Whitby Free Press, 17 Jan 1996, p. 4

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'Pagè14,'Whithy Free Press, Wednesday, January 17,1996 Jayce.es hod3Oth aniniversary ents Whitby Junior Chamber of Commerce/Jaycees are celebrating thetr 3th annlversary this year, and have planned eventa for 'Jaycee Week,' Jan. 21 to 28. A 'Breakfast with the Mayor,' wlth accommodation for 25 people, will be held at the Marlgold Town Retau-rant in the Whitby Mail at 8 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 22. Cost la $10 per person for -the Informai chat wth Mayor Tom* Edwards. Jaycees says Itfs an "opportunity to ask hlm questions about the future of our town in the faoe of heavy cuts from our provincial/federal governments." Jaycees will hold an orientation and, introduct<>n night on Tuesday, Jan. 23, 6:30 p.m., at Brothers Restaurant, Lupin Drive, Whitby. Those aged 18 to 39 are invited to attend te learn more about the Wihitby Jaycees. And on Thursday, Jan. 25, starting at 7:30 p.m., will be held the "flirst annual emergency services awards" at the Whitby Chaxnber of Commerce office at GTA plnpnnedbycouncil PROM PAGER 1 klnd of thinga? Wliat la the problem7' Conodng that there la room for some change in the way municipal government operates, Brunelle sald the solution is not te "tlirow it ail out of the window and brlng In some huge from of goverament that we» don't have a representation on." The Golden report proposes disbandlng Durham, -Metro, Halten, York and Peel regions and replacing it with a new level of goverrnment called the Greater Toronto Council. Muniipalities with populations over 100,000 would be represented by a mayor or designate. For every additional 140,000 residents, the loal mumicipality would have one more voting member on council. Oshawa, for example, Would have one representative, whiie Whitby would have to share ts one seat with snialler munldipalitie on a rotating basis. "Let'a do ail we can te figlit this OFFICE HOURS: Mon. 9:30-6 Tues.-Thurs. 8:30-5:00 Wed. 9- 5 Fr1. 8:30- 1 Sat. Available -q : i'>~x .~ri concept," urged Brunefle. 'The mre1 read about it, the madder I get."m »I take pleasure in saying the Region la in excellent financial shape," said couricilor Gerry Emm of- Durlam's approimately $190-umlion surplus. 1"It'a there for the future of our residents, but wiat will happen te this money lfour neigibours te the west get their hands on it?" lie asked. 'Wfhen Metro and other municipalities see these surpluses, what protection'is there for our taxpayers?' Emm agreed that some of Golden'. proposais sucli as amalgamating transit servioes are worth exploring, but he feit there were teo many negative recommendations. "What in the rush te get inte, tlis? Bigger la not alwayB better."- Councillor Dennis Fox, a frequent critlc of the Progressive Conservative government, was worried that it will move too quickly on.the report. Fox complamned that the government's whtthem.liard, hit- tliem-fatst philosopliy" would leave littie or no opportunity for public input. 'These decisions have been made by people who are not elected. The proces. lias been very dangerously tlawed." Mayor Tom Edwards, however, does flot forsee the current Tory administration lsmantling what prevlous Conservative governments ixnplemented more than a quarter-century ago. 1I cant believe tii. government wfll say te the Goldený commission tiat 25 years ago Premier (John) Robarts and Premier (Bull) Davis were fooligli and allow thia te happen," sald Edwards of the premiers most responsible for regional gevernment. "I juat can't Sme It." 128 Brick St. S., Whitby. Jaycees will honour a police officer, firefighter and ambulance attendant who have shown outatanding leadership and service withln their profession and within the community. By Mark Reesor' A Whitby couple, are $81,00 richer after winning second prize in last week's Lotto 649 draw. John and JackleBarrott aren't planning anything extravagant with the wlndfall, though. They're celebrating "on a smal scale - going out to, dinner or something like that" -but plan on using the money te helppay for a hoùse. John said he couldn't believe hie eyeswheni he discovered he had the winning numbers Sunday and kept rechecing the ticket. "My wife kidded me - she said 'would you leave the ticket alone, you're going te wear it out!"' He's been buying lottery tickets 'basically right from the start"but bis largest win te, date was around $60. : He's going te keep on playing Barbara Breckenridge PROM PAGE1i Friends and colleagues come te a clear consensus on Breckeridge's ability to toucli and bring eout the beot in everyone.^ "She is bubbly, effervescent, and can make the best of any situation... she keeps lierself going and is very loyal," reveals one admirer. Peggy Lewis, tue Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre' public relations co-ordinator, reveais that Barbara is "really dedicated te the seniors, she dees go out of her way te, doý a numnber of apecial tiings for tliem." A graduate of Trafalgar Castle School, Breckenridge has lived in Whitby for most of her life.*Both lier inother and father were teachers. A friend from the seniors' centre« feels that Breckenridge is "patient and goes eut of her way for otlier- people."- She la dedficated te lier work and te lier students andîm tuis year alone, she'is teaching 50 music ÏENRNT P' e ae Iebrafiflgout ffl'.ir\sXYfprcCfl denfiStry 1 in Y ould like to ytlvflmVei IWstaff andi veyO1eOrtwe suppOl¶and encQuragelWentt ite. eu' pàthO)ugXi we cvehed WW o in ýMUtecth e arSt he as been a 3Oy to be able tO Practie' tiscmmt ërvA~ as ie ytet ardsev ur friends and neighblJU an e look orward Ionafly 'ear^s of 0otnU n,.vieîf h rornurà,Y and WUI woulup onnwl n' uStOl y hv regardWlg £your denalhaXh SinetVy ~>J1.-.Lamy.DS I (DGre n d e- tS 01DurWaS S.W-*34WItY prdS iC' students. Lewis says she is "very orgamized and extremely, dedicated." Having. >ciildren who .,were musically , instructed by greke'Êâ-k"&' a colleague feels, that'"She lovesý children and i. able te ,draw eut their s3trengths, wiile, at the same time is able te throw- in centemporary music when a child gets bored." .Thomas House of, Muiïc lias been in operation since 1968 and. incorporates tuition, saes, service rentais and quahifeéd registered teachers. A fellow associate from, 'the music store states that "We've (she, and Barbaàra) had. a long and liappy association ...:it definiteiy, feels like a-family business." A member of St. Marka United Churcli, it is rare te, see Breckenridge attending church witliout a full car load. A banquet was-lield ilalher honour in October. Among many others, the mayor presented, a plaque te commemorate lier work. An attendant of the ceremony cemmented that "the, special poems brouglit tears te lier eyes... she knows she's weil thouglit of, this was a way of reinforcing that." Breckenridge is directing thé musical cabaret, P/inter Folies, Feb. 2, part of a week-iong celebration marking the opening of the newly expanded Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre. THE BYTE DOCTOR Specialists in- THE Dl E DOCTOR 6689143 For more Information, caîl Jim Bradfield at 668-1529 or 430-. 3245. There will be a special feature about Jacees in- next week's edition of Te *Free Press. the lottery and hopes to eventually win "the big one - "or another one like this one'." Hospital FR OM PAGE 1 meeting on a regular basis since a repoft on hospital restructuring in Durham Région received the backcing of Ontario Health Minister- Jim Wilson last September. Included ini the Durham ]Region District Health Council study is a proposai to, convert Whitby General into a rehabilitation treatment facility serving the entire region.. But as Flaherty and others have noted, Wilson did lot rule, out the possibility- of some outpatlent acuto caue and emergency services being retained at Wbitby. COperating under this preniise, RcC co mprised, of politiclana, hoszpital offlcials, doctors *and residents- from Oshawa and Whitby - drafted a position paper entitled -the 'Conimunity Partnership and Health Care Vision!~ The docu ment 'is modeled on -recomnendations from.-eia staff aàitÊthe Wô hospftak which Cali for -a greater sàharingof services. However, hospital board chair Jim Souch would flot shlow the CHO proposai to «me forwardlast November. Souch, hiroseif a iCHC member,' sald proper. procédure was not followed and that the document contained "different word?" than what was used by the physicians. On Friday, Scott declined te comment on the group's request, but waa- hopeful. that the board would agree te the meeting. I thlnk, the conimunlty's ooncernis should be addressed, but let's see what happens firit" she said. *In a pres release,, Prout stressed'that the request mai not intended te prevent Whitby fromn becoming,,a réhabilitation centre.» However, aie noted tiat the provincial government's 'current spending restraints make it doubtful that the health ministry will be able te, provide the "massive capital and operating fimds"-required for such a facility. "Our concern is with- 24-hour acute cmr and emergenicy services that are accessible and based in our communiity," Prout, stated. "Ini our opinion, the integration of OGH and WGH and the sharing of services at both sites, represents the Most viable alternative of achieving these conimunity-based servicet."0 Prout said the hospital board's support of CHC's position paper would allow opponients- of the health councils "flawed I $81,OOO winners>

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