Whitby Free Press, 31 Jan 1996, p. 17

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r 0 COsMMOn hStcc Over time, commnon stocks May outper- form many types of irwestments. Cail for information. o~~a Oeruts hisont Subject to availability. $7,500 minimuim. 5 year. Simple interest 0.25% OMu"ii Fun&i Professionally managed and diversified. Cail for information. O O Oooemnt or= ,. od 7.30%Y to invest With Edward Jones Please cali or caine by and find out how you can take advantage of these attractive investments. Member CIPF Richard A. Rhodes 580 King St. W. (Island Plaza) Oshawa, Ontario, M1J l (905) 725-4142 EdwardJones Serving Individual Investors 'Rata epresad es e u ow of' yfl dta matisty o« yeldta cafl. Sakjet taavsIeNI4t. Maret ism is a cansid.atJon enInveamnent sowdM«rioamaturtty. whtii Presents another in his Know The Facts series of FREE informationworkshops. aLandord & Tenant Issues *How WiII Government Changes Affect You? Wednesday, Feb. 7, at 7:00 p.m. 1 14'Dundas St. E., Suite 10 1, Whitby Cail today to reserve your seat. (905) 430-1141 the Durham Free-Net, Durham's community-based computer resource facility, willb. presented bY dieo Whitby Public Library and the Durham Free-Net at ,Henry Street HI-gh- School, lecture theatre, on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 7 W ,ô8:30 p.m. Reister by calllng 668-531, ext. 3. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, January 31, 1996, Page 17 Non-*proit cornmunity roups whlch are basred In Whitby or have a substantiai Whitby membershIp may place their upoomin g meetings or activites on this page at no cost. Prfl i mcfrg or mnoile I *Women's Aglow Fellowship will meet on Thursday, Feb. 8, 7 p.m., at Evangel Church, 374 Farewell St., Oshawa. Traoey Stewart'of Sword '& ShIeld miistry i South Carolina wilI ho spoaking. For moire information, caîl 725-6568.'. WHITBY FREE PRESblakws 3100 Gardoen st. MESfSAGES Whib= ree Press wiIl be publishing your Valentine Mesge on Wednesday, February l4th, 1996 VALENTINE'S DAY. Book early to be included by filling out the form below and mail or bring to: Whitby Free Press 900 Hopkins St., Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LiN 5S1 or fax us at 668-0594.* Include a cheque for $1 2.00 (includes GST) or pay by VISA. I CHECK NE SELECTION BOX:* I p 111ps lsv POO ,Poo qfoo IWOO qf qpoo lwoo Voo 1 poo Voo «I FromI Phone# I Visa #_________ Expiry date_____I SignatureI MessageI ACTUAL SIZEI _ _ BE MINE!! LoveiPIP FINANCES The Gerontological Nursini Association, Durham Chapter wil present 'Planning Now for yoii Financiai Future,' with TP Securities president Ron Lofisky on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 7 p.m., ai the Whltby Seniors' Activit ma Centre, 801 Brock St. S. Businesi meeting tW follow. HOST PROGRAM The Social Development Council will hold an information session about the 'Host Program,' heIping new Canadians settle anc integrate into the community, on Thursday, Feb. 8, 6 p.m., at the Durham separate school board headquarters building, 650 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa. Foi more information, caîl 686-2661. ROMANCE The Writers Circle of Durhamr Region will present %How to Write & Seli a Romance Novel,' on~ Saturday, Feb. 3, 10 a.m.,to 4 p.m.9 at the Oddfellows Hall, 211 Broch St. S., Whitby. Cost is $27. Cal] Bian Henry at (416) 503-3134. ORGANIC FARMERS The second in the Scugog Green Team talk series will be held on ThuudaY, Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m., atthe Scugog Centre in Port Perry. Organic farmers Bill and Penny Reid will discuss why more people are seeking out organically-grown foods. For more information, call Janet Banting at (905) 985-3225. LALECHE La Leche League Oshawa will meet Wednesday, Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m. Expectant mothers and mothers with nursing babies are welcome. Cail 723-0542 for further information, including location of meeting. WINTER FESTIVAL For two Saturday nights, Feb. 3 and 10, the Central Lake Ontario ConservationAuthority. will host a Winter Festival at Enniskillen Conservation Area, from 4:30 to 10 p.m. The festival will eonsist of a variety of skating themes with spot prizes; bring toboggan for the toboggan hili. There te a park admission fée of $1 per person or $2.50 a vehicle. SLEIGH RIDES The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is hosting horse.drawn sleigh rides at Enniskillen Conservation Area on Feb. 4, il and 18, noon to 4 p.m. AIl rides leave from the recreation building and tickets are $2.50. To get to Enniskillen Conservation Area, from the 401, exit Waverly Road in Bowmanville, go north on Regional Road 57 for 20 minutes te the 7th Concession Road., turn left to Hoît Road., turn right and thon left into the aanrance.n-a g BACK GARE 19 Jennifer Townsend of the Activ4 Il Recovery Clinie will discusi 'r principles of back and neck care A on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 7 p.m., a yp the McLaughlin Public iàbrary, 6. t Bgt St., Oshawa. Fi'. yj admission. Register in advanoe b. s calling 579-6111, ext. 243. EARTH PLACE Medical and social servici professionals will take part in ýai Il information session, 'Cancer an< i its Effecta on the Famnily,' tonighi 9 (Wednesday), 7:30 p.m., at thi IMcL.aughlin iàbrary in Oshawa. Il lai the first of three sessionE aorganized by Hearth Place, 1 Durham Region's firat suppori centre for persons coping witl rcancer. PC MEETING The Progressive Conservative i Association of the Federal Ridini 3of Ontario. will hold its annual igeneral meeting on Wednesday 9Feb. 7, 7 p.m., at the Ajeu rCommunity Centre, Admiral'i 1 Room. Caîl 686-5504 for morE information. RAMADHAN n To help understand the meanini it of Islam and the mQnth o e Ramadhan, the Ahmadiyy r. Movement 'in Islam (Durhaxt Y chapter) la holding a display a e Durham College, Oshawa in ti n main entrance of the maii I building, until Feb. 21. Ramadhai is a holy month in which Muslima ail over the world- keep fast. Foi furtiier information about "r I seminars on Islam, contact Lonî i.Ahmad at' 666-9539 or forWari 13 requesta i writing Wo 169 Melimai Cres., Whitby, -Ontario, LiN 8G8. r PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photographlc:c lu will meot on Monday, 'Feb. 5,, p.m-9 at Henry Street Hligh School room 111. The entries in the slidi and print clinics will b., presented with judges" commenta. A]' mombers and potential memberm are welcome. For moi, information, oeil Peter at 430 0823. WORKSHOP The CommunityMental Healti Services Unit ýof the Whltbi Mental Health Centre wlll hold & workshop for family and friendi dealing with the emotional cognitive or behavioura difficulties -of their relative/friond on Thursday, Feb. 1, -6:30 to p.m., at 400 Centre St. S., Whitb3 (old land registry office). PARKINSON Parkinson Support Group, Durham Region, wiil meet on Monday, Feb. 5, 7:30 p.m., at St. Mares United Church, corner of Coiborne and Centre streets. Ouest speaker is Jan Ozechowski, Ray Hutchinson wil.be the DJ for a Valentine's tea dance to b. held at the seniors' centre'on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2 to 4 p.m There *111 be a variety of dances Including ballroorn, round, lin. PC USERS le The Durham PC Usera' Club 13 wHi meetThursday, Feb. 8,,7 to 10 I, pan., at CAW Local 222 Hall, 1425 tt Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. 5There will be a presentation on Olocal BBS. For more informatioq. Y caîl Allan Hewitt àt 723-3179 or Linda Netten at 905-2787. e IMZ a The Centre for Prepared cl Childbirth, Parenting and Family [t Development will hold Lamaze elabour and birth classes starting in SFebruary. Cali 404-8613. Members of Queen's Aluni, t Durham chapter, and their ifamilies will hold a Wlnterlude is Enniillen Conservation Area on. Sunday, Feb. 4, 2 to 4 p.m. For more Information, oeil Dolly ai; e 666-1672. 9 TENANT ISSUES LI A public workshop on landlord and tenant issues will ho held iul DurhamCentre Mpp Jimu Flaherty's Whitby constituency eoffice on Feb. 7, at 7 p.m. The offioe !s located at 114 Dundas St. E., -suite 101. For -further ginformation, caîl 430-1141. )f a GENEALOGY n The Whitby-Oshawa Branch Lt (Region of Durham) of the Ontario * Genealogical Society will' hold * Egfinners and Problem Night, n* Tuesday, Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m.,, at the s' Arts Resources Centre, 45 Queen r St., Oshawa. Cal 683-2476 * (Marion) or 723-7460 (Bessie) for * further information. d aPAlBEwrmyTpAUNe *Parents -,Without' Partners Chaptor f204 will meet Thursday~ Feb. 1, 8 p.m., at St Georges Church (upetairs), 51 Centre St. S., b Oshawa. For information, cali 7 Debbie at 571-5452 or Ron at 723. 1,1699.- Il QUILTERS 18 The DurhamTrillium QuilteiW' e Guild will meet Tuesday, Fob. ~ S7:30 p.m., at the Caribbewý Culture Contre, 600 Wentwoiii St. E., -Oshawa. Caroln Milll4j will show her, quilta. or furtlux hinformation, oeil 905-623-7892. s' A 10-session introduction tu ,competitive swimming will b, LI presented b the Wbitby Iroquois L, Swim Club starting Feb. ~ à Children should be aged four to y seven and have Red Cross orange level ability or equlvalent. For more Information, oeil 430-WNSC. 1

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