WhItby Fro. Prosa, Woesday, Jmnuary 24, M996,Pape 5 On.e-thiird of CLOCA staff laid >Of By Mark Reuuor Provincial cutbacks have forced the Central- Lake Ontario Conservation Authorty (CLOCA) to cut one-third of its 24 member staff. But there could ho even more bad news on the way, says chief administrative officer Ruas Powoll, who took over the position just four monthis ago. The local United Way campaign exceeded the *3-midllion mark in contributions but fell short of its Possession carges laid Two men were arrested Sunday morning after the Durham Regional Police tactical support unit was called out to enter a Watson Stret residence. The incident began when a woman called police and said she had been thireatened over the phone by aman who said ho had a gun. Detectives investigated and called out the tactical unit, which entered the house- without. Incident. A search turned up a vehicle stolen in Metro Toronto in the garage and stolen items, mostly electronlcs, ln the house valued at around *5,500. One man was charged with rossession of stolen property over $5,000 and possession under *5,000. Another was picked up on an outstanding, unrelated warrant. Detective Jeif Hewett says an ivestigation is continuing and eIpects further developments. Gunsstolen Two Ruger revolvers were stolen from a Garrard Road residence Sunday. Police say a mnan returned to the home around 5:30 p.m. and noticed the weapons - a .44 magnum and a .22 calibre Mark Il seni- automatic, along with more than 500 rounds of ammunition - were missing. A cossmbow a.nd arrows were also taken although, police note the burgiaT(s) overlooked other guns and expensive items in the house. "We want them (guns) off' the srtreet,"@ says Staff Sergeant Sandy Ryrie who says anyone with any information can caul Crimestoppers at436-8477. THE BYTE DOCTOR Specialists in home computer ~ troubleshootmng 0-- and optimizing»-Ãa- of hardware and software The agency received *710,,000 from tho province in 1995, ho says. "For 1996, we'ro advised we're going to get *233,000 and in 1997, our best guess isaww illgot about *35,000 - that's out of a budget that'. slightly ovor two million dollars." Durham Region covere the 1ags share of CLOCA!s budget - *1,175,000 last year - 'but wo have not had any indication as te goal of $3.2 million. "Although encouraged by the total amount raised, there is conoern about the ramificiations of not reaching the figure we deemed neoossary," says Marianne Zakarow, United Way board president. Sh. says the board will- diseuse the shortfa]l and will soon make an announcement* A total of *3.01 million was raised - about $190,000 short of the goal. But the amount raised includes anticipated funds from upcoming activities, including the 'Home Free House Raffle.' About 2,000 volunters worked on the campaign. It is the third straight year that more than $3 million has been raised te support more than 40 agencies in Oshawa, Whitby and Clarington. ...... ..... ......... *Windows *Doors *Awnings *Siding *Patio Doors H feidi SchemppI Low Flnancing Aval/a ble 325 Hopkins St.. Whitby LIN 2CII 668-2252 * 686-1853 whether theyre go!ing to b. able to keep the money they send us at that level; they're also under pressure from the province... 'Whether what we've done to date will ho enough w. don't roally know... itfs a very uncortain time." Operation and maintenance of conservation areas, which la the agoncy's biggest budget item, will likely suifer from the cutbacks, Powell says. 'l guess if there's anything that's dlscretionary, that's it, in the sens. that w. have te, by law, enforce our provincial flood plain regulations... there is certain cor. business that we have te do." Ho hopes te ho able te supplement the reduced fuIl-time staff with part-timers during the' busy times in conservation areas, 'but if we can't find those funds, thon we'll simply have te, cut back on the thinge we do." Powell will also ho talIng te municipalities te see if they can take over some of the things CLOCA now handles. H. says itfs unfortunate employees lost their jobs 'but the alternative is we wouldreach a point somewhere in 1996 where we would flot have any money left to pay anybody. 'The first priority has te ho te salvage the organization." ~%Y GRi~ OFFICE HOURS: Mon. 9:30-6 Tues.-Thurs. 8:30-5:00 WecL. 9- 5 Fr1. 8:30 -1, Sat. Available BROOKLIN CYCLE MARINE GRAND OPEMING SPECIALS Gîve-aways and more. M skkfoo Weare celebratfng OT()Ç nUres Yo ttil à e~1SL ncouragernent- supprt Mh , livd inWbitby or Syt past five y ears ple(j eci bor Igservice in the comrf l andwUXd t o j3 tarn' questionls you0,, s~ncreWBSc.DDS - LaMr rXtd>s W' DflC~S t. N.#304 W"%ItbY (Pundas & Stoc~) FL4S# 4(/TOMOT(VE Fro VA I-mk-es1 1 Pads, Labour, Tire 1Rotation & Wheéel 1Balancing - most cars Fred Garvey is very pleased to announce thie OPENING 0F HIS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR COMPANY Iocated at: 701 Brook St. N., Unit #5, Whitby 668-1255 FB 49 tb Rer ÀrksU 1ncluded Shoes, Labour, Tire Rotation & Wheel Balanci st cars. Exhaust System Fu 'el Injector Service $7995~ United Wy fail e j ust short of. goal GRAND OPERINS SPECIALiii,