Whitby Free Press, 20 Sep 1995, p. 23

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Whltby Free Press'. Wednesday, September 20,1995, Page 23 PRAYER TO THE BLESSED Virgin neyer known ,to fail. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me in necessity. O star of the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God Queen of Heaven & earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heari to secure me in my neoessity (make requests>. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 trnes). Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands (3'times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and then you must pubîish it and it will be granted to you. GS.TP. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the worid now & forever. O Sacred Heart 0f Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker 0f miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say thisp rayer 9 times a day. By the eighth day your prayer wilI be answered. Publication must be promised. N.A. THANKS MAY THE Sacred Heart 0f Jesus be praised, adored, g lorified, Io ved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude hleofthe hopeless, pray for us. THANKS TO THE SACRED Heart of Jesus and St. Jude for favour received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored, glonified and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Oh Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles , pray for us. Say this prayer nine times for nine days, your request will be granted.1 Publication must be promised.. GS.TP. THANKS TO ST. JUDE. & the Sacred heart of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world now & forever. O Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker ot miracles, pray for us. St. Jude,. helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say thisp rayer 9 times a day. By the eighth day your prayer will be answered, regardless of how hopeless your situation seems. Publication must be promised. S.W. ANNIVERSARIESý, Wolden Anneiy 194.5-1995 Pense joi ntus inthie celebnition of lie1 Sth Wedding Anniversary of IIELEN and JAMES .McCARROLL Sun., September 24th, 1995 fromý 2:00 to 4:30 pm at The Knights of Columbus Hall 133 Brock Street North. Whithv. Otlrin BEST WISHES ONL Y PLEASE A&NNOUNCEMINTS" SPIDERMAN AVAILABLE starting October/95 for birthdays, Christmas p arties, etc. Games, balloons, FUN, FUN FUNI! Caîl Doug (416) 439-Ù1 33. NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS AIl Claims against the Estate of MARVEN RUPERT ALEXANDER, late of the Tawn af Whitby, Ontario, who died July 28, 1995 must be in aur hands by October 6, 1995, after which the Estate will be distributed having regard only ta the dlaims then filed. JOHN MARK ALEXANDER, Estate Trustee, by his Solicitor herein, ROBERT G. WHITTINGTON 326 Dundas Street East Whitby-, Ontario Li N 2 Ji DEAII NIELSEN, MARION - after a Ion g and valiant struggle. with Alzheimer's Disease, Marion died Meacefully at Fairview Lodge, ~itby on Saturday, September 16, 1995. Beloved wl e of Olaf Nielsen for 53 years. Loving mother of Dianne and her husband John Fortnum 0of Guel ph, Carole and her husband Mike Shane of Whitby, Chnistina and, her husband Gordon Novikoif of Scarborough and Paul and his wife Nenis Nielsen of Mississauga. Devoted grandmnother 0f Lisa and Todd Chamnbers of Oshawa, Michael Shane Jr. 0f Whitby, Jennifer and Joseph Fortnum 0of Guelph, Adam, Eric and Daiva Nielsen of Mississauga and Paul and Carl Novikoff. of Scarborough. Dear sister 0f Albert Hill of Scarborough. Rested at the ARMSTRONG F U ERAL HOME, 124 *King St. E., Oshawa ý 905-433:-4711> with Funeral Service held in Christ the King Lutheran Church, Whitby on Tuesday. Interment Mt. Lawn Memnonal Gardens, Whitby. Memnonal Donations to Christ the King Lutheran Church would be appreciated. M @$mi n ai a lum in*anmn,-m Paper Products, including i *newspaper, comprise 36 per cent of the garbage placed! at curbside for - *pickup each week. A Il of it is recyclable. . 1-800-853-6445 Ext. 47 to place your FREE voice ad. FREE AD The Whitby Free Press la,900m Perso4 To Person- .~ ,years or aidei FREE VOICE GREETING 'FREE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL once a week CAL -451-48,82 Ext. 47 lond or browse ads'ý 99 per minute. You must be 18 -r and have a touchtone phone ta use this service. Service brought to you by: Direct Response Marketing 2451 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, N.Y. 14221 Customer Service # 1-800-647-3782 FESE HONEST & StNCERE SWF, 22, tull-iguréd, sincere, hon- est, old-feshioned values, lites moviés. quiet évenings. cuddling, short èvèning watts, seéts SWM, 23-29, wilh simiier interésta, dlean- miess is a must. Adi 5107 NOTHING SERIOUSI SWF, 21, 5'S", not inIa bar scène, enjoys fishing, long beach walts, camping, jogging, hockey, seeta SM, for Iiéndship and casuel dat- 1119 only. Adi# 3178 SUPER NICE LADY SWF, 40s, 56», blonde hair, full-fig- uréd. lites cooting, walta, ridés in thé country, arts and crafts, séélta SWM, 38 or ovér. on thé al ide, for friendship. maybé more. Adi# 9445 WARM LOVING GBF, 28, lités socielizing, moviés, dining out, sééts GWF, 20-35, with e gréat sensé of humor and a werm héart, for rîendship, possible rala- ionship. Adi 6272 LIKES BIKER TYPES SW mom, 30, 56", 125ibs., blonde héir, blu/gréen éyés, thréé chul- crén, lites camping, barbecues. swimmlng, going ho, thé part, seets SWM, 30-40, with rugged gond tooks, for a possible serious ra- ionship. Adi 7430 HAVE A CHAT SWF. 40, romantic, lites watts in thé wintér, cooking. cratt, meny hings, seéting SWM, 38 or ovér, ctose 10 6, for friendship. possible rlationship. Adi 9445 LIKES BEARDSIMUSTACHES SW momn 31, 56l", l25lbs.. blonde hair, blu/gréen éyés, dédicatéd, enioys rockcountry music, camp- ing, motorcycles, wlts seèting SWF, 30-40, for possible relation- ship. Adi 4578 CALLING ALL FIREMENt SWF, 22. 54". l7lbs., sendy blonde haîr, crystal blué éyés. drop dead smle, énjoys horsebeck rid- îng. dancing, watts. romance. seeting SWM, 25-40. attractive. for frîendship. Adi 8489 LEAVE NAME & NUMBER- SWF, 47, active, high morals, suc- cesstul in business, lovés home, gerdéning, thé finer thinga in lite, seeting SWM, 45-55, wilh hlh marais and good charectèr, lor trîendshîp, maybu more. Adi 7963 HOME FOR SUMMER SWF, 20, 58V. l2lbs., outgoing, energétic, college-student, seéking SWM, 18-25, for riendship. maybe reltionahip. Adi 8379 Hît SWF, 23, 56V. dirty blonde heir, btue es, full-figured. lwo children, seking SWM, 23-26. to hang OUI wilh and have a good lime wihh, for friendship, maybe more. Ad# 7224 GOOD QUALIIES GBF, 28, warm-loving, lités 901119 o thé movies, sociaiizing, bars, seeking GWF, 20-35, with a sîmilar charecler, for friendship. possible relationship. Adi 6272 WHAT Do YOU THINK? SWF, 37, 51l-, l4lbs., blue éyea, blonde hair, enjoya biking, walts, sports, dining out, T\, seéka SM. similar intérests, for possible rla- ionship. Adi 9129 SETTLE DOWN TOGETHER SWF, 21. oneé daughtér. seets responsible, employéd, consideraté SWM, 25-31, who ikea amusement parts, dining, tunches, and has no0 dépendents and hes neyer been marriéd. Whihby ares.Adi 9526 SEEKS MR PERFECT SWF, 2î, 56, blonde hair, blue eyes, slightly full-figured, likés o party on thé wéékends, setaasin- cera. honest SWM. 24-29, for friendship, maybe more. Whitby arés.Adi 8547 VERY HIGH MORALS Activé SF, 46, succesaful in busi- ness, loves home, gardening. finer things in flie, seeting intelligent. humorous SM, muai hé of gond charactér. Whitby erea. Adi 7388 WHITBY OR OSHAWA SWGF, 29. enoys sports, horsé- back riding, romanhic evénings, watch movies ah home, séeking SGF, to bu frienda with, maybe more. Adi 2861 LADY FROM CANADA GAF, 23. 52T. lOgba.. long hair, brown éyés. petite, excetlent shape. séeking sténder. blonde SWF, 20-29, for friendship, possible retetionship. Oshawa ares. Adi 1252 yOCUM & BROOKS SWF, 36, good sensé of humor, one son, lités rock and country music, welka, fuît moona, stars in thé sty. dancing, quiet évenings et home, seting SWM. 36-47. tor friéndshîp. possible (rétlonshlp. Oshawa are. Adi 9667 MOTHER 0F ONE SWF, 19, 128lbs., blonde hair. blue eyes. Irsh, one daughler, good sensé oh humor, easy to gel along with, likes kids, going for long walks, cuddling. moviés, some sports, seking tell, dart SWM. 20- 29. Oshawa ares. Ad# 5600 DURHAM REGtON SWF, 19, enjoys alternative music, seéting SWM, 19-22, for triénd- ship, gong ho concerts, hanging oul.Oshswa ares. Ad# 6362 TALL BEAUTY SWF, 18, 5,11", model, enjoys movies, seeting, SWMV, 18-25, 6'6"+, for friendship possible rela- tionship. Whilby erea. Ad# 6970 IS THIS YOU? SWF, 29, 52Z, dart blonde hair, green eyes, son, 10, enjoys pets. shooling pool, outdoors, horses, Harleys, seets ruggedly hend- somé, SWMV, 33-36, facial hair a ptus, 58",-, for possible relation- ship. Oshawa ares Adi# 9495 LET"S DANCE SWF, English lady, petite, 54, 5'X", red hair, blue eyes, enjoys inlerme- diate bettrorom dancing, loves dogs, walks on thé beach, seeking e SWM, 50-65. Whitby ares. Ad# 3033 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34 , 5Y, brown hair. blue eyes, enjoys country music, atk- 111, dancing, camping, much more, seekîng SWM, 32-45. .musl like children, similar interesîs. Oshawa ares. Ad# 2208 S'LL GET BACK TO YOU SWF. 30 protessionat, attractive. tong blonde hair, green eyés, enjoys banda, basebatl, camping, working out, oudoors. seets SWM, professionat. similar inter- ests, for friendship. possible romancé. Whitby ares. Ad# 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, eniova dancing, movies, animais, sports, ouldoors, tearning, seeking SGF. any 89e, wihh similar interests, rénds iraI. maybe more. Whitby ares. Adi 1819 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46, sééts honest, sincère, intelligent SWM. 45-58, who has high morals and enjoys thé botter lite for friendship and a long lerm commilmént Whitby ares. Adi 7388 LAUGHING TOGETHER SWF. 37, 58», brown heir, alightly overweighh. wears gtesses, oneè sqn, lités country music, dining out, moviés, nature wlts, sééts sensitive, fun-toving, patient SM, 37-47. who lites tida Whitby ares. Adi 1485 HAPPY PERSON SWF. 25, N/S, non-drinter, red hair, brown eyés, nèw ta Oshawa, seetîng SWM, 25-35, N/S, ho get togethér with, must bé in Oshewa ares. Adi 1433 GREEN EVES Bi-SWF, 30, 54W, slighlly full fig- uréd, long dert hair, seéting SF, 23+, ho taikto1, go 10 ctubs with, for friéndahip only ta sfart. Oshawa ares. Adi 8092 LET"STALK 56F, 19. 5V, 1ll4lba., attracti.-.a intelligent, mature, caring, roman- tic, sééking SWM, 30s-40a. 1no head gaes. Whitby ares. Adi# 8232 EEALEI VERY ATTRACTIVE SWM, 36, 5W', well-buill, enioys being active, stiing, cycling, sait- ing, seets attractive, employed SF, 20-30, with similar inleresta, for possible relationahip. Ad# 3284 NOT INTO HEAD GAMES SWM, 43, cssygoing. open-mind- ed. lites traveling. dining out, quiet limes. camping, ouldoor activiies, seeks SWF, 36-40, for friendship, possible relationship, ln thé Oshawa ares. Adi 6811 HI GENTLEMEN GWJM, 25, 6% 155lbs., blond hair, brown eyes, smooth wéll toned body, seets SWM, 27 or under, for triendship, possible relationship. Adi 5979 ONTHE LAKE SWM, 48, honeat, affecionate, sénse of humor, enoys outdoors, boating. cooting, moviés, dm1119 out, faira, seéking SWF, wilh same values, single moma 0k. Adi 4476 THAT SPECIAL PERSON SWM, 29, 5T, curly hair. very laid bsct, casuel, casuel drinkér. seeks down to earth SWF, any age, who enjoys parka, dining in, watching movies, tids are otay, for friend- ship. nsybe more. Adi 3334 LAID BACK SWM, 30, casuel, occasional drinker, no kida, 0one dog. seekçing SF, who la not into head gamea, for friéndship. maybé more. Adi 3436 LITTLE BIT BORED SWM, 30. 5'8-, 1601b,.. ites high enérgy fun, seéting lik-mindéd SF. ho, spend timé wihh. Adi 4736 LIKES KEEPING ACTIVE SM, 25,511", iSOîba., short brown curly hair, btué eyes. going o bé a firefighter, lites music, dancing, parties. clubs. biking, walks, hikng, thé ouldoora, sééking SFE 19-29. with similar inleresha. Adi 8347 PERSON TO MEET SWM, 43, . 45ibs., blond hair, hazél eyes, good iooking, likes country/rock music, long walks, dancing. livé concerts, camping, dining, movies, romantic evénings ah home, séeks SWF, 36-45, must like kids. Adl# 1957 DURHAM AREA SWM, 43, N/S. open-mindéd, easygoing, likes traveling, dining, quiet imés, camping, ouldoor aclivitiés, seéking SWF, 36-43, for riéndshîp, possible relationship, no games. Ada 6811 INTERESTING &tEXCITING SWM, 49, 59". 1BOibs.. brown hair, sexy blué eyes. sélt.émployéd, likes downhiil skiing. golfing, Iravel- ing, selis médium buit, N/S, down 10 earth, intelligent SWF, 35 or over, who is well-dressed. Ad# 9953 TWENTYSOMETHING SWM, 26, 6. l6Oibs., blond hair, blue eyes. likés itnéss, moviés, volieyball, dining. dancing, seeking SWF, 20-29. for friendship, possi- blé relationship. Ad# 9544 A CARtNG RELATIONSHIP GWM, 20, 59, .135lbs., brown hair, blue eyes, likes camping. dancing, going ho clubs, quiet evenings et home, seeking GWM, 18-25, for friendship and fun, maybe more. Ad# 2774 A NICE SMILE SWM. 30, 6% blond hair, green eyes, slim build. attractive. essygo- ing, likés movies, swimming. thé beach. camping, car trips, seeks easygoing. honest. sincère. caring. attractive SWF, 26-33,.1no depen- dents. Ad# 8390 SELF-EMPLOYED SWM, 22. 16&,ibs., brown hair/eyés, seeking SWF. 18-25, eesygoing, ikés long walks. drives, moviés, cuddling, single moms wélcome, tor fréndship. Ad# 9985 1 PROMISE... SWGM, 20. 5'9". 135lbs.. brown heir, blue eyes, encys camping. movies. 90111910 clubs, quiet nights et home, seeking SWGM. 18-25, for f réndship and fun, leading ho possible relehîonship. Ad# 2427 Wihh Auto Ad teking, just use your touchhone phone ho enswer sonne questions about yoursetf and thé ype oh persan you wouhd ike to meét.Then record your voice greeting. and wéhI transcribe il inho, a prinh ad that wilt epper in thé Whithy Free Press. Whitby Free Pres Person to Pérson lsaevaihabie for sngle people seeklng réhaionships. Ads conheining explicit sexuel or anatomicat tanguagé wîtt not bu pub- ished. We réserve thé righh ho édit or refuse any éd. Cushomer service 1-800-647-3782. M Maie W White H Hispenic NC Native Canadien S Single WW Widowed V Doubte Dater F Femae B Black A Asian C Christian D Divorcéd N/S Non-smnoker G Gay HOPELESS ROMANTIC 0W dad, 42, 51D", 175lbs., kind, caring, honest, likes dining, danc- ing, long drives, plcnics, music, thé beach, seeking down to earth SWF, 35-40, 135lbs., for e loving relationship. Ad# 3354 PLAY THAT NOTE! SWM, 24, musicien. séeks slim, attractive SWF. 19-30, who has a love for music, for riendship, possi- blé releionship, no0 heed games. Ad#f 5969 A HANDYMAN WWWM. 53, 6Y,. 180ibs., likes country music, dancing. welking. camping, traveling, moviés, relax- ing et home. dm1119 out, seeks 57" or taller, fit SWFR, 45-55, with littie or no emotional beggage. Ad# 3041 GET INVOLVED TOGETHER SWM, 45, brown heir, hall, good tooking, open-minded, seeking reli- able 9J, 40 or undér, single moms are welcome. Ad# 2323 EXCITING FUN SWM, 20, honest, humorous, likés having tun, dancing, occesional drinking, seéts outgoing, open- minded, spontaneous SWF, 18 or ovér, for friéndship. possible réla- tionship. Whitby area. Adi# 6438 HOPE YOU CALI SWM, 36, énjoys ive Iheatre, movies. snuggling in front of thé lire, seets SWF, 28-37, 5-5'7", 10 sharé interésts, possible relation- ship. Whitby ares. Ad# 8873 LETS HAVE COFFEE GWM, 38, 6, 175lbs.. enjoys camping, music, sports. travel, dogs, seeks ambitious, slim. culé GM, 18-24. wilh zest for flie, smok- er, drug-free. for friendship, maybe more. Whitby ares. Ad# 2053 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWM, 19, smokèr, laid beck, enîoys ctubs. hockey. dining out, dancing. sééks SF. go share inter- ests, possible rélationship. Whitby erea. Ad# 3402 NICE CATCH SWM. 25. self emptoyed. pood background, iies many thîngs. seetîng sincere, good tooking SWF, 20-26. for triendship. possi- ble relttonship. Oshawa are. Ad#f 9321 RELATIONSHIP S8M, 37. 5-11 -, 1lOtbs.. fun. easy- going, ikés moviés. music, dm1119, comedys. going for drives, going ho thé park. seéks attractive, atfec- ionate SF. 18-50. for an ongolng reletlonship. Oshawa are. Ad# 2835 O:tow <do t get «4rted?ý X. Ybu are 901119 ho be tecording o~i VQIt,égreng, be te p8rd$Peak Io the lsaener, deoiuyourseff tn a pshItv way.Be homseat mailve and spe- Culda About What yQU arl ookt na. Wo. Caii 1800-85"445 Ext. 47 option 1, yOu wili be pfompted ta, a 'nswer somae questions about yoursehl and the type of persçn y1 wah Iomuet. An effective prnteçi ad Winh butratiscribedj from your voice greetlng wfdéhi MtI. uppear In thu paper ln 7-10 O:What leAd ad numbér? A- Thé 4 digit nuinher aithe endi oh pur print ad that allows sinîý gles ho calt and raspond ho your met«o. 0: What la an accota code? A: A confidentiel 4 digit code thel only you know, that allows onhy you accesIo your mehîbox. 0: What are messages? A: Voice gréuhings from other singlus who resporided ho your ad ln the newpapr or througti thhe browse. To listen ho your messages for FREE, ceit 1-600- 853-6445 Ext. 47 once evéry 7 deys or 1-9000451-4882, Ext. 47 anytime, ah a charge oh $1.99 pur minute. 0. What are uyshern matches? A: Vokée greetings rom othér advertisérs whose mahchlng cri- hurla is the sème or similar ho yours. You cen jalon 10o your sys- hem matches lnstantty by cattmng 1-900-4514882 Ext. 47, ah a charge oh $1.99 pur minute. CI: What la Smart Browse? A: A spécial eturé hhah élhows you ho Itisen and respond ho other voicegreetlngs hhah match the crtertyou sélect. Cati 1- 900-451-4882 Ext. 47, option 2. et a chargé oh $1 .99 pur minute. 0: How do t respond to on ad? A: CaJi 1-900-786-4882 Ext. 47, option 1. et a chargé oh $1.99 per minuhe, hhe syshem wîhl ask you ho enter thé 4 digit ad num- bér ah thé ned oh thé prinh ad. Presal hto spond. press 2 ho go on Io thé neat éd. 0: How do.j cancel or renéw and ad? A: Cait cushomer aervice at 14800447-3782. _ 914 Rona anid Wallv Hawkins and Linda and Brian Marritt liappily alulutince the engagement of their chlIdren Steven aînd Tarnara. -77- r- ........... ........... ................ .. .........................

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