Whitby Free Press, 22 Nov 1995, p. 11

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I -..- Modifled .calendar recommended PROM PAGE 1 now anld people have ail kinda of concerne.., but I think ito Something great. Parentà' concernearaen't being addressed, maye one group, complainmg that they can't "break through the bureaucracy of our local sehool board or the new principal" te get their questions anawered. For ozample, if both a modified and traditional calendar year have te b. rua at the achool and intereot increases enougli te justify a modiffed year only system, "what will happen te, the tblidren on the regular achool year calendar," *they wonder. "Wiil the echool become totally modiffed and the 'other' children be sont off te another school," they-- aek in a letten signed by nine Wconcerned parents." "If the numbero do noteist te MI1 the ochool the way the board hopes, what wiil we have? A school flIed with split classes?... "What kind of sports programa cari be implemented in thie situation? Will we have a music program? What about school concerts, plays, etc.?" They. also complain that their kchildren wil ho "forced inte this new echool against our will" if the two track system is necessary, snethey wouid be- required te comply with the new bounadaries. "What ià urbelievable je that thie boundary includes the townhouse complex across the street from Leslie McFarlane <Gardon Street north of Maiy). Imagine, having a school riglit acrose the. road that you *are not allowed te attend,'~ they write. If parents want their children te s3tay in their current echool, they have to M1 out a cross-boundary form which they say Yeo told them will "more than likely be turned down." Schools dacr to be discussed A representative from the YMCA of Greater Toronto wil ho at the next planning meeting for a new Whitby elementaiy ochool. Construction of the echool, on the grounds of Anderson CVI and scheduled te -open in August, began several weeks ago. The YMCA had 'originally planned te operate a daycaro centre and. -other commulnity services, including after-4chool cane and counselling, at the echool but withdrew after the new provincial government cut off. daycare funde. Principal Jack Smyka says the nep will ho prepared to talk about what they "can do for us. In discussions with the YMCA, enthusiasm about, a poteiitial partnership is "extremely evident," ho adds. 'They are anious te enter inte a planning procesa for programa which wiil serve the cormunmty.* The meeting wiil b. held Tuesday, Nov. 28, 7 p.m., at Pringle Creek Public School, 80 Ribblesdale Dr. (south of Manning, west of Anderson). The principal of a Huntsville school that je running a modified echool year pilot program is scheduled to opeak at Siyka'. next meeting, set for Tuesday, Jan. 10, 7 p.m., also at Pingle Creek. The appointment- of a vice-principal for the new echool was announced at tho last Durham Board of Education meeting. Linda FocklIer, cur-rently vice-principal at' an Uzbridge school, wiil begin lier new position next September. TZrlY1lM"'bY Inn Resairait&-Sports Bar 2LB WUNGS & JUG SPECIAL .Every night * bar only BREA KFA ST1rSPE£ AL1 from $3.95 - il am-3pm Saturday & 1lOam-3pm Sunday An Of ePte s uDTYEAISY Dinne r &Dance Calinotorsre Satellite TV* Teams Welcome Annoiuncinig E.M.S.," Electronie Muscle Stimulation* E.M.S. was first uscd in hospitals l'or rehabilitation .lum nures or surgery. Muscles thaï. are.not used becomne laccid and lose tone very quickly. People in car accidents become well and healthy and back to regular activities fi as ter. About the Therapist Linda LaFrance is a Registered Massage Therapist and has her certif icate in Aromatherapy. Linda wiIl be conducting Aromatherapy Massage Courses commencing January 1996. Please cail to register. LaFrance's Natural Therapy Clinic 17 Ontario St., Oshawa 721-0363 New locatijonlin. Central Oshiawa By Steve Leahy Brian McKlnnon ia grand knight of the newly established St. Leo's Coundil No. 11528ý of tho Knights of Columýbué. Deputy grand knight is Tony Vonk, treasurer Ed Conboy, recorder Josephi Mulcahy, advocate Martin Martena, lectoror Walter Steenatra, warden Genald Ravazy. Guards are Josephi Bojda, Paul Cascagnette, Fortunate Molica and David Northam, trustees John Hayes (one year), Vincent Corvinelli (two yeans) and Leo Kenneily (three years), financial cecretary Allen Frank and chaplain Father Oliver Maloney. POINSETTIA SAYE Ia order te. help students Improve their computer literacy, the parents and eilîdren at St. Loo Sehool are selling' Christmas poinsettia plants thie week. A wide variety of poinsettias and other Christmas plants are available i various sizes.. Contact the echool or any St. Leo parent. AIl funda naised will go, towards educational software and training. GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS Brooklin Mom's Morning will present an hour of fun and ententainment with Annie and Mo at 10 a.m., on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at -Brooklin United Churcli (west door). There'll be action songe, okits and more as Annie and Mo get decorating the house for Christmas. The event is sutable for pro- school to elementary aged children. ickets are $4 per person and are available at the door. AIDS issues to be discussed On Monday, Nov. 27, 4 to 8 p.m., staff frorn the AIDS Committee of Durham and the Durham Region Health Department wiil be at Spencer Communinity Centre, Columbus Road and Country Lane, te discuseA MDS issues. Pamphlets and other literature will b. available. Organizers want those who provide service te, those with AIDS as weil as those who are HJIV+ and their familles, fiienda and partners te corne by to share their ideas and thouglits about the HIV/AIDS needa la the Brook lin area. For further information, cal 665-0051 or 723-8521. BROOKLIN PHARMACYO 65 BALDWIN ST. e BROOKLIN e LOB 100 905-655-3301 HIV I AIDS in' Your Community Opening Doors to Understanding The Durham Health services in Durham and wiIl be;1* Department wishes ta available ta talk about any meet with people in rural AIDS related issue. communities ta promote Please join themn on services which are Monday November 27th 1995 available in Durham. A at the Spencer Community Durham Region public Centre, Columbus Road and health nurse and staff Country Lane in Brooklin froM f rom the Aids Cor of Durham wiII be information about ,nmittee 4:00 to 8:00 pm. For more, offe ring information please telephone AIDS 723-8521 or 655-0051. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. November 22,ý 19w. page il LStore owner rebuifEs solicitation scam By Mam* Reor told lier hed cail ler back the neit Beware of telephone solicitors day. tnjing to oeil advertieing or aing he next time ho cailed back, for donations to publications she questioned him about where cliugto be associated .ith the the publication, wae- distributed POlieo Cbid Fixid. and how many were printed, and That'e the warning fromn police ehe received quick but vague after soveral Durham businesses answere. were almost taken ini last week by "He kept trying to cloue me... 1 the callers, who dlaim they're was on the verge of waning to putting Out a newspaper, give a. donation but 'I sid rm magazine or. handbook about going to have to check it out fSst missing children. and lie said 'Okay, great, Ili oei One Whitby store owner Baye YOU back,' but ho neyer called she wae cailed Wednesday by a back" marn asking for a donation to hie publication, Police'New&a The solicitor was ver "Ho said 'we're publishing a convincing, shoe aye, and "it newspaper regarding lot children; esounded so legitimate but yet I it's3 a terrible problem, don't you had a fiunny.feeling because it was agree, a higli pressure sale. "He gave the big guilt trip thing "He was reaily emooth and I ind and thon asked 'wouldnt. you like charities that cail you do flot to support somothing that holpe to uEmally press you like that." get back missing children,' and ho People receiving the oeils are asked me for a $100 donation." advised te check with police or Somnething didn't sound iglit Child Find Ontario to seeoif theyore and she told him ohe needed somne associated with the publication time. te think it over and the mari and whother it's legitimate. WHATIS LECROLSIS Electrolysis is the only medically approved method to* permnanently remnove excess hair. Lt can be used safely to remnove hair from most artas of the body. There are many possible causes for excessive hair growth. Hereditary factors arethe most common; however, hormonal imbalances and somne drugs may be contributing factors as welI. Theresa Preston For a complimentary consultation please cali Theresa's Touch of Esthetics. 301A Brock St. N. e 430-6060- * CaftShowý Col. J.E. Farewell P.S. o' l2th Annual Christmas Craft Show 'W-'W Sunday, November 26, 1995 16, oer si10:00 - 4:00 Tablýes 8.10 McQuay Blvd., Admission qfBROOKLINf}z-eo)* MeKinnon grand knight EST iqlS 9puma Every Thursday 1608 Dundas St. E., Whitby (Hwy. #2 & Thickson Rdl.) 90o5) lli4I38-8000

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