Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1995, p. 4

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Page 4, Whlby Free Press, Wednesday, Deceiiiber 20, 1995 SUSPICIOUS SANTA or maybe too muspicoua "What a wonderful day," said the father of two sons. Dean had just corne back from a hard days work. But ho had te go back at two o'clock. Today Dean had te, do some Christmas shoppig since it was two days before Christmas eve. It was twebve o'cbock. Dean jumped out of bed, got dressed, and- made breakfast. Dean warmed up the car because it was protty cobd out. The two boys were just heading out for school. So Dean headed out with them. Dean left the house. When Dean arrived at the store, he started hunting for gifts for the two boys. When Dean found what the boys would like. he went te go pay for the gifts. SThe man at the countor booked at lot liko Santa. The Santa looked at Dean like he had a zit on bis face or something like that. The Santa looked like he was trying te rememrber something. Dean left the store. When Dean left the store, the Santa just remombered. The Santa chased after Dean but could only catch bis license plate number. When the day was over, Dean was in bis car when he spotted that weird Santa. Santa chased after birn but couldn't keep up with Dean. When Dean got home, ho satin front of the TV and the couch. Dean heard. a rattling on the window. But it was surely the wind. At least he thought. Ho heard it again, so ho went and opened thxe blinds, and there stood the weird Santa. Dean shut the blinde in fear. Then opened them, and ho was gone. The neit day Dean locked every door in the house. He kept an oye out for that suspierous Santa that was snooping on bim. The day soon became night. Dean heard a knock on the door. Slôwly Dean got up, crept te the door, and looked out the aide window and there was the Santa. Dean opened the door in fear. The Santa Maid, "You have won one million dollars for being aur one milionth cuetomer." The Santa couldn't remember that at the time. The End. Richard MoPherson St. Paufs Sohool HOLIDAY WISHEES Christmaa is a special time because we celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. I help my Dad put Up the Christmas lghts to abine out ourjoy. Christopher Arnts Grade 1 St. Mark the Evangelist Sehool DR. MICHAEL GREENGLASS 220 Dundas St. W. #102 (Dundas-Centre Medical Building) Whitby - LiN 2M3 430-4822 Evenings & Saturdays Emergencies & New Patients Welcome SANTA & THE TWO ELVES Once upon a timie at the North Pole there lived an evil elf named Zeus and a good ef named Jingle. Zeus was always breaking the toys on Christrnas Eve. The other ebves always had to work overtime to fix them. One day Jingle told Santa about Zeus and how ail the elves were tired of.what ho was doing. Santa asked them ta make a toy that if you broke it, it would make you nice. Sa Santa and Jingle made a plan to tell Zeus, "if you want ta break ail the toys you can break thern." They tobd tbis ta Zeus and he broke the toy that makes you nice and he turned nice and everyone lived happiiy ever affer. The end., Stephanie, Joshua S,, Mitchell, Sarah B. & Jessy P. B.&,. Hutchison Public School SANTA CLAUS Sliding Santa Amazing how Santa can fit through the chimney Nut crackers fom Santa, Toys for everyone Angels watching over you Carda in your atocking Lights on your house A lot te drink and eat Up until midnight Santa Claus Meghan MacPhee Robert Thornton Public Sehool STOP TEIE WAR I arn thankfuld this Christmas for the birth of aur Lord Jesus Christ because ho la here te, teach us about God. He wants us te believe in God and ta know hlm. Ho even died on the cross for us because of the sina that we have commted. After New Years, I hope that -the war in Bosnia will stop because it is hurting the Bosnian people. A lot of countries are trying te stop them. But I do flot thlnk it is worIng. I just want thia crisis te stop. Dustin Rivadiflo Grade 7 St. Matthew the EvangeUst Cathoio School TRIS 5WHY I LIKE CHIRISTMAS 1 like Christmas becauseon night santa came ta, my House. ho asked me if I would like ta Go ta tbis workahop. I aaid "yes'" Jason Shearer Grade 2 St. Bernard School We would like to extend our bé'st wishes, to you and your family for a healthy and happy new year. We look forward to seeing you in 1996. Season 's Greetings! Dr. Greenglass & Staff SANTA EAS A WEIGHIT PROBLEM See it ail started a month before Christmas at the North Pole. I arn going to tell you a true story about a very heavy Christmas. It al began when Mrfs. Claus told Santa to go to the doctor for hie checkup. So Santa set off to the doctors. When Santa arrived at the doctors he was told to take a number. After awhile the doctor called Santa into his office. "You are overweight was the first thing out of bis mouth." Dear Mr&. Claus: Inm writing to you about your husband. l'm concerned that your husband is overweight and if 1w does9n't go on a diet 1w can't go around the world on Christnm. 1 arn afraid your husband is going to have a heart attack if 1w doesn't watch the sweets and exercise regularly. 1 will8mecSanta before Christmas. My secretary will cail for thw date. Yours truly, Dr. Sain "I'm so disappointed in you, Santa," NMs. Claus said. The neit day the* elves woke Santa up bright and early and they vient jogging. Santa was exhausted when they got back. One of the elves told Santa that in three minutes aerobics clasa was going to begin and he had to show up. After aerobics, Santa sat down- for a big dinner, or so he thought. Mrs. Claus brought a small plate of beans over to bim and a plate of salad. After Santa finished bis meal and stepped on the scales, he noticed he had bast 10 pounde. Oh, was he every happy! A week passed and he bast two more pounds. But was it ever hard! One night Santa snuck down for a snack But, lucky for Sante, an elf was having a snack too and was hie ever mad! So ahl the elves got together and decided that they were going to lock up the fridge and have two guards. After about a week the doctor called and said, 'l would like to see Santa Claus today at 5:00 to see if he is fit enough to go on the trip." So Mrs. Claus got Santa ahl dressed up so he would look nice. Santa walked into to the doctor's office in very deep .snow. When Santa got there hie took off bis boots and sat down. The nurse then told Santa that hie could now go in to get his check-up. The doctor was sitting at bis desk. "I arn very happy to see you Santa.- Take your socks off and step on the scales." The doctor was very happy for Santa because he had bast 200 pounds. The doctor gave bim permission to go to deliver presents and that he shoubd keep up the good work. Santa delivered his presents. After Christmas, Santa and bis elves invented Slim SANTA CLAUS Santa le like a meteor darting ta eveziyone's house ta deliver presents. Ho is like a big red cheruy that is ready ta explode. If I Wefi! Santa 1 would cut dawn on food and eat and sldma milk. I woul1dn't make noises because the chibdren would see me and then I would have ta bide but the kcida would probabby tbink that 1 arn a robot that makes noises when they squeeze me. Weil I guess there's oniy one jolly, fat, short, chubby Santa Claus. Ryan Martundale Grade 6 St. Mark the Evangeliet School THE MUPPETS -BABY SAVE CHRISTMAS Ail the Muppet Babies Kirmet, Mis Piggy, Animal, Fosiy, Scooder, Sceeder were ail sitting around the fireplace. "O. said Nanny, "time for bed." Sa the Muppet Babies wont te bed. At about 12:00 the Muppot Babies went outsido because they heared a big crash. Thero they saw a big man in rod and white. Sa they climbod with a ladder te the roof. There on the roof they saw Santa. Santa said "Wil you holp me make and wrap Christmas gifte?" "Sure," said the Muppet Babies. Sa Santa brought the Muppet Babies ta bis workshop. Sa the Muppet Babies helped Santa. The Muppet Babies had wrappod thousanda of gifts. .Miss Piggy was wrapping the doil she had wanted for Christmas. irmet was wrapping thxe pair of Ice Skates ho had wanted aiso, for Christmas. And Animal the food ho had wanted and Fosiy the Rollarakates that ho wanted for Christmas. The-next morning the Muppet babies opened their gifts they had wrapped the same- gifts -in the same wrapping paper as they did in thxe North Pale. Sa it wasn't a drearn thought Kirmet. The End. Rosanna Celebre St. PauPs School IF 1I 'WERE A If I were a ristletae I would hanie frorn the ceiling with green beaves and cherries. I wait for a couple te corne up under me and Is. Some people hike me and like te put me up at Christmas and BLOOD DONOR CLINC A blood donor clinic, sponsored by MPP Durham Centre Jim Flaherty, will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1 ta 7 p.m., at the Legion Hall, 117 Brock St. W., Whitby. Refreshments will be served. For more information, oeil 430-1141. BREAST CANCER Reach te Recovery, breast cancer support group, will uxeet on Thursday, Dec. 21, 7 ta 9 p.m., at Fortune Financial, 335 Bayiy St. W. (at Fin]ey Ave.) in Ajax. For mare information, oeil the Canadian Canoer Society at 686- 1516. BREAST CANCER The Oshawa & District Breast Cancer Support Group meets on Thursday, Dec. 21, 7:30 te 9:30 p.m., at K<ingsview United Chureh, Wilson and Adelaide streets, Oshawa. For more information, caîl Sharyn at 576-5220 or Sylvia at 579-2680. WOMEN'S NETWORK The 3rd Thursday Breakfest Women's Network will nieet Dec. 21) 7:30 a.m., at Harmony Creek Coîf Club, 100 Bloor St., Oshawa. Guesta are welcome. For reservations, phono Helen Smith at 432-7200.. THE REINJDEER STORY Once there weroeight.reindeer that worked for Santa. Their names were: Heather, Snowball, Craig, Litchen, Tundra, Twllight, Elfr and Prancer. Every year they went around the world. delivering presents. This year it seemed that there were more children than ever and what made matters worse, Elfy was sick, the strongest reindeer. Now they had no choioe - juet seven reindeer this time. "But, we might not make it" said Tundra. "Well, I guess it's up to Santa if EIfy can corne or not," said Prancer. "I hope he can corne," said Snowball. "Let's get hlm better ourselves," said Cralg. "HowT' aaked EIfy in a weak voice from the corner of the shed. "Magic, of course!" "I ehould have thought of that," said ElIys wife. 'Did I tell you that I arn having a baby?' "About one hundred timcea," said Tundra. "Oh!" sald Elfy's wife. For two weeks the seven reindeer worked day and night to get the magic ready. At last it was ready..They nuixed it up and gave it to Elfy. "Me oereful, drink It slowly," said, Craig. Three, weeks passed anid Elfy was feeling worse than eVer. It was only a week until Christmas. Suddenly Elfy.. said, 'lWell, remember my wife is having a baby, she had it yesterday, ho cari take rny place!"e. "How? Ho'. so young." "You cari train hlm." The seven reindeer trained and trained hlm. At last he was.good, enough te be with the others. On Christmas Eve the reindeer aéked if Elfys baby could, corne. Santa agreed.* He came and the whole night he flew beautifully. They delivered the presents in perfect time too. From then on Elfy had his own backup and they narned the new baby 'Santy.' Andrew Wilson Grade 2 Paimereton Avenue Public School LMSTLETOE som e people hate me and don't put me Ulp. Molissa Keniston Grade 6 st. Mark the Evangelist Sehool ONE PARENT The One Parent Farnilies Association, Oshawa chapter, will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 7:30 p.m., at the Adria Culture Club, 432 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. For more information, eall 579-7915. PAREN'IS fBOUT PARINM Parents Without Partners will nieet Thursday, Dec. 21, 8 p.m., for social night with coffee and conversation,- at St. George's Church (upetairs), 51 Centre St. S., Oshawa. For more information, oeil 571-5452 or 723-1699. I-I CRIMES AND CAPERS Codes and crirne-solving will be the subject of Crimes and Capers, for those aged eight to 12, at the Wbitby Public Library on Thursday, Jan. 4.- Registration in by telephone (668-6531). THE bMlFvTEN The dlassic folktale, The Mitten, will ho narrated on Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2:15 to 3 p.m.L, at the Whitby PublieLibrary, for those aged five to seven. Registration in by telephone (668-6531). Te Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Holdayclosure of the Region's Waste Management Facilities The Reeon Osh##%Cotwight aid Scugog Waste Management Faculijes wIl be doeed from noon on Frlday, December 22,1995 to and including Tuesday, Decmetr 26, 1905. Normal operations will resume Wecinesday, Decomber 27, 1995 through to Saturday, December 30,1995 from 8 ar.. I 4 p.m. Atter the New Year's Day Holiday, nrwmal operations MiI resume Tuesday, January 2, 199 b Saturdày, January 6,1996 fron 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. VA. SILGAIUIS, P. ENG. COUMSIONER 0F WORKS r

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