Whitby Fiee Prosu, Wecfriesdy, January 18, 1M9, page 3 Mayor optirnistie about fuiG Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) Mnd yJana-1 Recommenda- t ions from. the Planning and Development COMMittee That a draft plan of subdivision and rezonlng application from Mlsty Run Developments for a 130-unit mlxed denslty houslng development on the east side of Anderson Street, south of Wlnchester Road, ln Brooklln be approved. Carried That a report on Whitby's proposed temporary slgn bylaw be recelved for Information. A publie meeting to receive Input on the bylaw, whlIch la Intended to regulate mobile and other temporary signs in the munlcpaîity, willI be heîd by committee on Jan. 23. Recommenda- tions from the Operations Com-mittee That a $498,027 tender from Almonte Truck and Equipment Mt. of Carleton Place for a res cue/pumper t ire truck be accepted. The vehicle wili replace a 1975 pumper truck and serve Station 5 and back Up Brooklln and Myrtie. Cm-rried That two school crossing guards be posted at the Intersection of Dryden Boulevard and Waller Street and that the crossing be establlshed as soon as possible._ ie That basebaîl diamond 1 at Imiprovement Area. The menters are Doug Anderson, William Brant, Kerry Krby, Linda Peacock, Pat Perkins, Paul Savage and Narendra Sethi. Carried Bylaws That a byîaw be passed approving the appoîntment of persons to various Town boards and committees. The names of the people appointed weme not lncludied ln the agenda. Carried By bMe KOW4ISkl A campaign to rqinstate full GO train service across Durham Regon is underway. Région chair Gar }errema and? mayors of Durhan'4 south- ern municipalities met w!Ith GO Transit ofciaisFriday te ress their case.for a return te a il-day train service. Non-rush hour service beyond Pickering wa9 eliminated 'asl part of a province-wide cost cutting initiative by GO Transit almost two years ago. Despite demands by local poli- ticians and a 2,500-name petition MP wants taxpayers to have rights Canada needs a taxpayers' bill of rigbts, says Durham riding MP Àlex Shepherd. And hie plans te introduce, before spring, a private member's bill incorporatingsuch *rits Shepherd, whose riding ini- cludes Whitby north of Taunton Road, says it's «remarkabie» that there bas neyer been talk about %txpayers saying no" te more taxation. "In fact, no one taiks about asking taxpayers for permission te increase taxes.» Shepherd says legai and tax experts are working on bis idea for a taxpayers' biiiof 'ghts, and lie also weicorne input from con- stituents. 9presented by Durham Centre MPP Drunimond White before Christmas, neither the Ontario povernment nor GO Transit bas mdicated that ail-day service will ýeturn anytime soon. However, Whitbýy Mayor Tom Edwards was optimistic follow- ingFriaysmeeting. 'It wen very .weii. The GO Transit commission were quite taken with the commenta we made"» he said. Besides Edwards and Her- rema Oshawa Mayor Nancy Dia- mond, Ajax Mayor Jim Witty and Clarington Mayor Diane Hamre attended the meeting. Pickering Mayor ayne Arth- urs was not present because his municipality cid not lose ail-day service, Edwards noted.. Describing it as the first of a «whoie series of stepa,» Edwards said the GO board made no commitments on Friday. But Edwards did not expect any tobe made 50 soon. "I think it's important for Dur- ham Region and GTA (Greater Toronto Area) mayors to make presentations,"he said. "There seems to be common acceptance that we need to return to fuli-daLy service." Edwards said the timing of the meeting could not have been better since GO officiais were stili in a buoyant mood foilowing the commencent of full rush hour Investment Acsor DONALD R. DASTI 'service te Osbawa last Monday. Service te Osbawa increased frorn two trais per, day te 33 per day during the morning and eveniig rus h ]our . But'as hast bee itbe case for Whitby and Ajaxthe pat several months, commuter must rely on bus connections between Picker- ing and the other municipalities during off-pealc bours. Local politicians contend bhat- fuil train service is crucial te their efforts in enticing businesses te locate in Durham. Queen's Park, however dlaims, the number of peopfle riding the train during off-peak hours does not warrant increased service. Meanwbile skeptics charge that the NbP government is waiting until it ets dloser te tbis year's provincial election before ut reinstates ail-day service. Advertisement TUE IDEAL SOLUTION TO.. RRSP AN EXPERT LOOKS AETER YoUR RRSP. .. . ... nùe Create the right investinent While many investorsspend the most time considering the performance of specifie mutual funds or securitie , it is the overali mix of investments that determines) long-term resuits. 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