Page 18. Whitby Fre Press, Weclnesday, Novembor 1, 1995 PARISH UMISSIN For 'Parish Misson 195,P Nçv. 12-16, a "eres of lecture. wil b. prent.d by Father John Le. at' St. J ohn the. Evangeliat Roman Cathoic Ciiurch, 903 Oiffird St., Whitby, 7:30 p.m. each day. Topice pertain to ciiurch fiaith, family and life ithe, ninetie.. For more information, oeil the. offce at 668- 3676. jusHR Euchre, sponsored by the. Oddfeilows and Rebekah , la held every Frday, 8 p.m., at 211 Brock St. SL, Whitby. Admission In $1.50. Ail welcomne. ANNUALMETN Superannuated Teachers cf Ontario, Durham Region, lil hold the. annual genermi meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 7, il a.m., at Brooklin United Ciiurch, Cass"l Road, Brooklin. For more information, and tickets, oel Rosu White at 7253413. FO0D & lOY DRIVE A food and toy drive for Denise Houa., the. Oshawa ahelter for abused women and their childr.n, in from Nov. 1 to Dec. 20, at Wm. Wilson Realty inc., 420 Klng St. W. (acrons from the Oshawa Centre above Suite Dreama). For more information, oeil 404-1550.- DANCE Whitby Professional Fireflghtera, Local 2036, wiil hold a Christmas dance Saturday, De. 2, 7:30 p.m., at HeYdenshore Pavillon. Coat la $25 per coupýle (midnight buffet, door prizes). Ail proeda wiil be donated to Whitby minor sports. For ticket iquiries, cail 668-3314. CRAFF SALE Tii. Pregnancy Help Centre is participatminh a oeaft sae at the. Oshiawa Centre Nov. 6-11. Tiiere wi l aie information regarding the. belp centre'ework i the area. For Sénior11 Dates: Thurs.Tie 6:Omti3pp TAI CulI The. Wiitby ciiapter cf the. Ontario WuSiiu & Holistic Health Association wiil hold a tai cii introduction and chi kung worksiiop at Connaugiit Park clubiiouse, Onhawa, on Nov. 5, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. -Deadline for registration in Oct. 30. For more information, oeil430-1282. STAMP CLUB Tii. Oshawa Stamp Club wM meet on Tueaday, Nov. 7, 7 pm., i the. cafeteria at (MNill CVI, Oshawa. Cdilectorsamnd guest are welcome. For more inormation, cmli Roy at 728-2599. iie GENEALOGYBrci TeWiitby-Oaiiawa Bac oeegion of Durhiam) of the Ontario Genealogical Society wiil meet on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m., at the. Arts Resource Centre, Oshawa. Tammy Robinson of the. Oshiawa Commumity Archives vil present a élide show, 'Oshawa in the. Pat' Cali 683-2475 or 723-7460 for more information. CIIIL PIOVERTY A community discussion, Mobilizng oui- Community to Fight Child Poverty, wiil be iield by the. Durhiam Cbuld Poverty Action Group on Saturday, Nov. 25, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the. YWCA, 1 McGrigor St., Osiiawa. Ail are welcome tojoin in the discussion of chld poverty issues. For more information, cSl Diane Garvin at 433-4100. aden )V. 9 rG d Aduils ec. 14 Cost: $75 Mem,< $9ONnber WORKSHOPS FOR AGES 5 TO 10 Husar ~0Y, Novembe e*EXPRF Sunday, Do@ Cost: $7j A MO per session The Robert McLaughlin (;allery Cali (905).576-3000 for registration information. 108 B ROCK ST. N. -a 666-8050 'We Buy, Seil & Trade We Pay Top Dollar' Over 4,000O CD's to choose from.. *Movies a Cassettes 0 SEGA *Super Nintendo Entertainment System Business Hours: Mon. to Wed. 10 - 6 Thurs. & Fr. 10 - 7 - Sat. 10 - 5 REARTDIE E The. Ornlsh support- group, to asslst those who wish to find out more about Dr. Dean Ornish's low- fat diet and exercise program for the. prevention and reversai of disease, will meet at the. Durham Board cf Education building, -main floor, room 1015, Taunton Road Eat Whltby, on Wedn.sday, Nov. 8, 7 p.m. For more information, oeil 655-5996. Durham Region Field Nà turalsta' hike bas been resdieduled fur Saturday, Nov. 4.,9 a.m. to 2 pan., (meet for carpooling b.hind the. Durham Board Of Education building, Taunton Road West Whiti2y). Tii. taip la led by James Kamatra In case of rein, mIli 905-985-4497. InqVIIBLE DisABILTIE lhb nvsble Disability Support Group will meet Nov. 7, 7 p.m., at 947 Adelaide Ave. E., Oshawa. The croup in for parents of childen with ADD, ADHD, social, emotional or behaviourai problema. AI welcome. For more information, oeil Mary Lou at 623- 5414, Karen at 623-6490 or Nancy at 436-7706. -M: ht ib-i- NEW BOOKS Maria Marteila from the. Chuldren's Bock Store wiil b. the. Whitby Public Ià brary on Wednesday, Nov. 22,ý 7 to 8:30 pan., to present quality books for children of ail ages. Books can be purchased, with a portion of procéda to go the. libraiy. Spaces' are limited. Registration, i person, is on Nov. 6 at the library. After tiiat date, oei the library at 668-531. e ' ge ASTHMA AND EI>UCATION 'Asthma and Education' wil b. held Tiiureday, Nov. 2, 1 to 5 p.m., in the main lobby at Wiiitby Ceneral Hospital, as part of Week. Tiiere vil b. vldeo prosentations, the. Canada Asthma Challenge, a demonstration ,on the. us. cf Inhalation devices, and drug Information, The. event la sponsored by 'Boehring.r Ing.hhelm. PAIKINSON The. Parkinson support group, Durham Region Chapter, will meet on Monday, Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m., at St. Mark'. Uited Churcii, Coiborne and Centre streets, Whitby. Physiotheraplst Dale Rutherfordwillf-discuse the tr.atm.nt cf Parkinson patiente. For more information, oeil 723- 3183. LUNCJIEON SERVICE On Wedn.sday, Nov. 8, Al Saints' Anglican Church will hold a luncheon service, with organ prelude, beginning at noon. Soup and sandwich lunch in parieh hall i. $4. Ail weicom,.- For more information oeil the. church office at 668-5101. GUIDE COOKIES Girl Guide Chocolatej Mint Cookiea are now available from al Girl Guide members until, Nov. 30.. For more information, cmii 430-4977. WASTE REDUCTION WEEK For moreà information on Waste Reduction Week, Nov. 6 to 12, cmli, the. Durham Region works department at 668-7721. lb. Region.le offering free promotional material such as brochures, fact aheets, posters, videos and diisplays. Cali 668-7721. QUIOLTERS mhe Durhiam Trillium Quilters' Guid wyll meet Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m., at the. Caribbean Cultural Centre, 600 Wentwortii St. E., Oshiawa. A mini-workahop wiil b. held. Ail welcome. For more information, oeil 905-623-7892 or 905-263-2138. Il More coinu2f events on page2 DANCE"WORKSHOP The. Women's Dance Workshop will offer guided dance and movoment on Saturday, Nov. 4, 1 to 4 p.m., ithe. Regal Room, Centennial Building, Centre Street South, Whitby. Cost ie $15. To register, «Mi Francis at 655-168 or Julie at 905-837-5032. CYCL1NG G1Etoup AUl cyclist etusatu are mnvited to join tIi. toumig concèpt cycling proup whicii meeta Thuruday, Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m., i room, 212, Henry Street Higli School, 614 Henry St, Whitiby. For more information, cmii 420-4275 or 579-2396. The. A1ziieiùýer Society of Durham wiil ho#t a workshop on Friday, Nov. 3, 8:30 a.m., on 'Commulnicatângliwith, Individuals Family Church Whitby. Coat for* the. workshop is $10 for members, $20 for non-mombers. (annual mqmbereiiips" are lavailable for $5). For registration inormation, ell 576-2567. WORKSHOPS On Wednesday, Nov. 1, 7 to 9 p.m., at the. Grandview Rehabilitation ,& .Treatment Centre, 600 Townline Rd. S., Oshawa, Janet Greenberg fromn the Hugh MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre, Toronto will discus ways to ensure successful meetings with service providers. On Saturday, Nov. 4, 10 a.m. to 2 pan., a workshop, will be held for siblings, qged eight; to 12, of chuldr.n with special needs, with presenters Cathierine Rooney of Eastor Seais and Kim Maire of the Ajax-Pickering Association for Community Living. For mord information, oeil 728-1673. BLZAR St Andrew's Presbyterlan Church, CochmeStreet will hold the. annual fail bazaaron SatUSday, Nov. 4, 11:30.,a.m. to 2:30 p.m. SENIORS BAZAAR Tiie Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold the. anual fail bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 4, 10 a.m. to 3pan. Raffle tickets3Wjllîbe on sale for a $300 top prize. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Area The Central Lake Ontario Conservation*Authority (CLOCA) has undertaken a corporate strategie planning process ta determine what changes it must undertake ta most effectively achieve its mandate in the community. Phase 1 of that process was the tabling with the CLOCA Board of Directors af the "Repart ta the CLOCA Board af Directors on the Findings af the Operarions Review" by Allan W.' Faster & Associates Ltd. This report is based on a wide ranging series of interviews in the camm-unity and has been circulated far review and comments ta member municipalities, interest groups and provincial agencies. Copies are alsa available ta interested individuals or grroups who are not currently on the CLOCA mailing list. If you would like to obtain a copy of the report or further information. please contact the CLOCA administrative headquarters at (905) 579-0411I or Fax (905) 579-0994 or by mail ta 100 Whiting Avenue, Oshawa. Ontaria. LI H 3M. Persans wishing ta comment on the report are asked to do sa in writingr to the undersigrned by December 1. 1995. lrv Harreil, Chairman J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer ART CLASSES