After a long and restful Christmas holiday, students are back in sehool and are grudgingly preparing for exame as; the end of the first semester of the 1995-96 gchool year is fast approaching. This year, each class will write exame in a classroom instead of in large- groups in either the gymnasiums or cafetorium as had been done in the past. Students' classroomn teachers will also supervise exams, se if any student is uncertain where or when to write a particular'exam, hWsahe may consuit the teacher, or look on onie ofthe schedulea posted i alrnost every room cof the school. Examweek is Jan. 19 to 26. This should allow all of us te, complete our exams without confficts, and give us plenty of time to study ahead, and te, recover and prepare for a new semester afterwards. So out with the old and in with the new. With thei exception of those taking integrated courses which run ail year, students will be coming back to new teachers, new courses and new friends. Until next semester ý. 1 AMI à Ë4 Tanya Hunter I Alana Koster-- SINCLAIR SECONDARY SCHOOL, Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday' and had a great start te the new year. Now that you have finaily caught up on ail that sleep, ît's back te, work. Congratulations to the Sinclair students and parent community. for their-. overwhelming contributions te, the food bank, as more than eight vans were filled' with food and gifle for those in need.. Don't get teo conifortable because, for -some, exams begin next week. If you need some help on timne management, ask Student Services or your TAG teacher for some suggestions. For ail those who need that extra bit of-review in your subjects, directed study in offering the time you need. Make sure te double-check the posted exam schedule se, you know where you are going next week. We don't want anyone ending up in the wrong place. L.ast week our- darig gym classes headed for the siopes where they e4~oyed a day cf skiing at Klrby. Luckily there were no fatalities and no rescue teams' needed. Just kiddixig, guys, keep it upi The Tuesday night alpine ski club at Lakeridge is also on the slopes, and for avid skiers, there are Wednesday sessions coming in February at KiCrby. Signe are posted ... aigri up today with money and permission forms. Yesterday the boys' basketbal team played at St. Mlazy's. The girls' volleyball team played Bowmanviile at the school yesterday as well. We wish you al the luck i yo Ur future games Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Why net surprise your valentine with tickets te Beauty and the Beaat or Phantom of the Opera. Trips are ina May and June on Wednesday and include the student educational package. Pay a deposit new and work on it on the instailment plan,, it's lesu painful this way. If you didn't purchase a prom ticket last month, SAC is providing you with another opportunity. Ticket sales -will star-t up again around the first week ofFPebruary, 8so keep watch for it. Remember te, hit the books this weekend, but not tee, hard. Allison'Eastman TRAFALGAR CASTLE Back te school! Oh well, ltes a living. Our minus-16 temp must have been a particular shock toe the Pollards - Rebecca, Suzy and Amanda - who spent quality time with their grandmother holidaying together in sunny Cancun. WIle we were wrapping our faoes. against Whitby's bitter cold, they were slathering on the sunscreen and basIng under sunny skies, facing ne decisions more difficuit than whether te' play beach voileyball new or later. They had a wonderful vacation. Sharon Schroeter alse flew south - three heurs and 45 miiùutes home te Jarnaica, where the. average tomperature i. 30 degrees Celsius at this time cf the year. Wouldn't it b. mic. te have been there. Sharon spent over two weelc otching up with family and friendes he hasn't seen in a while. But net everyone was lucky enough te get away. Like many others, 1Istayed in Oshawa where I live, partied alittle - weIl, a lot - and slept in. Nover did se. noon. But it was bhiss. No cares, ne worries, no-hemework to do, no exama tostudy for. Too bad it had te end. Oh well, you know what they say, "teo much of a good thingý is bad for you." Now te bring you up te date on the Daniel Burton story. You miay' rermember Daniel as the Plckering child who needed ,abone marr'ow tr-ansplant. At the end cf hast year, two of' our students,... Carie. Kolewaeki and Chiera Campitelli, erganized a fundraiser -ferDamiel and raised the phenomenal amount of $700 te help ira the search. Businesses, echoolis and caring people everywhere helped, te open a private registry te, test the samples which were donated. .W. congratulate both girls on this charitable endeavour and'are pleased to report a match was feund. Friday, Dec. 1, Daniel reoeived hie transplant and i. doing welh, even theugh it will b. some time still befor hi. Immune system i.s stzng enough for hlm te, ge home, W. wish him continued good luck and will romemiber him in our prayers. Now that our second term is underway, students at Trafalgar are tiying to get back into the swing of thinge. Many girls rve taked te have said that their goals for this term arete improve thefr marks and te get inte their desired university or college. Me, rm Just tzying te get back Into the reality of, gemng te schoel, doing hémework; trying to, make-At through the day anad catch, up on alcf the sleep tliat I missed on the. Christmas Break. Sueyou neit when -I wake Page 18, Whltby Fiee Prosu, Weckiesday, Januaay 17, 199 <~Ç Jason Collier HENRY ST. Optirnists 'sWekingL outstanding youth The Optiniist Club of Whitby will hold the annual Youth Appreciation Awards Feb. 16. The event celebrates positive things y'outh are, doing to make the conimunity a better place. *Co-ordinator for the event, Chandra Hunter, is looking for 30 Juatning youth who have been active in their school, organization or commuity. They will ho awarded at the appreciation'dinner at Jackson's Touch of Clama Catering. There will be an awards ceremony after the meal. Ànyone interested cari contact Hunter at 579-9007 or pick up a nomination form at The Free Press office, 900 Hopins St. (at Burns Street).