Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 22, 1995 Majors win tourna'ment, earn*nvtetoQuebec Whitby ringette No. 18 Whftby M*lnle IDs 2 Lod Birchard NOV. 19 Whftby Mansie Drs 2 Lod Baichand 3P lIEN c upeaeeudbPlms-à Sm*a Whitby Wby Kisty Karba 9 Ncole CWbut4 Kie McOonld 3 I(Me KmW 3 Heidi WiIm LaunWome 10 lishu 11 Ain The Whltby major peewee AAA hockey teain, sponsored by the Village of Brooklin, won the Cornwall major peewee tournainent Nov. 10-12. Whitby blasted Etobicoke 5-0 in the firat gaine, then faoed a powerful Rideau team in an excellent gaine that resulted in their only bass of the tournament, Whitby mens hockey VWL TOM M P WWsMoWs 9 2 0 51 29 18 D8~8'Phua ô 2 3 35 28 15 Na"niw 7 3 0 34 25 14 DO& &Soubor 5 3 2 38 33 12 R.J.PhIIIps ô 5 0 45 42 12 Service Lbuà 5 4 1 34 25 il Enped.c 4 4 2 36. 39 10 Aays Enbr. 4 6 1 38 34 9 Bthe &MWL 4 ô 1 38 48 9 Do..i'sHo" 3 6 2 32 51 8 AbwsWhTke 2 6 2 30 34 0 CJ.AAo Body 1 10 0 35 68 2 tom NOV. 1e Dodm à Sauter 4 RJ. PhiiIt W 1 .hnusDosubutu 3 Ian ROS aqeMnau GuunsHa" 4 CXK Auto Body 3 Steve MW 2 Jon Patte 2 Ed PiybyIsI Tom Bucharian VsAn UMlae 0~8hu'pzz 5 Roy'sEntsrprises *2 CtWti.Ulquiue2 Duncan NocFaydmn Enzo moiti John ILmnaunli Bob Wëir John emn BUfths& JhL@ 3 NatonaiTrut 2 uI.WuIs Dve Fuuhawsn 2 Jim Brnton PA*yVowdmuui &te"MoMM ô ServiceMaster 2 Don NI1chill2 Paul Weir lieLmeswd ReckFarquhan Kn Bimsu Eqw" 8 i O AteusyTe 5- Jknhmkà ay 3 Bob Mawat 2 Ted BikI Cd iim cIa2 Craig Fdeyea John Bthe lan Fegusan PIe() e el u e* .Nm M"UI, Eqpegoch, 3 goalns, 1 assist James MbI wMd & Sout.r, 3 goals GrntUL t uunRWys Enter. 15 13 28 NvlsLuwad Nlcbe Mumrs 12 i1 23 lm nos. RJ Pips Auto 10 13 23 Tom ScIMs. Va"sMowr 12 7 19 sGMUCWs.IMM. .&a L 8 il 19 On gltonn..DOMd&Souter 9 8 17 Jon Pà tlC.K. AadaBody 9 8 17 Joe hm,.Ntlail Tni 9 8 17 Nom. 18 Undul i 8admna5 Slmultnw3 wtiby 2 SuII.ïu3 KdIyJiUs2 MI"tAbd2 5 PU*& Kuinuui Uindy Gantec iuon Kadunai 4 WhâbY g Lunsy Gonbn4 HowyLisilal 13 Fored Auto 15 Shuttoid 9 Feit Foundoy NOVCERM qpemed bm. Tiemeulse SELLE 8 epemd bW by E, [uai. Cll Nov. 12 Whitty TenaWhsobk 4 An* Iunn3 wbflby CheidiSfffIh2 AnwudeChwch 7 EnnMsoua PETIE c ep.aer.ib, kelià IsSUE CandlceHodpu Coi@Hwwaad 3Ajex nom inI NOV. 14 K"lt Paash 3 Simm um n3 Undeywî dm 7 Ai 4 cishuw UtNlCE Cl Whkby Asluytalmr7 KsllyMfts4 2 Whâby Whiby wby Kelblybmi 11 Suand.ho 3 DOunu 3 Madfiwn 10 5ceborn 6 PodtPeny 2-0. A 7-1 victory againat Ottawa West advanced Wildcata to the semi-finals, where they easily defeated Mississauga Jeta 7-1. In the final, Whitby edged Ottawa South 4-3, overcoming some tense momenta at the end when Ottawa South had an extra attacker. Game MVPs were Judd assista. Kristian Cunliffe, Jason GJordon, Hayes and Knox each had a goal. Back in league play, Whitby totalby dominated East York 6-1. Gordon had four assista, Alex Parker had two goals, Knox, Meliasis, Race and Robinson each a goal. Redmen alumni meet The Brooklin Redmen Alumni Association will hold the annual general meeting tenight (Wednesday), tarting at 7:30 p.m., at the Royal Canadian Legion in Brooklin. The associations '96 executive will be ebected,. Ail former Rodmen players, executive and management staff are encouraged te attend and become invobved with alumni association activities in 1996. The association operates separately from the Rednien laoes.elub, but participates with the club in a number of activlties throughout the year, incbuding an annual alumni weekend. The event bas occurred each of the bast two years, and bas combined a current Redinen i'ègular season mgjor series gaine with socal activities involving former Redinen playera. NOViE C2 2Ajax 7 Ain 3 Enonure 2 A#x CandiseCak Nov.12 O Whitby Nopal Hwit2 Citigh Taggert2 Nov. 5 S" ei uesnells2 Ot29 Whâby CanicakI 2 JuriseDogpda UNIES epem iby Ter. bstar EdâMItln lue Whiby 7 Plc.sng Whby 9 Ajax 2 Ab-du flpley 4 Vemnc Johnston 3 Candko ensy 3 Nhsin HewfJm MUNIES 3 speeuaibIlu Maide LWt. Non. 19 Wtiby Mtb idbnmm- Ka SCm 4 KTWPcatiW 7 Oshawa SENINNY epeamsiby s Estepilmesw Whtby le Robu MouohnueTpC" 4 Masiposa Stevenson, Jeif Fraser, Kyle Branch and Blaine Down. The overali MVP for the tournament was Stevenson. Other teamn members are goalies Adam Rinaldi and Ian, Wataon, forwards Steven Farquharson, Sean MacRury, Bobbie McBride, David Moraase, Mark Rinaldi and defencemen Jeremy Fisher, Luke The Whitby novice Cl ringette teain, aponsored by Anthonys Hair Studio, started the season with two wins and three basses. In the season opener, Whitby defeated Sunderland 11-9. Courtney Reed was tested several thnes early ini the gaine in the Whitby goal, picking up the firat win. I Omemee, without Alana Walton and Jennifer Beethazn, Whitby bast 11-3. The home side built up a .6-0 lead into the last period backed by steady goaltending while Nicole Young faced a barrage of ahots in the Whitby net from the olderr and much larger home aide. I Markham, Whitby outplayed their opposition but came away with a 4-3 bass. Walton provided Harden, Jay Har rison, Robert Lalonde, Michael Morrison and Sean Walsh. The team's excellent record, both ln the pust and this year, has earned them a spot in the Quebec hockey tourament, said to, be the beat peewee tournament in the world. The tournament takes place over a 10-day period in February. solid goaltending for Whitby and did not allow a goal in the last period, making timely saves., Whitby downed Scarborough 10- 5. Kelly Matthews had a career high eight goals in the game with Ashley Brooker counting the other two. Whitby then took on preseason favourite Port Perry and were pounded 16-5. Scoring over the five gaines for Whitby was Matthews with 19 goals and Brooker 13. Pickcing up assista were Carly Grahamn witheight, Robyn Childaà seven, Laura Gray-Ellis five, Jennifer Beetharn four, Young, Christina Warne and Michelle Couperthwaite two each, and Walton, Erin O'Conner and Reed one each. Record even after 12 games The Wbitby minor atom select hockey team, sponsored by Master Bedroom, started regular league play in the North York Hockey League with three victories and also defeated Oshawa LNHL Bruina in exhibition play. In a 4-1 victory over Pickering, Whitby was led by Jordan Hayes with two goals and two assista. Hayes' linemnates completed the scoring, with Matt Race recording a goal and two as3ists and Mike MacPhee a goal and an assiet. Againat York Mils, Chris Bowler with three goals and Grahamn Knox with two goals a eunted for the goal scoring in a 5-0 shutout. Matt Laffey had two assista. Mike Jeffrey recorded the ahutout. Against Oshawa LNHL Brunias, a teain Whitby had previously played to a 3-3 tie in exhibition play, Witby dominated and won 6-2. Leading the Whitby scorers was Bowler with two goals and two assista. Mike Mlissis and Blake Robinson each had two Whitby curling club L" SmtmCkt GAc)d Dey OCS. 12 Wur. sip> My Parts. vice Anne Neumann, seod Ayce Kwutsky. bBibette FoxweI Vui ee1W .BoneplelNov. 11 Winer: skip Bon Ailson, vice Paul Elfiot, secod Jn Chives. b.d BruceMargerum Whitby select hockey. MIOR PEEWEE epsesis b, HRed-Ce Emmâtlu WhltY 4 Picirin Exhibition Wtiby 4 PkbMdg Maon Sledà tssd 2 Whib 0 Ajax MAJOR ATOM qpsed by Nuits Csp Nov. 18 wtiby NMm. 17.u-uibition Mm .13 Kiclai FH@lpai3 Md" i Vie3 a6LlCwrM 3 Peterborough 2 LU."id 12 Dosn t 1-1 tie with Chiasson scoring. Belleville upended Whiitby, 4.2 bater in the week, Chiasson with a goal and an assist, Mark Cipparone adding a goal and Rourke contributing two helpers. Back-fobak games with Oillia resulted i victories of 2-1 and 10- 2. Allison and Rosse Robertson scored in the first game. I the second, Chiasson had four goals and one a"eit. Howe bad two goals and one assiat. Single markers went te Tait, Mendes, Ruttan and Alison, with two assista each by Mendes, Ras and Allison. MOR ATO epusesishlbMutr kdin WhMby AoPidw2 B" lRobinson oeshunmKnox maBce Nov. 11 -'ibMJn Whbty Chris Boawle2 Jordan Hey. Graum Knx Krsialn Cunllft .lasn Gordon Carsh Bowhr 3 Graham Knox 2 2 MiIbetuey Whîby Jodn Hrlu2 ma RaBce m . Nffle 8 Egg York 6 tishaw 5 Yok Mlls 4 PkcWrng MAJOR NOVICE uemmil hl Mon Romand, C.A. 2 NicCaiu2 cm&teinu Nov. 18 O PeterKooste Nov. 1e iohn kwwwn 5 NorhToronto O 10RNOVCE 1LamdeA5 Strong start for minor atom selects Cis win opener, lose 3 of next-4 After pbaying six* gaines i 12 nighta, including five games out of town, the Whitby msgjor peewee AA hockey tearn bas a record of five wins, five basses and two dies in league play. The firat game was a 2-2 tie ini Ajax, featuring goals from Andrew Allison and Dana Bloom. H[alloween night proved te be no treat in Peterborough with Wbitby falling 7-3, despite two goals and an assiat from Chiasson. Also scoring was Stephane Linkiater. Bilan Rourke had two assista. A trip to Barrie gave the teain a 1