Whitby Free Press, 18 Oct 1995, p. 8

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Page 8. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 18, 1995 Mansions site plan aAmelnded, delays may be over By- Mark R000or An amended site plan for the Victoriaville Mansions project at Dundas sud Garden streets lias been approved by plainning committe.. The' plan will go te full coundil for its consideration Monday. Changes in the plan include cutting the size ofthe dovelopment to 290 from 306 apartments, reducing the size of oaci unit to 810 from 970 square foot, and roving« the structure sud exterior appearance oftlie buildings. Committee recommended the approval providing the. developer pay the Town five per cent of the. value of the developablo land in lieu of contributing land for a future park, as originally planned. The parkland would have been almost entirely within the regional flood limite, which is againat Town policy. It also advises that a hold zone provision on th. property be lifted wlien tlie developer satisfies varjous conditions, including submiting a tree preservation Business we Four events will be held locally r David Stewart-Patterson, business editor for Canada AM, will ho guest speaker at a dinner at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 7 p.m. Ho will discusa the need for s mall businesses te expsud * markets and explore new business opportunities. A breakfast sermnar, 'Balancing Family and Business Life,' wioth Marion Balla, will be lield on Wednesday, Oct. 25, 8 a.m. at the -IP DF ytisicue MioofEcra95-Gl ok Mnetimn ak OS $tmsàMtrà.ptP( GVC 14.4 InternaI Fax/Modem $6500 TOSHIBA or PANASONIC Quad Speed CD ROM Drive plan and posting securities. "We're (now) at the. point whero wo vo finally satisfied ovoryone. We've got our permit from the (Central Lako Ontario) Conservation Authority (CLOCA) sud weve got the permit from the Ministry of Natural Resources <MNR)," -says Victoriaville Developments chief executive officor Bill Teseher. "The Town bas ail the drawings up te date (and) they've reviewed tliem. To the best of my knowledge... thero je nothing standing in our way te go and do the infrastructure work." Teeler says the projoct has been delayod because "wo have been waiting for theo Mlnistry of Natural Resources and CLOCA for 18 months te get their act together," lie sys. The original plan, which was approved by CLOCA, involved a partial rerouting of Pringle Creek whicli flows through the property, says Tessler. But UM officiais didn't approve and it went back and forth, with ek planned Holiday Inn. At il a.m., therehl be a lunch at the Toronto Board of Trade and tour of Microforum. A trade show, with about 300 exhibitors, will be held on Thursday, Oct. 26, 4 te, 9 p.m., at the Metro East Trade Centre in Pîckering. The events are presented by the Oshawa and District Chamber of Commerce, Business Development Bank of Canada, Bell Canada, Royal Bank of Canada and Oshawa's economic developmnent department. either the xmnistry or CLOCA objecing to changes made to satisfy the other body's requirements, he'says. Culverts will now be put in under Dundas Street to handie the creek Tesser "B the delays have been expeaïsve. "les coot me, ini engineering fees alone, an additional $100,000 to go back througli this circuitous route to satisfy tlie Mlnistry of Natural Resources - and that's money I can never recover. "On top of that, you've got 18 months of additional carrying Costs.... theres another, onservatively, $250,000,B0o you're looking at $350,000 that lias been spent, from my standpoint and from the Town's standpoint, rlm sure, totally unnecessarily simply because we could not get two provincial agencies to agree." Clearing of the site should begin this week, lie says, to be followed by installation of the culverts, which will take as littie as 72 Business women 's club to meet The Durham BusinesB and Professional Women's 'Club will meet on Wednesday, Oct. 25, 6 p.m., at Harmony Creek Golf Club, Oshawa. Guest speakers will be the business women's national and provincial representative Carol Sharpe and provincial vice president Nancy Bass.* For reservations, cali Laura at 905-839-1466 (home) or 416-752- 2881 (business). [pro:esors based PikL EW* ýnine popular software tities: -Oaxgerous Crealo ex -Money - Scexes' Sampler -and Ltls Learn oll1 (a,@pmlcidtd on hhicf dO Soundblaster 16 with 70W speakers IPCnCifX'95 * 8MB RAM - 530MB " Internat Write Back Cache - 3.5« hig " PCI Local bus architecture - 1MB P( " QUAD speed CD ROM - IPC Mo 16-bit sound card * Windov " Dual amplitied speakers # Nine pc *14.4 Voice/FaxiModern * Threey " Internet Starter Kit First ye " Fujitsu Keyboard* Monitcr CDIX95-575 Intel 75MHz processor *nt S7 per e CDIX95- 590 Intel 90MHz processor * ;o .- eonth CDIX95- 5100 Intel i 00MHzrocessor *ny 8 per eh ' MICROSOF Sidewinder Joystick QUANTUM 1.08 GB Firebali IDE Hard Drive $3495 1$30900 B high speed hard drive igh density floppy drive 'Cl SVGA video card louse and mouse pad )ws 95 pre-toaded popular software packages year parts & labour warranty far on-site service* or not included HIGH DENSITY 3 1/2' Disks Preformatted Box ot25 Assorted Cotours $99 * ~ -- Desigr.ed for LOCAL BUS R A YNetoare uows'olcfn, -Apprved Microsoft* M * WindowsÇ95 M * For information Computer contact: t i IPerformance * LPJ Center u* MI T M 25 Thickson Road. North (Near K.F.C.)a a Tel: 905-725-7454 a Fax: 905-725-7732i m Hou s Mon. Tues. 107, Wed.-Fni 10-9. Saturday 106. Sunriay il-4 Hy O Cc-r - ae buinby 30 Mctocorrnp0its. 350 Seeease Ri W .Markham Onar'o L3R 183 fax 905-479-76 Tfhe ini s <' go 's a! e eed frademnarirof Intel Coirsaiton *P i' tpii-ie f0D Mctocorrpofrs *Monfot nI "ei'qbffor on sie service On-Sde service is nol avaijable in ail ateas of Canada lP os and confguraf on sub le f0 change wfhouf noice hours - if the 'Town allows Victoriavillo te close Dundas over a woekend, lie says. Otherwiso, two lanes wil ho kept open sud the work iil take about two or tire weeks, ho estimates. "Our goal is te 'have those culverts instailedl prébably by the first week in Novembor. At the' samo time weMll hoconstructing Crawfortli (sud) well ho doinig the sanitary sewer enlargement on Gardon." Tho compsuy will appîy for building permits as the infrastructure work is taking place "so it's quite likely ... that wo sliould have something going on tiat site for excavation sometime late November/mid December." Victoriaville is still hoping te meet the April 15 occupancy date for the first two buildings, which will both be four storeys and have 47 apartmonts. "It ie not unachieveable providing we do start in December," says Tesaler, "because thon we are excavating when thore in no froot and the foundations will go'in fairly quickly." Using phase construction, the buildings would ho onclosed and finishod during the wintor.. Support for the jobless Support group meetings for the unemployod are held every Tue.day morning at th. Pickering r.c complez, 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Meetings are conducted by Roger Wade, - manager of The Minacs GrouphInc. Career Counselling Centre. The program lielps the unemployed flnd jobs, by learming job ekilse, self-marketing, tips and techniques and effective resume wrifing. Cost is $5 for oaci session. For more information,1 cail 434- 4400. Bih 7 resom Ideicay By John OToole Bill 7. 'An Act te Restore Balance and Stability te Labour Relations and te Promote Economne Prosperty,' fulfils our government:s promise te, restore workplaoe democracy. Bill 7 repeals the NDP legisiation, Bill 40 and Bill 91, and amends the Crown Employees Collective Bargaining Act. The Ontario Labour Relations Act that eisted prior te Bill 40 was a balance which encouraged workers'riglits sud allowed a balance of democracy ithe workplace. Bill 7 will include msundatery secret ballot votes for union certification, coenlact ratification sud strike votes. Bill 91 was the NDP government'a attempt te unionize the family ftirm. In agriculture, the weather sud seasons dictate the demands of an operation that should not be subjoct te, industrial-style collective bargaining. Changes te the BgainAct wil allow this govermunent te fulfil su election promise te reduce the size suddcoot of government. We are ovroe nedsd overtaxed. What we need are jobs. This legishation will sllow smaller businesses te remain competitive and allow the private secter te create jobs. No one can argue with the rights of the worker sud oertainly no one can argue with their democratic right te a free and secret vote on unportant isues sudi as certification sud strikes. Having worked in a unionized workplaoe for over 30Oyears, I know that strikes can be controversial and perhaps confrontational However, at this time in our economy, jobs are important sud we need te balance the riglits of the employer sud the employee. 1 hope that no one je suggesting that violence has a place in our society. Violence bas no place in our communities or our workplace; te suggest othewise, le simply wrong. 0f course, as when you make changes, there are bound te ho those wlio resist. I have been in contact-with people in my riding, both employers sud employees, and they agree with the signal we are sending. This Bill 18 ail about promoting workplaoe democracy sud jobs. You cannot build yourself up while you are tearing someone elèe down. John O'Toole ies MPP for the Durham East ridng tha includes Whitby north of Tauton RoacL ,v DR. MICHAEL94 GREENGLASS 220 Dundas St. W. #102'- (Dundas-centre Medical Building) Whitby LiN 2M 430-4822 Evenlngs & Saturdays Emergencies & New Patients Welcome Seminar on - bookkeeping Community Volunteer AccountantB (Durham Region) will hold the firet of ita 1995-96 seminare te not-for-profit groupe and associations on Wednesday, Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m., at the Whitby Municipal building, committee room #1. The seminar will include discussion of the basic bookkeeping sud reporting requirements - including inoraton returnesud frequency of reporting. Caîl 430-9122 for seminar registration information. $199P5 1$15495 IimWe are pleased to welcome MARCY EMM as Travel Consultant, and invite her fniends and clients to visit her at our Cro new office at w et 3050 Garden St.W git Whitby Traver ~ + 666-8266 Computer Accessories On Sale (Oct. 18., 25, 95) 1 onside pentiume R 0 c E s s 0 R

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