- lionate SF, 18-50, for an angoing refatianabip. Oshawa ares. Ad# 2835 GOOD NATURE SWM. 34, 5'l0", brown bair, bazel syes, afin buifd, likes wstking, iatk- ing, .kils, seeke gaod naturel SWF 18-40, for friendsbip. possi- ble relaiionsbip. Oshawa ares. Ad# 3589 FAIRLY FOR YOU SWM, 18. 5-9-" brawn hareys, muscuLar bulit, aoeks goal k" SWF. 22-25, fo lnsipS.i ble relaionship. Oshawa ares. ~ Moi 5W3.8 Q&A 0:tlow du i get state%? A4.1YOU are go lng lo be recording yojorVol<e greeing, be pre pared. speak tIo the listiner, describe >îaursef in a poôstive way. se honeet crealive andl spa- cIllAabaut. wflt yau are looiiIng for, Caflt 1.80.89445 Ext. 47 optian 1, yat MiIl beprampted ta answer soaequestions- about yourseit anid the type af persan you Want 1a met An effective printed ad -will ha iranscribed tram your voice grfetng wNch wAit appear In the peper In 7-10 deys. Q: Wbat leaun ad number? A: The 4 digit nurnber et the end af your puinI ad that attaws sin- gles ta caiand respanci ta your mailbox. 0: What laean accesa code? A: Acontidentiat 4 digit code ibat onty you know, that shlows anty you access ta your malibox. 0: What are messages? A: Voice greetinge fran aiher Singles who respanded ta yaur ad in the newspaper or througb tbe browse. To ien ta your messages for FREE, cati 1-800- 853-6445 Ext. 47 once every 7 days or 1-900.451-482, Ext. 47 anytime, et a charge of $1.99 per minute. 0: What are systemn matches? A: Valce greetings Iran ather advertisers whase matchtng cri- teria le the cseaoaisimilar ta yours.You cen lisian ta yaur sys- tern matches lnstanily by calling 1-900-451-4882 Ext. 47, et a charge of $1.99 par minute. 0: What la Smart Browse? A: A special feature that shlows yau ta lastin andl respand ta abher vaice greetinge that match the criteria pou select. Cati 1- 900-451-4882 Ext. 47, option 2, ai s charge ai 51.99 per minute. 0:110w do i respoed io an ad? A: Caîl 1-900-786-4882 Ext. 47, optian 1, et a charge ai $1.99 per minute, tbe systern wil asic you ta enter tbe 4 digit ad nun- ber ai the nid ai the puni adl. Press 1 ta respanil. preas 2 ta ga on ta the nex adai. 0: N-ow do i canel or reew ed ad? 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