Whitby Free Press, 22 Nov 1995, p. 5

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----r- -* - - Whltby Free Prose, Wednesday, November 22,1995, Page 5 Counillos s o ut0feeting withmarsh mmber Dy Mike Kowaldski A member of the. Save Lynde Marsh citizens' group was accused Monday of wilfully misrepresenting the. actions of Town of Whitby staff. Councior Jo. Drummn levied the. charge against'Tom Moore during a heated outburst near the. end of a meeting-of Town counciYs Plann and development conunitte.. An outraged Drumm accused Moore oflIying in a letter to Mayor Tom Edwards about the. actions cf two Town employees witii respect te last monthe tree-clearing incident near the. mareli. He then followed councilor Don Mitchell out of the. council chambers shortly after Mitchell himself had left after having blasted Moore for the. tone of bis remarks about the. incident. "Anyone who lies has no credibility with, me," said Drumm as lie prepared te, leave. «I don't lie and I don't 1k. people who do,*lie added before departing. The two ceuncillors quick exit wasprempted by Moore' opening commenta on a Plang department report on the Ot 21-22 remeva.l of several trees from Town-owned 'property adjacent te, the Rose Corporation'. propased housfing development. Tii. staff report iiad been prepared in repens. te, several matters raised by Moore and &LM member Barbara North at the. previeus committee meeing. As the. twe were about te discus. tiie contents of the six-page report, Moore commended plang director Bob Short on ti "tiioroughness" of the document "I just wisii as mucli effort had been put inte saving the. marsii,* Tii . Criminal Inve-stiations Bureau (C1IB) isinvestigating aller graffiti was spray painted on a bridge, hydro boxes, signs and buildings in Otter Creek. Police suspect a group cf area youths are responsible for the. graffiti, mostly around the. Bonacord AvenuefMcQuay Boulevard area. lie said. TIm not going te sit here and listen te this garbage," said Mitchell, the. nortli ward representative, wlio tiien left the. room. He was soon followed by Drumm whicli forced an end te tthe meeting as oniy cemumitte. chair Marcel, Brunelle remained. Outaide the. council chambers, Drumm gave reporer copies cf an Oct. 25'letter' from Moore te Edwards and an Oct. 31 letter from Town planner -Steve Edwards (ne relation) te Short. In bis letter, Moore stated that the planning departmnent iiad made a free preservation report on the. Rose Corp. plans available te lum only after the. trees were remeved. "I want you (mayor) te b. aware, how.ver, that last week when 1 spoke witii Steve Edwïards -of the. planning departmnent and te Puil. Watts of -the. Wiitby works departm.nt, that it was unsure wii.ther w. could se. reports or 668m O727 " are good lionest people." Moore did net apologize for bis remarkS. "I feel the. Town lia been msing the. planning act te procesa the. d.velopm.nt accordingly,* he saxd. «They've neyer gene eut cf their way topepere the marali, other than what it samys in the. laws cf the. province." North saud Drnmm and Mitchell act.d 11k. little children. They could have esat there and listened te what w, iiad te say." Moore and Northi declined te commen on the. actual report and will wait until next w.eehs council meeting. 0o Santa Clau Parade OFOODI O o wiII be accompanyiflg aur van in thie parade. o 0 Ail food donated will be distributed by The Salvation Army net," writes Moore. "As a result, we had ne opportunity te peruse the. tre. preservation report prier te or fbrewarning that tre. removal was imminent. Witbin days cf my inquiries, tree-cutting, and relocation actually started te commence." However, in bis letter, Steve Edwards said Moore only inquired about the. statue of the conditions cf draft approval wbich was provid.d te hum.* "While h. indicated that bis group weuld b. interested i s.eing certain reports,, h. request.d none, was denied noue, and indicat.d that h. iiad other appointm.nts and would contact the. planning department in the. future," Edwards write. "ii. tre. preservation plan is availablete tthe public and at ne time did I express uncertainty ais te its availabiiity," lie adds. «He (Moore) neyer asked Edwards about the. report,- Drumm teld reporters. "Our staff 2nd AnnualO Whitby Free Press Sat. Dec. 2nd- at l Oam Brina a non-perishable food item- to, the parade and give it to one of the Whitby Free, Press Carriers who -1 - ibr SLIP INTO SOMETHING COMEORTABLE TOP GRAIN LEATHER SOFAS FROM $2695. Leather, with it's good looks and-luxurious feeling, invites you to sink in and enjoy. t's soft, it's supple and it ]ends warmth to any home. We. have the highest quality leather at the Iowest possibl.e price, exactly what you'd expeet from Rousseau's.. Drop -by and slip into one of our fine leather pieces today. We'.re sure.it wiII be love at first touch. e1ýtt \e HERITAGE HOUSE liniited 216 Mary St. E. Whitby, Ontario (905) 668-3483, (905) 686-0061 Mon. - Wed. 10-6, Thurs. - Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-5, Sun. closed

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