Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 25,119M. page 9 LETTER: Whitby ayor 's essageto Longueuil To the. aditor:. Copy of lettor (edited) te Mayor Claude Gladu, Là ongueuil,Quebec. Your Worship: Greetinge from myseif and the council of the Town of Whitby te, you and our coileagues on Lâonguouil city coundil. I arn writing te you at the request of some of our older citizens in Whitby and individuals who are anious about the future of Canada. Before writing te you,I conferred with our colloague. Dan MdI'oague, MP for thio rldlng, and ho concurs with my letter. The conoern exprossed te me is the outcome of the plébiscite which is te b. hold Quebec., 1 take it that there la no need te remind you of tho love and admiration which those of us who have been active in the twinning sichanges sinco 1969 feel for our friends and colleagues in Longueuil, and oertainly wo get the impression that that is how wo are regarded by you. 1 am happy that wo, in Whitby, have been able te register some lasting mementos of these exchanges. If I look out of my window te tho south, I see the presenoe of LongueudliPark, a Reach out to Quebec small park looeted in a subdivision a few hundred yards from my office. North of my office and now undor construction will be the new Charles Garnier French Immersion school, again -a momento te French Canada. Tho concept of a Canada without the involvemnent of the French language, histery and traditions would render our country incomplets. I hope that ovor the years our conduct in receiving you and. visiting your community bas rogistered conclusively our desire te romain as follow citizens of the same country.- I would urge that you use whatever means possible te, convey te your feilow citizens the love and admiration which the people of Wbitby feel for their colleagues in Longueuil. If we can resolve this question of the future of Canada as a unltod country, that we may then turn our attention te, the probloma whlch romain. Thero are irritants that were establishod ovor the years and which w. must address as qulckly as possible. This was almoit roached in the course of the Meoch Lake discussions, but, unfortunately, eventa prohibited us from arriving at a satisfactery conclusion. Nevertheless, we must strivo te overcome those irritants and shlow Canada te, become flrmly identified as a umited and properous country. Ail of these- commenta are submxtted for your consideration with respect and continued admiration, and a desire to remain notjust as friends, but as members' of the urne fhmily, that is a united Canada. Tom Edwards M4ayor Whitby FROM PAGE 1 argument that their language wil disapper unies. they're a separate state." Although a Manitoba-born politidan represening an Ontario riding, McTeague said lie encounterod no resistance as an 'outsider.' During bis excursions te Quebec, McTeague has spoken te students at Lavai University- and door-knocked in the tewns of Levis, Mercier and, of course, Longueuil. 7I speak te them in Freh, that removes ail objections," ho said. "I haven't had one negative comment." However, McTeaguo admitted that not overyono agrees with bis "I tbiinkr a lot of people are voting y.. because they don't know that the question being asked is a rocipe for independence" ho said. "There is a lot of confusion and distortion from the Bloc, (Quebecois) and the Parti Quebecois. The question is consicuous and loaded.* McTeague said ho toila Quebeosm that a "50 per cent plus one" vote is not a mandate te secede and te move in that directon Wiil only "inuriate the rest of the country." Trusee i Banruptcy Loonie élaunch KATHLEEN ROWE Grade 3 stuclent Rachiel Small participates in' the 'Student Loonie Launch for United Way.' Students who landed their loonie in the buoket were entered in a draw for a haif- hour flight over Oshawa. The loonies - $247 worth - were given to the United Way. Pbot Wb"Pay MkRosoWyFreS Prou Cal i e Offering ail insolvency services including personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Saturday & evening appointments available. FREE initial consultation. JAMES R. YANCH AU -98MOMMIL- X LOW COST INSURANCE ........................... We'ýtr£l extended our business hours to' serve yau better! Mon. to Fri. 8amto 7 Sat. 9 am to 3pm Pm D.'leS INSURANCE BROKERS LTD - 701 ROSSLAND RD. E., WHITBY 666-2090 CDIFX95- 590 Intel 90MHz processor CDIFX95- 5100 Intel 100MHz processor r- 4- Computer Accessones Sale (Mile Quantities Last)