Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1995, p. 10

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Page 10, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Decomber 20, 1995 TE SPECIAL 8HOE BOX A girl named Sarah lived in th, streets of Rwanda with her family Sarah nover Iooked forward ti Christmas. She thought of ail thi children who would be happy iî their homes, and the children wh( would be receiving gifts, Sarah di<' flot receive gifts. Their famiiy wal tao poor. At that tirne at St. Andrew'i church and ail churches arounc the, world, they were mnaking Christmas shoe boxes. When Sarah heard this from one of her-friends she was averjoyed. And she thought she was really going to get a present! Sarah went ta tell her parents and her brother. They were al 50 happy! The past few weeks Sarah was waiting for a truck fllled with show boxes ta, arrive, Sarah waited weeks and weeks and weeks for that truck ta arrive. Then she gave . In Whitby, there was a boy narned Jimmy and a girl named Julie. Jimmy and Julie heard about the boxes. They wanted to help so0 they took their allowance that their dad had given themn and it made 20 dollars. They went to the store. There were hats, scarves, nittens and toys. Julie picked out somo toys, Jimmy picked, out hats, nittens and- scarves. They wrapped a shae box. They put in the things they had bought. They sent the box to the church. It was drawing nearer ta Christmas and Sarah was still waiting. And flnally a truck pulled up with the shoe boxes! The drivers were handing out boxes. Sarah and her family got one. They were so glad! They started to open their gifts. There were bats, mnittens and scarves for everybody. Sarah got a doli and her brother got a toy car. Sarah was so happy and she always looked forward to Christmas because she knew that people cared! Sarah McClure F.M. Heard Public School 810K SANTA It was four days before Christmas and Santa was sick. "What shahl I do?" said Santa. "I know what you should do," said a littie elf calied Season. "What," said Santa. "I will drive your sleigh." "Oh, no!" said Santa, "That will not be passible it would dissapoint so many childi-en in many lands." Season started ta cry sa Santa told Season that he could came on the adventure. Santa said ho had a good doctor that could make him hetter on time. Santa and Soason . left togother on Christmas Eve and ail the cbildren were happy. claire Dusto with Andrew Heathcote E.P.LU. SOCCER Saturday, Dec. 23rd - 1Oam NEWCASTLE vs. NOTTS. FOREST $4 Breakfast/$5 Cover Wednesday, Dec. 27th - lpm MAN. UTD. vs. NEWCASTLE $5 Cover Monday, Jan. lst - 3 pmn TOTTENHAM vs. MAN. UTD. $5 Cover Book now for New Year's Eve Tickets Jncudes 3course real, champagne $24.95 tand p$29.95ors SANTAS LESSONV Le "Ho Ho Holl It's two days before Cbrisitmas.We'vehold it tili the last minute, Wts -time ta work, ;0 workwork," Santa said happily. "YeIlab, ail right Santal" ail the n elves cheored. "N'ow came on, littie ones. To the d workshop." said Santa. Santa and the elves arrive at the workshop. They begin work. The head lf, tests apeg etSant checks tbrough hie list ta se. who has been good and who bas been bad. Ho thon begins ta look at hie Sante was very disappointed by the childi-en. Ho docided ta teach tbom a losson. Ho would bide the prosents and not put them under the Cbristmas tree. "I have boon roading tbraugh my mail Winky, and ail the children dois want, want, wantl Don't they over tbink about givingZ" Santa said angrily. "Why don't you teach them a lesson?'msid Winky. Santa ls going ta bed afrer a bard day at work Ho bas a glass of milk and. five cookies. Tho elves also go tasBlep. "Rise and shino!!" shoutod tho olvos as. they rushod in. Mrs. Claus said, "What is for breakfast. "We are 'having Eggos and tast,"said Santa. "Cen we bave some Twiniies?" said Winky. "rNo!"l said Santa, "they are bad for you in tho morning." hMs. Claus, Santa, and tho elves finish up breakfast end begin ta work on the sleigb. Santa thinke about where ta deliver presents ta Night bas came and Santa is getting ready ta leave. Ho decides ta go ta North America. Ho foilows tbrough with bis plans. Santa finally finishes up alter a bard nights work. Ho bopes hie plan will work. On Christmas morning, over in North A merica, two girls that live in Ontario begin ta ci-y because they saw na presents under the tree. "Wait children. What is that bebind the sofa?" the girls parents said. 'Preeentstl" they yelled. "Hlero is a letter from Santa, girls." It said, I ieft this note ta childi-en ail over the world for a lesson ta ho iearned. Try ta give a littie more and not ho sa greedy. From Santa. The chfidren of the world has a good Christmas after ail and so did Santa because hie plan bad worked. Ashley Ferguson, Jonathan Bey and Denise Campbel Grade 8 Palmerston Avenue Public School MY CHIMjRJST MS WISHO STORY I went to get a Christmas tree. I decorated the Christmas tree. I put the star on. Madison Vesey Grade 1 Bellwood Public Sohool -H- SANTA SPYS It wes cbristmas and 1 wanted to take a picture of santa so 1 asked moin if Carl and Shane could came ovýer. She said yes. Sa I phoned them. First Shane came then Carl. We tooke bonoculers, camera's, flashlights and canteens. Thon the three of us hid under the table. We looked for an hour but we diddn't give up. F'inaly we went ta see what was there. Nothing. Thon after a moments hesitation I saw it, a letter on the table. It read: You boys have made it very hard for me to get in. So 1 bld your presents somewhere inthe houso. Where do you think they are: Mark Zielinaki Grade 3 St. Marguerite doYouvUle Sehooi living Nativity returns The live dramatic presentation of the Living Nativity, with a cast of 175, returna to the centre of town 0fUxbridge with productions scheduled Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, Dec. 20-22. Two performances wil ho held each night, at 7:30 and 8:15 p.m. The Living Natiuity was last Produced in 1993 and drew a crowd of 4,250 to the town centre where the inn, vendors' stails and stable of Bethlehem formed the backdrop to depiction of the firet Christmas. There are Roman soldiers on' horseback, live animais, costumes and high- quality sound reproduction of Christmas music and narration. Let's 1 S TEPHE dancea! tudents Thursdal NEW YEAR'IS EVE DANCE tadtn A New Yoar's Eve dance wiIl be1 hie1d at the Knights of Columbus Hlall, Brock Street North, Whitby. Cost is $40 per couple which includes hot and cold buffet, party ft favours, doo r prizes and spot dance&L For more information, ca Mvartin Turpin at 666-1071 or AloiC a Burke at 668-8063. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE A winter R nhe Whitby iàons Club will hold Cullen Gard LNew Year's Eve dance at Janl. 1. [eydenshore Pavilion. Cost is $30 Ini additioi er persan and includes iàghts, whicl, efreshments, hot and cold plate, 7, the cari, loor prizes. For tickets, caîl 668- games for ch 265 or 723-6890. bonfire to tuai wieners, ani rides fm 41 New Yearl PUB & RESTAURANT ENTERTAINMENT Fn., Dec. 22nd -9pm to lam EMRERALD Sat., Dec. 23rd - 9pm ta lam NORTHWEST PASSAGE //tw rW4R Itv, SANTA GETS TO PLAY WITH A KIE Ono Christmas nigbt Santa came down a cbimney but ho did't knaw a kdien was asleep on a chair by the chimney and there was a ire in the fireplace. Ho sprinkled some magic powder down ta put the lire out. tbat's when the playful itten woko Up. She started ta play with lum. Santa gave the kitten a kItten play bouse. Ho put presents under the Christmas tree. Santa said ta the itten "Have a good time with your itten piayhouse little* piyfui itten and bave a morry Christmeas..." Sean Bridge Grade 2 Palmerston Avenue Public School rusicians at the Lodge EN DIXON, 8, was among the Halina Zielinski music 3who performed for Fairview Lodge residents y. The Christmas concert bas become an annual for Lodge residents. Photo by Mark Reesoe, Whltby Free Pross 'nival aW Gardens arnival wiil hoe beld at dons from Dec. 27 ta in ta the Festival of i continues until Jan.. nival off'ors outdoor tidren in the valley, a est marsbmallows and id wagon and eleighi ta 8 p.m. HERONGATE BARN THEATRE'- 2885 Altona Rd., Pickering MAGICAL MUSICAL COMEDY I F THEf1 Fortices &inorm2in pleese Cali (905) 472-3085 witb lots of entortainment, fireworks at midnight and dancing lin the tea room .--i c u e The festival of lights icue giant soquenoed light displays througbaut the gardons, and features a 60-foat-by4O0-foot anunated locomotive train, a 90-foot moonflight sloigh ride through the woods, Bambi and Thumper as they i-un alongeide the lael, and the Tunnel of Ligbts. Cuilen Gardons will aiea ho open Christmas Day, from 2 ta 9 p.m.

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