Page 24, WhIetyfoee Pross, Wednlesday, October 25, 1995 ourswa al FEMALES. LEAVE A MESSAGE SWF, 18. 59", il Sibs.. red hair. blue eyes, freckies. likes bik- ing. camping. flshlng. sking, skldlooing, dancing. movies. dlnîng, seeks SM, 28 or under. Indian, wih similar inleresîs. Ad#.9038 Hi LADIESI Bl-WF, 18. blonde hair, seeks bi-WF, 18-19, who Ilkes going ouI and having fun or slaying n and having fun, for friend- shlp. possible reiatlonship, Ad#.8456 - IANCE WITH ME GWF, 19. 5"11 llSbs., brown haîr. green eyes, seeks SWF. 18-21, who' likes having fun, walks, quiet imes ai home, skllng. movies. sports, dinlng ouI, dancing, skidoolng. Ad#.7112 LOVES TO PARTY SWF. 19. 57». l4Slbs., bonde haîr, green eyes. fun 10 be wilh, greal sense of humor, likes going out and having fun. sports, seeking honest SM. 18-2 1, who knows how 10 treat a woman. Ad#9754 REST OF UFE -SWF. 19, 5Si", llSibs., brown hair, green eyes, seeks ail SWM, 18-23. wth dark hoir and a hairy chesl, must like fshîng, camping. drawlng, bikîng. drinkîng. smoking. Ad#.9068 CONTACT MEI SW mom, 19, one son. seeks SWM, 20-30, for fun limes, frendship firsf, possible rela- lonship. Ad#.7649 NEW TO TORONTO B1-WE, 20, 52», i OSbs., brown hair. hozel-green eyes, temni- nine, attractive.. likes dance clubs, movies,,dining, hoving o good lime. seeks feminine, attractive bl-WF. 18-25. Ad#.281 1 MAKE ME LAUGH SWF, 20, 56", 1 3Oibs., brown hairt light eyes, attractive, very outgoing, friendiy. studenl. empioyed, likes cooklng, movies. seeks very funny, nice SWF. 18-26, Ad#.4038 DUBBLY PER.SONALITY SWF. 20. 56«. light brown hair/eyes, attrâtcîlve, port-ime studenb, enjoys cooking, ski- Ing, swimming, hiking. ouI- door aclivities, seeking oulgo- Ing. riendiy, humorous SWF. i8-26,10a share ime and Inter- esîs wilh. Ad#. 1789 VERY ATTRACTIVE SWF. 20, 52",. 1 OSbs., brown -hair, hazel eyes. sweet. frend- y. oulgolng. gond sense of humor, enjoys going 10 dance clubs. movies. going ouI ta dinner, taking waiks, seeking ike-minded SWF. 18-24. Ad#.1871 VERY SINGLE SBF. 23, no kids. colege stu- dent, kind, sincere, honest. loves clubs. dlning. movies, quiet limes ai home, music. seeks ambitious S/mulatto M. 23-28, for a relationship. Ad#.9521 LOOKING FOR SOMEONE SFE 25. South American, seeks SWM, under 40, European Is preferred. ta have a frend- ship wth, moybe more. Ad#.3404 SEEKSIND-HEARTED GW momn 25, lwo chiidren. fun-ioving. honest, eosygoing, likes spendlng lime with famiiy and friends, nature, long walks, wriing poetry. seeks masculine.- empioyed G/SWF. 20-40. Ad#.6439- CALL ME SOONI SF, 25, 5', 105bs., black hair, brown eyes. ottractive, lîkes movies, music, dining. piaying pool. seeks SNCM. 30 or under. 10 bang out with and be friends with. Ad#.6324 CASUAL FRIENDSHIP GDF, 26, seeks SWF, 30 or under, for fun. friendship and maybe.more. Ad#.8453 HAVE SOME FUNI SBF, 26, 5'8", i 65lbs, fit. oulgo- lni nlves In haive fun, seeks seeking honesi. carîng. sn- cere SWF. 354. ta shore ime r J inlerests wth Ad#.9140 1111 MY NAME IS Bt-BF 39, queen size, seeks bi- F. 32-49, for frIendshlp and companionshlp. Ad#.4665 HEAR FROM YOIJ SOON GWF. 28, blonde hair, blue eyes, petite, attractive, seeks attractive, slim SF. 18-29, 10 go ouI and have good limes_ with, for frlendship. maybe more. Ad#.2593 FRIEND FOR NOW SWF, 29, blonde hairt blue eyes, attractive, slim, easygo- lng, seeks SWM. 24-32, for friendship. Ad#.8603 IF 1 1S VOUI BI-WF 30, 1 2Oibs., attractive, seeks bi-WF, 30-35, for friend- shlp, possible relationshlp. Ad#.9420 CARIBBEAN Bi-WFf, 30.11il bs., very attrac- tive, seeks bi-WF, 35, for frend- ship. possible relailonship. Ad#.8145 FRIENDSHIP REIATONSHIP SF, 30.,<5, block hair. brown eyes, likes dining, movies, music, seeks SNCM, 30 or under. for filendship, possible reiationship. Ad#.2632 TALKAIIVE SAF 30, green eyes.Ilikes dancing. music, Ihealer, stu- dent, seeklng seious-mnded, goal-orienled SAM, 30-39, 10 spend lime wth and more. Ad#.8867. PLEASE DO 50 DW mom, 30, 58", short blonde hair. green eyes, two boys, seeks N/S, ciassy SBM, 25-35, for frendship. maybe more. Ad#. 7651 VERY GOOD FRIEND Bi-WlF, 31, confident, good friend, seeks bt-WF, 25-40, ta 101k ta, for flendship, maybe more. Ad#,4627 SEEKS SPECILJ PERSON SF, 31, 537, long red hair. brown eyes, frecktes. medium bulid, honest, sensitive, sin- cere, seeks specil SWM, 31- 42, 10 spend quiet nighls or weekends wIth. Ad'#.8376 FEMININE, OIJTGOING SWF 57», l3Oibs.. very attrac- tive, open-minded, likes dlin- lng ouI, seeking honesb, understanding, caring. loving, attractive SM. Ad#.3613 CARING & AFFECIONATE SWF, 31, 56", 1 351bs., brown hair, hazel eyes, caring. down ta earth, mature. femninine, great swimmer. likes horse- bock riding, reading, danc- ing, seeks sincere, caring SBM, 24 or over. Ad#.9438 INTERES'IED? CALLI GWF. 33, 5*4, very sincere and caring, likes the ouldoors. movies, seeks SWF. 30-40, for friendship, possible relation- ship. Ad#.2755 COU.EGE SMIDENT SWF 33, 5Y, siender, oulgo- lng, trusing, serlous. loves dancing, running, seeking serlous gentleman, for possi- ble reiationship. Ad#.3930 WISHES FOR RELA11ONSHIP SWF, 33, seeks sincere. honesl, dlown Io earth SWM, 29-40, for a relalionship, serlous Inquiries please leave message. Ad#.2390 ANIMAL LOVER SWF, 35, 56», blonde hairt sim build, blue eyes, fun-iqving, easygoing, people person. enjoys reading, waiks, cro- chebing. seeking faithtui, hon- est, fun-ioving SWM, 32-45, for good limes and more. Ad#.51 32 LEAVE ME A MESSAGE BiWF, 36. 5'. i 2lbs.. very feminine, smoker, likes long woiks, the ouldoors, good conversation, piaylng cards, difing, bingo, dancing, good music, seeks bi/GWF. 26-39. Ad#. 1241 PLEASE CAL!. GWF. 36, feminine, wrm, car- ing, sincere, likes dining. dancing, seeks Ukrainion SF, 34-40. for a long termn relo- ionship. Ad#.6329 UIKES HONES1Y SW mom. 37, long hair, N/S, sincere, giving, one child, likes music, mavies. long KNOWS WHAT SHE WANTS SWF. 39, 53Y, brown hair, hazel eyes, medium build, seeking honesl, open-mlnd- ed. caring. aflectionale SWM. 37-46, with a good sense of humor. Ad#.7597 LADY BLUE EYES SWF, 40. 56", blonde hair, nice smile. good sense of humor but con be serlous, enjoys painting, drawing, cr0- chellng. arts and crafts, seek- lng SWM, 38-50, t0 be happy. maybe fluIn love wilh. Ad#.9445 .PROFESSION>.!, FIT SWF. 41, sense 0f humor, likes Intelectual conversations. cruise ravel, wrting music, amateur radio, seeking edu- caled. professionai SWM. 35+, kind caring, romantlc, affecîlonabe. knows how la look afler a lady. Ad#.9575 MAN FORME SWF, 42, red hair, green-blue eyes, professionai. likes fun- loving octivilies. humor, music, dancing. Iheaber, seeks SWM. 40-55. for friendship, maybe more. Ad#.9725 JOVIAL, ROMANT1C Indion SF. 42. long dork hair, professional, cutured. enjoys music, being active. theaber. ouldoors, seeking professionai SWM, 42-50, with simllar inter- esîs and qualifies. Ad#.5271 SIMILAR CHARACTER GB momn 43, professionai, seeks worm,'- sensitive SF, 30- 45, wilh a great sense of humor, who enjoys chiidren, dancing, outdoor activilies, for a serlous relalionship. Ad#.4326 .FORM A FRIENDSHIP GFE 45, medium height, good looking. greal sense of humor. enjoys the company oif rlends, theater, dining ouI, walking, expioring new places, seeks SWF, 35-50. Ad#.958 7 ROMANCE A PLUS DWF, 45. N/S, attractive. pro- fessionai. enjoys sking. long waiks, fine dining, theatre. dancing, movies, seeking SWM. over 40. N/S, inanciaiiy secure, for friendship, maybe more. Ad#.4271 WHITBY AREA SWF, 47, business owner. loves home, gardenlng. tner things n Ilifeseeklng independenb. inanciaily secure SWM, 48- 58, with high morais and gond characler. Ad#.2271 GOT AWAY SWF. 47, sim, muscular, enjoys camping, sking, biking, lifting weights, cooking, reoding, seeking SWM, for riendship. dating, maybe more. Ad#.3990 CODE 0F ETHICS SWF. 47, active. bas high morais and varied inleresîs, likes gardening, the iner lhings in le, seeks financioiiy independent SWM, 48-58, with high morais and chorac- ber. Ad#.2520 REALLY NICE SWF, 48, &Z2, brown hais, non- drinker. likes gardening, golf- ing. dancing, dining ouI. seeks SWM. 45-57. for riend- ship. possible relalionship. Ad#.6339 WARM CARING SINCERE SWF, 48. 54". 1451bs., wears glasses, N/S. casual drinker. likes the ouldoors, boseboul, bowling, music, dancing, movies, quiet limes, seeks SWM, N/S.58»+ , 44-53. Ad#.8403 '-PASSION 15 GOLF SWF. 50. attractive, smoker, likes goiting. traveling, ouI- door sports, seeks SWM. 48- 58, to shore interesîs wilh, for friendship. possible relation- ship. Ad#.4764 ENJOY SOME TIME SWF, 50. 56", empioyed, likes goifing, the theoler, dining, ouldoor sports. seeks SWM. 49-59, with a good sense of ýM 00' PATCHIM Teo1'lton té aroa si mlos doscribo 10oso o o rspond l0 ods ONY$1.99 ,% minute %wIIl b cc g o or mnîhîy toih t* I lb. 1 y*ougod oi~~.atouchlon ptho q 1019 t4ohovrs a lavl EMMz UKES MAPLELEAFS. BLUEJAYS SWM. 18, 6'. 1 7Oibs., brown hair, green eyes, Ilkes ouldoor aclIvities. sports, picnIcs. seeklng SWF. 18-20. for possi- ble relitonship. Ad#. 1893 OPEN-MINDED, FUNNY SWM. 18. 5'9", blond hair. blue eyes, oubgoing. student, enjoys piaying tennis, seeking sweel. coring, Intelligent SWM, 18-25, who Is compassionabe and romonlic. Ad#.9226 AL!. ABOUT ME SWM. 18. 510". lSOibs., brown hair/eyes. smokerIlikes music, movies. quiet evenIngs, seeks SWF, 1 8-30, for trIendship. maybe more. Ad#.2610 BE WITI ME SWM. 18, seeks SWF. 35 or under, Io share good limes wibh, for friendship. maybe more. Ad#.21 Il LOVES FUN TIMES SWM, 18, 5'9". i3Oibs., brown hair, blue eyes. fun, easy 10 gel along wilh, enjoys hock- ey games. cuddiing. movies. concerts. seeking SWF, wibh similar Interesîs. Ad#.3419 DETAJLED DESCRIPTION SWM, 18, 6'3". 216lbs., brown hoir. blue eyes, seeks SWF, 18- 19. for frlendship, maybe more. Ad#.9212 FRIENOSHIP IS KEY GWM. 19. coliege studenb. seeks open, honest SWM. 18- 25, who con be true ta himseif' and enjoys trying new tIngs. for friendship. maybe more. Ad#.1811 UKES TO IAUGH SWM. 19, 6'. brown hair, blue eyes. siim, student, enjoys rocing cars, IV, seeking hon- est. punctuai SWF. who Is nol afraid 10 say whal she lhinks. Ad#.3893 VARIEiY 0F 1'IiNGS SWM. 19. 5'10", likes going ouI, dining, movies. seeks SWF under 22. for triendship. maybe more. Ad#.2598 IND GENTLEMAN SWM, 19. 5'6", iâSibs., brown hair/eyes. works shift work, likes dancing, dining ouI. seeks attractive, confident, funny SWF, i18-25, for trIend- ship. maybe more. Ad#.9901 SOUND GOOD? SNCM, 20, loves' movies, sports, everything. seeks SAF, any age. for friendship, maybe more. Ad#.4355 lIME TOGETHER SWM, 20, seeks lti, athiebic SF. over 18,1t0 spend lime wibh, for friendship, maybe more. Ad#.2478 MAN FOR YOU SDM, 20, 6'l", black hair. brown eyes. siim, likes sports, clubs, music, seeks SF, any age, for friendship. possible relationship. Ad#.6549 TREAT ME NICE SWM, 21. 59". 165lbs., brown hair/eyes, .bIkes camping. sports, dancing, hiking, seeks SWF, 19-22, with similar Inter- esîs. for friendship, maybe more. Ad#.971 i FROM ENGLAND SWM, 23, 5-9". i6Oibs., blond. blue eyes. seeking SAF. 18-24. for triendship. possible rela- Ironship. Ad#. 1000 COLLEGE STUDENT SWM. 23, spontaneous, open- minded, enjoys movies. music, sports, fun. seeking SWF. wilh same Interesis. Ad#. 3745 CAN WE MEET? GWM. 23, 58"à . i 351bs., brown hoîr, ocean blue eyes. likes going lao bars once un a whiie. genfle. financiaily secure. strong. hondsome. fltof mis- chiet. seeks siender. dlark SFE any age. wilh black hair and dark eyes. Ad#. 1517 DANCE & ROMANCE SWM. 25, 5'l ", 170lbs., brown hairt hazei-brown eyes, attractive, seeks SWF, 18-25, wilh a wld sense of humor for dancing and romancing. Ad#.6305 READ THIS ONE DWM, 26, 5l1 ". 1641bs.. red hair, blue, eyes, son Is 2, enjoys sports, camping, waiks. dining. hockey, seek- Ing, SWF, 21-29. with same Inleresîs. Ad#.2951 ANIMAL LOVER SWM, 26, 5'l 1 7Oibs.. dark hoir, blue eyes, fil, hree dogs, likes different sports, ouldoor activities, seeks attractive SWF, ony age, who enjoys quolly ime. Ad#.8036 FIT &ACTIVIE SWM. 26.6'2", l9OIbs.. brown hair, blue eyes, active. fil, empioyed, loves outldoor aclivilies, camping, canoe- ing, hiking, cottages, boat- lng. walerskiing, seeks SWF, 18-2W.Ad#.8531 1 CALL ME SAM, '26, enjoys miovies, dancing, seeking SF, 23-31. with same Inleresîs. Ad#.2251 UKES MANY THINGS SWM, 26. 6l",.I 9Oibs.. fil, active, likes booling. waber- skling. scubo diving. travel- ing, skling, camping, hiklng, quiet nlghbs, seeks slim, fil, attractive SWF. 18-26, with similar inleresîs. Ad#.8057 BROAD-SHOULDERED SWM, 26, very fiendiy, fun ta be with, enjoys waiking, exer- cising. sports, biking, seeking patient, likable SWF, 23-26. N/S, very ighb drinker, Ad#,836 i INTERESTED IN TALKING? DWM, 26. 6'.^1 65lbs., red haur. blue eyes, gond shape. one son who lves with his mother. likes ouldoor octivi- bues, sports, dlnlng, seeks sin- cere SWF, 21-29, who likes waiks and flks. Ad#.1555 BUSINESSMAN SWM, 26, 63', brown hair/eyes, big srang build, educoted, lives in the Toronto area. seeks SF. 18-29, la gel tc, know, for friendship. posb-' bue reiotionship, Ad#.9491 HOW ARE YOU? SM, 27, 511l", black hair, brown eyes, attractive, Indian, seeks open-minded. Intelligent SF. 20-26, Indian, who likes having o good lime, enjoys movies, Iheater, dining. no games. Ad#.6898 CUDDLE & ISS SWM, 27, 61 ". 185ibs.. brown hair, blue eyes, affectionobe, likes solîbail, hockey, movies, quiet romanlic evenings. seeks honesl, caring, roman- tic SIBF 21-30, no depen- dents. Ad#. 1543 SCUBA DMVNG SWM. 27. 510". llOlbs., physicoiiy fil, honesb. gener- ous. sincere. enjoys movies. '~sports, seeking SWF. 22-28, with similar qualifies, who Is not lnb head games. Ad#. 161 1 REALLY NICE GUY SWM. 27. 59". lSibs., open- minded, likes wabching hock- ey, going out for long drives, reading. cooking, seeking honesl. loving, caring. atfec--- tionate SWF. 21-29. 10 be happy wlth and take care of., Ad#.7120 HiI MY NAME 15 SWM, 27, 61", l8Sibs.. brown hair. blue eyes. soiid buiid. romanlic. affeclionabe, cor- ing, honest. enjoys sports, movies, long walks, slow dancing, seeks attractive SWF, 21-32, for friendship, maybe more. Ad#.7327 HIil SWM, 27. 58"3% 1 7Obs., brown hair/eyes. likes hockey, camping. cuddling. movies, skydiving. seeks SWF. 21-26, who s in good shape and likes the iner lhings in lite. Ad#.3632 HI LhiDIESI ai. seeks SF,1 40 or. under. for friendship. moybe more Ad#.334 1 WELL-SPOIcEN SWM, 28, 51l0". 145lbs., brown hair, blue eyes, friendly, outgoing, hobbies Include coiiecling coins, seeking attractive, Ihin SWM, with a great personaiity, to be with. Ad#.9868 SEEKS YOUI SWM, 28. smoker, casuat drinker, Ilkes going oui and having a good ime, quiet nights aI home cuddiing, seeks SWF, 20-32, wth simitar inleresîs, for friendship, maybe more. Ad#.2658 1CARING & SENSITIVE Professional SWM, 28. 5l1, 1 80ibs;, black hair. brown eyes, enJoys sports, music, theatre, travet, ouldoors, seeking'attractive SWF, 22-30, no dependenis, to share Inter- esîs. Ad#.9457 UKE TO TALIC? SWM, 29, 5'7», blond hair, blue eyes, likes a vadety of different lhings, going out and having a good time, tIshing, seeks SE. 22-30, for friendship, mnaybe more. Ad#.2266 HI MYNAME IS SWM, 29, 56", blond hair, smoker, occasionat drinker, likes having a good ime, dancing, sports, cuddling, seeks SF, 22-32, for friendshlp, maybe more. Ad#,9270 STUDENT SOM, 29, 5'9». 160ibs.. oulgo-, Ing, down to earth, likes con- versations, sports, working out, jogging, movies, biking, seeks SF. 21-30, who knows whal she wants out of le. Ad#.241 1 DOES NOT UKE BARS SWM, 29, *57". 135lbs., brown hair, b lue eyes, siim, ikes movies, watching and piaying sports. golf, reading, notl nIa the bar scene, seeks SWF, 24- 29, for friendship, maybe more. Ad#. 1884 UKES OUTDOOR ACTIVMES SWM, 29, 59, 165ibs., brown hair/eyes, Portugese, active, ikes the ouldoors, music, movies. seeks SWF, 25-30. with a European background, for friendship, maybe more. Ad#.3759 FUN TO BE WITH SWM, 29, 59", brown hair, green eyes, easygoing, 1k- able, likes camping. lshlng, goiing, snowmobling, seeking honesl. caring. lovabie SWF, 24-32, who ls easy 10 gel oiong with. Ad#,4328 LET' S TALK SWM, 29,'6'.i 8Oibs., brown hair, blue eyes, aletic, hon- est, active, outgoing, enloys waler, camping, nature, ani- mais, klds, travet, sports, seek- Ing SF, under 35. Ad#. 1758 ATTRACTIVE, FUN-LOV1NG SWM, 49, 5'9", short brawn hair, green eyes, honest, sin- cere, caring, lovable, has weekends free, likes ouldoors, sports, dining, dancing, movies, seeking MEF 23-32, 10 share interests and ime with. Ad#.4846 VERY SPONTANEOUS SWM, 29, blond hair, blue eyes, non-drinker, smoker, seeks SFE 21-27, who likes long waiks. n the mooniighl, the outdoors, *fait leaves. for fiendship. maybe more. Ad#.8326 BUSINESS OWNER SWM, 29, 5'7". I1351bs., brown hair. blue eyes, attractive, non-drinker, likes arts, music. ouldoor activilies, sports, spending lime with famiiy/friends, seeking attrac- tive. sim SWF, 24-29, for seri- ous reialionship. Ad#.3107 UIFETIME PARTNER SWM, 29. 57Y, blond hair. blue eyes, likes dinlng out, dancing, movies, sports, ouI- doors, seeking MEF 20.28. eosygoing, for possible rela- llonship. Ad#.9042 EDUCAlIO PROFESSIONAL SWM, 29, 6. l8Oibs., brown hair. blue eyes, atlefic, hon- est, attractive, outgoing, likes expioring, trying new lhings. beach waiks, seeks SWF. 24 or over. for lrîendshîp. maybe more. Ad# 1483 ONE DAY AT A lIME SWM. 30. 5'l0", 190lbs., out- going, entrepreneur, Inb karole, walching documen- taries, spending time wilh his son. seeking honesl, com- muncabive SF, 27-35, who has a zest for le. Ad#.6145 SINGLE MOM PREFERRED SM. 30, 6'. dirty blond hair, hazel eyes, enjoys piaying sports, ouldoor actîvities, long - waiks, candlelighl dinners, chiidren, seeking honesl, easygoing SF, 25-35. Ad# 962 DOWN TO EARTH SM. 31, 58». 1701bs,, dark hair, mustache, brown eyes. loyal, friendly, romanfic, dependabie, enjoys golfing, reodlng, movies, music, writ- lng, seeking SE, 23-28, wilh similar quaifties and Interests, for* possible relationship. Ad#.4863 FREE lIME SM. 32. 6l" 175ibs., brown hair/eyes, likes hiking, live the- aber, bands, vîdeos, swim- mlng, skling, table tennis, out- door activities, seeks SWF, 27- 33, wilh similar Interesîs. Ad#.3202 UKES MAKY DIFFERENT THINGS SM, 32, 51l", 19lilbs., brown hair, hazel eyes, easy- going, oulgolng. sable, enjoys camping, spending lime with sons, fishing, biking, seeklng honesl SWF, 29-36. who Is atfractive and bakes care of herself. Ad#.6599. MIG GUY SWM. 32, slocky, beard, pre- mature- grey, finânciaiiy secure, enjoys painting, fish- ing. long drives. small lowns, music, cooking, seeking SWF, 35-45, kids 0k. intelligent, feminine, for friendship, maybe more, Ad#.3999 RARLEY MAN SM, 32, 155ibs., long hair. brown eyes, oubgoing, likes dancing. isening 10 music, camping, cruislng, seeking long-haired, sim. attractive SWF, ta spend lime wilh, maybe more, Ad#.7872 H-ATES BEING ALONE SWM. 33, 6', long brown hair, easygoing, likes to iaugh, hobbies include sports, camping, fishing, bosebali, hockey, seeking honest, open, communicative SWF. 25-35. Ad#.9383 LOVES ADVENTURE SM. 33, very outgoing, enjoys baseboli, martial arts. hockey,, seeking honesl. secure. independent -SWF, 22+, to spend time wibh, leading ta reltionship. Ad#.2498 FRIENDSHIP MAYBE MORE DM, 33. lu.sim, good look- ing. honesl, sincere, roman- ic, likes molor sports. the ouf- doors. quiet evenings oaI homé, seeks SWF. 25-40, sin- gle moms okay. Ad#.9896 EX-MIUTfARV SM. 34. 6', blue eyes, short hair, likes worklng on cars, doing arlwork, singing, seek- ing nice, sincere, taikative SWF. blonde hair, blue eyes preferred. for possible rela- lionship. Ad#.5034 PROFESSIONAL SM, 34, 63», 1 95bs., hazel eyes, medium buiid, kind of shy, likes camping,. fishing. Iravel, seeking honest. sincere SWF. who Ilkes the simple bhings ln life, Ad#.9410 FRIENDSHIP SM. 34, 59', 1651bs.. brown curly hair, green eyes, mus- tache. N/S, non-drinker, likes sportî. hockey. working out. live bonds. counfry'music, seeks SWF, 30-34. Ad#.2871 WORKS 011111 SM, 35. 58", fil, black hairt brown eyes. outgoing, humor- ous. enjoys woodworking. fish- ing. hunling. outdoor activi- fies, hiking. seeking SWF, wilh similar inleresîs. 10 be hop py wilh. Ad#.3887 ing. seeking SWF. 24-45. for friendship. maybe more. Ad# 9508 OUTGOING, ATTRACTIVE SWM, 36, 1451bs., green eyes, brown hair, ln graphic arts, enjoys golng out on the week- end, classic/allemnative rock. seeklng fId, attractive, easygo- Ing SWE 30-39, who knows what she wants ln Ille. Ad#.9696 SPEAJC TO YOU SOON SWM, 36, 5-10-, l3Sibs., long curty blond hairt blue eyes, N/S. tram Engiand, graphic designer, musician, likes rock climblng, the gym. cyciing, seeks N/S SFE 35 or under. Ad#.6049 INTERESTING TO YOU? SWM. 36, N/S, social cirinker, Ilkes bowling, shooting pool, music. movies, seeks easygo- lng SA1, 25-38, for friendship, maybe more. Ad#.7584 VOUNGER WANTS OLDER SWM, 37, 59", brown hair, green eyes, sincere, caring, attractive, enjoys sports, movies, waiks, seeking SWE 40-50, for possible relation- shlp. Ad#.8540 HANDSOME, YOUNG-LOOING SWM. 37, 511".lj7Oibs., brown hair, blue eyes, fun but con be serlous at limes, hob- bies Include inventing things, seeking kind, considerate SF, for possible relalionship. Ad#.8879 CANDLEUGF(T DINNERS SWM, 37. 5'9». 1851bs., enjoys romance, movies, dancing, seeking SWF, Io share some lime, teoding Io possible rela- tionship. Ad#. 1395 BUILO A FUTURE SWM, 38, 5V, brown hair just past the shoulders, brown eyes, seeks SWF, 25-42, ta gel ta know and spend some lime with. for friendship. maybe more. Ad#.3324 BRIGHTI INIELLECTLJ SWM. 38, brown eyes. attrac- tive, physicaiiy/emotionatty honesl, brighl, seeks nice, attractive, brighl SF, 35 or under, .who likes doing Intel- lectuail hings, no chiidren. Ad#;6789 GOOD 11MES AND MORE SWM, 38., bu, medium buiid, brown hair, likes going out, talking, having a good lime, hockey, istening -10music, seeking attractive SWF, with similar inleresîs, ta spend lime wilh. Ad#.7771 UIKES QUIET NIGHTS SWM, 38, 5SI0". 1 85lbs., hon- est, sincere, lruslworthy, lmbc sports, travel, cooking, music, seeking SF, 25-38. slim. attrac- tive, with simiior quaifies and Inlerests. Ad#.7366 INTERESTED IN ME? SWM, 38. 5V'. 1651bs., seeks petite SWF, 28-38, who likes sports, movies, dining, waiks, cuddling, for friendship, maybe more. Ad#.3042 AFFECUIONATE GENTLEMAN SWM, 38. 67%, 175lbs., blond, blue eyes, siim, attractive, romantic, generous, adven- turous, affeclionabe, from Europe, seeking open-mind- ed, romanlic, crealîve SF, under 45. Ad#.7642 LOOING FOR LADY DWM, 38, dad of 2, smoker. casuat drinker, enjoys dining out, dancing, movies, sports, ouldoars, seeking SWF, under 38, for friendship, possible reialionship. Ad#. 7309 SIMILAR INTERESTS? SWM, 39.,.510". 2001bs., brown hair/eyes, good look- ing, seif-empioyed, 'imfoker. social drinker. likes ouldoor activities and sports, seeks fit SWF, 26-36. with no depen- dents. Ad#.8269 SOMEONE TO MEET SWM, 39, 5"10", brown hair, blue eyes, very masculine, seeks attractive SWF, 29-45, foi lriendship, maybe more. Ad#.2127 TH-IS I[ T SWM, 39. seeking nice, hon- est SWF.ta' treat me righl. Ad#.8939 MY NAME 15 a living. likes meeting new people, porlying a litie bit. hovîng a good lime. seeks SBF. 19-30, for trîendship. moybe more. AdN.2857 TO HANG WITH SBMV. 25. enjoys dancing. movies.-seeking SE. t9-26. for triendEhip, possible relation- ship Ad# 9541