Whitby Free Press, 22 Nov 1995, p. 4

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Page 4. Whîtby Free Press, Wednesday, November 22, 1995 Whitbywaste initiative penalized"by Rgin:Brundi THE UR'AM DVAi AG UI RECIPIENTS Train as a Milalrght'Machinist Durham College programs offer you the skills and knowledge that today's employers want, backed by a guarantee that they tan rely on -- that's the Durham Aduantage! .Millwrigbt (Indusiral Maintenance Techniques) and. Macbinist (Macbining Techniques) are modular programs designed to allow for continuous intake so students can rapidly gear toward a future in the manufacturing,îector. Students must have grade 12 education or mature student status. Prior Learning and apprenticeship accredfitation is also available t'O those who qualify. These programs focus on requirements and skills employers are looking for -- our 95% job placement rate is proof. Students wilI gain the skills to enter an apprenticeship position with competencies designated by the employers of today. For more information call Durham College Whitby Campus at (905) 721-2000 ext. 4012 Get a heud start on your career and Sil today for program start dates' Educating You for the Real World. G COIOSO- GET A PARTY AT CASEY'S GRILLHOUSE REALLY GETS YOU IN THE SPIRIT. ENJOY STEAKS AND SEAFOO HOT OFF THE GRILL. PLUS PASTA AND TENDER ROTISSERIE CHICKEN, SALADS, DESSERTS AND MORE. S0 CALL FOR RESERVATIONS.TODAY AND BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY AT CASEY'S GRILLHOUSE. BOOK VOUR HOLIDAY PARTY NOW. 1608 Dundas St. E., Whitby Hwy#2 and Thickson Road (905) 438-8000 By Mike KowaMsk A proposed rebate in Durham Region'a waste disposai fees ha. one Whitby coundillor crying foui. Regional councillor Mtarcel Brunelle accusés Whitby's sister municipalities of penalizing the Town for its deal with a private sector waste disposai firm. Brunelle daims a recommendation to corne before Regional coundil today (Wednesday) is unfairly aimed at Whitby's four-month experiment with Pebblestone Multi-Services. If approved by council, municipalities not umIng a private contractor to, dispose of their garbage will receive rebates totalling almost $625,000. The rebates are retroactive ta, mid-September and expir»e ini niid-January 1996. The. rebate period coincides exactly with the. length of Whitby's contract with Pebblestone. "They're .putting -sanctions against Whitby for being clever enough to find savings an its own," said Brunelle of last week's joint recommendation of Durham's finance and works committees. "Because Whitby showed some initiative we're being penalized," he said. "It's a sad day in these difficuit " Bath fixturc & tile reglazing " Victorian tubs bought & sotd " New Victorian fixtures Replacing a bathtuh can be costly. ($ 1500.00 to $3000.00) Our exclusive rcglazing process will restore your bathtuh tb a brighî "h ke new shine"l at a fraction of the cost. Caifrfe e etm 90I 6-IN (44 times when municipalities should be worldng together - and we're prepared ta do that - that they wouid taire these sanctions. That'. not what we should be doing"* Sincezmd-Septemnber, Whitby garbage trucks have been dumping their ,loada' at *Pebblestone's Wentworth Street plant, rather than drivingta the Brock West landfll site in Pickering. Pebblestone then ships the. trash ta a landfill site in Northville, Michigan, owned by Browning Ferris Industries (BPI). Pebblestone charges the Town $65 per tonne or $5 les. than the tipping fées Durham Reion assesses its member municipalities. The Region's levy combines the $50 per tonne fee charged by Metro Toronto, for usel of Brocir West and an extra $20 per tonne to support other - waste management services sucli as the blue box recyéling program. Accrding ta a works department report,- the Region will loe approximately $117,00 '0 as a resuit of Wbitby's action. However, Durham will not be ini dire straits since the. proposed $20 Per tonne rebat. Will corne from. a waste ontingency fund which now stands at $17.6 million. Ini addition ta the rebate, the Committees are recommending the 1996 dumping fe. be set at $63 per tonne. If council aise approves, private contractors will b. asked, to bid on not only the collection and disposai of recyclable materiai, but household garbage as well - similar ta Whitby's deal *ith Pebblestane. Brunelle ha. no objection ta the $63 -figure because with the savings in gasoline, maintenance and hours, the Town will still corne out ahead. But it cannot afford ta go mucli lower. "If they want"to go ta.$50 a tanne and stay there, fine,". said Brunelle. "But they're tying it ta the contract. The Region i. saying we want ta maire sure you-re losring money." Noti.ng that the Region seems ta, be following Whitby's lead by expioring private sector options, Brunelle cannot understand why the Pebblestane contract ha. generated sucli hostility. «Why should the Town of WhitbyJ continue ta pay ail this money when we can get it cheaper in aur own town?" he asked. "This type of action i. provocative and causes hard feelings." Oshawa councillor John Airer, works committe. chair, did not fault Whitby for striiring off on its own, but said it was bound ta have repercussions. "I encourag.d them to look at the privat. sector...$65 a tanne i. economical for them. It saves time, gas, and wear and tear onthe truckrs," said Airer. "But thé. prpblem the committe, saw was that the Region was stil handIng ý-compost, blue box," h. said. "They're paying PebblestoneP but none of the $20 i. goi.ng ta the, Region. No one feit that one community should not b. paying." Despite Brunelle's concerna, there are not "any lasers in tis situation," Airer believes. "Whitby gat a break at $65 and no wear and tear. The rest of the Region geta a refund that they can put ta their '96 budgets. The winners are the taxpayers." If Durham, goes the private sectar route, almost a certainty in liglit of the, pending closure of Brücir West and Airez>. promise that "we will neyer have another garbAge dump in Durham Region," that' could bode well for Pebblesta.ne. General manager Doug Davidson said officialis from both the Region and City of Oshawa have already been by ta inspect the operation. "WhenBrock West closes, al municipalities will have ta seek out other options. Garbage won't go away," said Davidson: .Pebblestane's contract with Whitby la the company's first venture with handli.ng domestic waste and "we're quit. pleased," he sai.' Ail garbage brouglit'.ta Pebbl.utan, i.s hipped ta the Michigan dump for burial, Davidson explained. No attempt i.3 made at recovering any usable material. "There'. probably flot enough recyclables i domestic waste because of the blue box program," hoe said. "We've offered ta conduct an audi t on the waste ta flnd out its composition. They'v. (Town) not indicated they want it yet." MONDI Fashi'on Show Rousseau Herit age House of Whitby and KSM Fashions of Port Perry present the Fashion Event of the season. On Monday, November 27th at 7:3 0 p. m.,' corne and see the exciting new Mondi collection showcased against the elegant interiors of Rousseau Heritage House. Mondi Fashions will be available for purchase during the evening and wine and cheese will be served. Ail tickets are $15. and proceeds go to support the Children's Wish Foundation. Tickets are available at both Rousseau's, 216 Mary St. E., Whitbyý and KSM Fashions, 238 Queen St., Parrt Perry. HERITAGE FlOUSE Iirnited 216 Mary St. E. Whitby, Ontario (905) 668-3483, (905) 686-0061 Mon. - Wed. 10-6, Thurs.,- Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-5, Sun. closed t . 4 . - - . 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