Whitby Free Press, 31 Jan 1996, p. 10

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Page 10, Whltby Free Pres, Weckle6day, January 31, 1996 Parents critical ofne.w school utAnderon FROM PAGE 1 the interaction and it will not bda detrimental situation." Staggred start and finish times are aiso being considered to minimize contact before and after achool, b. added. 'Ivé been invoived ln -iaw enforcement for 16 years," countered Mark Valois, "and there la no way I would have my mall children mnteracting wlth high achool kida... 'Iigh schoolkidds will influence the littie ones; I have deait wlth them... so who lni their right mnd would make a decision to put kindergarden,- Grade 1, Grade 2 dealing wth blgh school kda?" Whlle h. admitted it's only a "very small, amail percentage" of high achool ida who are'bad, "I want my Idatu learn about it as they grow up and ask me about it, not toait there and watch it... "If I was teid teday that'yeah, your kids wiil be going,' no they won't. Ilil tell you right now and theres no way ln hell that you can force me te do that - M'i move." Eleven of the 18 Durham hlgh achools areI"mmediately adjacent tueatisaist one eiementary school," Margulis replied. Others worried about the absence of a crossing guard and/or traffic lights at Anderson and Crawforth, an intersection one person referred te as a "deathtrap." Margulis says board staff willl try and convince Region staff "te get something don. there... I can't guarantee (anything) but 1 can tel you we!re going to do our very best to work with them." That assurance left many lesa than impressed. 'Tou have te, get soznebody kllled before they're going te put anythlng in there," aaid on. mother.S- I lived on that corner for a year and a haif - that was nine years ago - and there were five accidents while I lived there. I move4 for'that reason," added another. If lights aren7t instalied, children would have te walk up te Manning Road or down to, Dundas Street to, cross Anderson and then walk ail the way back, a father pointed out. 'This (lights) should have been done before a schooi was even contempiated there... there la no rational thought procesa ini this." Some attonding the meeting live outalde the current boundary - Garden Street east to Thlckson Road, and fromDundas. north roÎughiy te Bradley Drive; et of Andersn, Manning Drive la the northern boundary - but fear It will b. extonded north to Rossland if more students are needed to MI1 the achool. Morgulis' could offer no guaantessaylng that "we're flot looldg atincreaslng beyond Manning Road at this time." Why not use the new school te house glfted and éther specl program students, a mother asked, adding that her son had been bused te Oshawa for the prograin but is now forced te attend, a Whitbyschool. "I have a real problem with the, fact that my son must go to schooi in 'Wbtby because he lives in Whitby and you're opening up (the new schooi) te residents of Durham? That makes no sense at ail." "You make a very valid point" Yeo replied, "and that's something that's an option we'll look at.", Smyka, who là ieavlng bis current job as principal of Prlngle Creek at the end of thls week, sald 100 people - 60 from witbln the bounidailes - have reglstered for the alternamte school caiendar, -and rm gettlng call at arate ofl15to 20 a day aaking for information." lsgoal lstofl111half thesachool wlth modified calendar year students and he noted registration ls open "and wvill remain open until firm.numbers and decisions are made. about* those other (specl) programa an d where the boundary will go."' Many questions can't' be answered until standing commlttee la given a report now being written by Yeo and Smyka, said Yeo. mhe hopeait wlil h.completed ln the neit couple of weeks "and in It we will outiine w here we are te date and options for trustees te decide... "It may be that the modified' achool goes and we have a modified aschedule and a regular- achedule in the same building.. (or) that we drop the whole thing, it may b. the option that we go wfth a regular boujidaiy or... that we do smm experimental classes - willng," Yeo sald. 'Needs report' on new sehool .upcorning A lsobti comoain ed repor" for te 'new unnamed Anderson elementary achool will be brouglht b»e fité Durham pulcboard atîts regularmeeting Communications director Mary Brown laya the report fa being prepared by the planning department but sihe was unsure what It wilU contain. The achool, for which a modifed sdiool caiendarbhas been proposed, Io now under contrutin and las sébeduied to, b. completed by mld- Auguat "Theines" upcoming Mn exhibition of works by artiat Ted Rettig will b. held at The Staon Gallery from Feb. 3 te 25. Thre 27amea represents 20 years of bis art - groupa of drawlngs, carvod stenes, assembled objecta and Installations. "Even thouah the materlals a change, maxiy pleces share sim=,ar concerna,." it .te stated in .a description of bis exhibition. "...The artist's reading and reaearch are in the areas of cui.terIrditions and the history ofîIdeas. Rettig wbo bas recolved several awards for bis art, will conduct a tour of bis Whltby e"hbit on Bunday, Feb. 11, 2 to5 Pm., ArÊound the world. The Around the World video series wili b. beid held in February at the Robert McLauhlinGallery. Videos 'are shown Tuesdaya at 2 pan. The Feb. 6 subject te Spain; Feb 13, China; Feb. 20, Morocco; Feb. 27,Brazil. ACTING UP REV. CHRISTOPHER White (Ieft) anîd Paul Love are shown rehearsing a scene from the Whitby Courthouse Theatre production <of the farce, Lend Me A Tenor, to be tsest Uninese Food in iTown Serving Dtriuatifor32 pars CHINEE FOOD AIl Yuu Can Eat BUWIET DAILY LUNCH $5e.5 DINNR $8.95 Children Under. 10- 1/2 Price ~ Regular Menu Available. presented Feb. 8-10, 15-17 and 22-24. New meas have been unstalled in the theatre from funde in the Town of Whitby budget set las year. Photo by JerMy DreaW IIby FroS Pros IAU. NEW SPORTS BAIR WITH 60'"'BIG SCREEN TV- Sports Events 7 days a week FoIIow the- NHL hockey games Monday & Tuesday Nights Jumbo Wincs-.250 Stud'ents the pas Durham Coilege atudenta viait the past, ' will b. the subject of a photo exhibit. at the Robert MLuhin Oallery.. Feb. 1 te March 24. Histrical photoçraphs from the. Thomas Bouckley Collection are the atarting point for this city survey by Durham Coilege students. The tbird-year pbotography dlas bas worked -to create new documentary photographs showing contemporary Oshawa., Bouckley (1904 - 1988) born in' Blackpool, Engiand, firet became interested In coliecting pbotograpbs of Osbawa after acquiring bis father'a colleéction. A graduate of the, University of Toronto th ceramlc engineering, Bouckley authored three volumes of photos and bistorical facda about Oâhawa'a past. Magie and the -Regè'nt Peter Mennies Theatre ofMagic ,will join the Osihawa-Durham Symphony for SympFaonkSc omrey on, Sunday, Feb. 4 in, downtown, Oshawa. Mennie combinies magic wlth clasucal pp.music wte entertaln famIlfes, <Their show, also features ah attempt at the- "world's largeat audience -trick" - the audience Ùtrist match Meimlea prediction Of the orchestraz' favourite The. show lsa t the Regent Concert Theaitre, 48 KlIng -St. E., Oshawa. Cli 576-883 for ikt

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