Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1995, p. 14

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Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednesdiay, Janualy 25, 1995 *Buy a Lennox - Wl i'S/SXýfr ea Fumnace and receive M VDV ~e Power Humidifier or Do'p I1IUJI e Setback Thermostat tA Prî y Hcesanwgas Iurnacc no home 6houtd b ihu.Thc WhiSpcrHcatTM gas - " func rmLcnnox. lt's thecanswcr to hoewerWho have been pulLrng off replacing ttiiroldctunkcrwith thecncwestM M qualty ati us bes.Highcefficicncy M i aynsllation. And ikc ts nan, MWhispcrHleat is whispcr quiet. M Energy Saver- up to 80% cffiient M Noti:eable quiet performance M safée eecironic ignition Easy flter change ýO.ycar warTanty on heat exchangcr M Must be a Lennox!M M Comae visit us in our showro M HEATING & AIR CONDITIONINGM Whitby/Oshawa 436-3212 M M' Pickering/Aax 428-0333 SISS 095 TOWN BOARD, COMMI1TEE MEMBERS MANAGEMENT COMTTEE: MqorTom Ede.rds ch). oounclirJo. Dejni, OIJnCIO<MUoOIBnrnokooinclorGeryEnun PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMTTEE: BINnOOB (chafr), ommuiclor Dm Mitchol (vlc.chak). coOniloIUOISNIIOV Scott OPERATIONS COMMTTEE: counrcliorDemis Fox char). aunclivrJudl Longflold(vloo.cha). Envn DEPARTMENT CHARS: Eôaecb, a ndraoVs, fwnie g & onniod.eonetadpuon eamas;Sa.ceksdpzma;Ein t departnient; Longfiea prka and reore.alon dqatrnent; Brunsi. plamnhg eptnul; Fox. pdMo wodws depalrnmt; Michel,. tmuumy dopetmmd BELLWOOD COMMJNITY SCHOOL ADVISORY COMMTTEE <Tenm expires Nov. 30, 1895): Kit Bamk, Margoay Saunai, Jenndwe Chanme, Randy Huebort, Shor Jamnes, Colooen Loned. Wayne Rio% Cadhy RSmi, Jan Runiernniw, 8.1* Sinner. AndaVopni BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT, ASHBURN COMMUITY RECREATION CENTRE (Tom expire. Nov. 30, 1095): Ilta Brnt, Sme Davies.,Lais Dw, Robyn Douglas. Sany Ethetingion, LeaaFitzsamns. Bili vin., Tins Moai&, Sauka Noxon, MieTlim.St, ev. Udior Sylva Wry BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT, SPENCER COMMUIITY RECREATION CENTRE (Tenu expire Nov. 30, 11195>: Hany Agar. Lorrain. Evaishmn Meureen Jackson, Rihad Joyce. Baum UeMa.s Tony Mala,. Bob PioN. km Peh. ColeenQuin-Joyco. Robert DUti. Ken Woruley. SWn Worsley BOARD Oit MANAGEMENTi WFITB3YDOWNTfOWN BUINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA (Teu expire Nov. 30, 1»7)-. Bhunele (mayors deoignale), DUg lAnderson. WIIn Brait, K" riby. tL" dK. Pemoackt, PalPerdue, Pat Swage% Nerxa Sethl COMITTEE 0F ADJUSTMENT <Tenu expires Nov. 30, 19S7): SIq>Iimn Coogrove, RobeitHerm. Kckh Krluhnan, Noil Snith. DaM Wamon, Darron 8tulberg secrery) DURHAM REGION LAND DIVISION COMITTEE <Terni expies Nv.30.,1119): OwddSlilvan FENCE.VIEWERS: Mauroon Church (lemn expires Nov. 30,.105). Michael Eamyn (tern expires: Nov. 30.M7)! ZigiaGoas <terni expires: Nov. 30, 1M)>, PetKng (terrni expires: Nov. 30. -95), Pa Peihwins <tern expires: Nov. 30,07), George Raynor tern expres: Nov. 30.1907) Elwood Ward Otm expires: Nov. 30,1997) GLEN DHU/ORISTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL ADVISORY ÇOMTTEE (Terre explree Noven*sr 30, MS95: Dolla Aiblester, TerdI Camrpbel, Colleen Flowwellng, Patty HaIl John 1linch, Ayote Luigis. Pot MeIIid, Kovin Rogers. Adolal Stiu*el GROVESIDE CEMETERY 1BOARD: Mitchell <terni xpesNov. 30, 195),John Duffr<orm expires: Nov. 301IM), Horaco Everott termn expires Nov. 30, 1997). Na Gtady (terrni expires Nov. 30, l95), onad=M« =ero trn expines Nov. 30.1996 Grog Malta (terrnioxpites Nov. 3.107). Barry Nolai <terni expires Nov. 30, 1M6). Soctoary/reasswr Maeon Cuutey LOCAL ARCIITECTURAL CONSERVATION ADV1SORY COMMTTEE: Errvn <nayoe~s designat., terni expires Nov. 30.1996), Robert, Ashby<terrn expirs Nov 30.16), C ino ectt(erni expires Nov. 30. 197). Alari Brsyfard terni expires Nov. 30.196)l, MiNla Irummvo<erni expires Nov. 30. ShrnSeanine(tern expiresNo.3,9)BiaWur erieprsN.3017,Mtirih<mexreNo.0 96ScalyEoels PALMERSTON COMMUNITY OCHOOL ADVISORY COMMTTEE (Tm expès Nov. 30,_ 1995): Lany Aiken. Bab Arbosu Jud Ard& Don Fkleo, Donna rahani Marlea Graham, Bob Hodgklss. Gloria Ryan, Val SchofIeId, Kekh Sovouuon PLUMBERS' BOARD 0F EXAMINERS: Ian Dalryrxple <eron expires Nov. 30. 107), Stewart Gerad terrn expires Nov. 30,195)l, Joseph SouAhwilt terni expires Nov. 30, 1M6). Secrolay Les Koala PRINGLE CREEK COMMUNITY SOHOOL ADVISORY COMTTEE (Tm expires Nov. 30, 1995): De» BShuldoclu Lodi BunisTerdI CanpbelL Kruta Evans. Janette Giles. Afzal Mohwnnied, Bran Pratt, John Ronwîo, Bob li.4herlord, Cidy RêAhoud Jack Srnyks. Kathleen Waabwton PROPERTY STANDARDS COMUTTEE: Joe Bavaro (terni expires Dec. 31. UGO) Andtew Fe"ak (erni expres Dec.31, 195)FlotsaLm O<erni expires Dec. 31,196), John Visser <terni expires Dec. 31,197). Wliam Wnter terni exires Dec. 3t195) WITBY PUBLIC UBRARY BOARD: Longuid <niayor's deoigruale. terni expires Nov 30.105)l. Marg«Ma Barrie (terni expires Nov. 30. 1007), C. Rose Battn <ern exire No. 3 , )Yvonn Chornobay (<Owmn Board at Education reproetelivo terni expires Nov. 301097). John Ecled trnm xie Nov. 30, 1W9). Marc Lpoite<(Durham separale school board represeuiative, tern expires Nov. 30. 197). Tbeoe Math... terni expires Nov. 30,1077). Pravin Patel (termn expires: Nov. 30, 1?97). Chiel R»Ari Nancy H-arsanyl AJAX-PICKERING AND WIIT1Y ASSOCIATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING (Teom expires Nov. 30,145): Joe Dr rnnayo's deslgnage) CENTRAL LAKE ONTAIO CONSERVATION AUTHOIUTY Tm expries Nov. 30, 1995): MayWrs deignales Brwiele, DrununEnin PICKERING, AJAX, WFMTBY JOINT ANIMAL CONTROL COMTTEE <Tenm expires Nov. 30, 105): Fox (naya'. desigriate), Langrald (aternate desigriaïe) TWINNING COMTTEE <Teu expires Nov. 30, 1995): Brunells (aya's deeIgr8e) WIUTBY ARTS INCORPORATED (Temn expliee Nov. 30, 1995): Drurimi<rrors designato) WIITBY CHAMB3ER 0F COMMERCE BOARD 0F DIRECTORS <Teom expies Nov. 30, 1995): Mitchell (riWrs designaie) WFMTBY GENERAL HOSPITAL BOARD (Tm expires N4ov. 30,11>95): Scott (niuyo's designate). Emfni (roglonalrupresontalivo) WHITBY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Tm eies* Nov. 30. 199): Saott (fmy.es ignie) WIITBV SENIORS' SERVICES ADVISORY COMMTTEE (Toeepire Nov. 30, 1995): Longtield <rTWos designate) WHITBY YACHT CLUB <Tenn expirse Nov. 30, 1995): Fox <maya'. designate) STAR» StratcRic Asset.Allocation A LEADING-EDG E RRSP PORTFOLIO. SELECTED FOR YOU. With Mackenzie's new STAR strategic asset allocation program, a-n RRSP portfolio is scientifically selected to meet your needs. .The STAR questionnaire first establis hes your goals.. and how much risk you're prepared to assume to reach rhem. STAR then matches yu goals to one of a number of portfolios with the right mix orfmutual funds, structured with the goal of building more consistendly rewarding long-term RRSP investment performance. For more information on STAR from Mackenzie - and the difference The Final RRSP Frontier can make to you - please cail us today at the number below. 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