Whitby Free Press, Wecfresday, January 24,19960 Page 15 Whitby seleets tops at. Humber A BANNER went up recently at the four event. Shown above'are host committee corners in downtown Whitby to promote the members Lorna Ravary (marketing and Nokia Cup, Ontaeio men's curling promotion) and Dick Sandrelli championship, to be held in Pickering Feb. 6 ý(entertainment>. to 1l. The Whilby Curling Club is hosting the Photo by Jeremny Dresar, Whhtby Free Pross Whitb y club stage eet The Whitby major a tom select team won five games last weekend on their way to the Humber Valley tournament championship. Whitby started the firat game a littie shaky but came out fiying ini the third period to win 6-3 with two goals each by Paul Vanderlip and Kristian Haîkias, singles by Paul Lombardi and B.J. Bowles. Whitby thon defeated George Bell 4-0. Michael Finigan scored two, goals, ,singles by Lombardi and Bowlea. The thiird game was a 2-1 victory over Applewood, goals by Jarme Millage and Finigan, wbich took Wildcats to the semi-final. Drow Dockrill registered bis second shutout of the tournament as Wildcats won M0 over Forest 11111, goals by FInigan and Lobrdi. The final game, officiated by NHL ref Lance Roberts, saw Wildcats defeat Goulding Park 4-1, goals by Lombardi, Millage, Geoif Wolle and Haikias. Before the championsbip game, Whitby participated in the skills competition.,Out of 16 teams, Eurst place for goaltenders went to Justin Connors. Second place in the relay race went ta, the team of HkaF'inigan and Brian Chard. Other'team members are Erik Petersen, Daryl Konecny, Karen Farquharson, Anidrew Hewson, Darsyl Donaldson, Robin Cote and Lee Waddington. p ixe <o 'pop to bronze Ice Pix, Wbitby's youngest precision skating team, brought homo a bronze modal from the gold finals at the Niaiara District competition this past weekend. With their lively "popcorn" theme, Pix had a strong, dlean skate and showed well against some very solid teams., Ice Angels, Whitby's novice teama, placed fifth overal. Next weekend all four Whitby precision te am head ta Winterfest, one of the- years biggest competitions, in Newmarket. Competition will be stiff as teains from acros Ontario, Quebec and even the U.S. go -for gold. for Ont The Whutby Curling- Club continues te prepare for the Ontario men's curling championships. The Nokia Oup - the now naine for what was once known as The Tankard - will be staged by the Whitby club at the Pickering fRecreation Complex Feb. 6 to 10. Ton teains, including Rues Howard's rink from McTer, will compete in the round-robin tournament, with the winner of the Feb. il final te go on to the Canadian championship (Labat± Briar). in Kamloops, B.C., March 2 te 10. Howards rink, former world champions, bas already qualified as bas the Alex Tosh rink of Kingston, Brad Shin rink of Ottawa and Adam Spencer rink of Guelph. The Whitby rink of Don Glintz, Warriors choose a localtalent. The Whitby junior A lacrosse club didn't have to look too far when thoy made their first round draft pick of- ovo r-age midget players.% At tho 1996 Ontaril ague draft on Jan. 14 ini North York, Warriors had the lOth pick and selectod Jason Ward of the Whitby minor system. Ini the second round; Warriors chose Bryden Denyes of tho Nopean minor system. The tep pick was Scott Stewart of Brantford Minor Lacrosse, chosen by Burlington. Ward, an Oshawa resident, was the only selection from the Whitby, minor association in the two roundsthat saw 22 players chosen. There. were five players chosen from the Hamilta'n minor system. rio'eS - top Tim Orison, George Levine and Rob Phillips ia currently in thie provincial playdowns leading te the Nokia Cup. Another Whitby rink, with skip Paul Barnett, vice John Brining, second Joe Virjo and lead Davo Stringer, won the main ovont final of the Investors Group Challenge in Etobicoke recently.. The Whitby host coninittee for the Nokia Cup la made up'of Bob Winters,(chair), Andy Wintonyk (vioe-chair), Ann Marie Fitzpatrick (secretary>, Darrel Murhead (arona facilities), Lorna Ravary (marketing and promotion), Joe McLauchlan (finance),' Tom Worlsey (communications), Dale Boyoe (hospitality), Dick Sandrelli (entertainment), Rusa Arbuckle (curlors), Gord Carroll (lce) and Jim Walker (facility superintendent). Almost 400 volunteers from the Whitby club, other area curling clubs and the community are helping te organize the ovent. Whitby is the firet host club te iromote the Ontario championship Durham indoor soccer MEN'S DIVSION JUIL 18 AkAzhar 8OhwTund i Dudmtat.it c 7 I Adria 4 LS. Rangs, 3 Afican Stars 2 jan.21 Rid Roug.s 9 Clalngton 3 Diiy c ls 5 WhtbytInn 3 Oihawslclm M"IhaisPnolus4 cuirlers on the Internet, at http:l/web.idirect.com:80/ -wc About .20,000 people are oxpected to attend thesx-a event that includes a lug featuring live entertainment each night (Lincoinaires, Tony Prior, Smak Dabb, Nite Life) and ful food facilities for lunch and dinxier. The sponsor, Nokia Products Ltd., the Canadian subsidiary of Nokia Mobile Phonos, is based in Ajax 'where must of Nokia Canada's 100 employees work at the head office, warehouso and service facility. The Whitby club has more than 400 members. For more information about the event, including ticket prices, oeil the Whitby club at 665-2875. Whitby- curling club ATTERILETTIRE LAIE' BONSPIEL DEC. 8 TROPNY EVENT:ulidp UW lHollng«. vioe *Nf Shappard. Socnd âcido Go.cM, bld Joan Nicholson, Whltby Cuulng ClUb 1 SECOND EVERT.: p u"d IlgChw. vice Joann Evmns. seond Joan Cusinie. laid Caro Kusmns Wblby CufilngClUb mdOEVN. M LqPi.vOrd OiMk Secnd Strnon NlA.Inahd AnnSonsyW^ Wtby cwgClub FOuffli EVERTsdm EuwmGéson, vicShlds Le%, second th &m*y, ld SUon OM. Poi PsnyCudlgClub ONE mH lU-UfBLMr. 84 ldRuth Pamfl vice Susan Brniuy. secod Irgubog r .bad Joinsw lCtcInn m wCClb ME Bu 16M -11.m.*o.sklp Pogy Wu*eK * j onaocutiyn Hab,< biWd bW à ehCungCU rep hockey spomoisiby WbNy Chm Whtdy 5 (Aam VanOini Ryan Babcock. MAI Longo. iun"yfleo. S&M r&"Wu) Richmnond HUl 4 Whilby 1 (Adam VinOim) Whitby4 Pt« lrlantafalou, LUiS Longo, Adam VanDaOiGr MacRuty. shutout - Scoft Thonm>son) MiNOR SANTAMA spouse,,d Sp MNMual Jan. 14 Whty1 <Sain Ilynos) <Ginte 4 Jan. 13 Whiby 4 <JMI Crighon 2, Ayan Boyd. Scoli Boigan) You1-sinïcoi4 Jan. 10 Whitby 4 (Jolirghon. Scott Bsegan. Smi Haynes, DOuid Riclur shutout - ndrmwGubbui) Coo" nml bà uo O haideTiuua.wal JUn- 4 Whitby 3(Scain l4yn2. %wanBoyd> Young NaIs 3 Jan. 8 Whithy 1 (Andrsw krshal) aloucwK 3 Whilby 2 (NIk OwmnOivd Rchoe) tIcmgan 1 Madis Teimmm Dac. 27 WhithyO0 WhÎtby 2 M<OiidwchrSainHuyni) Ridus WhtbY 3 (Scolt Biig DAnOvd fflch.rNUclowmn Red W(mgs 1 Dm .29 Whb î (SanHvn) lHISne Dac. 23 -lgue Whithy 2 (1fybcmucit Scott Bowa) WJOB PEEWEM spund by ObeUSSpuul jUn.19 Wh#W u4 (Kylm uttan, Oins Boont. Luc Chlasson Chls Tdons) Veughanl JUI 18 WM WhlhS PuTe Ryan MsndusChb dTinin chasngton 5 ».MJOR ATMM PuaoshTouisas Jan. 17 Whltb3 Juslln Ham., Joli Hais, Jasn Connor) Pdouough 3 Jan. 19 MW 2 (Justin Ham,Jaon Connor, shutout - lui Upton) SudburjO Jan. 20 Whitb3 (Anduow Listland. Juilin Hau% JMi Ham) NorthYodk2 'Jan. 21-B8 chaniIonshI Whtby 2 (Bradon Fowler, Kaln Walsh) B3afie 1 MIJIIBNWIE AM sommd iby WWthM ilad' Whitby 14 <StavoSuodhousa4. NIcIiCIasotlr3, Lhzn Raddox 3. Mhad LIUCszi2. KnnyHm., Bradon [bits> Aichmnd HillVaughanO0 MAJOR NOVCE M spoaussi pRau*F111.,Coqp. jUIL 19 WlîithyS8 (Deanm Son 2. Stophmn Foulon 2. Zack Gr, LU lAndouon. shutota- Jordan Caughan, Jugj, VauchanG0 JanL 18 Whilby1 (Mat Anduon) Bafie 1 JIL 18 Whday 3 M dursonJu*ln FonçAd L&V Raffwd8 am MCEA spseumd b, hatiai Off- odes Cain <Jam.N.i3.NIck ...... ....