Whitby Free Press, 24 Jan 1996, p. 19

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Whltby Free Pres, Wo<hiesday, January 24, 1996 Page 19 189 cases iun first yw[ w91 u«u The Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan released its first annual report covering the 1994 calendar year.. The program, known as' CAMVAP, helps consumers resolve concerna about manufacturing defects or new vehicle warranty implementation involvmng cars or light trucks through the use of. binding arbitration. Started in April, 1994, CAMVAP was available te vehicle ewners and lessees in all provinces and territories .(except Quebec> by Ocobr,1994. CAMVAP is j available at --ne cost and the arbitration hearings are normaily held in the vehicle owneres home CAMVAPs chair Larry Johnson says "CAMVAP is an effective way fer consumers and manufacturera te settle problema that seem impossible te resolve. Our statistics for 1994 show that over 73 per cent of the arbitrated cases resiilted in an award that favoured the vehicle owner or lessee. "The average time te processaa case was 62 days, which is much faster than civil or smal daims court. CAMVAP is designed 50 that the consumer can handle their case on their own and onily one consumer chose te use a lawyer to, represent them in the 189 cases that went to arbitration in 1994.U Most of the cases arbitrated învolved only one or two specific problems or areas of cencern. The top three areas- of consumer c6eern were, in the following order, the. engine, body- sheet inetal fit or finish, and the transmission. Arbitrators ordered thevehicles iýbe brought back byý the manufacturer in 36 eut ef 189 cases for a total ef $555,607. An additional two vehicles were ordered te, be replaced by the manufacturer. Seventy-six awards requiring the manufacturer te repair the vehicle were made alonig with 37 awards to reimburse the consumer for repairs that had already been dIn.15 cases, consumer received ail or part of a $350 award for eut- of-pocket expenses such as towing or rentai cars while their vehicle was off the road. In addition to the 189 arbitrated awards, 65 cases were successfully mediated without going te, an arbitration hearing. lan 1994," Johnson neted, "most of the awards exceed the value of what's available ini small dlaims courts across Canada. Without Resouùtions (0f coursA M shol d ta If the impact is severe enough, giving the' ball sufficient energy to reach the contacts, the- electrical circuit is completed and the air bag inflates. When activated, the air bag is inflated primarily withnitrogen gas -- the same gas that iakes up 80 per cent of the air we breathe. The nitrcogen gas is generated by a chemical reaction started by the bag igniter. j WMui.IFaIIUf CAMVA, the majority of consumera might net have been able te solve the problemn as they could net afford te hire a lawyer and go te the civil courts." Eligibility rules are simple. The vehicle has te be ne erder than the current or preceding four model years (1992 or newer) and it must be used primarily for personal traLnsportation. It can be ownmed or leased. Used vehicles are also eligible. The concemn the consumer wants resolved must be about a manufacturer's defect or about how the manufacturer is inplementing its new vehicle warranty. Prier te contacting CAMVAP, the consumer must give the dealer and the manufacturer a reasonable opportunity te resolve the problem. If it is net resolved te the consumer's satisfaction, then they should contact CAMVAP at 1-800- 207-0685 for more information on how te start the application process. Copies of the CAMVAP consumer's guide can alse be obtained at CAMVAPs Internet address: http:/camvap.ca. Anyone who has an eider car, truck,. boat, snowmobile or motorcycle they wish te dispose of, cap donate ail or part of the sale proceeds-to thîeirfavourite charîty âud dlean up the'environment at the same timei. AADCO Vehicle Disposai Service adninisters the charity vehicle donor program on behalf of a number of charities across Canada. Vehicles are picked up and IDRI VIN%À SAFELY fi wîth RANDY RANDY McLEAN 19 A PROFESSIONAL ENGJNEER WHO SPECIALIZES IN TRAFFIO SAFETY. Mr. McLean has reviewed thousan ds of individual motor vehicle acident reports and his close working relationships with police agencies, goverrvnents. safety Assciations, industry and the public, have given hlm a true overview of trafflo safety issues, problemns and solutions in Canada. COURTESY 18 CARING The Canada, Safety Council/Ontario Safety League has sponsored many successful public safety campaigns in their lon g histoiy and in doing so have coined many catchy slogans. One slogan that always strck me as having just the right message was used severalyears apo for a national safe driving carnpaign. It was simply ourteay iw Carrng. JIthough 1 continue to urge motorista to wear seat ble ev safe.following distance keep their car *n ao repair and net to drink ans d1rive, I have always believed that a good attitude is one of the most important aspects of safe dr'iving. And courtesy is a fundamentaL cemponent of a good attitude. Courtesy requires us te think ahead and to consider the well being of others. Courtesy means that when the driver ahead of us si&naIs to change lanes, we slew dewn to let them in - not speed up to cut them off. Courtesy means that we use our horn te sound recycled for parts, scrapped, or sold at dealer autions. The proceeds are sent te, the charity by AADCO and the doner receives. a tax receipt from .the charity for the amount of the sale proceeds. The donor has the option of donating ahl or a portion of the proceeds., Vehicles can be of any age, any condition, and-in any location. Donors can calt the toll-free pickup line at 1-800-463-5681. a warming or as gntie reminder toi help other drivers - net as a loud, military-style command to order someene else eut ef the way. Courtesy means we try te anticipate the needs of others and'act te help. If we saw a parent, grandparent or caregiver with both arms full of-groceris and two simail children in tow approac lng a clesed door, many of us (I hope) wourldquickly move te hold the door open. Our highways would be much safer if all mototista shewed similar ceurtesy te each other. Unfor'tunately, a common scene I seem te coe across3 is that of a caregiver, -with groceries or seme . other- bags in hand, standing oif a cornçr waitizîg te cross the street with one or mnore children. It m«ght be u . ng rain blowing snow or freezing collout8 e,a nd there may be alarge pool of water or piîle of snow at'the edge ofth road. Yet, many drilvers making right turne will roll halfway threugh their turn and cerne te a stop right in front ef, the pedestrian family blocking their path. .1 The drivers logic seemns te be that cars are fast and pedestrians, particularir children, are slow, therefore pedestrians shoul wait. What' is forgotten is that pedestrians are walldng outaide xpsed te ail the elements, ramn, snew, wvind, etc. Drvers, on the ýother hand, are cemfortably seated in enclosed, temperature- controiled cars. Who isi more inconvemenced by the delay? Who de you think should wait? Ithankfuily cenfess te neyer having witnessed an accident under the circumetances described above. And, altheugji there isnen statistical evidence te su ort this theery, I arn convinced that people w o hold doors open.*for strangers who need help are safer drivers. ILike motoriste who yield te podestrians these individuals demonstrate the ability ancf presence of mind te think ahead and consider the well being of others. Courtesy is Caring. Let's ah Make 1996 a safe and courteous year. Drive safely. Durham Rogion's Larget Tire Warehouse Clearance Whiewal sze Sale price HOOSIER AT 5 P155 /80 R13 $49.00 P235/75R5 $99@00'w O P175/80R13 $57.00 ______TIRES__S20.00_+ P185/80R13 $59.00 FEOOt vr S P185/75R1 4 $65.00 REEWlt veytrephas'e Pi 95/75R1 4 $67.00O d Computer Tire Balance O 205/75R154 $72.0 i Valve Stem.s P2051 5R1 5 $72.e fl'oad Hazard Warranty "WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON CUSTOMER SERVICE"5 DUNDAS Ss WARREN RD. - %e1 CONSUMER DR. PENITR-OIL DRIPLESS ANNUAL RUST PROTECTION protection available for m "'t cars new or used cars, q trucks, vans & sporty Off er expires February29, /96 utility. vehicles.. Intorior Shampoo " Vacuum complete interior . " Utilize a special shampoo and extraction pro Cess tb lift out Msains and ground-in dirt $ " Detail andmo dress dash, cars doors and trim Offer expires Fe.bruary 29, /96 Get the details on how to, REALLY cleun your car Don't keep putting up with awfui stains and ground-in dirt in.your car. Get.-rid of them! Completely! VVith Interlor Shampoo from Ziebart Tidy Car. 1501 Hopkins St. msio. *~ * a 5 AADCO vehicele program helps charitie -66 -61 AI Vindeo & Audino Se r*vince VCR e CAR STEREO CORDLESS PHONES Exoerienced

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